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Benefits of Membership

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posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

As a benifit of participation, as your contribution level (WATS score) grows, the amount of ads you see diminishes until you don't have to look at them anymore.

Ads? What ads? Oh, those ads, right.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by LastProphet527
I have found lots of outlets, thank you.

If you can call GLP that.

Also OP forgot about the chat room..

And what is 'glp' and what does the chat room have to do with anything,whats your point !

I think the poster means that GLP is the only other site like this one. However there are many more.


At least you can mention GLP on ATS where if you mention ATS on GLP you are banned. My account was banned for doing just that on GLP, for a few hours at least, and only was restored after making the mod feel silly for it in a few back and forth emails.

In my personal opinion GLP is ran by some emotional basket cases... extremely irrational folks. On the other hand the people who run this site seem to be professional entertainers and have a rational grasp of this genre producing and promoting this site accordingly within the context of creating marketable sensational art like Coast to Coast does also for example. Bottom line GLP is ran by complete barking mad individuals who claim such ridiculous things in a way too serious manner to the point of being totally delusional in having inside knowledge that NASA is hiding imagery of extraterrestrial existence, and G-men are after them for trying to expose them bla bla bla.
You know the same group that haunted the UFO Hunters, Ancient Aliens and The Universe boards on the now defunct History site. They belong in straight jackets.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by LastProphet527
I have found lots of outlets, thank you.

If you can call GLP that.

Also OP forgot about the chat room..

And what is 'glp' and what does the chat room have to do with anything,whats your point !

I think the poster means that GLP is the only other site like this one. However there are many more.


At least you can mention GLP on ATS where if you mention ATS on GLP you are banned. My account was banned for doing just that on GLP, for a few hours at least, and only was restored after making the mod feel silly for it in a few back and forth emails.

In my personal opinion GLP is ran by some emotional basket cases... extremely irrational folks. On the other hand the people who run this site seem to be professional entertainers and have a rational grasp of this genre producing and promoting this site accordingly within the context of creating marketable sensational art like Coast to Coast does also for example. Bottom line GLP is ran by complete barking mad individuals who claim such ridiculous things in a way too serious manner to the point of being totally delusional in having inside knowledge that NASA is hiding imagery of extraterrestrial existence, and G-men are after them for trying to expose them bla bla bla.
You know the same group that haunted the UFO Hunters, Ancient Aliens and The Universe boards on the now defunct History site. They belong in straight jackets.

professional entertainers

producing and promoting

creating marketable

So who's the entertainer and who's being entertained ?

The reason why im on this site is because of the black lay out,thats pretty much every site im on,i hate bright sites,hurts my vision to a point in which i start getting sick for some reaons,lol.

This site is easy to use, not all cluttered &^%$ like the others, I think that’s the only thing that separates’ this site from the top100 with the exception of the 5 out of 20 others I’m on.

The replie part is top far as finding who' answered your post',i have to rank that number 1 out of all sites.

Never been on a site in 20 years with more than 3 mods in total except the hc,i think they had 7,let alone 20,546,876,932 mods here with so many personalities and so many diffrent ways to look at something.

I like the people here,they are very caring and loving... then you have those other type of people, but its ok,because every forum has them,so to not have them would be very scary to the matrix of world net.

I went to glp last night,coudnt change the format of the color, soooo,NO.Took a glance at a thread and looked through the first 150 replies..87 of the replies were a total of 2 to 5 words,30 others was 'bumps' so not profesional and so not me.Coudnt look at the rest of them,started getting dizzy,the light was to much for my eyes..take care lil dude.

What does bump mean on the net lil dude?

edit on 15-5-2012 by LastProphet527 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:45 PM
could someone possibly explain what the k and w represent under the profile pic?

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by TrulyGifted

K stands for Karma.

W stands for WATS rating.

In regards to K and W, here's a post from Skepticoverlord explaining a bit about them, what they're here for and so on:

It's not real complicated.

Karma is influenced most by a stars-to-post ratio, with a minor influence from flags.

WATS is influenced most by a flag-to-post ratio, with a minor influence from stars and post-count.

Long term members with a high number of well-flagged threads will achieve a high WATS number -- or -- mid-term members with highly-flagged threads will also receive a high WATS number. It reflects a ranking of those who start quality threads (mostly).

Short term members who create replies that earn stars may achieve a high KARMA number -- or -- those long term members who focus more on adding to existing threads and are starred as a result, will also achieve a high KARMA number. It reflects a ranking of those who add quality to existing threads.

Sure, there may be short-lived abuses to stars and flags, but the intent of the system is to aid in painting a larger picture of ATS content. While, on occasion, some individual posts or threads may receive more flags or stars than deserved, on the whole I believe the system works as intended as a means to showcase important topics and hard-working members.
Post from Skepticoverlord, site owner.

Active members with the top 50 WATS rating are also listed here: Way Above Top Secret - Top 50 members.

Hope that helps.

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:54 PM
i dont mind the s+f system, though i dont always agree with it.
but the wats sytem is completely pointless imo. in order to make any judgement on it, first you have to have someone explain what 'wats' is (usually by making another thread about it).
also wats system relates to flags, most members dont make threads.
well thats what i think anyway
edit on 15-5-2012 by lacrimosa because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 08:59 PM
yes that helped wonderfully. understanding that will definently help me weed out the rift raft from the beneficial contributors when taking a thread into consideration

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 09:04 PM

edit on 15-5-2012 by lacrimosa because: uhm, it's 'riff raff' btw

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:31 PM
There are also the internet radio shows! Politics on Tues, Euro-show Weds, Survival/Bushcrafting Thurs at 8, After midnight which is on at 9pm now on Fridays, ATS Live on Sat evenings. Go into chat to interact with the radio shows. Now that can be an absolute hoot!

posted on May, 15 2012 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

So now I finally understand.

Long term members with a high number of well-flagged threads will achieve a high WATS number -- or -- mid-term members with highly-flagged threads will also receive a high WATS number. It reflects a ranking of those who start quality threads (mostly). Short term members who create replies that earn stars may achieve a high KARMA number -- or -- those long term members who focus more on adding to existing threads and are starred as a result, will also achieve a high KARMA number. It reflects a ranking of those who add quality to existing threads.

I wasn't wasting my breath in saying dig up some old posts and comment on it.
Thanks,Rising,I knew here was a reason they made you a mod.
Keep up the good work!

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Originally posted by LilDudeissocool

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by LastProphet527
I have found lots of outlets, thank you.

If you can call GLP that.

Also OP forgot about the chat room..

And what is 'glp' and what does the chat room have to do with anything,whats your point !

I think the poster means that GLP is the only other site like this one. However there are many more.


At least you can mention GLP on ATS where if you mention ATS on GLP you are banned. My account was banned for doing just that on GLP, for a few hours at least, and only was restored after making the mod feel silly for it in a few back and forth emails.

In my personal opinion GLP is ran by some emotional basket cases... extremely irrational folks. On the other hand the people who run this site seem to be professional entertainers and have a rational grasp of this genre producing and promoting this site accordingly within the context of creating marketable sensational art like Coast to Coast does also for example. Bottom line GLP is ran by complete barking mad individuals who claim such ridiculous things in a way too serious manner to the point of being totally delusional in having inside knowledge that NASA is hiding imagery of extraterrestrial existence, and G-men are after them for trying to expose them bla bla bla.
You know the same group that haunted the UFO Hunters, Ancient Aliens and The Universe boards on the now defunct History site. They belong in straight jackets.

professional entertainers

producing and promoting

creating marketable

So who's the entertainer and who's being entertained ?

What does bump mean on the net lil dude?

When a person or persons create an alternative out of the mainstream of ideas based upon preconceptions not normally held by the public at large in the action of creating a community website such as a message boards site like this one formulated to be formatted to well communicate it's a non academic and non scientific setting where the design of the format creates an obvious perceived artistic venue its called entertainment. The ones who work the site are therefore called entertainers. They sell a product to the public which can be described as, discussing sensational concepts and ideas on a radio streamed show and gaining feedback and borrowing ideas from the companion community message board website to produce material and so to have a reciprocal benefit between the two. It's an entertainment production model.

What do you think History was doing before it was taken over by previously contracted A&ETN TV production folks like DPD1 and his old lady? You know before it became a pimp site of, "Please please please notice me I need more TV Production work." becoming a hangout for production personalities and crews like prostitutes standing on a street corner .... okay I'll tone down the pandering analogy....ummm, day laborers on a street corner outside home building supply box stores.

And bump means bump a thread to the top of its forum, but you already know that unless you are making a pun like you use to do on History about Bumpy Johnson the Harlem crime boss of the 50's and 60s. They say he was a pimp.

This place is Manhattan, History was old Harlem or Time Square. GLP is the Bronx, yuck.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by THE_PROFESSIONAL

Nice info, dont know if this is already posted on the forum but if not it should be. One other thing you might mention is how to add youtube videos to a post....

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by scotsdavy1

How to embed YT vids on ATS

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 11:03 PM
Benefits of Membership?
I get to make an arse out of myself on a regular basis. And it kills time as well.

posted on May, 16 2012 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by LastProphet527

Originally posted by yeahright

Yea, I have noticed that...for the members that are gold, silver, platinum and bronze and for the posters that have been here for eons and millenniums and especially the posters who knew posters before they became mods, yea, im pretty sure it isn’t much of a problem for them, they have it good, they have an inside source, so of course it wouldn’t be a problem.

Not at all. I'm a gold member, but still get a rollocking occasionally from the mods, for abrasive behaviour and the odd off-topic post, I just think it's a case of 'I've learned the rules' and don't stray as much from them these days.

Nobody is immune, in fact (naming no names) one of the highest ranked members was banned a year or so ago, so there's no exclusivity here.

posted on May, 17 2012 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by popsmayhem

Originally posted by LastProphet527
I have found lots of outlets, thank you.

If you can call GLP that.

Also OP forgot about the chat room..

Can I ask you where you read LastProphet527 mentioning God Like Productions?

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