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Ann Romney: 'We've Given All You People Need To Know' About Family Finances

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posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:02 PM
In my experience, referring to a group as "you people" is derogatory.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 08:05 PM
mitt romney isnt going to win no matter what
doesnt even matter
he must expect people to be really stupid to elect someone who doesnt even want to show him back story because he knows theres something bad in it

regardless i dont think a mormon would make a good president
after all they have a leader who tells mormons what to do
and im pretty sure hes more powerful than the pope on the influence scale

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:51 PM
If she did say it it was likely towards the media not the general public. Plus, not disclosing it to the public doesn't mean the gov't doesn't have the info already. Just saying... not making it public is not the same as not making it available to the gov't.

posted on Jul, 20 2012 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by openminded2011
In my experience, referring to a group as "you people" is derogatory.

I remember ROSS PEROT using that phrase at the NACCP convention in 1993(?). News about his "prejudiced" attitude overshadowed everything he said going forward. He then crashed and burned.

Why is there so much interest in Romney's finances now, when the BAIN and Overseas Investment topics weren't even brought up when in ran for President the last time.
edit on 20-7-2012 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:02 AM
I mean why argue? Romney is not PoTuS material and he highlights the fact that he is the establishment media backed candidate every time he speaks. He is out of touch. He has been big money for to long. His wife is pampered and lives in a world most Americans cannot relate to or respect. I won't say he's a bad guy because I personally don't know him or his family. I just wish that this country didn't go in the direction it did long ago. It would be so nice to see a prominent member of some community that truly cares about the country run for president. Someone who would like to present their own plan to the people and ask for their votes. Right now people are in a babbling fog about their opinions. Always repeating what the media is spewing and the programming is non stop and totally confusing. Just a complete let down. Obama failed. He is writing executive orders at a record pace after criticizing past presidents and these orders are incredibly brazen. Directly threatening the sovereignty of our country.

I just hope something special happens at the convention and changes my mind about our beloved country and the politicians who lie and steal from the people without shame.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 12:31 AM
I'm pretty sure I have a better chance of winning the presidency then this poor excuse for a politician. He is a mockery, and I don't understand how brain dead Republicans want this man to lead their party. It's just a JOKE, but not a funny one.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 01:21 AM
Sorry. "You people" in this case is simply stating. "You people that ask about our personal financial decisions".
Don't make more of it than what it is. Oh I forget, no one can do that before a presidential election. Libertarian here.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
What does she mean by "you people"?

If someone asks you for full details of your income - anybody just asks - would you feel inclined to provide it? If you do then that's up to you, but you are under no pressure to - why should they be any different? It has nothing to do with Romney running for election.

And no, I am not American so I have no skin in the game so please don't say I'm being partisan.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 05:37 PM
Am I the only person out there that doesn't care at all out the Romney's finances? The way I see it, it's really no one's busy; just like it's none of "you people's" busy about my finances or mine of yours. There are way more important issues and problems at hand.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by Jaellma

Oh Bull Crap !!!

The law on record currently is that political office seekers only have to provide the current years income tax records. No More!

Apparently NO Crime of not reporting Income, or etc, has been committed or the Internal Revenue Service, IRS, would already be all over this couple.

John Kerry who was the Democrat Contender in 2004 is by far RICHER than Mitt Romney. Was he interrogated by the News Media to Release His Financial Records.


All you people wanting Romneys Tax Records back over his entire life are just wanting the chance to pick something and run wild with it as if its a tax violation when its not. ie, such as him having Swiss Bank Accounts. Big Deal, I have family members who have them too. They save a bunch of money. Did you know that almost Every Member of Congress, ESPECIALLY DEMOCRATS, either outright have Swiss Bank Accounts, or they are Invested in Stock in Those Same Banks.

The Real Solution is to PASS THE FAIRTAX HOUSE AND SENATE RESOLUTIONS, that are being stalled in the basements of both houses, then We Americans Ban and Do Away with our current IRS, laying off 3/4ths of them, do away with having to report taxes entirely, because the Income Tax will be abolished to be replaced with only a Sales Consumption Tax Nationwide, and all Money being held in Foreign Banks will be brought back to the USA as We will be the New Tax Haven for the Entire World.

Before you people get wild replying to my post here, why dont you demand these records as well....

1. Barak Obama release all his transcripts, how he paid for all college, every professor and every class, and what major papers he wrote in college, especially his THESIS FROM COLUMBIA !!!!

2. Barak Obama overturn his own Executive Order that sealed his own Birth Certificate in Hawaii from being Examined by Professionals !!!!!!!!!!!

Those Records are way more important to me that what Romney Bought or Invested in with his own money.

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by davolobos

But Romney used taxpayer monies in the form of subsidies to grow his businesses. That doesn't concern you?

Perhaps that's why we should be able to see his tax returns to see if he used taxpayer money to grow his vast fortune. Does that make sense?

edit on 21-7-2012 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by jjkenobi

This tactic is ironic considering the Dems ran the wealthiest Prez ticket ever with John Kerry and John Edwards in 2004.

Did you forget who lost that election?

posted on Jul, 21 2012 @ 11:35 PM

Originally posted by octotom
Am I the only person out there that doesn't care at all out the Romney's finances? The way I see it, it's really no one's busy; just like it's none of "you people's" busy about my finances or mine of yours. There are way more important issues and problems at hand.

If Romney were just some dude I met at a cocktail party, then sure, It wouldn't be any of my business. However, many mundane and ordinary jobs require a background check just to get paid minimum wage... I don't see why it's so unreasonable to ask for his financial records. I haven't checked but I'm willing to bet that at least one of his businesses requires their employees to submit themselves to a background check or credit check.

Obama had to be humiliated into releasing his long form birth certificate (which he did with humor and tact during a correspondence dinner) so I'm not going to feel bad if poor Romney begrudgingly releases his financial records, no matter how many rich family members he brings forth to talk down to us.
edit on 21-7-2012 by Cuervo because: Deschutes Brewery getting the better of me...

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by sarra1833
Not even going to read all the replies. Seriously. "You people" just is another way of saying "you guys" or ''you folks'' or ''all you folks' etc.

It's nothing /bad/ by any stretch. Still. Hope Romney does not win.

Then why is the OP and ABC lying about it?
I did not think it was a big deal either until I saw how hard they were trying to convince me it did not happen.

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by sad_eyed_lady

Yeah! Three out of hundreds and hundres, and hundreds...........

posted on Jul, 22 2012 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by davolobos

Why are you yelling? Do you really think that 'all-caps' is going to make me pay any more attention to what you're saying?

Not bloody likely!

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:11 AM
Basically the one percent, of which she is a member, thinks the rest of us are livestock.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:21 AM
independent of the comment, Mrs Romney and her ilk do view themselves as separate and most likely think of themselves as superior. They are totally insulated from the average person pretty
Much from birth to death. They attend private schools, live in upscale private communities, use private transportation. As they have had very little contact with the "commoners" other than servants they must view themselves as separate from the average personThe average elite in this country has NO comprehension of what the life of the average American is like. Hence the disconnect.

posted on Jul, 24 2012 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by MrXYZ

It's not customary for people in congress to do...but every president did release several years of returns in the past. This is really simple: If there's nothing bad in his returns, he should release them. If there's something bad he should STILL release them because people deserve to know the truth if he expects them to vote for him. If he continues not to release them, he can't be surprised if people believe he's hiding something.

Wouldn't this also be true for Obama's school records, financiers, college transcripts and all the other things we seem to be missing or are concerned about?

I think the goose-gander theory applies here.

no, it isn't the same. romney is running on how he was able to succeed at business and thus (supposedly) succeed at being president. if his write-offs, tax-havens, deductions, are part of that success, the people only can find out the truth by examining his's really that simple
how that equates with an 8-yr old obama eating dog meat, or his college transcripts, does not pass a logic test.

posted on Jul, 28 2012 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by carewemust

Originally posted by openminded2011
In my experience, referring to a group as "you people" is derogatory.

I remember ROSS PEROT using that phrase at the NACCP convention in 1993(?). News about his "prejudiced" attitude overshadowed everything he said going forward. He then crashed and burned.

Why is there so much interest in Romney's finances now, when the BAIN and Overseas Investment topics weren't even brought up when in ran for President the last time.
edit on 20-7-2012 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

Well...there is that little oddity of an IRA worth somewhere around $100 million...which is impossible given the laws limiting IRA contributions since their inception...

Mittens isn't the first Romney seeking the oval office...his father ran in 1968 I think it was and he is actually said to have been the one to start the present near-custom of releasing PERSONAL tax returns to the public as a testament of transparency and good faith. This was right after Watergate, remember...and not only did George Romney voluntarily disclose his entire tax return and gory details for that year without being asked repeatedly despite balking...he disclosed not one year but TWELVE YEARS....and now the biggest majority of those running for president freely disclose several years to a decade's worth of personal financial information.

His initial objection seems to have been not about sharing such sensitive information but about only sharing one year's worth....he said that 'one year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show.'

A decade of consecutive information can be VERY his son seems to have gone in favor of the 'fluke' approach.

$42 million (Romney) for two years and just $4.2 million in 2007 between both the President and Michele Obama....and that's only because of the profits from the books they wrote...before that, they were making something like a quarter million a year....

THEY must be the 'you people' Mrs. Romney was addressing on ABC....the Romney's probably pay their own maids/servants more than $200,000 a year!

Mitt Romney paid more in taxes for those two years than the Obama's had so far earned from their book sales the year before he was elected.
But yet his tax rate was half of that you and I pay every year for far less than half of what the Obama's used to make....even Gingrich got the tax shaft compared to Romney. That must be what the tithes are for, then?
And those off-shore entities supposedly preferable to what they call 'accounts' or 'investments' are the same 'entities' that were drilling in the gulf April of 2010....if that isn't tax evasion then I don't know what may be a loophole but that doesn't make it only means you can get away with it. For someone who is literally richer than GOD, or at the very least Joseph Smith and Brigham Young...everything must be 'legal.'

Isn't it, Juanita? Legal?

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