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Why are people snapping lately?

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posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 10:00 AM
Could it be the fabric, of society, has been numbed down? Morals, and Principles, are not in the Worlds lexicon anymore. Materialism, the constant bombardment of Negative, on TV, and Internet. I could go on and on.....

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 10:09 AM
IMO and commenting on only what i know (British people)
i think it was the progression in human rights and the extreme health and safety 'nanny nation' philosophy + money.
through this we've developed a 'its not my fault' and 'i deserve XY' mentality, as well as a kind of superiority complex where i'm right and i know best.
alot of people seem to not want to work but expect the tax payer to pay for them, expect a comfy lifestyle without lifting a finger and if they dont get it they start saying that there human right are being breached.

theres alot more to it, but i do think my above point plays a part.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Shaiker
I am hearing people shout about gun control but mass shooting has not been an issue for very long. People in the USA have been armed from day one. Guns are not the problem but what is?

I agree with your points, but I think it's a combination of things.

For a start, people are working more than ever before for the same income. Back in the 1950's it was perfectly possible to have a home, a car, and send two kids to college while the wife (traditionally speaking) stayed at home.
Now, both parents need to work, often in high pressure jobs, to even get close to that level of income.

I also think we live in a consumerist society like never before. Back then you had a nice car and a nice house, but you didn't really give a damn what shoes the kid down the street had, and you didn't buy a mountain of crap that you don't need. There was a certain "suburban elitism" where people wanted to have a nice car and home like the people next door, but it was nothing like it is now. Even in the 1980's it wasn't so much about "status".

Then it's also about debt levels. People back then didn't get into so much debt for a car or house, and credit cards were not a problem.

It's also about gun ownership and the types of weapons available to people. Back then you didn't have guns capable of killing hundreds of people a minute.

It's also about media, and psychological problems, morality and influences...

There are millions of things that affect people in all kinds of ways.

Personally, I think it's as much to do with desperation and powerlessness as it is about social issues. When people lose everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it - as Gerald Celente accurately states.

You also have to wonder how much of this is news media focusing on stories that you might never actually hear about because it's currently a hot topic. When attention is drawn to something, similar situations or examples appear. It also increases the likelihood of copycat cases.

That's my opinion on it, I don't think there is any one thing that people can point at as a cause. It's a mixture of things, but with it's foundation in desperation.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 10:26 AM
I don't think there are necessarily more people snapping in this day in age as much as there is so much focus on those that do, so it seems that there are more of them walking around us in society. "Oh look, another person killed 3 people in a locker room at a gym!" or "Breaking news reports that 4 people have been strangled with a garden hose in an apparent murder-suicide."

I'm not saying don't report the news. The event that happens is the news, but news is not spending the next four weeks delivering breaking reports about the discovery of the killer's brand of toothpaste, or what he ate before he pulled the trigger, or how many witnesses describe the look in the assailant's eyes during his arraignment hearing. That's not news - that's sensationalism and it is neither productive news reporting nor beneficial for the society bathed in it at large.

I think we as a society should be thankful that only these few people have snapped; there's over 350 million people living in the States, and only half-a-dozen have fallen off the deep end and killed others. I admire the other 349,999,994's restraint. You should be thanking your neighbors for not killing you today. No one says 'thank you' anymore.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by EvilSadamClone

So, much like 5/5/05? Or 6/6/06? Or 11/11/11? I guess thats as good of an excuse to pop off and go nuts as any...

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 06:47 PM
Very interesting thread.

Like most complex phenomena there are probably multiple causes. I agree with the major ones mentioned in this thread. Certainly breakdown of traditional structures, family and otherwise. Impatience. Life is easier materially than ever before for most people but there are new stresses related to mental changes in the way we live.

Another piece of the puzzle: People define their happiness relative to those around them. If you are living in a 20-family village, is easy to know your place in the pecking order. But in the hyperconnected media-saturated world of today, people are comparing themselves not with their neighbors but with movie stars and billionaires. Thus, the vast majority feels like "losers" even though they may be doing quite well in an objective sense.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:01 PM
They're not doing anything out of the ordinary for a country with so many people.

The United States experienced 645 mass-murder events -- killings with at least four victims -- from 1976 to 2010, according to Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox. When graphed, these incidents show no obvious trend. The numbers go up and down and up again. The total body count: 2,949.

645 / (2010-1976) = 18.97 mass murders per year, or over 1.5 per month.

The question SHOULD be, why is the media choosing to highlight each of these with such intensity right now

Follow up question: Why are so many ATS members falling for this event as if it's somehow a new phenomena or outside of the historic norm??

edit on 6-8-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:36 PM
During touch economic times it's not uncommon for people to be resentful of those that have when they do not. Think about how some people think about those on welfare and medicaid and you'll see my point. People tend to make scapegoats out of minorities during tough times and various groups can be targeted. I hear scathing comments from friends and coworkers frequently expressing their frustration and anger towards what they perceive as "welfare" mothers who get cash and food support and they don't have to work. Many people are working poor and barely make ends meet. From what I've seen on the news the shooter in WI was a vet and maybe he couldn't find work, maybe we was resentful and targeted the group he did because of access and location and he snapped. I can't say for sure but times are indeed tough right now.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 07:39 PM
People arent snapping----yet that is.

All these shootings are psyops and professionally executed will snap and Draw you out of the woodwork(gun advocates arm themselves to the teeth and get itchy fingers). Its designed to do this-

Once all the gun right activists with the attitudes of "you will have to pry my guns from my cold dead hands" end up snapping and doing something will be obvious to the world audience that you do indeed need to be disarmed and a UN security force will be deployed.
edit on 6-8-2012 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by superluminal11

This still seems far fetched, but not as much as it did a year ago.

I see no reason yet to believe these were preplanned, just purposely focused on to push some agenda.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

thanks for the response and i totally understand your take on vibrations, however, since we do not all operate on the same wave-length, achieving a common vibration is about as fruitless as this yrs orange trees.

the spirit that responds to said vibrations is not consistently travelling a synonymous path with the next, hence, the response is less than consistent.
thankfully, this is what makes individuals, unique.

the constant attempt to place "standards" upon individuals is the biggest problem of all.

yes, food, sleep, stimuli, environment, entertainment, education all play a part, however, these are not what desensitizes us, we are.

someone said it earlier ... we live at the speed of life (or similar) and in some ways that's true, but, in more important ways, it's not.

how often do we "make a date" to watch a flower bloom ?
how often do we stare at the clouds and talk nonsense ?
how often, after a fresh rain, do we take a moment with our children or neighbors and explore the new life in the puddles ??

(no? what we do is encourage death, in one form or another)
ever teach how to shoo a bug without killing it ??
how to make a fly leave without swatting it ??

these are the simple, speed of life events and opportunities that we far too often pass by.

i don't agree with the "overpowering" comment as it is far too subjective.
what i call cooperation, others deem overpowering ... like beauty, that is in the eye of the beholder.

i am more concerned about the GMO/pharma influence that is destroying any sense of courtesy, cooperation, confidence and empathy that we need to survive.

i am a firm believer that with 8 billion ppl in the world, there are 8 billion ways of doing EVERYTHING. doesn't mean they're all right but they certainly aren't all wrong.
those who are willing to learn and teach will benefit the greatest.

a great man once said ... "tis truly a weak mind that cannot spell a word more than one way".
and one of my favorites ... "An ounce of pretention is worth a pound of manure"
French law. The claim made to a thing which a party believes himself entitled to demand, but which is not admitted or adjudged to be his.

The words rights, actions and pretensions, are usually joined, not that they are synonymous, for right is something positive and certain, action is what is demanded, while pretention is sometimes not even accompanied by a demand.
once we lose the pretentious perceptions of perfection, then and only then will we be that which we are designed to be.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
They're not doing anything out of the ordinary for a country with so many people.

The United States experienced 645 mass-murder events -- killings with at least four victims -- from 1976 to 2010, according to Northeastern University criminologist James Alan Fox. When graphed, these incidents show no obvious trend. The numbers go up and down and up again. The total body count: 2,949.

645 / (2010-1976) = 18.97 mass murders per year, or over 1.5 per month.

The question SHOULD be, why is the media choosing to highlight each of these with such intensity right now

Follow up question: Why are so many ATS members falling for this event as if it's somehow a new phenomena or outside of the historic norm??

edit on 6-8-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

The same thing happens whenever the MSM gets a story that gives them ratings. Their sole purpose is to sell advertising, they couldn't give a damn about news, or telling an accurate story.

The same thing happened in the UK with the "dangerous dogs" frenzy years ago, which resulted in the killing of thousands of perfectly lovable family pets. There was no sudden rise, no phenomena, but the media focus on every single event made it seem like something unusual was happening.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

So you're saying there's no rhyme or reason outside of adverts? Maybe so maybe not.

You think they just mindlessly jump from one point of focus to another?
That could be the case, but it seems to me sometimes the focus is for a specific corporate or government agenda to be played out.
edit on 6-8-2012 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 10:58 PM
Our brains are electrical. I believe that some cosmic issue is partially to blame. Something such as the way the planets are moving, some issue with the sun or the position we are moving into as we approach the galactic center. Maybe there is some sort of electrical charge in this cloud we are supposedly moving through.

The other part is that people are losing everything and are depressed more than ever feeling like they have nothing left so they want to take people with them. At times I think I feel "the tug"on my brain, as well.

posted on Aug, 6 2012 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by dreampsi
Our brains are electrical. I believe that some cosmic issue is partially to blame. Something such as the way the planets are moving, some issue with the sun or the position we are moving into as we approach the galactic center. Maybe there is some sort of electrical charge in this cloud we are supposedly moving through.

The other part is that people are losing everything and are depressed more than ever feeling like they have nothing left so they want to take people with them. At times I think I feel "the tug"on my brain, as well.

Its an interesting theory but i have to disagree. People have snapped in numbers all throughout history and i dont believe there is any more so proportionate to the overall population thats causing any madness. I agree with Heff. in that our lives are a constant stream of activity and chaos. Relatively speaking even when we slow down and relax we feel anxious and worrisome. Like we need to do something. That could be trouble in and of itself. But i dont necessarily believe that these aspects are causing such uncontrolled violence as much as there are singular more specific reasons for those that do.

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