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Western US Sheriffs gather to discuss their Constitutional authority.

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posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by michaelbrux

sheriffs are nothing special...

They are elected officials. They are empowered by direct action of We The People. Thier power is as great as we wish; and, I assign greater power than I do to Federals. Governance occurs with the consent of the governed.

You might have read the Constitution, but it seems that you do not really understand it. I suggest you read the Federalist Papers and then as much of the correspondence and commentary of the Founding Fathers. You will find that government has gone out of control merely because We The People have, in our ignorance, allowed it to do so.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by frazzle

i said send them some unmanned drones to play gifts...something they can use in the course of their jobs.

i'm not advocating attacking sheriffs with military hardware, but suggesting that a nice gift would be a gesture of friendship.

i assume that local cops all over the land would like to own a few of those.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by ObservingTheWorld

Nothing more than a gathering of backwoods morons who wouldn't know the Supremacy Clause if it bit them on the ass. Civil War is over little bigots. The Federal Government IS the Supreme Law of the land.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by LifeIsPeculiar

i'll do that...what would really be nice is if I could find a nice hardbound collection of these works.

something decorative.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by randyvs

I wouldn't get my hopes up. Foriegn troops are in place...

They were when the first American Revolution took place as well.

If people would vote ONLY for those who will support Constitutional rule, there wouldn't be any issues with our government. Americans vote very stupidly and repetitively. Cure that, and there will be a peaceful return to normalcy.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by frazzle

wow, you're right...the feds have to call up the Sheriffs and inform them...i figured they did this anyway, as a courtesy of course.

You figured wrong.

that case proves that the feds have no right to operate freely anywhere within the United States of America.

As you pointed out, the feds have free rein on federal land as that land was ceded to them by the states, but about the only people I know of who live on federal land are federal employees.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by FeatherofMaat

The Federal Government IS the Supreme Law of the land.

You have abdicated your freedom. We the People are the Supreme Law of the Land. If you would buy into that and cast your vote accordingly, all would eventually straighten out.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by michaelbrux
reply to post by frazzle

i said send them some unmanned drones to play gifts...something they can use in the course of their jobs.

i'm not advocating attacking sheriffs with military hardware, but suggesting that a nice gift would be a gesture of friendship.

i assume that local cops all over the land would like to own a few of those.

Oh, my mistake ~ not a threat, a bribe. Yeah, they're doing a lot of that "friendship" crap. Maybe the sheriffs have noticed the federal government's penchant for turning on their friends.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by LifeIsPeculiar

i thought the Constitution was ruling.

what change must take place exactly.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by frazzle

of course a bribe...everyone knows sheriffs love a good bribe. a drone will clear all this up.

it'll be like Christmas morning for them.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by ObservingTheWorld

is there any chance we can have these counties request a few squadrons of F-16's and some Gun Ship Helo's, sounds like these guys are on the side of the people

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by michaelbrux

Looks like a few sheriffs have figured out Santa is just a meme.

As for what people would have to do, probably the first order of business would be to figure out how their signatures on contracts with the feds waived their rights.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by frazzle

they won't care about those rights they signed away if the Feds send them a couple of those Stealth Helicopters like the ones the Seals used in the bin Laden raid.

the only thing they'll be interested in is being an Authority on all the bells and whistles that come with such a fine piece of hardware.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by michaelbrux

I'm not talking about rights the sheriffs signed away, at least in terms of the office they hold, its we the people who signed all those contracts without even realizing that's what they are. But that's off topic anyway, a sheriff can't always protect people from their own stupidity.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by michaelbrux

i thought the Constitution was ruling.

This is the mistake most young people make. The Constitution was written by We The People and then provided to the government in order to charter its functional behavior and to limit the scope of its authority. The laws that come out of Congress are the "rules". Those rules are supposed to be made in full compliance to the Constitution so that they do not surpass the authority Congress was granted by We The People.

what change must take place exactly.

There are a number of changes that must take place in order to reign the current growth of tyranny. I will enumerate a few that quickly come to mind:

1 - People must educate themselves regarding how this government is supposed to work. They need to have an understanding of what the Constitution really is and how the government was intended to work. In short, the People need to regain an understanding that they are the rightful power in this Nation.

2 - Through the above understanding, the People must reject the current crop of Congressmen and replace them with representatives who also understand and yield to Constitutional rule. New representatives need to monitored to ensure that they actually represent the views of their constituents. Republicans and Democrats alike are rapidly eroding freedom and need to be replaced.

3 - Communicate with your representatives constantly so that they do have an actual understanding of the will of The People. Most representatives complain that nobody cares, and that nobody tells them what their lawmaking preferences entail.

4 - Put aside partisan politics, and always be mindful of what is good for the Nation. Make an effort to understand the issues "from both sides", and know the historical lead up to the issues. Based upon knowledge and unselfish reasoning, you then call upon your representatives to make rulings that properly solve the issues without impacting your freedom.

In short, The People need to become actively involved with their own governance, as originally intended. Apathy and non-participation on the part of the citizens has given rise to self-serving lawmakers working to fix things that aren't broken. Tyranny has engaged simply because that is the drift of unfettered government. Put the chains back onto the government where they belong. That is how the system was designed to work.

Don't make the mistake of exchanging freedoms for pretense of security.

When proper representation has been put in place, demand that the encroaching tyranny be reversed. It really is that simple, and no blood needs to be spilled. The system is not broken, it is merely overlooked.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by michaelbrux

the only thing they'll be interested in is being an Authority on all the bells and whistles

The general drift of your posts lead me to believe that you are advocating absolute tyranny under a police state. Is that the case? You seemed to be interested in unification of Federal power above all other powers. Is that correct?

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by LifeIsPeculiar

this is an impossible situation and could never arise under our system. your views are closer to the condition you described than anything i've written.

your views advocate the usurping of additional powers by local law enforcement; possibly at the expense of the federal system. and you justify this based on sheriffs status as an elected official. sheriffs take no oaths with regard to the constitution and have no powers under the constitution, i know this because no qualified official could administer the oath...a state official probably administers their oath and they don't act as agents of the federal government, but the state government.

you advocate sheriffs carving out personal fiefdoms from western States. that is tyranny.

and as a matter of fact...there are powers above the federal system and those powers are held in trust by 'the people', so your point is meaningless to me.

edit on 13-6-2012 by michaelbrux because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:39 AM
The reason I wanted this brought to light isn't that I think these individuals will 'swoop in and save us from the ever so evil government', but that there are others that see our Constitution and our rights under threat. Are they going to disband the TSA and stop all drones? No. But they are willing to have an open discussion about our rights as citizens.

So, do Sheriffs have greater Constitutional authority than anyone else? No. But to have these individuals stand up and question what is happening at the federal level shows that they are asking the same questions as most members of ATS.

I feel the question here isn't 'What rights do the Sheriff's hold', but 'What rights do just hand over to the federal government, no questions asked'?

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by michaelbrux

you advocate sheriffs carving out personal fiefdoms from western States. that is tyranny

You are way off base. Sheriffs are ELECTED, and can be UNELECTED by electing a replacement. Federal authorities are appointed, and rule without moderation or controls by We The People. The EPA, BATF, FBI, and the rest make up their own rules, then there is no recourse for oversight.

The Federal government is not supposed to be the supreme law of the land. You advocate a unified, federalized tyranny. You clearly do not want nor handle your freedom.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by rebellender

That would be too cool.

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