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U.S. missiles infected with Chinese fakes

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posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by buster2010

Apparently Raytheon was not aware of the original source.
Not much of an excuse though.

"Returning all the money" would mean going out of business. Not really a good plan.

edit on 6/5/2012 by Phage because: (no reason given)

When they are using cheap imported parts on our weapons then they should go out of business. Everything we need for our weapon systems can be made in this country. This would help create jobs in our country simply because of demand.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by Jetman44
reply to post by MeesterB

The "Yes men" that bought these will be promoted..not fired. I worked for DoD for 16 years, the people that screwed up were promoted, the true workers were bullyied into working harder by the same people that got promoted. The union never works for the true worker but for supervision.

And I worked for an offshoot of an offshoot of them, a subdivision contracted by both the government and civilian authorities with no union present. An outfit called Crestron Electronics which makes some Very expensive touch screen interfaces. I started out at the bottom and all around me I saw asskisser after asskisser promoted over the years. The lowest workers there were blamed for Every screwup, despite being Told exactly what to do by their supervisors. I spoke the truth, told it like it was, and I paid for it by being framed and fired. A real bunch of two-faced scumbags. They even had the local police escort me off of the premises, it was such a setup job. Instant termination of my medical insurance, no severance pay, nothing.

The company's doing great though, always advertising for new employees. Because the old ones don't last, the ones who don't Whore that is!

edit on 5-6-2012 by CaptainLJB because: Captain's Log, Supplemental...

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:07 PM
Here is the way it works. I know because we just dealt with this exact kind of situation at my job.

There are certain circuitry boards that you can not get anywhere else in the world anymore because they are only made in China(Fact) it is a very unfortunate fact though. A developer or Contracting company making a product for the US government can use more than 50% Chinese made products in their products they develop and sell to the Government. Sad but true. It did not use to be that way. It use to be all American parts or no dice. Thanks corporations and dirty politicians.
edit on 6/5/2012 by CaptGizmo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:30 PM
Backdoors are everywhere. If you have Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8, you're already backdoored. Not everyone know that. Thanks to Microsoft and the NSA
It's called the Sticky Keys Backdoor.

edit on 5-6-2012 by D1ss1dent because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by D1ss1dent

God i hated StickyKey's

im a gamer,,along with ALL the other gamers,, of course,,kiddies,,lol
what did they expect??,,,,ohhhh grrrr. lol

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by bjarneorn

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000
I'm not going to argue with your assessment, i agree with you. I have a feeling that the U.S. either already has been sold out from underneath us without our knowledge, or it's in the process of being sold out from underneath of us without our knowledge.

You should put en emphasis on the word was in your context ... and now that you do know, what do you think you can do about it?

Absolutely nothing is what i can do about it.

Be a shame to see this land change owners hands twice.

My ancestors would be rolling over in their burial mounds.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

You're descended from the Mound-Building Giants? Quick, go to this thread

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLJB
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

You're descended from the Mound-Building Giants? Quick, go to this thread

Native American.

Try again.

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 03:12 PM
The US has to get it's defense hardware from elsewhere. the US has no rare earth mine production. China heavily restricts the export of theirs. So instead of having to buy the resources to build the parts at home at an inflated cost, off shore is the only option.

In fact the US is so pissed at this they are trying to take China to court (WTO) over it. I'm sure this will add more fuel to that fire.

Here is a great report on REM's from Sept 2011 by the Congressional research service. I suggest you read it to see what's coming in the future. All our wonderful electronics are going to be unattainable. Better get used to books and bored games.


posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Nspekta

"Made in China" .... no surprise! lol I had to say it and i'm sure someone else already has.

Seriously though this is abit of a worry if this was deliberate... actually very worrying!

Considering that many companies, business and manufacturing is partly or wholly government owned, they have control over the parts and quality etc.

Could they have known what the parts and components were intended for? The specific military applications for each chip or component etc?

That would be hard... as a manufacturer of certain components, they would not have been told where the parts were going.

So if this was done on purpose, the question should be how did they know which parts sabotage, that is a worry!!

Although this all depends on whether it was done on purpose or just a fault in manufacturing or a bad batch so to speak.

Then we have to ask, if this was done on purpose.... WTF!

One thing that scares me about China is that they are growing so rapidly in wealth and economically. Then in military might and power....

What ambitions do they have when it comes to the world stage? Is there something we don't know?

There is next to know news coming out of China unless you go looking for it and even then there isn't much compared to other large countries with so much media etc.

I sometimes get the feeling that China could become 21st century version of Japan and what happened in WW2.

Just look at it, they came out of nowhere and took everyone by surprise and caused alot of damage.

Even though Japan and China are worlds apart and not connected, I still think there would be alot of animosity about how WW2 ended exactly... Sleeping dragons

With all the tensions between the US and China and they both have such different views on politics etc... I think it's a ticking time bomb.

Before the beginning every great war in history people and public always thought the previous great war would be the last or that "it wouldn't happen to them" in their lifetime.

You never know what is around the corner...

When I hear news like this it just worries me... If it turns out to be an honest manufacturing mistake then that will be good news! I just hope there is nothing more sinister going on!!

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 06:50 PM
Calm down people

There is obviously a game being played here, i wonder what parts the US or other Western country's have sold to China that hasn't been detected, its obviously routine to check parts imported from China and other potential enemies, China has pretty much been caught red handed, The West now knows its intentions, and can make better judgements in future

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by Nspekta
I have said before that if somehow the Chinese have written some sort of code that allows them to backdoor into these chips they could cause huge defensive gaps!
Looks like it could be possible?

Ed Dames talked about this a while back on coast to coast, looks like he was right yet again. I don't recall exactly what he said, but that in times of a war they could trigger the device to fail. Why would you buy critical parts from your enemy, I will never understand...

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors
Serves us right for buying more chinese products. WHEN WILL WE LEARN!!!!!!!!

They cant even make a decent CAN-OPENER.

You got that right. I have 3 electric can openers and 4 hand crank can openers and I still have to pull out the P-38 from time to time

As for why so many can openers in th first place it seems that different can makers need different can openers

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by fixer1967

"#ing Ridiculous Eating Device"

and that is why we luv Aussie's,,,lol thanks for spilled

posted on Jun, 5 2012 @ 09:31 PM

WASHINGTON – Fake electronic components from China have been discovered in thermal weapons sights delivered to the U.S. Army on mission computers for the Missile Defense Agency’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, missiles and on military aircraft, including several models of helicopters and the P-8A-Poseidon, according to federal investigators. Suspected electronic parts were found in the Forward Looking InfraRed, or FLIR, Systems being used on the Navy’s

Now you know how Iran was able to bring down that drone, and this is treason.,

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by yellowbeard

Originally posted by theRhenn

Why in the 9 hells would anyone, much less a coutry as powerful as the US, BUY PARTS AND WEAPONS FROM POTENTUAL ENEMIES!!!

The way the usa behaves EVERY country is a potential enemy, I mean, what sort of arsehole nation would eagerly sell their "closest allies" Apache helicopters, but then refuse to supply the software to allow them to be flown

Your country is rapidly running out of friends to help you out, the day is coming when your president will call for help and no one will answer

Ummm I agree the government of the US is srewed up but...

If we as a country, need another country's help... Then I'm sorry to say... There isnt a damn thing any other country will be able to do anyways. Especially if it's so bad that we NEED another country to step it... You can bet your ass that it wont matter either way. If someones gotta step in, the whole world is already burning and no one will be alive later to help anyways.

I honestly dont believe that any other country could help us with anything we cant already do ourselves. The only reason other countries are involved when we go to war, is because we obviously dont want the world thinking we're the only tyrants...

ps... we're not. You're country, just like everyone elses, is JUST as jacked up.

dont even bother pointing your finger our way. If your country was any better, you'd be in headlines right now, and we'd probably be taking over your silly asses right now, to boot.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 04:25 AM
reply to post by theRhenn

Ah, another one who believe the propaganda factory called Hollywood makes historical and factual documentaries

We've had our go in the game of empires (and a big and long lasting one it was too) and have seen what the outcome ALWAYS is, the conquered lands always start off bringing wealth and prosperity to the conqueror but eventually the tide changes and the money starts to flow the other way and it ends up costing more than you ever gained from it, eventually bankrupting and ruining the ruling nation.
If your country decides to go to war with China I'm pretty sure our governments response would be "Ah so, we velly velly solly but Blitish nation too busy to go to war today, ask again for next war"
(many apologies for the bad Charlie Chan impression)

Now if I was ruling a nation (lets give a fictional example called Jaina) I wouldn't want to invade the USA, it's too big an area to take in one bite so I'd want to take it slowly by finding ways to,

A; neutralise any space based technological advantage, maybe by shooting out communications, weaponised and spy satellites (does anybody know a nation who have proved they can do that ?)

B; neutralise any ground and air based technological advantage, maybe by supplying doctored electronic components for these systems (does anybody know a nation who have supplied the USA with these sort of components ?)

C; stealthily gain port facilities and other staging areas to utilise as forward supply bases in the USA

D; Get in communication with any surrounding nations who might have longstanding grudges and territorial disputes with the USA and offer to help them regain the disputed territory in exchange for their co-operation.

E; Get in communication with any and all dissident, marginalised and radicalised groups or "minority" races and offer them weapons, logistical and tactical support and above all THEIR OWN AUTONOMOUS NATION in part of what is currently known as the USA.

You wouldn't need to conquer the USA as a whole to defeat it, all you need to do is break it up into smaller nations that are grateful to you for your assistance in gaining freedom and bingo. the usa no longer exists to be a threat to your national stability and you still have trading partners to deal with

But thankfully for your country Jaina doesn't exist and surely we don't know of any nation that could be that patient and sneaky.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by yellowbeard
reply to post by theRhenn

Ah, another one who believe the propaganda factory called Hollywood makes historical and factual documentaries

We've had our go in the game of empires (and a big and long lasting one it was too) and have seen what the outcome ALWAYS is, the conquered lands always start off bringing wealth and prosperity to the conqueror but eventually the tide changes and the money starts to flow the other way and it ends up costing more than you ever gained from it, eventually bankrupting and ruining the ruling nation.
If your country decides to go to war with China I'm pretty sure our governments response would be "Ah so, we velly velly solly but Blitish nation too busy to go to war today, ask again for next war"
(many apologies for the bad Charlie Chan impression)

Now if I was ruling a nation (lets give a fictional example called Jaina) I wouldn't want to invade the USA, it's too big an area to take in one bite so I'd want to take it slowly by finding ways to,

A; neutralise any space based technological advantage, maybe by shooting out communications, weaponised and spy satellites (does anybody know a nation who have proved they can do that ?)

B; neutralise any ground and air based technological advantage, maybe by supplying doctored electronic components for these systems (does anybody know a nation who have supplied the USA with these sort of components ?)

C; stealthily gain port facilities and other staging areas to utilise as forward supply bases in the USA

D; Get in communication with any surrounding nations who might have longstanding grudges and territorial disputes with the USA and offer to help them regain the disputed territory in exchange for their co-operation.

E; Get in communication with any and all dissident, marginalised and radicalised groups or "minority" races and offer them weapons, logistical and tactical support and above all THEIR OWN AUTONOMOUS NATION in part of what is currently known as the USA.

You wouldn't need to conquer the USA as a whole to defeat it, all you need to do is break it up into smaller nations that are grateful to you for your assistance in gaining freedom and bingo. the usa no longer exists to be a threat to your national stability and you still have trading partners to deal with

But thankfully for your country Jaina doesn't exist and surely we don't know of any nation that could be that patient and sneaky.


What are you on about? Hollywood? Your wisecrackery has no basis on my "hollywood" style, duffus.

It's called reality and living life enough to see the world with my own 2 eyes.

"well your not a doctor or scientist..." so fing what... So my 40 years of living life does not qualify me to know the truth when I see it? Who the hell do you think you are? How many educated "scientists" and whoever/whatever are correct in their assumptions? All? Half? Why does half of the scientific community argue if they are so damn smart?

So how is that any diffrent than any other person on this planet? Just because I have a view on how I see it unfolding, doesnt mean I'm wrong... and it doesnt give you any worth or weight to try and throw some ignorant wordly spin on it to try to make me look like less of an intellectual.

As a matter of fact... you fit in with the rest of the bullies here that loves to pounce on peoples responces with nothing of worth to back it up other than just BS rederick.

I think I know what I'm talkin about. My stint in the millitary, the history that you're made to learn with it, and my 40+ years of life makes me a little more knowledgable than you would give credit for.

Ive watched the news over the years. I know whats comming from China. Ive seen the artcles.

Lead poisoning, poisoning in general, contaminations, chopped/backdoor routers and access points, hardware with backdoors, and thats not just software related from another company not china related.... That's just once instance that couldnt be pinned on them. There are dozens of news clips out there from the past 10 years that shows exactly what that country is capable of doing.

Any country outsourceing anything at all, is just damn stupid. Especially ones that outsource their millitary munitions and security.

Not happening? then you... are blind.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 05:03 AM
....and further more...

all this BS about... You're watching the news.. you're getting your sources from hollywood... you're being lied to..

Tell me this... How in the hell would you know the truth? Where are your sources? How are your sources any more credible? Are you some kind of god child that you know more than anyone else? Your choices are better than anyone else?

you guys blow my mind here. I honestly didnt realise there was this much ignorance in the world.

posted on Jun, 6 2012 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by neo96

WASHINGTON – Fake electronic components from China have been discovered in thermal weapons sights delivered to the U.S. Army on mission computers for the Missile Defense Agency’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, missiles and on military aircraft, including several models of helicopters and the P-8A-Poseidon, according to federal investigators. Suspected electronic parts were found in the Forward Looking InfraRed, or FLIR, Systems being used on the Navy’s

Now you know how Iran was able to bring down that drone, and this is treason.,

Except you don't know that and you just made it up so you could use rhetoric about 'treason'?

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