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Homosexuality, Autism and Gene Therapy

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:13 PM
For the last few years there has been a lot of discussion regarding "curing" autism. Being autistic myself, I find it highly offensive, I don't believe I need to be cured. Recently, there has been a lot of discussion regarding religious groups which attempt to "cure" homosexuality through counseling and many people find that offensive. While we don't really know what causes homosexuality (or autism), there are those who claim that it is genetic (rather than being a choice). Let us assume for the moment that homosexuality is genetic, the question now comes, if we could "cure" homosexuality with gene therapy, would it be the right thing to do?

I need to make a couple of things clear. Firstly, I don't care is someone is homosexual. Secondly, this is not about autism or homosexuality, it is about something more fundamental. It is about changing human nature through medical methods. If you believe it is okay to "cure" autism through stem cell therapy, do you think it is okay to cure homosexuality through the same methods? If you believe homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, if you knew your unborn child was going to be homosexual, would you "cure" them with gene therapy before they were even born?

As for my answer, I don't believe stem cell modifications on people is good and if I knew my child was going to be autistic or homosexual, I would not use gene therapy to "fix" them. I believe in free will. I ask people to be considerate in their answers to this thread.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

I think what you say makes perfect sense and I admire your view and can only agree
Well said

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:47 PM
Growing up with my best friend,it was crystal clear very early on(we met on our first school day,and since then became inseparable)that he was gay.Later as adults we have talked about when he "became" gay,when was the defining moment,he said there never was.He was attracted to men since he knew about himself.But that is exactly what makes him what he is.At risk to be politically incorrect,his gayness contributes a great deal to his personality and makes him so special.To "cure" a homosexual would be like taking a healthy person and making them handicapped .I beleive no homosexual wants to be cured out of his/hers homosexuality.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by adnachiel21

Dear adnaciel21,

But do you feel the same about autism? Are there personalities that you would cure with gene modification and if so what are they?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by adnachiel21

Many years ago before computers I watched a TV programme about this very subject.
A homosexual was being given treatment to "Cure" him
I was very young at the time but is just seemed so wrong,
He was made to sit in a chair with images of women and men shown to him
Every time a mans image came up he was given an electric shock but not so for a womans image.
I felt so sorry for him for even though I was young I understood that other people had made him think there was something wrong with him.
I thought attitudes had changed in our modern times how sadly wrong I am for there is the same closed mindedness and lack of acceptance there was 40 years ago.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

Dear artistpoet,

Well said. Personally, I credit my mother with accepting me for who I am and helping me to understand and manage my personality rather than trying to make me fake normal. Peace and a star.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

I have a brother who has severe Autism - It began after his MMR Vaccine.
Up till then he was developing as normal but then regressed.
I believe in my brothers case that Vaccine was the cause
Though I know Autism occurs naturally also
If I could turn back time I would have insisted that he not have the vaccine
I am sorry but I do not trust the Big Pharmaceutical Company's

However Autism comes in many shades and you seem a perfect bright and intelligent person to me
How does your Autism affect you?

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

Dear artistpoet,

The essence of autism is an inability to handle too much sensory input and an inability to understand social cues. I dislike being in crowds, too much noise and the standard things that bother us. There are also certain rituals that feel compulsive at times. When I was younger I stuttered and had facial ticks; but, I was able to overcome those unless I am under extreme stress. Annoyances to be sure but not debilitating. I find the benefits far outweigh the problems that I overcame. Peace.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

First, there is a VERY wide range of autism. There is a LOT known about autism and all it's variants, unlike homosexuality. For me, the answer isn't a simple one, because I believe that autism unlocks certain parts of the brain, (or connects parts that normally aren't connected), while it locks up other parts, to varying degrees. From this, we get Savants who are geniuses, but cannot function in society as normal people do...I believe they are gifts to us. I think, in this case, we need to do far more studies as to how we can unlock the locked parts, while keeping those other specially developed areas open. So to this, I say yes and no. Yes, to more research. No, to gene therapy UNTIL they know which things to turn on and off for sure.

Second, homosexuality is not proven to be genetic. My philosophy on this issue is more from an eastern approach. It is my belief that homosexuality stems from a block 2nd chakra, and that is all. (Please don't flame me...I'm simply repeating wisdom that is far older than I am, and it's not done out of hate.) But let me say this: most of humanity's problems stem from blocked chakras, period. Homosexuality is but just ONE of those.

1st chakra: located at the base of the spine. When out of balance - we feel insecure, lost, and never seem to get what we need. We find it difficult to eliminate food from our body. From constipation and hemorrhoids to excess weight, among other things.

2nd chakra: located at the sexual organs. When out of balance, it can cause one to be terribly frigid or grossly oversexed. If we dwell totally in this center we can develop sexual abnormalities. From rape to molestation, from being gay to making love with animals.

3rd chakra: located at our naval and connects to our adrenal glands. Gives us fire and power to achieve in life. If this connection is not balanced with the sensitivity of our Heart Connection, then we become a madman full of rage, hatred, and greed. If this point is functioning well - we fill our life with strength and vitality and feel alive. If not - we feel sick, weak, and dead to the world.

4th chakra: located at the chest center, and called the heart chakra. It connects to our thymus gland. If this center is not balanced, we may find ourselves in a cold world of self-pity, self-commiseration, and self-denial. An overworked bleeding heart can cause cardio-vascular problems and weaken the thymus gland, which controls our immune system. People who lack an open heart chakra also lack compassion.

5th chakra: located at the throat and connects to the thyroid gland, which aid in purifying the blood. If we always speak truth, our words become true. It's called vach siddhi, also known as "the power of the word." Yogi Bhajan says: "The highest most effective energy on this planet is the word." In a book called "Energy Maps, A Journey Through The Chakras," it says: "One who enters the 5th chakra becomes master of his entire self." It's through our words that we command. It's through the element of etherthat we create. When blocked, the symptoms can include thyroid and throat issues, among other things.

6th chakra: located at the brow, connected to the pituitary gland. Its actual name is the Ajna (Ah-jah-nah) Chakra, meaning to perceive. Have you ever had psychic experiences like precognition or clairvoyance? What about intuition? It gives us the insight to see and command. If we are fat, can we see ourselves thin? If working correctly, we can become thin by simple - creative visualization. It's the command center to command all the other glands and chakras.

7th chakra: located at the top of the head, and connected to our pineal gland. It's labeled the THOUSAND PETALED LOTUS, because each petal represents one thought. Our brain can produce 1000 thoughts in the wink of an eye- can we let go, and go beyond all the thoughts? When the Kundalini enters this center of consciousness, then we go beyond all thoughts, and into a state of Indescribable Wisdom and Being - called Wahey Guru.

8th chakra: located above the head, it is called our "container", or aura. It extends outwards from our body, up to nine feet. It blocks out what is negative and lets in what is positive. When Kundalini flows fully into this chakra - IT WILL BALANCE OUT ALL THE CHAKRAS - as it comes back to rest in our Navel Center. At that moment, we truly become ENLIGHTENED.

Source - one of many that are available online

I can honestly say, I have a few imbalances, so I do not stand in judgment! The 1st step to finding out if this is fact is to consider it could be true, and then seek balance. Gene therapy is a moot point. The question is whether or not people desire to be has nothing to do with sexual preference. When we are unbalanced, we desire things that continue to keep us unbalanced. (i.e., unhealthy foods, addictions of all sorts, etc.)
edit on 20-5-2012 by Gseven because: content

edit on 20-5-2012 by Gseven because: included source link

edit on 20-5-2012 by Gseven because: content

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

Thank you for your reply
I am pleased you have a loving Mother who has helped you and well done to you also for being a well rounded and good person. I wish you well

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

If a person feels complete the why he/she was born,there is no way that anyone should intervene and change something against the desire of that person.I don't know anyone who is autistic,and I know very little about autism,but I am strong beleiver that we should let nature take it's course.Maybe humanity is not as homogenous as we like to think,there is a reason that some people are born with their brains functioning in a different way,maybe they can see things the rest of us can't even percept.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

I think that in ancient times people were not as close minded as today,people who were different where worshiped and deemed holy and special,and I think homosexuals where accepted for what they truly are,a natural human state,same as heterosexuals.
One of the things that pisses me off to no end is when teachers in elementary force left-handed children to use their right hand,like being left-handed is some bad habit they need to drop.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by AQuestion

As for my answer, I don't believe stem cell modifications on people is good and if I knew my child was going to be autistic or homosexual, I would not use gene therapy to "fix" them. I believe in free will. I ask people to be considerate in their answers to this thread.

If you function independently at a level you are comfortable with - - - then its no one else's business.

Homosexuals are normal - - unless there is a secondary issue.

Autism has degrees of functionality.

I support the opportunity of treatment for those who do not function independently.

I support the opportunity of treatment for any legal adult who chooses it.

I DO NOT support medicating children just because they don't fit the middle ground of acceptable.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

A professor of mine once said...

"we are a third born, a third made and a third we make ourselves"

There may be genetic predisposition in both cases...
...also environmental, nurturing, nutrirional factors on mother and child...
...and there are also choices.

I don't think either case is reversible unless all three can be reversed.
edit on 20/5/12 by troubleshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

many diseases are genetic, yet we attempt to cure them. just because something is in your genes does not mean it is beneficial or "natural".

if there were "cures" for autism and homosexuality, it should be up to the person whether or not to use them. personally i don't know who i'd be without asperger's syndrome, and it does have some cognitive benefits, but my heart goes out to lower functioning people who are in a world of pain and confusion. i wouldn't want a "cure" but they need one. some homosexuals wish to be straight, and if the means existed, then it should be up to them.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by adnachiel21
reply to post by artistpoet

I think that in ancient times people were not as close minded as today,people who were different where worshiped and deemed holy and special,and I think homosexuals where accepted for what they truly are,a natural human state,same as heterosexuals.
One of the things that pisses me off to no end is when teachers in elementary force left-handed children to use their right hand,like being left-handed is some bad habit they need to drop.

I hated school in my day - A lot of teachers were bullys
I was ridiculed for daydreaming - so much just floated over my head
I was told that I could not be an Artist and should seek a "proper job"
I was a working class kid who asked awkward questions and in the end had to find my own answers
I just did not fit in nor did I want to fit in
I was a most stubborn child and I thank that child I was for being so
Yes it is beyond ridiculous to get a left handed child to use their right
They used to say being left handed was a sign of the devil
So much about society is just plain silly
You have to be who you know you naturally are and walk you own path

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by AQuestion

I find it offensive putting Autism in the same sentence as Homosexuality!

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by adnachiel21

think that in ancient times people were not as close minded as today,people who were different where worshiped and deemed holy and special

humans haven't changed one bit since ancient times. just as brutal, foolish, and unforgiving.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by AQuestion

I find it offensive putting Autism in the same sentence as Homosexuality!

Dear bluemirage5,

I find it offensive that some people view either of them as a disease.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 08:28 PM
You can't cure my gayness, it isn't a disease

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