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How Long Are "We The People" Going To Wait Before We Demand "TREASON" ... Starting at the VERY T

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posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by habitforming

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee
1. Attorney General Eric Holder (personally appointed by Barry) and Fast & Furious. Here's the deal.... they have emails blatantly saying they were pushing this agenda to make 2nd Amendment changes regarding your rights to bear arms.

I refuse to read any more of this kind of nonsense. Making claims is fun. Repeating things Michael Savage said is apparently even more fun.

Producing the emails would have been honest though. Sometimes that is no fun. So before going on down your rant about communism that fails to understand the term communism, are you going to just say things or are you going to prove them?

Wow...okay. Here's a nice summary of Fast and Furious for you and the intent of it. As far as making claims or Michael Savage (I have no idea who Michael Savage is to be absolutely honest)... these aren't claims friend...these things happened...look them up and investigate. that's all you have to do....investigate.

Fast and Furious Summary

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by mrgregbusybee
It's the duty and right of the American public to see that we still call the shots.
People have become way too self involved and too worried about paying bills,food on the table ect...ect.I don't know what will be the last straw or what it will take to get people motivated to get this country back.Voting doesn't do crap as we have seen,it's a big game the fix is in.

here's some favorite quotes from our forefathers

"Many free countries have lost their liberty, and ours may lose hers; but if she shall, be it my proudest plume, not that I was the last to desert, but that I never deserted her. I know that the great volcano at Washington, aroused and directed by the evil spirit that reigns there, is belching forth the lava of political corruption in a current broad and deep, which is sweeping with frightful velocity over the whole length and breadth of the land, bidding fair to leave unscathed no green spot or living thing; while on its bosom are riding, like demons on the waves of hell, the imps of that evil spirit, and fiendishly taunting all those who dare resist its destroying course with the hopelessness of their effort; and, knowing this, I cannot deny that all may be swept away. Broken by it I, too, may be; bow to it I never will.

Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does NOT mean to stand by the President or any other public official save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country."

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:46 PM
Thank you for your post Mr.GregBusyBee. (I have some 32 pin "Busy Bee Robot" ram which I refuse to sell, I love robots, and bees).
People have posted that your idea is right on, but everybody is waiting for somebody else to do something.
Well Bunkie, your troubles are over!
I'll be the guy! I'm a natural.
Okay, now I need a few functionaries and we're set.
I'll direct my staffers to contact F.B.I., and law enforcement in states where we will need investigations.
But you define the crime, you get me expert testimony by FBI agents, or testimony from witnesses they find, and then the real fun starts.
Upon acquisition of needed warants and charging documents I'll contact the Federal Marshall's service and will personally arrest Congress in full compliance with the law.
After we arrest congress, and pretty much everybody else in government, I'll run the country till we can hold some emergency elections to elect only non-lawyers to political positions.
Just call me Mr. Big or something.
This is no long term job, "in and out, that's my motto", and, well,l truth be known, my hobby as well.
Allrighty kids, I'm out front tap dancin, now somebody give me some papers to file!

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee

Originally posted by habitforming

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee
1. Attorney General Eric Holder (personally appointed by Barry) and Fast & Furious. Here's the deal.... they have emails blatantly saying they were pushing this agenda to make 2nd Amendment changes regarding your rights to bear arms.

I refuse to read any more of this kind of nonsense. Making claims is fun. Repeating things Michael Savage said is apparently even more fun.

Producing the emails would have been honest though. Sometimes that is no fun. So before going on down your rant about communism that fails to understand the term communism, are you going to just say things or are you going to prove them?

Wow...okay. Here's a nice summary of Fast and Furious for you and the intent of it. As far as making claims or Michael Savage (I have no idea who Michael Savage is to be absolutely honest)... these aren't claims friend...these things happened...look them up and investigate. that's all you have to do....investigate.

Fast and Furious Summary

Pretty defensive for a guy who has no idea which part of the story I question.

Save your blogs for other people.

Do I need to ask twice for you to produce the emails?
edit on 14-6-2012 by habitforming because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 09:54 PM
If dubya wasn't brought up on treason since he actually committed it, I can't imagine anybody would ever be...

edit on 14-6-2012 by PurpleChiten because: edited while I wait for email

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 04:13 AM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
The right wing comes with nationalism though. And the corporative state sounds like ideas taken out of context probably on purpose. The book was published and copyrighted in 2000 by the University of Nebraska Press.

Don't know what you mean by the book? This is from this site: The Doctrine of Fascism. I don't think it was taken out of conext. Here are some other thoughts from Mussolini:

"In view of the fact that private organisation of production is a function of national concern, the organiser of the enterprise is responsible to the State for the direction given to production."

"State intervention in economic production arises only when private initiative is lacking or insufficient, or when the political interests of the State are involved. This intervention may take the form of control, assistance or direct management."

Benito Mussolini, 1935, Fascism: Doctrine and Institutions, Rome: 'Ardita' Publishers.

Looks pretty straight forward to me.

We all know how conservative and militant most nebraskans are so no suprise there. What suprises me though is that you fell for the bait and swallowed all the lies. I thought liberals were a bit smarter than conservatives, apparently not.

I'm neither but I like the idea of using word's real meanings. Private ownership of the means of production is capitalism and therefore right wing.

edit on 14-6-2012 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

Well some/many/most things DID belong in private hands and were FOR-PROFIT! What america discovered was pure capitalism aka free market capitalism and then exported its "freedom and liberty" bs throughout the world without the world wanting it.

I have lived with western european socialism, more like mixed economy social democracy. Some things were public and many things were private. But private with great governmental oversight and high taxation to pay for the welfare state. This is what most people associate with socialism, not the soviet and chineese models which were COMMUNIST!

I think people are confused with capitalism, socialism and communism. I also think karl marx and joseph engels where priory of sion idiots who helped create all the confusion on purpose back in the mid 19th century. The communist manifesto has more in common with anarchy then with socialism. True socialism is when the state(nation) nationalises business to benefit all the citizens and people work like humans 40 hours or less per week making good wages rather than working like slaves 2-3 jobs to make ends meet for a family and children grow up spoiled and abused.

I am no facist or nazi. I like social democracy and am a real progressive. Liberals are "yes sir" global capitalists a little right from center who encourage globalisation and illegal immigration. Not good my friend! A real progressive closes all the loopholes and levies at least a 40% tax on the global parasites. If we are going to have capitalism then at least don't allow the rich to hoarde ALL the money for themselves. Makes sense?

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by timetothink

1913 was the year we handed all financial power of this nation over to a handful, now omnipotent banks. I totally agree, this was the start of the downfall. Guess who's leading this demise:

As Mayer Anselm Rothschild once said: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws...”

Do you know that Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express?
Yes, Federal Reserve is owned by private banks with very different goals than what their name masquerade makes you believe.

So what does that mean?
It means, just for starters, that every QE(Quantitative Easing) prescribed by the Fed chairman and his 'think tank' is a loan to finance thir own bad debt. So a loan you think, well if they borrow money there must be interest, which somehow would constitute reparation or a fine for the incompetence that lead to the unstable banks. Dear reader, it is not they who are borrowing, You are...!!??!! The QE is a government loan that the Fed approves, and it is the tax payers who stand with the bill/have to pay the interest. Tax payers, You and me.

Here're some facts on the Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head:
* Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
* Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
* Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York/Shearson American Express
* Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
* Israel Moses Sief Banks of Italy
* Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
* Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
* Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (David Rockefeller)

All chairmen of the Federal Reserve
1. Charles S. Hamlin 1914-1916 – Jew
2. William P. G. Harding 1916-1922 – Jew
3. Daniel R. Crissinger 1923-1927 – Jew
4. Roy A. Young 1927-1930 – Jew
5. Eugene I. Meyer 1930-1933 – Jew
6. Eugene R. Black 1933-1934 – Jew
7. Marriner S. Eccles 1934-1948
8. Thomas B. McCabe 1948-1951– Jew
9. William McChesney Martin, Jr. 1951-1970
10. Arthur F. Burns 1970-1978 – Jew
11. G. William Miller 1978-1979
12. Paul A. Volcker 1979-1987 – Jew
13. Alan Greenspan 1987-2006 – Jew
14. Ben S. Bernanke 2006- – Jew

All the 5 members of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America
Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman - Jew
Donald L. Kohn, Vice Chairman - Jew
Kevin M. Warsh - Jew
Randall S. Kroszner - Jew
Frederic S. Mishkin - Jew

Here're some facts on the IMF
In the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, the World Bank and IMF were created. While both are international organizations, they are headquartered in Washington DC. The World Bank is led by Americans while the IMF is led by Europeans.

International Monetary Fund (IMF), is an international organ that, in close cooperation with the World Bank, has been established to 'promote financial growth and stability through cooperation within the international currency system among member states'. One ridiculous money management scheme after another has now resulted in that IMF 'rules' the central banks of all member states through debts.

Chairmen of IMF
1. Camille Gutt 1946-1951 – Belgium – Jew
2. Ivar Rooth 1951-1956 – Sweden – Jew
3. Per Jacobsson 1956-1963 – Sweden – Jew
4. Pierre-Paul Schweitzer 1963-1973 – France – Jew
5. Johannes Witteveen 1973-1978 – The Netherlands – Jew
6. Jacques de Larosière 1978-1987 – France – Jew
7. Michel Camdessus 1987-2000 - Franc
8. Horst Köhler 2000-2004 – Germany – Jew
9. Rodrigo Rato 2004-2007 - Spain
10. Dominique Strauss-Kahn 2007-2011 – France – Jew
11. Christine Lagarde 2011- France – Jew

...and of course the World Bank
The World Bank is a peddler of leveraged loans and jugglers of third world debt. This organization has more influence in the monetary matters of indebted third world countries, than the UN has. With globalization as its goal, the World Bank has the power to make or break the economy of the poor developing world.

Chairmen of the World Bank
1946 - 1947 Eugene Meyer - Jew
1947 - 1949 John Jay McCloy
1949 - 1962 Eugene R. Black - Jew
1963 - 1968 George D. Woods - Jew
1968 - 1981 Robert McNamara
1981 - 1986 Alden W. Clausen - Jew
1986 - 1991 Barber B. Conable - Jew
1991 - 1995 Lewis T. Preston - Jew
1995 - 2005 James David Wolfensohn - Jew
2005 - 2007 Paul Wolfowitz - Jew
2007 - Robert Zoellick - Jew

Last but not least, some entertainment(?)
1. The Money Masters

2. The American Dream, - The financial system

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by habitforming

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee

Originally posted by habitforming

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee
1. Attorney General Eric Holder (personally appointed by Barry) and Fast & Furious. Here's the deal.... they have emails blatantly saying they were pushing this agenda to make 2nd Amendment changes regarding your rights to bear arms.

I refuse to read any more of this kind of nonsense. Making claims is fun. Repeating things Michael Savage said is apparently even more fun.

Producing the emails would have been honest though. Sometimes that is no fun. So before going on down your rant about communism that fails to understand the term communism, are you going to just say things or are you going to prove them?

Wow...okay. Here's a nice summary of Fast and Furious for you and the intent of it. As far as making claims or Michael Savage (I have no idea who Michael Savage is to be absolutely honest)... these aren't claims friend...these things happened...look them up and investigate. that's all you have to do....investigate.

Fast and Furious Summary

Pretty defensive for a guy who has no idea which part of the story I question.

Save your blogs for other people.

Do I need to ask twice for you to produce the emails?
edit on 14-6-2012 by habitforming because: (no reason given)

Defensive? I was helping you out... I gave you the link that will set you straight about emails. I also told you all you have to do is investigate... watch the hearings... they are available.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by jiwozejy214
reply to post by timetothink

1913 was the year we handed all financial power of this nation over to a handful, now omnipotent banks. I totally agree, this was the start of the downfall. Guess who's leading this demise:

As Mayer Anselm Rothschild once said: “Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws...”

Do you know that Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express?
Yes, Federal Reserve is owned by private banks with very different goals than what their name masquerade makes you believe.

So what does that mean?
It means, just for starters, that every QE(Quantitative Easing) prescribed by the Fed chairman and his 'think tank' is a loan to finance thir own bad debt. So a loan you think, well if they borrow money there must be interest, which somehow would constitute reparation or a fine for the incompetence that lead to the unstable banks. Dear reader, it is not they who are borrowing, You are...!!??!! The QE is a government loan that the Fed approves, and it is the tax payers who stand with the bill/have to pay the interest. Tax payers, You and me.

Here're some facts on the Federal Reserve
The Federal Reserve Bank is a consortium of 9 Jewish-owned & associated banks with the Rothschilds at the head:
* Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
* Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
* Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York/Shearson American Express
* Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
* Israel Moses Sief Banks of Italy
* Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
* Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
* Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (David Rockefeller)

All chairmen of the Federal Reserve
1. Charles S. Hamlin 1914-1916 – Jew
2. William P. G. Harding 1916-1922 – Jew
3. Daniel R. Crissinger 1923-1927 – Jew
4. Roy A. Young 1927-1930 – Jew
5. Eugene I. Meyer 1930-1933 – Jew
6. Eugene R. Black 1933-1934 – Jew
7. Marriner S. Eccles 1934-1948
8. Thomas B. McCabe 1948-1951– Jew
9. William McChesney Martin, Jr. 1951-1970
10. Arthur F. Burns 1970-1978 – Jew
11. G. William Miller 1978-1979
12. Paul A. Volcker 1979-1987 – Jew
13. Alan Greenspan 1987-2006 – Jew
14. Ben S. Bernanke 2006- – Jew

All the 5 members of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States of America
Ben S. Bernanke, Chairman - Jew
Donald L. Kohn, Vice Chairman - Jew
Kevin M. Warsh - Jew
Randall S. Kroszner - Jew
Frederic S. Mishkin - Jew

Here're some facts on the IMF
In the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, the World Bank and IMF were created. While both are international organizations, they are headquartered in Washington DC. The World Bank is led by Americans while the IMF is led by Europeans.

International Monetary Fund (IMF), is an international organ that, in close cooperation with the World Bank, has been established to 'promote financial growth and stability through cooperation within the international currency system among member states'. One ridiculous money management scheme after another has now resulted in that IMF 'rules' the central banks of all member states through debts.

Chairmen of IMF
1. Camille Gutt 1946-1951 – Belgium – Jew
2. Ivar Rooth 1951-1956 – Sweden – Jew
3. Per Jacobsson 1956-1963 – Sweden – Jew
4. Pierre-Paul Schweitzer 1963-1973 – France – Jew
5. Johannes Witteveen 1973-1978 – The Netherlands – Jew
6. Jacques de Larosière 1978-1987 – France – Jew
7. Michel Camdessus 1987-2000 - Franc
8. Horst Köhler 2000-2004 – Germany – Jew
9. Rodrigo Rato 2004-2007 - Spain
10. Dominique Strauss-Kahn 2007-2011 – France – Jew
11. Christine Lagarde 2011- France – Jew

...and of course the World Bank
The World Bank is a peddler of leveraged loans and jugglers of third world debt. This organization has more influence in the monetary matters of indebted third world countries, than the UN has. With globalization as its goal, the World Bank has the power to make or break the economy of the poor developing world.

Chairmen of the World Bank
1946 - 1947 Eugene Meyer - Jew
1947 - 1949 John Jay McCloy
1949 - 1962 Eugene R. Black - Jew
1963 - 1968 George D. Woods - Jew
1968 - 1981 Robert McNamara
1981 - 1986 Alden W. Clausen - Jew
1986 - 1991 Barber B. Conable - Jew
1991 - 1995 Lewis T. Preston - Jew
1995 - 2005 James David Wolfensohn - Jew
2005 - 2007 Paul Wolfowitz - Jew
2007 - Robert Zoellick - Jew

GREAT POST! I've been saying the start of our demise was with the Federal Reserve Banking system. They used it as a play on words and have fooled most everybody! A lot of information here. Thanks

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee

Originally posted by habitforming

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee

Originally posted by habitforming

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee
1. Attorney General Eric Holder (personally appointed by Barry) and Fast & Furious. Here's the deal.... they have emails blatantly saying they were pushing this agenda to make 2nd Amendment changes regarding your rights to bear arms.

I refuse to read any more of this kind of nonsense. Making claims is fun. Repeating things Michael Savage said is apparently even more fun.

Producing the emails would have been honest though. Sometimes that is no fun. So before going on down your rant about communism that fails to understand the term communism, are you going to just say things or are you going to prove them?

Wow...okay. Here's a nice summary of Fast and Furious for you and the intent of it. As far as making claims or Michael Savage (I have no idea who Michael Savage is to be absolutely honest)... these aren't claims friend...these things happened...look them up and investigate. that's all you have to do....investigate.

Fast and Furious Summary

Pretty defensive for a guy who has no idea which part of the story I question.

Save your blogs for other people.

Do I need to ask twice for you to produce the emails?
edit on 14-6-2012 by habitforming because: (no reason given)

Defensive? I was helping you out... I gave you the link that will set you straight about emails. I also told you all you have to do is investigate... watch the hearings... they are available.

Maybe you have no idea what that word means then. I asked to see the emails, not a blog from a dead liar CLAIMING STUFF.

No one that is trying to help links to Breitbart. Now do you have these emails or not?

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

When the politics became too strange in Europe, people left for the new land... and before that and before that, it was always the same. Misery puts the world on her shoulders, and there's no need to be that miserable. My sister was, it drover her mentally insane. She shot herself in the head last thanksgiving.

So where is this new land? Well you can't just keep going west, you'd be going in circles! South America is where it's at now, and just like Columbus with the tool of his trade, a wooden ship, we must build a new fleet of something even more advanced this time. Some have already done this! I speak of ufo tech, and it's very available , you need only look for it. Check my signature for a hint, or you could just spend a few weeks on youtube trying to find something worth building for yourself, something you can afford. I mean, Victor Schaubager's works can be replicated today, but it would cost millions. I honestly don't know how he did it all.

I need to leave this country myself. People here have become arrogant bloated whores. A neighbor 2 houses south of me came out the door the other day because I was eyeing a primer gray bicycle in her yard that I thought could have been my mom's stolen bike. All I did was introduce myself and tell her why I was looking. She was so offended that she called her husband, the cops, lied to both that I was trespassing. Now I'm afraid to leave my dog out at night for fear she'll kill it. Afraid she'll slash my tires. I'm sure by now she's telling every neighbor she can what a bad person I am for the terrible thing I did, wow.
It's this kind of idiocy that is supported by our liberal 3rd party leader, Obama. People that are easy to bruise are protected like some kind of sacred cow.

It's a psycho mechanism which can only last so long. Best to leave for a while until it all implodes on itself, no need to get caught in the fight. Too much drama, too much of a plantation state. It's not fun when there is no pioneering spirit left to aspire into.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

Here's something interesting.... falls in line with what I was discussing in the OP.

Senate vs UN Gun Control

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

That "God's going to fix everything" attitude again.
What has he fixed so far?
In my opinion, that's just an excuse to let people get away with what ever. Do nothing 'cause God's gonna get'em.
You set there and preach at'em. I prefer a more hands on approach.

posted on Jun, 27 2012 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

"Today, our country's freedom and sovereignty, is being undermined, by the United Nations."

This is something to prioritize on citizens' minds as we near the fourth of July. Lets not forget what the fourth of July is!

And remember, the way the New World Order consolidates the planet under the 1%, is to undermine, demonize, eradicate nationalism, national pride, independence, their own currency < very important) borders language, culture.

edit on 27-6-2012 by Saucerwench because: x

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by mrgregbusybee
reply to post by mrgregbusybee

Here's something interesting.... falls in line with what I was discussing in the OP.

Senate vs UN Gun Control

Hey man, why do you refuse to produce these emails you claim exist?

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