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My little sister gets suspended for conspiracy theorizing...?

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posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

She's getting a good dose of that too.
Here's what big sis said:

We can argue this all day, but it states plainly in the scripture not to mesh religions, and that includes religious customs... especially ones that portray to the worship of the sun, the moon, and the earth, which is also directly against the Bible.

I'm not making it evil by calling out it's origins. I'm just making it's evil known.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

She's getting a good dose of that too.
Here's what big sis said:

We can argue this all day, but it states plainly in the scripture not to mesh religions, and that includes religious customs... especially ones that portray to the worship of the sun, the moon, and the earth, which is also directly against the Bible.

I'm not making it evil by calling out it's origins. I'm just making it's evil known.

and what creates wars...
divide the herd so control can be held and let them argue among themselves...

I read the Bible once... once...

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
Her teacher sometimes tells her "You're too young to know that stuff yet" (and yes, that's an exact quote. Apparently, learning is bad).

I agree with her teacher.

She is not really old enough to comprehend. She is just repeating what she is told.

Too young to learn the truth about our nation but not too young to have religious dogma pushed in her face???

Religion isn't taught in public schools. The teacher and principal did the right thing by suspending a disruptive, vindictive student with a history of disturbing the class making the learning environment inhospitable to other students. If one were screaming and throwing a fit every day about religion and wrote a poem to the teacher who was sick about :

"Good luck with your flu,
we miss you,
hope God doesn't tell
the devil to take you to hell.

It would have been seen in the same way the other one was and the student would be suspended as well.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I honestly think the poem was totally cute.
That teacher is just a jerk in my opinion, I'm sure she looked looney asking the principal to suspend your sister because of such a fical thing.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
OK really quick, am I the only one that got really creeped out by a member doing *hugs* all over the place? Ugh. The post that really made me want to nuke the internet said something along the lines of 'You make me feel SO good! Hugs!'

"Lets Nuke the world but don't you DARE freaking hug me!" That ALMOST makes as much sense as this:

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by SoymilkAlaska

I kind of agree. The problem with the teacher's reaction and the school's response is it's making students paranoid of thinking anything out of line or not popular. I mean, they might end up like the sister! Suspended, or worse, like her brother! A weirdo! Etc. People are too afraid and the teacher should have handled this more professionally. If it were me, I wouldn't have put the sister on the spot and instead would have stuck to the coursework. If a student thinks something dumb and it's not related to their grade and you challenge them, you're actually making the situation worse!!! Teach by example instead! Teach them the coursework and let them see all of the pieces of evidence with their own eyes. Let the facts speak for themselves. Get off their case and let nature handle it.

I know what it's like to be at the "outcast" table during lunchtime. I was so weird that not only was I on the outcast table, but usually I was alone. I think that this isolation in school is what led to me being able to question everything. If I had been more social and seated with everyone else, there would have been profound pressure for me to conform and not "fall out of line".

To the OP:
Remember to teach your sister to stick to the facts, but still question. I would advise you to double check your own "facts". Your sister is really too young to have a full grasp on things, so be careful. It's easy to feed a child bad information and have them regurgitate it. Be responsible!

I'm the type of person that mostly keeps my "conspiracies" to myself, unless somebody else forces me. I know that I'm wrong all the time about things too, so I am weary about telling others what I think. A lot of times it's just a gut feeling. What gets me really mad is when somebody tells me how I should be or act. So, with that in mind, I try not to tell others how they should be or act.

Sometimes I'm angry though and/or I'll send a salvo back at someone who sent one at me. It makes me feel guilty. The best way to handle most fights is to nip them in the head - don't have them in the first place! But I know that's easier said then done. Many fights are just not preventable.
edit on 13-6-2012 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:13 PM
WTH kind of person teaches this crap to young children?

You have no clue that anything being said on this forum is actual fact....could be just insane people ranting.

You would teach something as truth without having all the facts...all the proof...let her grow and live...don't teach her to be a paranoid nut like most on this forum.

posted on Jun, 13 2012 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

Look up the definition of Govern. It's all about control.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Murgatroid

Originally posted by Anunaki10

Originally posted by shoeshiner
We have all the right to judge.
According to "A course in miracles"...

A Course in Miracles” was a CIA manipulation device

It was an experiment orchestrated by the CIA/US government.

Many were DAMAGED by it.

The goal of these torture techniques is the erasure of personality and identity for the express purpose of then creating a new identity of a new brainwashed person.

This is EXACTLY the same goal as the Course in Miracles.
Guantanimo is patterned after chinese communist prisoner camps.
A Course in Miacles is patterned after milder chinese communist reeducation couses.

See the chinese used many different levels and intensities of mind controll in their attempt to create the perfect zombie society.

A Course In Miracles is absolutely and without a doubt a CIA/Corperate run mind controll project.

"this is the very nature of a course in miracles. 100% fully contradictory nonsense that just sends your brain into la la land. A course in Miracles also contains and makes big use of a very dangerous neo-freudian concept called desymbolization. basically reality becomes a metaphor or a symbol and in turn symbols and metaphor become reality. You can see a bit of it in the above bizarre statement. reality is flipped on its ear and becomes fantasy. Watch an interview with charles manson and you hear alot of the same thing.
people who are experiencing desymbolization can be quite dangerous because they become so delusional and mentally ill."

A Course In Miracles is a CIA mind control project

Originally posted by anglodemonicmatrix
I studied this book and used its principles and ended up in a hell which continues to this day,what it does not prepare you for is that the bulk of this planets spirit world and many of its secret societies do not tolerate humans developing higher order spirital powers,I sent the book to the dump and regret the day I ever read it.

"A course in miracles: Wikipedia says that it was written by William Thetford.
This guy headed the CIA MK ULTRA experiments! (Brainwashing)
Some that have gotten heavy into this course have went through some
very scary changes and some have mysteriously died. This was a common
occurrence with solders that participated in MKULTRA experiments." LINK

I have just been talking with some people about this... According to "A Course in Miracles", and reportedly according to the Bible as well, Jesus said it's very important to forgive every people no matter who they are and no matter what they did, and if you forgive every people for no matter what they did then you will be "healed" and avoid bad Karma, the priests all over the world allegedly also says these words. "A Course in Miracles" and the Bible reportedly also says that no human being have the right to judge other people, only God have the right to judge human beings, according to "A Course in Miracles" and reportedly also according to the Bible. That's what the few people says i talked to...

So question is, is "A Course in Miracles" really a CIA mind controlled program used to damage people's brains? I know someone who read the books of "A Course in Miracles", and he says that the >CIA created "A Course in Miracles" to damage people's mindsCIA created "A Course in Miracles" to damage people's mindsCIA created "A Course in Miracles" to damage people's minds

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Phage
How do you know that hasn't been done? There is little indication that the OP has any first hand knowledge about what has been happening at the school.
edit on 6/11/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

There are no aliens in this thread here to be skeptic about lol - no I am not sure she's witnessed it first hand. I am only attacking the claim that the poster gave tha as if it is OK to suspend a child for that if that's the case, she also supposed it happens and she's fine with it, it seems.

Oh and by the way, I am all FOR rival teenagers and young adults, whether it would be breaking ridiculolous religious dogma, thinking outside the box - yes sure too much conspiracy is harmful (like too much of everything) but it never hurts to make people aware, afterall there is some truth in conspiracies...

It's much better than brainwashing people like robots and making them think no differently from another million ones... Please.. if that's how you think that all should be thinking the same and not open for other ideas, you all would make that world worse than it is.

People need to be with open mind.. even about things they do not believe, because of close minded morons who insult the ones who are not sleeping, are those open minded looking bad, no I am not talking about so open minded that are to the state of schizophrenia - just leveled open mindness

A bad example of open-mindness is an extra-sense (one I read in an article - winner of a reality show with extrasenses) who claims there are two spaceships to appear in December 2012 that will save us because the world is coming to an end then, and that she's a hybrid.

A good example of open-mindness is well ... me - someone who doesn't buy the majority of stories from NWO (Although such can happen by any country and WW3 is absolutely possible - said objectively) to HAARP bringing you Earthquakes and Hurricanes to 9/11 to Aliens.
edit on 14-6-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
WTH kind of person teaches this crap to young children?

You have no clue that anything being said on this forum is actual fact....could be just insane people ranting.

You would teach something as truth without having all the facts...all the proof...let her grow and live...don't teach her to be a paranoid nut like most on this forum.

Insane people ranting? I thought that was what ATS was all about

I can say that being here as long as I have you start to think many more people are insane than before ever coming here. I wonder if some do not spend too much time on here.


posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Imtor

A good example of open-mindness is well ... me - someone who doesn't buy the majority of stories from NWO (Although such can happen by any country and WW3 is absolutely possible - said objectively) to HAARP bringing you Earthquakes and Hurricanes to 9/11 to Aliens.
edit on 14-6-2012 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

But that's not really open-mindedness, it's just having a mind of a different approach. You are intentionally closing your mind to certain possibilities and opening it to the ones of your choosing just as they are doing. Being Open Minded would imply that there weren't preconcieved notions that determined whether something was accepted or not and it doesn't exist. We all have preconcieved notions so none of us are "Open Minded" nor should we be as it would indicate there is no knowledge of any kind.
I think a better term may be "alternatively minded" as opposed to open minded because I have not seen a single poster on here or anywhere else who is actually open minded at all. In fact, being open minded would actually be a detriment, not a positive thing at all. ... at least not in our existance in the way we think and communicate.

It is absolutely impossible to say that you are open minded in one breath, then say someone else isn't open minded in the next breath because you have closed your mind to what they are saying, therefore, your mind isn't open.

I think a better example for you would be "skeptical of anyone claiming to be an authority" as you describe how you don't believe what is reported by the MSM by the NWO. That isn't open minded in any way because your mind isn't open to what others are saying or other possibilities. You are alternatively minded to be skeptical of authorities, not open minded. Nobody here is open minded or they wouldn't be able to begin to communicate on the level that communication is taking place.
edit on 14-6-2012 by PurpleChiten because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by Procession101
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I honestly think the poem was totally cute.
That teacher is just a jerk in my opinion, I'm sure she looked looney asking the principal to suspend your sister because of such a fical thing.

Apparently not, as the principal went ahead with the suspension.

This goes to further the idea that this isn't the first incident, and that the principal is aware of this student's trouble making.

This wasn't a poem talking about a conspiracy theory, as the poem doesn't mention 911, JFK, Christmas, or any of the other sidetracks in this thread. This was a poem talking about conspiracy in general.

So she wasn't suspended for conspiracy theorizing, she was suspended for being inappropriate and taking a dig at her sick teacher. Does taking a dig at a sick teacher show good judgement? Could that lack of good judgement be from living with people that don't show good judgement?

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Furbs

Originally posted by Procession101
reply to post by XxNightAngelusxX

I honestly think the poem was totally cute.
That teacher is just a jerk in my opinion, I'm sure she looked looney asking the principal to suspend your sister because of such a fical thing.

Apparently not, as the principal went ahead with the suspension.

This goes to further the idea that this isn't the first incident, and that the principal is aware of this student's trouble making.

This wasn't a poem talking about a conspiracy theory, as the poem doesn't mention 911, JFK, Christmas, or any of the other sidetracks in this thread. This was a poem talking about conspiracy in general.

So she wasn't suspended for conspiracy theorizing, she was suspended for being inappropriate and taking a dig at her sick teacher. Does taking a dig at a sick teacher show good judgement? Could that lack of good judgement be from living with people that don't show good judgement?

Also, since the teacher being sick was mentioned in the poem followed by mention of conspiracy theories, it could be taken that the student was accusing the teacher of not even being sick, an additional jab. There would have to be a history for the principal to take it in that manner and the history played much more into the suspension then any conspiracy theory ideas have.
My best guess would be a history of disruption due to the ideas/fallacies that were taught to her by her sister. This was "the straw that broke the camel's back" or perhaps a subsequent suspension or reprimand for other offenses the student had.
It makes me curious as to whether she had been suspended before this event or reprimanded in other ways including parent contact, detention, being called down or sent out of the room or to the office. Those things take place before a suspension is given other than blantant disregard for rules such as physical fights or posing a serious danger.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by PurpleChiten

I do not believe the Earth is a hologram or that the world will end 2012 - is this close-mindness? It's like saying, I will drop an apple on the floor, I am not open minded because I think there is no way anything else will happen with the apple other than the apple falling on the floor.

There is no reason to be 'open minded' about things that are certain to not happen especially on specific dates, About NWO I guess I am open minded because whether some governments does smth like that is totally possible, no I take a lot of things as possible even dimensions in which I have no reason to think they are but since it's possible - I do not exclude it. However, excluding things that won't happen otherwise does not mean 'less open minded' like the example with the apple.

And my point is, people should know what may happen and have it in mind NWO, disasters (no NOT on DEC 2012), even a government that may try to rule all - so reading some conspiracies isnt' that bad, embracing and having them like a holy book is a problem.

posted on Jun, 14 2012 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
reply to post by PurpleChiten

I do not believe the Earth is a hologram or that the world will end 2012 - is this close-mindness? It's like saying, I will drop an apple on the floor, I am not open minded because I think there is no way anything else will happen with the apple other than the apple falling on the floor.

There is no reason to be 'open minded' about things that are certain to not happen especially on specific dates, About NWO I guess I am open minded because whether some governments does smth like that is totally possible, no I take a lot of things as possible even dimensions in which I have no reason to think they are but since it's possible - I do not exclude it. However, excluding things that won't happen otherwise does not mean 'less open minded' like the example with the apple.

And my point is, people should know what may happen and have it in mind NWO, disasters (no NOT on DEC 2012), even a government that may try to rule all - so reading some conspiracies isnt' that bad, embracing and having them like a holy book is a problem.

I agree.
To extrapolate on your example of an apple falling, those who are truely "open minded" by the colloquial meaning of the word would be those who know that it generally will fall to the floor and that is what they expect to happen. However, if it were to float off in space instead, they wouldn't freak out, they would look for the cause. This is opposed to those who claim they are "open minded" and expect every apple they drop to float off even though the 10,000 before it have all fell to the ground. That's not open minded, that's just being dense.
We don't sit and fret over and dream up possibilities that are not likely to occur along with those that are outright impossible and have been proven false through the use of natural laws. That's what some like to refer to as being "open minded" when in reality, they just confined themselves to a smaller box within the big one they shout for everyone else to think outside of.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 09:56 AM
Sue the school, get a great lawyer.

posted on Jun, 15 2012 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by TWISTEDWORDS
Sue the school, get a great lawyer.

she can't, the parents agree with the school, not with the sister that was filling the 10 year old's heads with her own conspiracy theories that caused the problem to start with.

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by PurpleChiten

Originally posted by SmArTbEaTz

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by XxNightAngelusxX
Her teacher sometimes tells her "You're too young to know that stuff yet" (and yes, that's an exact quote. Apparently, learning is bad).

I agree with her teacher.

She is not really old enough to comprehend. She is just repeating what she is told.

Too young to learn the truth about our nation but not too young to have religious dogma pushed in her face???

Religion isn't taught in public schools. The teacher and principal did the right thing by suspending a disruptive, vindictive student with a history of disturbing the class making the learning environment inhospitable to other students. If one were screaming and throwing a fit every day about religion and wrote a poem to the teacher who was sick about :

"Good luck with your flu,
we miss you,
hope God doesn't tell
the devil to take you to hell.

It would have been seen in the same way the other one was and the student would be suspended as well.


I didn't say religion was taught in school... I said it was thrown in her face... learn to read...

THE FACT is the poem said nothing harmful to, or about the teacher and it was blown WAY out of proportion... and I bet the teacher would of took your poem and put it up on her refrigerator to show off, and been looked at as cute... if she was a holly roller... BUT she wasn't so she she was constantly frowned upon...

Religion is thrown into kids faces at the early ages or they wouldn't have Sunday school... better to get them while they are young so they don't have time to learn to think for themselves...

You can't have it both ways... It's okay to learn about the so-called God and Jesus at an early age, but TRUE history? No way!

BTW faith is not proof...

posted on Jun, 16 2012 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by sean
reply to post by SmArTbEaTz

Look up the definition of Govern. It's all about control.

Sad isn't it

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