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Here Are The 5 Worst Places To Be When The Dollar Collapses

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+2 more 
posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:34 PM

1. Israel- This Anglo-American beach head into the Middle East was first conceived by the most powerful family in the world, the Rothschilds, in 1917. The Balfour Declaration said that there will be a Zionist Israel years before World War two and the eventual establishment of Israel. Israel has not been a good neighbor to its Muslim nations and has always had the two biggest bullies on the block at it’s back. When the dollar collapses, the United States will have too much on its plate both domestically and internationally to worry about such a non-strategic piece of land. This will leave Israel very weak at a time when tensions will be high. This very thin strip of desert land will not be able to with stand the economic reality of importing its food and fuel or the political reality of being surrounded by Muslims

I think this is a great assumption. I would not want to be in Israel if the dollar collapses, would you? I wonder how long it would take for Israel to crumble without the support of the U.S. I think they would put up a good fight for a few months, but after that would run out of supplies.

2. Southern California- The land of Fruits and Nuts turns into Battlefield Los Angeles. 20 million people packed into an area that has no water and thus food is not good to say the least. Throw on top of the huge wealth disparities and the proximity to a narco state and this does not bode well. We have seen riots for Rodney King, what will happen when the dollar is destroyed and food an fuel stop coming into this area. People will get desperate and do crazy things, especially when a huge proportion of its citizens are on anti depressants. If food and fuel cannot get in, what about Zoloft? At a time when people’s world are falling apart they lack the ability to deal with this new paradigm. If people come off of these drugs too fast they suffer psychotic breaks and you will have thousands of shootings or suicides.

This too is a good point. Essentially any major city, or surrounding area, would be a terrible place to be. Imagine the exodus of people heading out to the country in search of necessities. Small farm communities would be overrun within a matter of weeks. Disease would spread fast in a city if a lot of people tried to stay.

3. England- The Land of the Big Brother and former Empire of world wide slave and drug trade will suffer heavily. The stiff upper lip that their the British Elite ingrained into their sheeple will not work anymore as the British population explodes. The human character will sacrifice and unite for a foreign enemy,but not if the enemy has always been the Elite. The Anglo-American Empire may pull off another false flag to distract it’s population on another Emmanuel Goldstein like in 1984, but I feel this collapse will happen before they pull it off. This will make all eyes point at the British Elite as solely responsible for this catastrophe. We have seen massive riots for soccer matches with hooligans. What will happen when this island with very little food and fuel gets cut off?

I would not want to be on an isand, even of that size, with that many people. After the initial panic, they might stand a chance, being somewhat isolated on an island. This brings up another question to you, would you rather be in the U.S. or U.K. (if those were your only two choice) when the dollar collapses?

4. New York City- Another large urban area living too high on the dollar hog. NYC is the area I moved out of in 2008. There is little doubt that all of the wealth in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut is derivative off of Wall Street wealth. The savings and investments of the whole nation and much of the world flows through this financial capital. As the world wakes up to the massive financial fraud, this will lead to the destruction of capital like we have never seen before. This will have tremendous effects on the regional economy as people driving in Mercedes suddenly wonder where their next meal is coming from.

This would essentially be the same as L.A., except the first winter would wipe out a majority of the population without heat / electricity.

5. Washington D.C.- The political collapse of the Federal Government will wreck havoc on the hugely inflated local economy. As more and more states find it necessary to assert their natural control, the Federal Government will suddenly loose power and importance as the whole world suffers from a Global Hurricane Katrina. The money that they create and spend, will become worthless and the government minions pensions will evaporate. Millions that once relied on the ability to force others to send their money to them,will learn that the real power has always been at the most local level. Massive decentralization will be the answer to globalization gone mad. Local families and communities will forgo sending money and power out of their community, as they will care about their next meal and keeping warm.

This would be a very interesting scenario, especially if TPTB did not get out of town fast enough. It would be like throwing a baby lamb, with a broken leg into the middle of a pack of wolves. This might be the best reality show around of the five scenarios.

Business Insider

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:49 PM
Plus NYC is an island with only bridges and tunnels to the city. How are you going to grow your food? Confiscate part of central park and do that? Very bad thing because you are surrounded by high buildings and are easy target for snipers who want your potatoes.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:56 PM
I would venture to add that any large city would be a bad place....Also, any farms that are close to a city would be overrun rather quickly as desperate people fan out in search of water, food, and other things that they don't have anymore.

That is why we bought a country home that is 100 miles from the nearest town of any large size. For those desperate searchers who show up eventually, we are also stocked with guns and plenty of ammo. We wouldn't mind helping some people, but rabid gangs are another matter.

Most city people don't realize that every single little nondescript farmhouse out there usually has people inside who are armed and are not afraid to use their weapons.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Plus NYC is an island with only bridges and tunnels to the city. How are you going to grow your food? Confiscate part of central park and do that? Very bad thing because you are surrounded by high buildings and are easy target for snipers who want your potatoes.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:59 PM
those arent the worst places...they might be the catalysts,

all those people heading out in every direction in search of food and water might though....

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

Manhattan will be a ghost town. Ever been there after business hours? Pretty desolate. I bet Jersey would be much more dangerous.

+3 more 
posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:10 PM
Top 5 worst places to be when TSHTF?

1. Trying to bug out because you heard it was coming, and caught in traffic. See - what happens every time there is a hurricane.

2. Space. Imagine astronauts trying to get home afterwards.

3. In hospital, incapacitated due to recent surgery.

4. In the Oval Office. Likely President of the USA would take the brunt of the blame from rest of The World.

5. Tied to The Fan. It would be messy.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

Yes, astronauts would certainly have a very difficult time. That is a great point. Thanks for sharing

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
Top 5 worst places to be when TSHTF?

1. Trying to bug out because you heard it was coming, and caught in traffic. See - what happens every time there is a hurricane.

2. Space. Imagine astronauts trying to get home afterwards.

3. In hospital, incapacitated due to recent surgery.

4. In the Oval Office. Likely President of the USA would take the brunt of the blame from rest of The World.

5. Tied to The Fan. It would be messy.

Ahhh..number 3...the beginning of every great zombie/apocalyptic movie

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 08:21 PM
These are comments by a patently ignorant and not very intelligent person. What does he know about England? I live there and his comments leave me scratching my head. I think you have posted a filler article, some nonsense written to pad out a website. The collapse of the dollar is a possibility of course, but I wouldn't consult that website for analysis.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by SteveR
These are comments by a patently ignorant and not very intelligent person. What does he know about England? I live there and his comments leave me scratching my head. I think you have posted a filler article, some nonsense written to pad out a website. The collapse of the dollar is a possibility of course, but I wouldn't consult that website for analysis.

You seem to have taken an insult to the way that he portrayed the British.

I AM English (Although living in Canada 20+ yrs now) and take no offense, but I prefer my 5 suggestions posted earlier

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 11:41 PM
When the dollar collapses the Euro or the CYN will become the world currency.

Why do you think Europe is bailing out greece? it's not to save greece, it's to show the world europe will save the euro currency no matter what, to prove its a safe bet to become the new world currency.

If that doesn't work, the Chinese currency will.

America will be the only place that collapses. As it will be owned by China.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by dmsuse
Why do you think Europe is bailing out greece? it's not to save greece, it's to show the world europe will save the euro currency no matter what, to prove its a safe bet to become the new world currency.

It's because they know if they don't and Greece takes a quick trip down the drain, they will all follow.

Originally posted by dmsuse
America will be the only place that collapses. As it will be owned by China.

Don't bet on it.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by yourmaker
those arent the worst places...they might be the catalysts,

all those people heading out in every direction in search of food and water might though....

Heading out how? By the time they decide they need to head out of the city for food and water they will have no fuel. Those that prepared will head out right away most likely to a retreat or relatives. The only folks heading out will be who ever is left standing and they will have to find fuel and decent vehicles which will be scarce and even if they do they won;t get far, no more then an hour or so. There won't be very many fanning out and supposed gangs will most likely be the last ones standing and ill prepared to fan out and look for food and water.

Most of the stupid people will kill each other off fighting over food water and fuel... Hey this sounds like it might not be a bad thing ...

edit on 24-5-2012 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

If you consider it a little more, every land which is not naturally an environment hospitable for mankind will be a bad place. not right after the collapse, but(for example) the desertlands of the us will turn themselves into desert once again, when irrigation becomes too hard to maintain.

If you count my opinion, I'd say that everywhere in the US, people will have a rough time once the balloon goes boom. If I lived there, I'd get out as fast as I can. Don't want to sound like an ass, but maybe it is time to leave the continent of america(?) you know, mexico and canada will follow if the States fall. One way or another. Rural areas in Europe and Asia won't have much of a problem if it all falls. I live two kilometres from a forest stretching out far far away. If it all goes to the crapper, I still will be able to hunt and fend for myself. I couldn't do that in America. Sooner or later, some kind of military would catch you(plus the other mentals killing each other for a bag of tincans). Here, nobody will ever find me if I wish so. But it is your country. You know the best. Just don't count on four wheels. That ain't ever works. Perhaps learn to produce gunpowder, invent in a muzzleloader, or get a crossbow. Eventually(if you plan on living that far) you will run out of ammo too. Still easier to melt off lead and make ammo, and make your own powder.
One thing is certain though. It is not far.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by Narcissous

there are countless places that would be invisible to air surveillance and remote enough to give you the edge if you were staying there, the state of Utah alone has huge wide areas of canyonland with mountain ranges and areas such as Zion and arches, not to mention four corners,the grand canyon areas, Nevada itself is a massive wilderness in the central and northern parts, heck there is the Rockies, and the farther north you go the more remote, actually one of the largest standing forests in the world starts in America and stretches into northern Canada. Cannibal anti-depressant craving lunatics are not going to be hiking 100 miles into rough canyon wilderness with no food or water without knowing whats on the other side!

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by SUICIDEHK45

Yet more fear/doomsday scenarios from people with nothing better to write about (the source, not the OP).

Their suggestion of people in NY/NJ/CT being wiped out after one winter is hilarious. Does the author even know what the hell they're talking about?

What the author does not consider is that people tend to band together in SHTF situations. There are the looters/mobs/rioters and then there are those who are resourceful and respectful in such a situation. Which group will you be part of? I'm hoping to be a part of the latter.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by FissionSurplus

What kind of statement is that?

Do you automatically assume that all city residents are vultures that will steal your food?

Where's the sense of community at this place?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by SteveR

I have to agree.

This kind of crap will not help people to make rational decisions. It will only scare (trick?) them into leaving said places. Then what? Another article listing 5 MORE places not to be?

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 04:20 AM
I'll either be in the shower or on the toilet. That where I am when I get an important phone call.

Why would the end of world be any different?

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