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New Human Species Found

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posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by gurudsmer
Really? Google how many scientific theories have been disproven. How could this be if scientific theories are the most reliable, rigorous, and comprehensive form of scientific knowledge?
Are you suggesting that we take science for 100% truth since it is somehow immune to human greed and selfishness? Can science have an agenda? What about the indoctrination of evolution in schools? These are the questions we should be asking.

1) Our scientific awareness is based upon the best provable facts we have in our knowledge base. The very fact that this is subject to change is PROOF that the system works.
2) You think that a universe based upon religious dogma is NOT subject to greed and the administration of power?
3) You speak of indoctrination of evolution in schools. I'd say that having religious dogma imposed as fact is a better example of 'indoctrination' at work.

I note that in 1992, the Catholic Church (yes, they are Christian) finally acknowledged that perhaps they'd handled the whole Galileo episode in a less than commendable manner. Perhaps an acceptance of the evolutionary process is next on their long journey into the 18th century.

I think this line of talk is serving to derail the thread. I don't worship at altars...Science, Bronze-Age folk tales, whatever. But any society that builds upon religion as equivalent to fact, is bound to descend into an Idiocracy. Viewing an alarming segment of American society choose to do just that does not inspire hope. You'll forgive me if I choose not to continue this particular discussion
edit on 10-8-2012 by JohnnyCanuck because: ...just because...ok?

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Labrynth2012

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by Labrynth2012
I'm going to CHALLENGE these PHd's on the 2million year THEORY because ITS BOGUS time keeping. They don't have a clue and are just pulling at straws. Carbon 14 dating has been proven to be a farce and unpredictable.
You'd lose. Calibrated radiocarbon dating is quite accurate within its limits (160-60,000 kya). Take a crash course
edit on 9-8-2012 by JohnnyCanuck because: spelling, eh?


Several years ago, a group of students at Texas A&M buried a cow bone. They dug it up some years later and ran a Carbon Dating test on the bone. The test said the bone was 5,000 years old.

So, it would appear that you support carbon dating and I've just proven its an imperfect science and can't accurately age anything.

We will just have to agree to disagree.

Link or reference to : "students at Texas A&M buried a cow bone" would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you For your timely reply.

P.S., I searched for quite some time and could only find a reference to your claim, on a blog site
and strangely enough the wording was sooo very close to yours.
It made me wonder if it was you on the other site.

edit on 10-8-2012 by azureskys because: added more

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Wolfenz

Assumption. There is no proof any of that even exists.

And in the grand stretch of the cosmos, the probability should not be assumed to be any greater than us, in fact less, because most of them may have killed themselves off to war, nuclear waste, or pollution, or any number of things that could have killed us off, it may be greatly lower.

You are assuming we would be the most reasonable species based on Earth. That is assuming other planets with life are even like Earth. In our solar system alone the planets that could support life range as diverse as the cold methane world of Titan, to the temperate cool of Mars, to the extremely hot of Venus. Earth is but one planet out of dozens that have nothing in common other than dirt and being round.

This even further assumed no bioengineering on their own accord. You don't know their culture. They might have suddenly desired to be something else, and so engineered it!

For all you know, most of the galaxy is inhabited by a "Gravemind", consuming all intelligence and linking it to one mind. Or perhaps a "reaper", scourging all life and consuming it for its own purposes.

You don't know their populations. If there are 50 trillion aliens out there, then a fleet of unstoppable exterminators that kill a million a day, would still take over a million years to finish their jobs! A million years!

The numbers involved are nearly unimaginable. You simply do not know. And to assume rocks with words on them knew more is to assume those that died knew how to live. Clearly, they did not.
edit on 10-8-2012 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-8-2012 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

This Planet is not the Only Planet that has Life in this Galexy you would be perfect as a Jesiut during the Spanish Inquisition

I Guess your God or Gods only Applys to Earth not the rest of the Galaxy

Now Could your God .. make other beings on other planets in this Galexy in his Own Image

as Catholics Muslims and Jews Belief's that We are Made in Gods Image African Caucasion Asian and in Between simlaritys of Bipidieal Beings with oposable thumbs

and you think Aliens are only Blobs of Flesh with Tenticals or Somthing Totaly Non Human!!

The ONLY and I mean Only Living thing that is like Us Economicaly and Socialy ! is Not Even Human
( here on Earth )

a Being that can Harvest Farm have Livestock Build construct Create, Team Work and even Enslave
and start Wars & solve complex problems

Ant societies have division of labour, communication between individuals, and an ability to solve complex problems. These parallels with human societies have long been an inspiration and subject of study.

ANTS!! and not even Primate nor could even do that except for a stick in a Grub Stump is the only tool they use ..

so there you have it .. We are much like the Insect that came From a Species of Wasps ANTS

A Flying Insect Well the King and Queen Ant do Fly ...

Angels with wings is a Possible Metaphor for Flight ...

edit on 10-8-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Why on Earth do you bring religion into this? Why are you babbling nonsensically? Nothing you say makes sense nor is coherent. And it's a very flawed and ignorant western mindset. You are looking at how something looks, not how something works.

In the Eastern tradition, function is of higher importance than form. How many times is Jesus described physically compared to his function? How about Muhammad? Or Moses? These people have functions. Their forms are irrelevant.

Why would it be any different for anything else God has made? Satan, God, and man are all called Elohim in the Bible. Yet none of these things can be said to physically look the same. The devil is described as a star. God as a breathe, and man as clay.

Form is not Function.

Once again, do not assume.

You are revealing your ignorance by doing so.

edit on 10-8-2012 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-8-2012 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

you say Why ....

your Avatar SAYS

I chose science Logic and i Still

I Beleive in God

any Questions !

edit on 10-8-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Yea. This is about evolution and in this case aliens as you brought up.

Why bring in my beliefs?

My beliefs are not consistent with what is considered scientific fact. My beliefs should not be confused with what is scientific probability.

Indeed much of what I believe contradicts what I know as facts. I don't have answers for this.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 10:23 PM
How many human species are there? And if said ,how old the earth is, who is to say that some species may have died out somehow. Survival of the fittest. I would say knowlege lay almost all of them to waste. The ability to adapt, think, reason, and act appropriately in a timely fashion. Did anyone put in the mix of Aliens putting in dna with other species to mate with us. What about other alien creatures mating with us, other aliens than just one type of species of aliens. We were seeded here and each time we evolved to a higher species and still evolving. Maybe when u die your soul gets put into a higher species, or maybe the same species. So how many human species are there, including the ones that are being made now. Example: dolly the goat. who's to say they have not done humans? Add a few more DNA, from other species, or whatever. superhuman. Man fish, man bird, man reptile, or whatever.

posted on Aug, 10 2012 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by cloaked4u

No, actually by the time we came into existed there was only one other human species left. Neanderthals.

We exterminated them within a few thousand years.

posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 05:02 PM


We are discussing this topic on ATS LIVE tonight in the FIRST hour....if any of yall would like to call in and discuss we woudl LOVE to have you!! It does not matter your stance on the matter - we welcome all opinions !!




posted on Aug, 11 2012 @ 05:03 PM


We are discussing this topic on ATS LIVE tonight in the THIRD hour....if any of yall would like to call in and discuss we would LOVE to have you!! It does not matter your stance on the matter - we welcome all opinions !!




edit on August 11th 2012 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 06:19 PM
Oh Dear! Sorry, Have been away for the weekend...............I would have loved too! Booooooo!!

Thanks for the heads up

posted on Aug, 12 2012 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

as Catholics Muslims and Jews Belief's that We are Made in Gods Image African Caucasion Asian and in Between simlaritys of Bipidieal Beings with oposable thumbs

This is a gnostic teaching, not really literal. It is about the trinity, which makes humanity, as well as a human, and a solar system and all the way up to god. Remember that the Jews were working of some ancient texts that they probably didn't have a great deal of knowledge about. It is a description of what makes conscious living things alive.

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Wolfenz

Yea. This is about evolution and in this case aliens as you brought up.

Why bring in my beliefs?

My beliefs are not consistent with what is considered scientific fact. My beliefs should not be confused with what is scientific probability.

Indeed much of what I believe contradicts what I know as facts. I don't have answers for this.

I guess you just have to go back and see what you wrote ...

Aliens and the Gods from differnt types of religions are one in the same IMO

those that came or fell from heaven to Earth ...

Evolution is Adaption IMO

Creation and Evolution can go Together IMO

Creation of Modern Man IMO is Evolution with a Boost of Creation of Some Enity
whether Phisical Body Or Energy Body From a another Star System that is way older then this Solar Sytem we live in , or Dimensional Plane ,

the Fusion of the Chromosome 2 is not Natural IMO

the 46 & 2 of Apes & Man yet we are 98% like them

it is the Arangement of the Design ! of the Code Sequence of Our Form !

just buy a Lego set and see how many things you can Build yet it sall the same Pieces !

The Big Differnce is Our Neurons we ( Humans ) have 3 times as much in Our Brain then the Ape

We humans can Alter modify Life now we are not in the Journymans Level yet

posted on Aug, 14 2012 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

Your mixing apples and oranges, and honestly this isn't the first time. Every conversation I've had with you always end up you ranting about your beliefs and pretending anyone else's are nonexistent, and appease to ignorance by means of refusing to view them in any other way but yours.

There is no evidence for aliens coming to Earth, let alone caring enough about it.

There is no evidence for engineering life forms.

Fusing chromosomes actually happens a lot and is perfectly natural. You see it in everything from Russian beavers to Lung Fish. It's quite a common phenomenon, albeit a lengthy one.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Wolfenz

Your mixing apples and oranges, and honestly this isn't the first time. Every conversation I've had with you always end up you ranting about your beliefs and pretending anyone else's are nonexistent, and appease to ignorance by means of refusing to view them in any other way but yours.

There is no evidence for aliens coming to Earth, let alone caring enough about it.

There is no evidence for engineering life forms.

Fusing chromosomes actually happens a lot and is perfectly natural. You see it in everything from Russian beavers to Lung Fish. It's quite a common phenomenon, albeit a lengthy one.

there is evidence of engineeering life forms Humans NOW have that Ability

and that is in only from a few decades

and there there is millions to billions of years older Suns Than Ours !

you telling me Im Ignorant Open a Book read a Magazine like Discovery or Popular Science

If we can do it now They Could of done it before man (modern man ) walked the Earth

see that they God Aliens etc... Homeworld may be millions of years older then our Earth

a Speculation but a Good one ...

evidence is all around you just want to refuse to look ..

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Wolfenz

there is evidence of engineeering life forms Humans NOW have that Ability

This is not a sentence.

and that is in only from a few decades

Yea, bioengineering has no proof 100,000 years ago.

and there there is millions to billions of years older Suns Than Ours !

...Which has nothing to do with life!

you telling me Im Ignorant Open a Book read a Magazine like Discovery or Popular Science

Which mention that bioengineering is only a decades old ability!

If we can do it now They Could of done it before man (modern man ) walked the Earth

Where's the proof? Where's the sudden gap or jumps in the fossil records? There's literally hundreds of species per genus, spread across millions of years. So either these so-called ancient designers were retarded, or didn't do anything.

see that they God Aliens etc... Homeworld may be millions of years older then our Earth

See how that's baseless, proof-less, wild speculation of the highest order?

a Speculation but a Good one ...

No actually, we call wild baseless, proof-less speculation, religion, not science.

evidence is all around you just want to refuse to look ..

By all means, show me it. Otherwise learn to speak english, present data clearly, and source your claims.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
Otherwise learn to speak english, present data clearly, and source your claims.
I think the crack about learning to speak English is out of the way, we customarily capitalise the word. It seems the poster does not have English as a first language, That being said, he's doing a pretty good job. Certainly better than you might in his native language. This is an international forum and we welcome international participation. If one's English is a little creaky...well, thanks all the more for making the effort.

posted on Aug, 15 2012 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Perhaps. But if you're going to claim chromosome fusion is not a natural phenomenon without any proof and then use the age of stars as proof for aliens engineering humans, I'm going to question that posters credibility and ability to logically deduce things.

Quite honestly, if you want to help explain that collection of unrelated points, be my guest. I don't think he's done a very great job at all. I think it was very unprofessional in terms of scientific reasoning and sources, and I'm going to call him out on it. It's not the first time I've seen him go into rant mode and start saying random unrelated things as somehow equaling proof to his wild speculation, and you'll have to forgive me if I get a bit rude when someone starts with a claim and then goes into a rant as proof.
edit on 15-8-2012 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91
... and you'll have to forgive me if I get a bit rude when someone starts with a claim and then goes into a rant as proof.
You'll note that I expend a fair bit of time and effort in attempting to inject a modicum of sanity into a lot of these debates. My only beef is that one who is unsure of their English skills should never feel any reluctance to post for that reason, and when someone's proficiency in English is challenged along with their central thesis...that sends the wrong message.

The content? Go nuts...that's fair game.

posted on Aug, 16 2012 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by Wolfenz

there is evidence of engineeering life forms Humans NOW have that Ability

This is not a sentence.

Watch Animal Farm

Animal Farm episode 1 p1

Animal Farm: Risks Of Genetic Engineering

and that is in only from a few decades

Yea, bioengineering has no proof 100,000 years ago.

@ Yeah just like chromosome 2 only discovered the fusion within the last decade

20 years ago you you would of said the Fusion did not Exist !! thats until the Human Genome code was finaly finsihed and that when we found it

and there there is millions to billions of years older Suns Than Ours !

...Which has nothing to do with life!

what ? the hell do you mean by that !! Yeah a Possible Advanced Life ! I guess Humans didnt go to the Moon in the last half a Century either (1969) just from 66 years before man didn not known how to Fly a Heavier then air machine (1903)

you telling me Im Ignorant Open a Book read a Magazine like Discovery or Popular Science

Which mention that bioengineering is only a decades old ability!

@ They have been doing it since nazi Germany the Early Stages .. and Japan too...

If we can do it now They Could of done it before man (modern man ) walked the Earth

Where's the proof? Where's the sudden gap or jumps in the fossil records? There's literally hundreds of species per genus, spread across millions of years. So either these so-called ancient designers were retarded, or didn't do anything.

Homo erectus [ Gap] Neanderthal [Gap] Cro magnan Homo Sapian

see that they God Aliens etc... Homeworld may be millions of years older then our Earth

See how that's baseless, proof-less, wild speculation of the highest order?

Baseless proofless !! yet you belive in God and the lesser .... Angels Demons

Yet science has Proof that there are Older Stars ( Suns ) then Ours in the vast Space that is called the Milkyway Our Sun is Still Young ..

Yeah a Speculation .. with as Open Mind then a Closed One ...
an Advance Race Million of Years Ahead of our Technolagy then we are that have the Ability for Space Travel
that we cant comprehend yet ...

a Speculation but a Good one ...

No actually, we call wild baseless, proof-less speculation, religion, not science.

@ LOL yeah I heard a French Scifi Writer that wrote a Book saying that man went to the moon and back as he wrote it in the 1850s with all Spec's in how to do it N.A.S.A. Copied too!!! right down in the places too..

evidence is all around you just want to refuse to look ..

By all means, show me it. Otherwise learn to speak english, present data clearly, and source your claims.

@Re search gorman you have the internet USE IT.

I didnt Belive in Dragons Either until....

The possiblity

what is the differance of a Normal Lizard and this Gliding ( flying ) Lizard in thier Dna

Nada not Much at all its the way of Adaption or Creation either Or !!

Yet he has Ribs that Spread Out to Glide from Tree to Tree!!! unlike
Other lizards that can only Jump and Climb
edit on 16-8-2012 by Wolfenz because: (no reason given)

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