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Black Mob of over 300 raid and steal in Walmart

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posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan

Originally posted by BeHonest1
reply to post by Xaphan

LOL- How long did it take you to find that? And you can tell by the way they are dressed which "culcha" they worship...They are just as bad in my book...

Took me 20 seconds to find that. It's after the Vancouver riot.

Most of them are wearing hockey jerseys. They had just been to a hockey game. So I don't understand how that is considered black "culcha".

Just another stormfront member trying to grasp at straws to rescue your invalid argument?

What the heck is "stormfront"? and where did I ever say "black"?. Getting a video of soccer hooligans/hockey hooligans whatever is hardly an appropriate response...

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:19 AM
It looks like the kids are engaging in summer fun their way. Not every race of teenager hides in the house on Facebook and living a false reality with the xbox. If there was a Storm Walmart game, every lazy nonsicial weird white kid in america would have stormed walmart yesterday, with the exeption of them spilling gallons of blood.......

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by BeHonest1

Originally posted by Xaphan

Originally posted by BeHonest1
reply to post by Xaphan

LOL- How long did it take you to find that? And you can tell by the way they are dressed which "culcha" they worship...They are just as bad in my book...

Took me 20 seconds to find that. It's after the Vancouver riot.

Most of them are wearing hockey jerseys. They had just been to a hockey game. So I don't understand how that is considered black "culcha".

Just another stormfront member trying to grasp at straws to rescue your invalid argument?

What the heck is "stormfront"? and where did I ever say "black"?. Getting a video of soccer hooligans/hockey hooligans whatever is hardly an appropriate response...

How anyone could prove that any of the hooligans had actually attended the hockey game is beyond me.
The rioters in LA had all been in the courtroom when the Rodney King cops were acquitted too, I suppose?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by TsukiLunar
reply to post by HumanCondition

I find it funny that it is apparently ok to control a monopoly on the essentials of life, but wrong to try and take a piece of that for free. How dare they.

Walmart is a big business, not a monopoly. In fact, show me one example of a real life monopoly.

Time Warner Cable.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:24 AM
It was hardly a "raid" on walmart. A "raid", also known as depredation, is a military tactic or operational warfare mission which has a specific purpose. This just looked like a bunch of kids entering walmart at the same time, likely they all came from a concert or a party, we used to do this kind of stuff all the time as a teenager.

Back in the 90's I remember being with about 400 people and we all entered into a K-mart just as it opened one sunday morning after the cops performed a real "RAID" on a rave we were all at. Nobody wanted to go home and it was the only thing in the area that was open.

Oh and we were 90% white (rich) kids and we did far more damage and caused way more of a scene than these kids. These things are gonna happen regardless of race.

Just another racist thread meant to divide and conquer.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:25 AM
It is stupid and irresponsible to call this a BLACK mob or blacks storming Walmart when clearly you can see some revelers who appear non-black. Some appear to be white or hispanic.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by BeHonest1
What the heck is "stormfront"?

This will probably be answered with more denial. Won't even bother explaining. Google exists for a reason.

Originally posted by BeHonest1
and where did I ever say "black"?. Getting a video of soccer hooligans/hockey hooligans whatever is hardly an appropriate response...

Spelling "culcha" in quotation marks implies black. That's how some African Americans would pronounce that word. C'mon man, at least be honest and just come out and say what you mean instead of pussyfooting around it with technicalities. Or are you afraid of the mods wrath?

Also, how is posting a photo of hooligans not an appropriate response? They were doing the same thing that the people in the store were doing: destruction and theft. The only difference being is that the majority were white. I made a valid point, and you dismissed it, because it wasn't what you wanted to see, as it goes against your biases and preconceived notions.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by butcherguy

Originally posted by BeHonest1

Originally posted by Xaphan

Originally posted by BeHonest1
reply to post by Xaphan

LOL- How long did it take you to find that? And you can tell by the way they are dressed which "culcha" they worship...They are just as bad in my book...

Took me 20 seconds to find that. It's after the Vancouver riot.

Most of them are wearing hockey jerseys. They had just been to a hockey game. So I don't understand how that is considered black "culcha".

Just another stormfront member trying to grasp at straws to rescue your invalid argument?

What the heck is "stormfront"? and where did I ever say "black"?. Getting a video of soccer hooligans/hockey hooligans whatever is hardly an appropriate response...

How anyone could prove that any of the hooligans had actually attended the hockey game is beyond me.
The rioters in LA had all been in the courtroom when the Rodney King cops were acquitted too, I suppose?

Silly response. A courtroom wouldn't hold enough people to start a massive devastating riot. A hockey arena however, certainly would.

Not only that, but attendees of the game were seen leaving the arena and began rioting almost immediately once they were on the street. There is video evidence of this.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:29 AM
Thats my complaint: that it wasnt necessary to say a BLACK, HISPANIC, CHINESE, ARAB,
NATIVE AMERICAN mob..was it?

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:31 AM
Why do you have to call them a "BLACK" mob, why not just a "mob"? Why do you feel that the race of the people doing this are important?

I think this is just a way to promote racism. You know how the old saying goes "divide and conquer".

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:31 AM
Now that it's been u-tubed, a lot of people are going to see their chances of getting arrested in such a huge mob are slim and only retail theft at that. I'll bet it won't be long and your going to see this again with major looting taking place.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:31 AM
Oh, how civilized.


At least now the authorities have some more video data on how mobs act in enclosed locations.

Nothing like training fodder for the Government's police.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:32 AM
Wow, I can't believe this has turned in to a discussion of walmart and their so called hold on the market? None of those trouble makers were angry at the store. Did anyone else notice the end of the video where they planned on storming Wendy's next? As for the Marxist bemoaning the plight of these morons, they have it sooooo bad. Most of their shoes were not only new, but cost double what I paid for my 5 year old ones. Their phones are even nicer then mine, I seen a couple smart phones as they were documenting their behavior like idiots. I can afford these things, but i choose to pay my mortgage, buy food for my family. I'm not saying that having nice things is wrong, but when your entire survival is dependent on the taxpayers, perhaps you should exercise some fiscal responsibility. And there are some of you that defend these bungholes? I grew up and went to school with the same type, heaven help us, there is no future for this nation.
edit on 17-7-2012 by kingofmd because: Autocorrect

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by n00bUK

Sorry chap, I have a very good reason to harbor the views I have against certain races and they weren't brought on by a percieved notion of ignorance, they were brought on by their actions as human being doing bad things to other human beings.

Sad thing is, no matter when i think one may be different then the rest, they go and do something stupid to prove me right. Want to stop stereotypes? Get the people perpetuating the stereotype to stop making it a true assessment.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:34 AM
The convenience store near my house , beside the all balck school,,has a sign on the door that says only 1 student allowed in store at a time,,,the old man enforces it too,,no backpacks either,,he was sick of getting ripped off.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by HumanCondition
This is good to hear.
I find it funny that it is apparently ok to control a monopoly on the essentials of life, but wrong to try and take a piece of that for free. How dare they.

People will work within the means they are given.

If you starve them and give them no means of collection fiscal denominations controlled by a corrupt scam system then they will steal.

but they have money for Iphones, games, and drugs?

tired of people using the "systems problems" as an excuse to do what they want.

They can afford phones?? or do they feel entitled to steal those too? next it will be your home, they feel entitled to steal..

Bunch of punks !! They need to get real,and get a life, and quit making children cry in walmart.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Kastogere
reply to post by hesse

An armed society is a polite society, if everyone was allowed to carry, you'd have less crime cause the crooks wouldnt be the only ones packin heat.

Also packin heat would be...
the mentally ill
mentally handicapped
physically handicapped
the elderly
people with substance abuse problems
all criminals
the infirmed
shut ins
the senile
Michael J. Fox
What could go wrong?
edit on 17-7-2012 by habitforming because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Xaphan

Originally posted by BeHonest1
What the heck is "stormfront"?

This will probably be answered with more denial. Won't even bother explaining. Google exists for a reason.

Originally posted by BeHonest1
and where did I ever say "black"?. Getting a video of soccer hooligans/hockey hooligans whatever is hardly an appropriate response...

Spelling "culcha" in quotation marks implies black. That's how some African Americans would pronounce that word. C'mon man, at least be honest and just come out and say what you mean instead of pussyfooting around it with technicalities. Or are you afraid of the mods wrath?

Also, how is posting a photo of hooligans not an appropriate response? They were doing the same thing that the people in the store were doing: destruction and theft. The only difference being is that the majority were white. I made a valid point, and you dismissed it, because it wasn't what you wanted to see, as it goes against your biases and preconceived notions.

I wasn't aware "culcha" imnplied African American- who decided that? I googled "Stormfront" just a white supremacy site- that is not what I am about. I just think there is a difference between drunk sports fans after a game and " swarming" like human locusts into Wally World. Peace.

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by xstealth

Well, I was going to ask why the colour of skin was relevant in your thread title but then I watched the video. There wasn't a white face to bee seen, I'm from UK so feel it's reasonable to ask do only black people use Walmart , or is the store in question in a predominantly black neighbourhood ?

I am at a time in life where I'm pretty well pissed off with louts thinking they own just about everything and everyone around them, my recommendation to solving the problem making sure these goons don't ever threaten even one decent human being again is one of these.


edit on 17-7-2012 by ChristianJihad because: speelin

posted on Jul, 17 2012 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Xaphan

How anyone could prove that any of the hooligans had actually attended the hockey game is beyond me.

Maybe some of the rioters in Vancouver attended the game. Again, I see no proof that the ones in the video did attend the game. The game was the spark that caused that riot, just like the verdict in the courtroom sparked the LA riots.
What is silly is that anyone thinks that destroying the businesses that everyone uses for any reason is a good idea. Even sillier would be to believe that any looters really cared about anything other than 'gettin them some'.

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