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Is galactic federation real or not?

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posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Druscilla
reply to post by bobthealie11

.............we're just pretty much dumb animals not worth the respect of them actually showing themselves except to a few people of resoundingly dubious credibility.

What an ignorant statement. You just put all the doctors, generals, cops, teachers, scientists etc. etc. that have witnessed an apparent alien UFO craft in the category of "dubious credibility".

And look at the load of stars you got for it
seems some people see a few stars and just go with the the rest and say "yup star its a good post" eeeewwwww this site has been infiltrated by an army sheeple running around starring each others posts.

Okay rant over let me get to the meat of my point.....

So, what you are saying is that the 10,000+ people that witnessed the so called Phoenix lights are all in the category of "dubious credibility"?

By the way it wasn't just "lights" that they claimed to witness. They claimed to witness a triangular shaped craft approximately a mile wide moving slowly across Phoenix Arizona.


The fact of the existence of an intergalactic federation is yet to be determined but I think the existence of a group or groups of aliens monitoring the earth for reasons unknown is well established.

edit on 4/26/2012 by Alien Abduct because: spelling

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:23 PM
Would someone please put me out of my misery. I find it so hard to understand how we, human race, can still believe in myths in this day and age.

If there were any GFL or Grey aliens or Little Green Men, in this time of technological advancement, we would have thousands of super-clear pictures and videos of said creatures.

We have more proof that Santa Claus exists because he has a real post office address and we see him live every Christmas Eve via the weather man's doppler radar.

We are supposed to believe that some super-secret alien federation exists because someone "channeled" them?

What exactly does that mean, to channel? Does this mean that I am retarded as in brain-damaged or brain-less or even brain-dead because I can't channel these superior beings? Perhaps these superior beings only make themselves known to superior humans?

I have an extremely large back yard and would gladly allow them to land one of their spaceships on it if they want to have a meaningful diatribe. Wait for it....I'm not open enough for them to contact me right?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by ManBehindTheMask

If we are alone in the universe, and the universe is infinite in immensity, then what a huge waste of space my friend.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by ramle

Originally posted by zorgon
Andromeda is a different Galaxy far far away? That would make them the Intergalactic Federation of Light

I think it's just a puppet for a more powerful organization that spans multiple galaxies. Earth is a strategic location in the center of a group of powerful civilizations all within a few hundred lightyears of each other. There are many civilizations seeking this location, but the front runners are the Alpha Draconians and the GFL.

Alpha Draconians?

Are you seriously claiming that lizard - folk live around a star incapable of supporting life?

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by gringo74
reply to post by RevelationGeneration

Dear RevelationGeneration, you can preach, yell, scream your beliefs all that you like, but you won't change any minds will probably find people who follow your path, but you must understand that everybody has their own path to follow and at their own pace. You can't force it. And if they don't believe what you do, that does not make them any less humans or on the wrong path...just a different one.


Very true...We all have our own path to take in our own unique way. With freewill to believe in what we choose and not to except a forced concept or religion we don't believe in. We will all get to our life destinations either way. *Peace*Love*Light*

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by bobthealie11
I first heard out about the galactic federation a few years ago and I've been on the fence to whether i believe they exist or not. I know nobody can give me evidence if they're real but I just wanted to know you're opinion on the subject.

It exists.

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:44 PM
@Alien Abduct (respond-to button not working)

I think he was talking about the so-called "galactic federation" not revealing itself to mankind as a whole because of our "unworthiness" and not the UFO eye-witnesses.

Personally, we're probably just too technologically simple for a race with interstellar travel capabilities to care about.

This is another one of those "god's children" things where we feel a sense of entitlement because we're the most "intelligent" creatures on the planet.

It's basically like a monkey who just learned to not throw his own crap, and to throw mud instead, asking why humans won't come talk to it and give it free stuff.

It too, speculates whether humans are benevolent or malevolent. The answer? Statically, neither. Humans are just being humans, and have no reason to communicate with a monkey, even if it is a smart monkey.

And if they DO want something from the monkey, they'll research the monkey with or without its condolence, and not walk into the middle of it's monkey-community and say "bring me to your leader, monkey."
edit on 26-4-2012 by thegagefather because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 10:45 PM

edit on 26-4-2012 by Soulece because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2012 @ 11:41 PM
Bottom line is that if there were so many actual benevolent ET's out there by now there would be a much larger scale of breaking any kind of restraint to show humanity the truth. The reason that there's any lack of physical evidence is because its very well concealed and it is also psychologically manipulated in all forms of entertainment and media and even on a personal level that most people are not even aware of. Strange phenomenon is becoming so widespread that there is no way that everyone in the world is crazy, I know there are members on here that are speaking the truth, that have legitimate experiences, a variety of ways not just extraterrestrial. And if you really want to find the truth, all the information is out there, but you know what it comes down to your life experience to convince you of it. And I've been utterly convinced that this is a spiritual reality it has been all along. And there are many smokes and mirrors and the way is broad that leadeth unto destruction.

The truth is that they have a much more sinister and precise methodology for what they do, all through time they have been in the affairs of man. They have plans. They have been in motion for a long time.

Yes there are members out there that use the Bible as a reference, a tool, its not just preaching anytime someone quotes the word, its sharing a knowledge of what is to come because, I will share it without shame, because a man knows not his ways. And to keep you from the snares of the Devil. They know their time is short.

edit on 26-4-2012 by EnigmaticDill because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:04 AM

Why? Reports of Reptilians coming from the ground, the Illuminati betraying it's human race for a seat of power by signing treaties that say something about a position and a contract, and one reason why isn't everything blowing up.

If the MIEC (a.k.a the people/beings that want to harvest organs or meat from you, me, everyone that is reading this) were to stage a mass slaughter out in the open, then they will step in and declare war on them, so they are on standby and so far no mass slaughter has happened.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Soulece
Little problem with the GFL though.

It is not referenced in the bible especially in revelations whatsoever. No parables leading to it. As far as I'm concerned it's not.

So either we do not know the truth of them or they are not there.

I want to believe.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Soulece because: (no reason given)

The Bible uses metaphors to reference events and people. I know about the Beast in Rev 13. The Beast with 7 heads is a group of individuals united by a common goal. I did some Tarot readings about the end of the world and found that all is lost in August of 2015 to a group of elitist non-human beings.

The GFL is probably in the Bible, but you aren't looking for the right things. We all know what the beings in the GFL are like. Do a simple search if you don't. Look to the Bible for a similar set of beings and you'll have them there too. The GFL won't be directly called out in any text from that period in human history.

I have information on this is great detail, but I'll have to write a whole new thread about it.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by ramle

Originally posted by Soulece
Little problem with the GFL though.

It is not referenced in the bible especially in revelations whatsoever. No parables leading to it. As far as I'm concerned it's not.

So either we do not know the truth of them or they are not there.

I want to believe.
edit on 26-4-2012 by Soulece because: (no reason given)

The Bible uses metaphors to reference events and people. I know about the Beast in Rev 13. The Beast with 7 heads is a group of individuals united by a common goal. I did some Tarot readings about the end of the world and found that all is lost in August of 2015 to a group of elitist non-human beings.

The GFL is probably in the Bible, but you aren't looking for the right things. We all know what the beings in the GFL are like. Do a simple search if you don't. Look to the Bible for a similar set of beings and you'll have them there too. The GFL won't be directly called out in any text from that period in human history.

I have information on this is great detail, but I'll have to write a whole new thread about it.

i know about the plaedians and all. Still see nothing about them which makes me question it.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:20 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
If they are real and do finally show themselves, I will be sure to tell them where to go, some place where the sun don't shine.

You know, if they are somehow real, then the fact that they chose to side with us is more than we could hope for. They have no obligation to protect us from anything...

Hypothetical: if this federation was real.. and you were a part of it fighting for the earth humans.. and when you finally made yourselves visible to the public and the response is "you haven't done a good enough job, Snip, would you want to keep protecting them?

As for the federation itself.. for me it's one of those things where I personally see no tangible evicence they exist, nor do I blindly believe such a thing could/does exist, but I do not rule out these possibilities. If there is a federation outside our atmosphere protecting us from evil reptile aliens and greys.. Well I guess just imagine what it would be like if they weren't there? things could definitely be worse.

edit on 27/4/2012 by Sauron because: snipped profanity

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by PrestonSpace

From what I have read, there are apparently universal laws which stop them from obstructing our free will.. eg they cannot come in save our asses and then proceed to wipe them for us for eternity.

Apparently, the only way to recieve intervention is if a certain percentage of the earth population asks for it. How we do that and how big of a percentage is required I do not know. But I hope it comes soon lol!

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:41 AM
I don't see anyone else..including the government taking credit for the Ufos people see. So why cant GF take credit..since there the ones owing up its them.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by rabzdguy

Yawn, off topic diatribe is off topic. Nice try but you failed again.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by shadowland8
reply to post by rabzdguy

Yawn, off topic diatribe is off topic. Nice try but you failed again.

As i said..they are the only ones taking credit for them..

LOL diatribe. Nice one

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 02:02 AM

Its sad that someone actually asked that question about if they are real...

Have you seen any proof they are real?

Other than the crazies on here have you seen noted experts saying they have contact with them?

They are as real as every other good story, a myth created to entertain and to empower the creators ego, there are always a set of folks looking to be led and will for some reason allow outlandish things to be fed to them on the old 'you need an open mind' trick, these folk lap up every daft detail and like trained drones spread the word.

Call me old fashioned but I like hard evidence and as yet none of the GF has made themselves known to me in a way I could not dispute their claim, I've not seen them appear to the world to explain their apparent reason to protect us which you would think was a great step to change our ways with such a blatant gesture, but no, they hide on ATS.

Add it to the other great or not so great unproven myths like God (all versions), Satan, ghosts (in their literal idea) and big foot.

Unproven for all these years with the tech we have yet still going strong in the minds of the led...

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 03:07 AM
Of course the GFL are real!
Just ask James T Kirk.

posted on Apr, 27 2012 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by thegagefather

I agree totally. You put it very nicely.

People seem to forget or just not know how advanced, how intelligent these aliens are. I laugh when people claim that some of our leaders are actually aliens that have infiltrated our government system in order to lead us to the ways of evil or for whatever reason.

On the federation note:
I would think that if there are several very advanced races of creatures that share some of the same interests they might work together on some things, for example if a few of them were interested in studying earth.

They would not be hostile toward each other or other life forms. But as far as a federation is concerned I don't think a federation would even be necessary, I mean think about it once you reach a certain point in your advancement resources and energy become pretty much limitless.

I think the aliens that are monitoring Earth aren't really monitoring us directly, I think they just have their machines baby sit us for the most part. Just enough to where we don't completely destroy the planet and or the entire human population. I don't think they would allow an all out nuclear war I think they would stop it. They do show vested interest in our nuclear weapons silos, stockpiles and ICBM missiles and such.

But who knows they might just get the hell out of dodge and let her rip.


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