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Something very unnerving & strange happened last night. Please read!!!

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posted on May, 21 2012 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by unknownsoldier69
The idea of it being aliens is irrational.

Oh why is that unknown soldier? Aliens do not exist?

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:22 PM
I don't know what happened in your area. I live in South Alabama near the coast. I've read many stories of strange goings on in many other states and I believe your story. Please keep us all posted and pay no mind to the rude skeptics here!

Good luck with your findings.

edit on 21-5-2012 by Tusker because: Forgot to sign it.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by Gwampo
pretty stars and flags though.. whats that? nothing came of this?


good grief. EVERY SINGLE post that gets a decent amount of attention has to get the standard ATS "you're lying for stars and flags" comment. as if people actually care about stars and flags.... ironically the rude comments that claim the OP is just trying to get stars and flags GET STARS AND FLAGS.

back to the OP.... i would go nuts trying to figure out what the heck happened. i googled but didn't find any news of it. it must be something the authorities don't want people to be aware of.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Dude close all your tabs and let it go already. This one is as gone as the thunder storm that knocked out your power.

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by unknownsoldier69

If your going to come to ats and role play you could atleast make your replies interesting and/or entertaining...

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by Feltrick

-I'm going to throw this out there since I don't believe it was asked.

I don't believe you have even bothered reading a page and a half of posts...

-Was there any weather activity in your area? Specifically in the area of the flashes and bangs? Could this be a simple thunderstorm that knocked out a power station vice Solar Flare or Aliens v. Gov't?

The weather was warm, clear, maybe a little hazy (page 1)

-Not trying to debunk your claims but I've heard distant thunder that sounded a lot like artillery fire.

obviously not trying to discredit the guy, thats why you read the op and follow up posts and made an informed post yourself...

-Again, just asking as this question has yet to be asked.

The weather was warm, clear, maybe a little hazy (again answered on page 1)

Not trying to make you feel/look stupid, you did that yourself...

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by intrptr

I would think he was talking about his cell phone not having service. He did mention in another reply that he still had power on his phone, just no service.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Dorkenheimer
reply to post by intrptr

I would think he was talking about his cell phone not having service. He did mention in another reply that he still had power on his phone, just no service.

I got that about his cell. The clock function still works when there is no service. Like a wrist watch still works when the power is out. The part I questioned was his "official" timeline having been roused from sleep and all.

Thunder storm=lightning=power outage=equals frightened dog=restless night with dreams and confusion. Then the choppers fly up and down the power lines trying to find the damage. Duh duh duh duuuh...

3:10 am This is weird.
3:55 am this is really really weird.



posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by chrismicha77

I'm not try to explain away your experience but, I had a similar experience when an electrical transformer blew up a mile or so away from my house. Scared the bejeesus out of me....not to be crude but, I nearly wet myself

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 11:27 AM
One thing is for sure, if there were truly anti-aircraft weapons going off, helicopters and all that jazz.. there would definitely be SOME kind of news or witness reports.. AA weapons are anything BUT descrete.. throw choppers into the mix, loss of power and cell service and you're bound to have a town of curious people speaking up, taking pictures, posting blogs and youtube videos.

I'm going with a transformer as well.. When we had an ice storm two winters ago, there were transformers blowing left and right.. then a substation went up.. it sounded like a battle.. but even then it was in the news the next day.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by miniatus
One thing is for sure, if there were truly anti-aircraft weapons going off, helicopters and all that jazz.. there would definitely be SOME kind of news or witness reports.. AA weapons are anything BUT descrete.. throw choppers into the mix, loss of power and cell service and you're bound to have a town of curious people speaking up, taking pictures, posting blogs and youtube videos.

I'm going with a transformer as well.. When we had an ice storm two winters ago, there were transformers blowing left and right.. then a substation went up.. it sounded like a battle.. but even then it was in the news the next day.

I never said it was weapon fire, I just said that's what it sounded like. I also said that my stepfather works for Entergy, and he said there were no transformer or powerstation issues.

I am aggrivated that I've found little about what occured. This thread may fall in obscurity, but the fact I've never experienced anything out of the norm, will make this experience unique to me. Until something even weirder comes along.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

This is sure an interesting experience and I do hope that you find out exactly what happened. I know that I would be very curious if that happened around here.

However, it might be one of those things that remain a mystery, because no one can talk about it. It really makes one wonder just how often that could happen in the middle of the night when no one is around...

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 01:44 PM
What you heard, or thought you heard, were nothing more than. ....ah never mind, even if I wanted to debunk it, I can't think of a single spin to put on it. I am looking around here for some things to focus on besides my own fears and such. . .so I guess I'll indulge those of others.

Formulate your theories, investigate, perhaps write a short story about what you experienced, then, let the income generated by your science fiction novella or your DVD expose fund your true research.

The way into the hen house is to become a sympathetic fox. And while you're at it, might as well be empathetic too.

This intrigues me, and makes me wonder how "they" were not able to erase these events totally from memory. Then again, homeland security could have been running an urban warfare exercise. . .happens all the time.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 02:39 PM
I'm in MS and want to know more haha.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77



posted on May, 22 2012 @ 07:13 PM

Just my two cents...
First of, before i get into a somehow similar event that happened to me I would like to say that our subconscious desire of "exciting and out of the ordinary" events can very often be a catalyst that turns a peculiar or rare explainable event into a peplum.
In our regulated and sometimes linear lifes we seek the extraordinary. THis is why it is often said that only 5% of unexplained phenomenons are truely mysterious. We tend to want/need to create the extra-ordinary...
This said, let me please give you a brief account of what happened to me in early June 2004 in Lausanne Switzerland.
I was at the time studying engineering at Uni and was renting a small appartement in a little village along the coast of lake Leman called Lutry.
My bedroom was on groundfloor with a sliding window giving on a small garden with a view on the lake, surround by large and magestuous mountains. I used to find this place very boring at the time. It was a small town totally dead in winter (ironically would be very happy to live there again now).
Anyway. I was having lunch outside facing the lake. The weather was fairly hot for the season and the sky was blue with a few large clouds. I do not remember exactly at what speed it happened but I suddenly notticed the weather had changed. A strange fog started to advance on the lake, like a low cloud. Faster than I could realise the whole lake was covered by an incredibely thick haze.
The whole air was a dense off-white color and visibility over the lake and background montains was none.
This is when I started hearing the BOOMS.
I was so surprised that I really thought something had exploded around me. It didn't sound like storm. It was a dry, clear and loud boom. Exactly like a sound bareer being broken. Then came other explosions, sometimes they were very close to each other, really like an exchange of fire.
I was totally astonished and my brain just couldn't process what was happening. Was there a military exercise on the lake??? In such a weather??? In a civilian area???
Also, I remember a deep, monotone rumbling sound, like a static get engine in a close distance. A totally imposibble to locate enormous get engine.
It lasted maybe 30 mn... I stood there staring at the white nothingness listening to some unidentified explosions.
Then "as fast as it had started" it stopped. In 30 mn, the haze dissipated and it was like all this had been a dream.
I will never know what happened that day. I do know the weather(specially in mountain areas) can be very surprising and I would not be surprised if this could be explained by some rare storm event.
Nevertheless it was one of the most unsetting experience I ever had

All the Best,


posted on May, 22 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by chrismicha77

Hey Chris,

If you where hearing gunfire during a blackout then surely it was in the news or other people in the street heard it / are aware of it.... Did you write to the local papers and talk about your experiences ?

No doubt there's other people that would have been a part of that... And heard what was happening ? Usually if something like a blackout happens it's all over the papers where I live, surprised there's been nothing about it. (?)

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by chrismicha77

I live in SC, I was sitting on my back steps when I started hearing this banging that I thought was lighting I looked up and saw these flashes of light that were too fast to be lighting almost like gun fire on the sky line and the banging wasnt like what thunder would sound like it was almost like a drum beat and i felt a rumble ...when i read your post i thought it sounded the same ....

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:46 AM
reply to post by shawzbot

WHAT does this have to do with what is being discussed? NOTHING. This not a political conspiracy thread.
Either contribute to the topic with something meaningful or go to political topics.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by michaelbosarge

I usually refrain from criticizing member posts, but couldn't you make proper sentences with periods, and make 2 paragraphs out of this looooooooongggg jumbled sentence? Thank You. This kind of post is hard to read.

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