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The Immigration conspiracy. Something IS happening!

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posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 11:47 PM
Somebody mail this guy a Shift key.

Originally posted by davesmart
reply to post by daaskapital

hi op

as u all know im in cov and i strongly disagree with immigration
and i totally agree with you
and i know there is quite a few members here from the midlands (cov,brum,leicester etc)
we all know its happening but scared to voice our opinions on this touchy subject
some of you know i was locked up for 50 hrs last week
from the view glass in my cell i could see who was at the custody desk and whom the sarge was booking..

i seen several asians foreigners
it took 40 hrs for my interview due to time being allocated to get in interperaters for the accused
i heard them all talking

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by daaskapital

Back in 08, was walking home from my part time job.

I was confronted by a couple of nice African chaps asking if i had a cigarette, then they asked if i had anything to drink, while blocking my path along the footpath, of course. After half a minute of small talking and attempted intimidation they eventually let me pass.

I thought to myself "Wow i almost got mugged, i'm a lucky bastard". Then i continued my walk home. 2 blocks from my place of residence i heard running and turned around to see one of the nice African chaps running after me, i thought maybe he forgot to ask me something, until i noticed the 15inch kitchen knife in his hand.

I started to run, i managed to outsmart them somehow and run into a school and got about 300m across the oval when they finally caught up to me and dragged me down.

They proceeded to hold me up and rob me of $800 (i just got paid that day and i dont keep money in the bank).

Long story short, the police did not arrive when i called them. Only detectives. I got a call from our crappy police force (south australian) saying that they had found the assailants and that i was the first of 9 victims to be mugged, 1 week later.

Heres the important bit. It turns out they were racially motivated, anti-governmental hate crimes, specifically targeting white people (thats what they told the cops, so it was made a federal offense, apparently). It also turns out they were just kids, at the ages of 17 and 16, 5 of them. It also turns out that the police did not want anyone to know about these crimes as there was a campaign to prevent all potential violent African crimes reaching the news (police told me this), as recently in the paper citizens were starting to question the governments decision to allow these people into the country and that there had been shootings and murders going on as a result of the Africans. These kids pleaded guilty, they were sent through the court system so fast (and only got 1 month of house arrest) i never got any compensation for my loss, even though one of the detectives called me and said "we found them, one of them even had your wallet in his pocket". I guess that was evidence?

Anyway, as a person who has been one of the victims of these (not all are violent) African gangs, it really must be asked,Is the image of appearing like a multicultural country far greater then keeping the country safe?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by BeforeTheHangmansNoose

That's quite a story. I think the only way to prevent things like this happening is if countries up their standards. Nobody should be let into Europe, Australia, Canada or the United States unless they meet certain education requirements. Educated people usually don't do things like this. If you let a poor person take up residence in a new country, they will probably continue to act like a poor person.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by IpsissimusMagus

Originally posted by OhZone
reply to post by OrionStarfire

Yes, those coneheads are very interesting.
For my rendition of what they looked like see:

Why would you make them all with blonde hair and blue eyes?

Caucasian styled hair and facial features?

That'a not really your typical native indigent of Peru.

Why do you also portray every Egyptian Pharoh with blonde hair and blue eyes?

Probably wishful thinking. I've heard of people who think that the creators of ALL great ancient civilizations were Caucasoid. Some people even think that the ancient Egyptians were white

It reminds me of the people who portray Jesus as a quintessential Nordic type, with blonde hair and blue eyes
When in reality (if he really did exist) he would have looked Semitic, being a native of Israel and all.

You'll usually find these kind of people hanging around at stormfront. Unfortunately, they don't always stay in their own forum.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:23 AM

Originally posted by daaskapital
Hello ATS, before i start, i would like to say that this thread in no way promotes racism or discrimination against certain ethnic groups, and i do not want this thread to degenerate into a crap fight between us all. That being said however, this thread will address specific "problems" which is occuring in the Australian multi-cultural community.

Over the past 12 years, there has been a huge influx of imigrants, especially from Africa ( more specifically, Sudan). This thread will address this issue and what the government is trying to do to scilence it, or at the very least, try to make it acceptable in todays society.

In between the years of 1997 and 2006, there was roughly 6,000 - 20,000 immigrants from Sudan. The arrival rate has been increasing by 34% each year! That is huge!

Further reports state that over 20,000 have immigrated to Australia in the past 10 years.

Bear in mind, the above source only goes up to 2006 - the huge influx of Sudanes Immigrants has happened since then, but the source is still relevant.

Our Ex-Foreign Minister/Prime Minister stated last year that:

“As well as providing sanctuary to refugees from South Sudan during the many years of conflict, Australia is assisting the fledgling state to deliver basic services such as education, maternal health and sanitation.”

So already, we have confirmation of extensive immigration from Sudan.

Now to the integration scenario. Sudanese people have been involved in crimes, especially those of gang crimes. This situation was addressed 5 years ago, however, has been kept quiet by the government and media, but it can be well observed from a citizens standpoint in current society (2011-2012). As this article points out, there were violent confrontations with the use of weapons:

Tensions in Tamworth over Sudanese refugees were set to ignite again, with two of the new arrivals pleading guilty to maliciously wounding a former co-worker last month.

Elfatah Yacub El-Haj and Mou Bol Alak admitted attacking two fellow refugees with a bottle and a hammer during a late-night home invasion in Tamworth last year.

A third Sudanese man, Mayan Achiek Toul, also intends to plead guilty to malicious wounding and assault..

There are many more cases of violence. For example, one of the worst to happen in recent memory was the assault of a 17 year old male. He was attacked and mugged by 20 Africans in Perth this year.

Now, after addressing some of the violence, we will address the situation in which the Australian Government is concerned. The Education system, a branch of the Australian Government is pushing the whole save Sudanese people propaganda. The system addresses the fact that Australian ciizens should do everything in their power to help Sudanese people and that immigration is a good thing. What they aren't telling students is the violence which has erupted, and the subsequesnt disrespect towards Australians by the Sudanese community. The government is trying to alter the minds of students to believe that Sudanese people and their immigration is a good thing, when really, in a society which they are not integrating is not. The whole system is trying to cover up the recent influx of African immigrants.

Now with a potential war brewing between Sudan and South Sudan, this poses some questions. How many more immigrants will Australia recieve over the coming years? And, are there going to be racial tensions in the Sudanese communities?

Now, the last thing i want to address is, where the hell do they get the money from to afford $400,000 houses, $60,000 cars and $500 suits? Houses in the city cost around $400,000 ^ yet they are immigrating in to all the houses, and you never see them work. Taxpayer money?

Now, to fininsh off. I am not racist. I am not discriminatory to African people - i am glad that they have a better place to live. I am for multiculturalism. This thread was mainly started to address the immigration problem and the subsequent cover up/conspiracy created by the Government.

Thanks ATS.
edit on 23-4-2012 by daaskapital because: eta

Working as intended. TPTB are trying to turn Caucasians into racial supremacists again(so TPTB can exploit non-Caucasians with impunity). I doubt it will happen with our generations, but the generation just being born now, growing up to only know the violence and the way things will be presented.....

It is not hard to imagine.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:25 AM
Its ok people sticking up for uncontrolled levels of immigration, but history shows us that conflict will always rise from this. Multiculturalism cannot work, there must always be an Alpha culture. Multiracial communities can work because that does not always equal different cultures. Australia if you want to see the negative impact of uncontrolled imigration come to Britain, live where I used to live in East London, then come back and tell me if immigration on such a scale is good for any country.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 12:56 AM
change the sudanese people with turkish --> welcome to germany

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:00 AM
I am an Aussie and a Racist, my ancestors pioneered Australia and gave their lives for their country not to be rooted by a bunch of lazy shiftless trash, who have no intention of assimilating into society, they are just happy to suck off the Tit of the tax paying Aussies, the good thing about it all is when the Aussie has had enough they had better stay indoors, and don't let the sun shine on their ass.

And if any crime is committed, it should be common practice to ship them back where they came from, another hot bed for these Sudanese is Toowoomba, and marooka suburb of Brisbane,and crime is rampant where they have been given houses and a liberal child bonus for every snarler they can produce, and boy do the unemployed know how to spend their days, they should go back to the good old days when they practiced a WAP ( white Australian Policy)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by dreamstalker
I am an Aussie and a Racist, my ancestors pioneered Australia and gave their lives for their country not to be rooted by a bunch of lazy shiftless trash, who have no intention of assimilating into society, they are just happy to suck off the Tit of the tax paying Aussies, the good thing about it all is when the Aussie has had enough they had better stay indoors, and don't let the sun shine on their ass.

And if any crime is committed, it should be common practice to ship them back where they came from, another hot bed for these Sudanese is Toowoomba, and marooka suburb of Brisbane,and crime is rampant where they have been given houses and a liberal child bonus for every snarler they can produce, and boy do the unemployed know how to spend their days, they should go back to the good old days when they practiced a WAP ( white Australian Policy)

The crime they commit is because you refuse to include them in your society, they are not given the same opportunities and they do not have the same advantages for social and professional progression as you

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by aLLeKs
change the sudanese people with turkish --> welcome to germany

considering their history the German people should not be allowed to have an opinion on anything regarding the world community, let alone immigration. How many countries have accepted German Immigrants despite the terror and suffering the Germans have inflicted upon the world?

edit on 24-4-2012 by QQXXw because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by SecretFace
Multiculturalism cannot work, there must always be an Alpha culture. Multiracial communities can work because that does not always equal different cultures.

I can agree with this for the most part. It's nothing to do with race. It's actually religion more than anything.

Canada is a fine example of a multiracial country that barely has any racial tension whatsoever. Schools here are full of kids with a wide variety of ancestries. When I was growing up I had friends of so many different racial backgrounds. African, Native American, Israeli, German, Scottish, French, Irish, Asian. Not once did I see any of these kids as "different" because we all grew up together under the same conditions, thereby making us culturally the same. I didn't feel weird about them having a different ancestry, nor did they feel weird about hanging around with me, the short Welsh kid
This is why I'm so against racism. I know for a fact that people can get along and be good friends even if they look different.

I digress. The problem isn't people being biologically different, because technically people aren't biologically different. We all came from the same source originally. The problem is when people of different religions start clashing. I have nothing against immigrants, because my country was founded upon the concept of immigration. But DON'T try to come to our country and change OUR laws just to suit your religion. Our legal system was put in place by those who founded the country, and your delusional religions aren't going to change them. Period. Case closed. If you don't like it, stay in your homeland where your religion is accepted.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by Nuker

Am I the only one that notices what's going on? No, I don't hate other colours if you had that in mind. I just hate what's happening to White countries.
edit on 23-4-2012 by Nuker because: (no reason given)

Nope - lots of people have noticed. But they have no idea what to do about it.

Personally, I feel if you immigrate to a country you fit in with their predominant culture (i.e. when in Rome do as the Romans do) and you contribute POSITIVELY to the society by finding a job etc. You shouldn't get paid to do nothing. If you are muslim and don't like that most of Europe is predominantly Christian (or was before all the muslims moved in), go to a muslim country.

Third world countries are third world countries because of the people/ cultures that live there - they bring that culture with them when they move countries. If there are a few deviant immigrants the existing culture can absorb them, but when you start having whole hordes of non-integrating foreign cultures then you start having a problem.

Also, the blatant discrimination against the current culture/ occupants of a country infavour of the usually illegal immigrants is really strange - especially when you have to pay them to do FFFF all!! There is no logic in that.

And yes I'm a racist - I'm not blind and can tell the difference between a bantu, khoisan, sudanese, indian, european and arab (BTW - it has very little to do with skin colour - an albino somalian can be as white as snow and he will still be a somalian and not a european). I personally don't care where you come from, or what you look like so long as you don't bring crime and general uncivilized behavior with you and don't expect special treatment. This double standards crap is BS.

I also think the following graphics say it all:

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:23 AM
Most immigration is chiefly about one thing and one thing only: MONEY.

Immigrants are a tool that contemporary domestic interests use to dilute the labor market. Certain industries, such as agriculture and retail sales are hard to export. For this reason, workers with low expectations must be imported to ensure wages remain low. Immigration in the current era also keeps people divided along ethnic lines. It puts most of them in a perpetual state of anger and stress that keeps them from devising rational solutions to their problems.

These facts do not escape many people, and so most countries have laws to prevent the widespread importation of extra workers. Corporations and other forms of big business infiltrated our governments long ago, however, and so the government refuses to adequately enforce these laws. (At least this is the case in the United States. Perhaps in your countries they allow everyone in by legal means.)

Bottom line: The unfettered immigration of the current era looks like an ominous sign for the average Joe.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by QQXXw

And yeah, the demise of Aboriginal, but also of Native American culture is because they did not have tight and well enforced immigration policy.

If you invite people who were raised and fed on war, destruction, rape, looting, theft etc and have no useful skills they can use to earn money and then you still pay them to do nothing, into your country then do you really expect them to suddenly acquire more civilised behaviour?

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by Dark Ghost
reply to post by QQXXw

White Privilege

Essentially it's the claim that being White affords one access to universal, institutional or systemic advantages, used by anti-Whites (who use the code-word "anti-racist" to disguise their intentions) to justify overt racial discrimination against Whites, in the hopes of equalizing social and economic outcomes between races, whose disparities are better explained by hereditary differences in intelligence and temperament.

You cannot measure it, and it has no specific concrete definition to provide a basis for proof of its existence, it has not, and can never be proven to exist, but if you question it you're called "ignorant" (in reality you are a skeptic), and the fact that you questioned it in the first place is used as further proof that you have "White privilege".


White privilege is a myth created by those who wish to express anti-white views.
edit on 23/4/2012 by Dark Ghost because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by QQXXw

The crime they commit is because you refuse to include them in your society, they are not given the same opportunities and they do not have the same advantages for social and professional progression as you

Badly behaving immigrants make native population unnaccepting. Unaccepting native population makes immigrants not to assimilate. It is a vicious circle, and both natives and immigrants have their share of guilt.

But what you dont seem to realize is that the existence of this vicious circle is a powerful argument AGAINST easy immigration.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by QQXXw

Originally posted by aLLeKs
change the sudanese people with turkish --> welcome to germany

considering their history the German people should not be allowed to have an opinion on anything regarding the world community, let alone immigration. How many countries have accepted German Immigrants despite the terror and suffering the Germans have inflicted upon the world?

edit on 24-4-2012 by QQXXw because: (no reason given)

Well done you give new meaning to the word moron, please refrain from posting nonsense like this in the future.
Anyways i'll correct you.
Hitler himself was Jewish btw, not even born in germany he was born in austria.
And most of his top officials were jewish, dont forget 150k jewish soldiers were on the nazi army too.

But irrelevant since all world wars are staged by TPTB, come on, stop showing your damn ignorance and deny it, we are here to deny it, not promote it like you are doing.
Plus that was done in the past, and germans didnt even do it.
Also theres something like 3 million germans who died on US soil AFTER war ended, which was headed by dwight d eisenhower (jewish)

Germany is a great place to live with amazing people, much better than anywhere else, low cost for university know how low? barely $100 dollars for a top end university a semester, no hyperbole it really is around $100, high quality degrees, cars, high standard of living.
Most people who are of western european descent, are descended from german mercenaries anyways, so if you're from there and somewhat intelligent, thank germany, you wouldn't be smart without them.

Obviously this QQxxw isn't, most likely sudanese.
(im not german btw, just sayin the facts is all)
edit on 24-4-2012 by fxtrademark because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2012 by fxtrademark because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 02:56 AM
The governments of the western world do not listen to their populations when it comes to mass immigration. They listen to think tanks that tell them if they are to compete with the changing world they need large numbers of immigrants from the soon coming and growing economies of the world.
This is suppose to give the western nations a better foot hold in a global economy.
Therefore the people who elect the governments have no or little say in this, and when crimes are committed they have to be hushed over in order for this mass multicultural immigration to continue.

Look it up on youtube I forget his name but he gives a lot of lectures promoting this and a lot of prominent people in the western countries attend and listen. hmm something Friedman is his name.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by musashi9

It is likely true that multiculturalism COULD give western nations a foothold in the global economy. The problem is, our governments are obviously not being selective enough when it comes to choosing who is allowed to immigrate.

They should be choosing people in science and engineering above all others, but instead they open the flood gates to everyone and the family dog.

Whether a more restrictive policy is morally "right" or "wrong" is immaterial. The fact is a more restrictive policy would preserve our national stability, culture, and happiness. Our governments are not concerned about our happiness, however, and have decided that their own self-preservation is of greater importance than the electorate they supposedly serve.

posted on Apr, 24 2012 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by QQXXw

Originally posted by Nuker
reply to post by QQXXw

You are an immigrant yourself

Hmm.. As a 5th Generation Australian..

Let's use an example, I'll name my character 'Bob' and I'll place him in Denmark.. Bob is well alive in 2012, and lives in Denmark. Bob's ancestors migrated to the land around 400 odd years ago.. According to what you said, Bob is an immigrant.
edit on 23-4-2012 by Nuker because: (no reason given)

if Bob's people wiped out most of the population and moved the rest to ghettos and reservations, than yes, Bob would be the relative of some genocidal invader, neither bob nor any of his predecessors have a right to be there.

if Bob then started complaining about legal immigration, it would make Bob into a total hypocrite

edit on 24-4-2012 by fxtrademark because: (no reason given)

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