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all religions have the right to exist without persicution

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posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:08 PM
just as all people are created equal,
all religions have the right to exist without persicution
we are all equal
how we pray and act in life should be free from persicution
no one should be persicuted for there religion nor the colour of their skin
people from different countries should be free from relifgious persicution just as people of different race should be free from persicution

we are ALL equal

edit to add,
including all people weather religious or not,
EVERY PERSON should be free from persicution

edit on 21-5-2012 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:12 PM
Lead by example then.

That should be clear as to why religious people are belittled so much these days.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

While this is absolutely true and I will never block someone from practicing their religion, as long as they are doing NO HARM and not using it to breed hatred, that also means that people should be free FROM religion, as well.

And that seems to be something entirely different.

Being non-religious seems to carry with it a heavy price in the amount of abuse you're open to by the religious of the world.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:34 PM
They all lose their right to exist.....

When they decide killing others is a fundamental part of their religion.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:39 PM
I agree to a certain extent as in it would be great if that could happen. But what about when someone's religion tells them that they are to kill off an entire race of people? Or that they are to treat a specific gender less than themselves? Or that anyone who isn't them should be killed, converted or worse? What then?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 05:49 PM
There is a distinct difference between belief and practice. People can believe what they want, but abusive and/or harmful practices should not be allowed.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:45 PM
Do you believe satanism should not be persecuted? Luciferianism? Aryanism?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by lobotomizemecapin
Do you believe satanism should not be persecuted? Luciferianism? Aryanism?

Aryanism is a religion now?

As for luciferianism and satanism and etc, yes, they have every right, in America at least, to practice their religion without persecution, as long as they are following the rule of law.

To think otherwise completely eliminates the whole reason America was founded, right?

And that extends, honestly, to anywhere in the world, because it really is a basic human right to be free to do what they wish, within the rule of law.

Let me turn the question and ask this to you:
Why SHOULD they be persecuted? What harm have they done to you? If it's something personal, then that is a personal vendetta against a specific individuals or group of individuals and, therefore, NOT about the group as a whole. Just crazy people, of which there are many, in every group out there, and in every religion.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

I agree with your post, very well said. I believe that all people should be free to practice as they wish without fear of persecution. If we all believe in a GOD which gave us free will, why do people appear to think they know better than GOD? I do not understand such a mindset.

(I believe even atheists believe in free will, although for them it is not GOD given.)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:16 PM
do no harm,
do not persicute others
all are equal

free will is aceptence of inate intelligence, we all have it and should be free to express it as long as "do no harm" is followed

free will means to me that all people are free to seek happyness in their lives without persicution within the limits of do no harm,


posted on May, 21 2012 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
do no harm,
do not persicute others
all are equal

free will is aceptence of inate intelligence, we all have it and should be free to express it as long as "do no harm" is followed

free will means to me that all people are free to seek happyness in their lives without persicution within the limits of do no harm,


Good way to be, honestly.

I live by 3 "rules" that I gave myself a long time ago.

1 Everyone has the free will to do as they wish, any time they wish, with anything thing wish.
Rule 2 is that you cannot, with your free will expression, cause harm or interfere with anyone elses free will in any way. This prevents things like stealing, for instance... if you steal from me, you're interfering in my free will to choose not to have my items taken.
Rule 3 is to always take responsibility for your actions. Wether you screw up or do something awesome, it's your responsibility to recieve the consequences, no one else's.

I think if everyone adopted those 3, it'd be a nicer place to be lol

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:28 AM
All the religions stem from a number of pre-flood based tribes and communities, even cities. I really don't see how anyone of them should be tolerated if all they do is provide us with very different moral guidelines that will conflict with each other so long as one holds faith in that system. Dismiss/ban and destroy all religion.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:53 AM
Who is persecuting you or your religion?

Are you in United States?

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 03:09 AM
I agree completely, only because they are all equally ridiculous.
You have multiple religious groups claiming that their way is the only way and if you don't follow what they say to believe than you will end up somewhere other than a perfect paradise. This means you could be the nicest, most giving, loving person in the entire world...but if you do not accept whatever the certain religion is, you are screwed. Makes me
and sometimes

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. -Seneca the Younger

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 04:51 AM
Yes I agree, we all should be equal... Except gays and Jews and Atheists????? Hypocrisy at its finest......

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:45 AM
They are as equal as all people and free to choose as we all are.
We don't have to agree with their choices as they don't with us.
They should certainly be respected at the very least for being so faithful to their faith and loved for that, a lot of us have not been so faithful to any one idea for the length of time they have and I am truly sorry for being so blind and stupid for so long.

I still don't truly know, and that's okay, but I have faith in myself and what I've learnt from this life so far, if I'm unsure I will turn to the ones I love and whom love me too, to help me work it out, wouldn't you?

There are four great religions on this planet and it's about time they all sat down together to help map all our futures, that's if, they want to be part of it.........the future that is...........because there is one.
Not to make our decisions for us, but offer assistance if we respectfully ask for it.

Repeating a violent history though, should never be the first port of call. I don't understand why anyone/anything would want that.
They have all done much good along with much harm as much as the rest of us in our own ways I'm sure....that is only my opinion though, so where do you go from there?
Are you really allowed to forgive yourself and make amends (try your best)? Can the simple act of forgiving someone change anything? Gosh I hope so.
I think pointing the finger at any one thing they may have done right/wrong is not constructive for any one, they made their decisions based on what they knew. It's well past time to be honest.

The thing I have come to realise, as someone who wanted to believe there was something/someone more, but wasn't entirely sure what, is there is a ONE who created all this for us out of love. Some days it may not seem the case, but if you look closely all the signs are there, everywhere.

I very sparingly used the word hate growing up, I didn't want to hate any thing, it's always felt wrong.
You can't have one without the other, can you?
I don't know...
We are not drones (no offence to drones) we are individual multi layered thinkers, given that right by the one who created us
to allow us to learn love and hate and every expression in between. I am grateful for that.

So if I hate anything, it's inequality and non compassion, actually that's a lie.......sorry.
It just hurts, I don't want to hate anyone/anything. Hard to love sometimes, but never hated, kind of in between :/

Please remember before you pass judgement on someone else (you live in that same glass house) they are all our brothers and sisters and like bickering children (just as we all have been and are still sometimes) they sometimes just need a hug too and told they are just as special as every one else, now go back to the sand pit and please try to play nicer.

As a mother I quite often say to my kids, 'don't make me have to tell you again!' do you know how many chances they get?!?!!
As many as they need, I can't help myself
sometimes though, they will get a smack for reinforcement.

I always have faith in man, even on his worst day. I hope he has faith in me as a woman too as I know my husband does.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by XPLodER
just as all people are created equal,
all religions have the right to exist without persicution
we are all equal
how we pray and act in life should be free from persicution
no one should be persicuted for there religion nor the colour of their skin
people from different countries should be free from relifgious persicution just as people of different race should be free from persicution

we are ALL equal

edit to add,
including all people weather religious or not,
EVERY PERSON should be free from persicution

edit on 21-5-2012 by XPLodER because: (no reason given)

Your right that all people should be free from of persicution. Also from religons that are caught up in duality views. Knowledge is supposed to evolve. Fundamentalism is not the way and only leeds to stagnation. Religons should be questionen on their devine message and if it is not devine scrapped for the smallmindeness it is. True hate/fear is wrong and love/responsability/harmony is right. Religons have no right to not be questioned if they preach ingnorance/stupidety and duality and ego parasitic ways. I have my own view of god and my view might only have one follower. But only because I am one do not mean I am wrong and one of the big religons are more right than my view. Numbers do not make a view correct and sometimes followers do not understand what they are following. I do not say a certain religon do not have spiritual knowledge. I say that all knowledge should be questioned logicly and see if they fit the real thing behind all religons.

I hope that soon there will be no need for religon. Since the knowledge will be out in the open and the thruth will be seen by all. Religon and science is views of the all/god/source/universe. But some people have a better enlightened view than others and understand more than others due to their real life experiances. Enjoy the ride if you want to. Namaste

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

Makes sense since for the most part they are ALL seeking a BRIGHTER PATH of existence theu the darkness. Nice

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

There should also be space for MORE learning and education allowed.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:58 PM
I agree that no religion should be persecuted, but the unfortunate truth is that many use their religion TO persecute others/other religions. So yes, we should be respectful, but the religious community also needs a massive overhaul.

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