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Just want to know if you truly understand this:

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posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by MESSAGEFROMTHESTARS
reply to post by jiggerj

Think globally, act locally.

Think universally, act worldly.

The rate in which innovation and enlightenment is changing our abilities to have an effect on all that is, is increasing at such a rate that old paradigms such as the one you carry will soon be mute.

Can you fathom that?

YES!!! Great Response to an Old "Idealism" ...We are currently Shifting DNA Codons... to a 46 & 2 Activation...These concepts and Ideas of us "Being" small or Unimportant will very soon Melt away with our new realization of Connection to "Spirit"

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by MESSAGEFROMTHESTARS
reply to post by jiggerj

Think globally, act locally.

Think universally, act worldly.

The rate in which innovation and enlightenment is changing our abilities to have an effect on all that is, is increasing at such a rate that old paradigms such as the one you carry will soon be mute.

Can you fathom that?

YES!!! Great Response to an Old "Idealism" ...We are currently Shifting DNA Codons... to a 46 & 2 Activation...These concepts and Ideas of us "Being" small or Unimportant will very soon Melt away with our new realization of Connection to "Spirit"
edit on 17-4-2012 by DjembeJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by jiggerj

If you look at humans physically, we're a very remote planetary tribe of somewhat intelligent sentient beings who live and die in a relatively short amount of time.

But if you look beyond the physical, then we are the universe.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj
As far as many many humans are concerned, we have a soul. We have an afterlife. We have out of body experiences. We are one with the universe. We have a purpose. We have been chosen. Blah, blah, blah.

Do people really REALLY understand just how tiny and insignifcant we are when compared to the vast universe? Of the billions and billions of galaxies, each with billions of stars and planets, and we are significant?
Come onnnn!

If our planet is like a grain of sand in a desert, then what does that make us humans? If we do have a role to play in the great scheme of things, then by comparison, that role is less important than a termite fart.

I mean, really, we are sooo tiny in this universe. We aren't even microscopic. If a god is looking over us in this infinite universe I can see him looking away for just a second, and then saying, "Crap, I lost them! Where are they?!"

Can you even fathom that if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, they might not even know that our galaxy exists, much less know that WE exist. That's how infinitesimal we are.

We started on this road of enlightenment when we figured out that we are not the center of the universe. Then we discovered that we are way out in left field in our own galaxy, and that ours is not the only galaxy. Just how important can people think we humans are when our own planet couldn't quailify as a subatomic particle if all the material in the universe was clumped together.

We are truly nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. We need to accept it, and get over it.

And now I'm slipping into my body armor and jumping into a concrete bunker. Let the bashing begin!

edit on 4/16/2012 by jiggerj because: (no reason given)

Granted when you look out and see the vastness of the empty space around us,
it is only natural to feel small in a seemingly endless world

But in that same way when we look down within are self and also the bodies of others which have just as vast quantities of space in us at the molecular, atomic, sub atomic level and beyond that that despite being composed of these seemingly small things.

that are closer to the source then those they compose from atom to molecule and up to us as well as all other stellar bodies themselves so far from the even smaller things that make them up
with each taking up large amounts of space within themselves.

The stars and planets themselves must be in envy of them for they are nothing without them and comparably larger rather then smaller
Since each atom contains more empty space from its outer shell down to its nucleus then is within the solar system the from the heliopause to the sun.
An atom is more than 99% empty space, and the protons and neutrons make up a very small amount of the volume of an atom. Additionally, the electrons are much smaller in proportion to the nucleons (protons and neutrons) than we have depicted. The nucleons are actually about 1800 times the size of an electron.

It is the composition of all these independent worlds each built within and upon another that makeup are own unique world that is the sum total package of all worlds all forces at work within us that make each persons body their own world and their mind its own universe all on the one shared earthly world.

That's BFing amazing if one thinks about it in scale.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:57 AM
We are nothing and we are everything.

We are everything and we are nothing.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:07 AM
After 2000 years you still don't have a clue. Have you comprehended anything from any spiritual book? You need

to Truly Wake up. I recommend Eastern teachings for a start and then the Bible. Time has come for you to cram

because your big EXAM is coming up and you're not ready.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:24 AM
The universe exists because it cannot not exist, same as life. Life exists because it must. If the universe did not exist, then what would exist in its place? Nothing? "Nothing" can't exist. If life did not exist, then what? It must exist. It really is as simple as that. Everything else is splitting hairs.

To suggest we are the only life that exists in the universe is just arrogant and ignorant. I've maintained that life is the exception rather than the rule, and I would bet everything that my assertion will be proven eventually. And I mean intelligent life. The universe does not exist solely at our pleasure.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by hawkiye
we are helping move the whole forward through our individual experiences.

Really? You honestly believe that our individual experiences in this universe, or even in the great unknown scheme of things has any importance whatsoever? I mean, really?

Yes the whole decided to experience itself from our perspective we are that whole seeing ourselves as individuals. Its like a dream.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by jiggerj

Originally posted by hawkiye
But we are the individual points that the universal consciousness chose to manifest

The universal consciousness (if there were such thing) dribbled a few organisms on this grain of sand in the vast cosmos, and that makes us the chosen ones? Do you really and honestly believe this?

Who said we are the chosen ones? Certainly not me. That does not mean were are insignificant. Look at this way. Our the liver cells in your body insignificant? Do they know what you as a whole are doing? Yet they are an essential part in keeping the body healthy.

You can look at us as cell in the body of the one great life. We come together and hare in that consciousness and become something more then we are as individuals. Just like all the cells of your body have come together and share in a higher consciousness or purpose then they can alone that is why we are experiencing individuality but eventually will come together in unity and become more then we are as individuals. However will not lose our individual Identity. A liver cell is still a liver cell yet it is part of a greater whole.

It is the way of the universe. Individual atoms molecules and cells uniting to become something greater then they are as individuals. Hydrogen and oxygen unite to create water is one of the simplest examples.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by noshepard
reply to post by jiggerj

Well the inverse is also true.

Think about how massively huge we are, compared to cells, compared to molecules, compared to atoms and particles, and the even smaller things we haven't yet discovered because we can't see them, even with the most powerful microscopes around. We are HUGELY massive. Infinitely so.

It's easy to lean to one side of this perspective, and dwell solely on how small we are. And compared to the universe out there, we are insanely small. Compared to the universe inside, we are infinitely huge.

It's all relative to your perception, see? You are infinitely small and infinitely huge at the same time. Size doesn't really matter after all, because it's just an illusion relative to perspective.

So while I enjoyed your post, it did seem overly negative and leaning towards one side of this view point. Let's take both into account. In your reality, you are the center of the universe, literally. Outside of your physical body, the universe extends infinitely making you seem so small. Going inside, everything gets soooooo small, making you seem so huge.

What if inside of atoms are just more physical universe comprised of more atoms that contain more galaxies and star systems and planets and it just continues both infinitely. And we are just inside of one tiny tiny atom that is inside of a bigger physical universe which is just an atom inside of an even bigger universe? And it just goes infinitely like that in both directions. Life supporting more life. You can't really say we are tiny. You can't say we are huge. We are the center of our own experience, and we just are.

Look at both sides of this

I had to quote this again... this is EXACTLY my point of view..... of them anyway. I find this subject exciting to ponder.

Look.... within this Universe/Multiverse there is one thing that is certain. It contains all different kinds of life forms.

According to your mind OP we humans are insignificant. Let your mind wander a little and use your imagination because the sky is not the limit. This "life" we inhabit is transferable. We transform .... no doubt about it. Each life form we choose brings us closer to the experience that allows us to evolve in an evolving Universe.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by arpgme

Originally posted by jiggerj
Can you even fathom that if there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, they might not even know that our galaxy exists, much less know that WE exist. That's how infinitesimal we are.

So what is your point?

My point is, if there is intelligent life out there, especially life more technologically advance, why aren't they zooming down to earth to say, "Hey, your species is the chosen one by god. You guys are cool!"

Why would lions and tigers and bears try to eat us? It seems our specialness is known only to us! Which kinda makes us not special at all.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by EnochWasRight
reply to post by jiggerj

If God is the infinity of limitless possibility, then there is no limit too large. That also implies no limit to small. From the numbered hairs on your head to the largest Sun, God knows (and IS) every atom. Complete awareness and complete presence. There is no defect like a limit we could imagine by our own limited perspective. Our awareness expands as our understanding expands. God is the measure of what is known or can be known. He is the benchmark. We are merely a degree behind. That degree is the same "Great Chasm" that separated the rich man from Lazarus. We manage this degree by faith and growth toward God. We are ever-rising to the infinity. Consult this post. LINK

Luke 16

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. 26 And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

God separates the light from the darkness. It's a continual process. We are charged with the same task while among the temporal living. It's a choice between each side of infinity. We move from multiplicity to unity by experience.

edit on 16-4-2012 by EnochWasRight because: (no reason given)

You defined god, not man. What makes US (mankind) so special? Especially considering that we are thee most destructive force on the planet. How can mankind consider itself 'the chosen one' when all we do is destroy? If a list were to be made of the creatures that are most beneficial to this planet - we wouldn't even be on that list. We are destroyers of nature. Polluters of air and water. We drive animals into extinction. We drink up earth's natural resources with no conisideration for the future. We level forests.

Not only are we not the chosen ones, not only are we insignificant, but we are thee most evil creature on the face of the earth.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by radkrish
In the grand scheme of things, we are here to play a part. We may not know it yet.

Sure, we are a drop of water within the seven seas. We are not, however, an entire ocean.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by alliswell
reply to post by jiggerj

Since we are quantitatively less than a "termite fart" in the "grand scheme" of things, thats what makes we humans insignificant...?? Hey, even this universe we are apart of started out really small, and according to your reasoning, insignificant.

Maybe I'm not driving this home hard enough. It has always been mankind's belief that we are greater than everything ever created, that a god made the universe and everything in it just for us. And when we die, whether there's a heaven or not, our essence goes on to play an integral part of that...?...whatever it is.

And, I'm saying to mankind, that's a BIG load of bull! Our value to existence (be it this existence or the next, if there is a next) is utterly contrary to the pedestal mankind has put itself on. We have as much value as headlice, subatomic particles, cow dung, a sneeze, dead leaves...

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by ManjushriPrajna
reply to post by jiggerj

If you look at humans physically, we're a very remote planetary tribe of somewhat intelligent sentient beings who live and die in a relatively short amount of time.

But if you look beyond the physical, then we are the universe.

If you want to believe that, fine. But at least accept that we are not THEE universe, but merely a part of it. A very VERY small part.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

yes very true, when even an absolute true point is pointed existing negatively, it means clearly that as a point it doesnt exist objectively to any other thing nor everything and beyond

the sense of inequity, is from what we cant affect anything while others exist by affecting us n negatively destroying us for their freedom life which is always one, it is called oness to us bc we do not exist so all what exist is the same to us that affect us to look like existing negatively

it is horrible all those powers for liars pleasures in living through oness by destroying us more closely

i invent truth just to piss them off

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by IblisLucifer
Granted when you look out and see the vastness of the empty space around us,
it is only natural to feel small in a seemingly endless world

But in that same way when we look down within are self and also the bodies of others which have just as vast quantities of space in us at the molecular, atomic, sub atomic level and beyond that that despite being composed of these seemingly small things.

that are closer to the source then those they compose from atom to molecule and up to us as well as all other stellar bodies themselves so far from the even smaller things that make them up
with each taking up large amounts of space within themselves.

The stars and planets themselves must be in envy of them for they are nothing without them and comparably larger rather then smaller
Since each atom contains more empty space from its outer shell down to its nucleus then is within the solar system the from the heliopause to the sun.
An atom is more than 99% empty space, and the protons and neutrons make up a very small amount of the volume of an atom. Additionally, the electrons are much smaller in proportion to the nucleons (protons and neutrons) than we have depicted. The nucleons are actually about 1800 times the size of an electron.

It is the composition of all these independent worlds each built within and upon another that makeup are own unique world that is the sum total package of all worlds all forces at work within us that make each persons body their own world and their mind its own universe all on the one shared earthly world.

That's BFing amazing if one thinks about it in scale.

You just listed a whole bunch of things that are within us. Without them we couldn't exist. Doesn't that make each separate particle so incredibly more important than mankind? If you want to keep on this train of thought, wouldn't mankind die without food? Doesn't that make all the things we eat more important than us? If we destroy this planet, WE die with it. Doesn't that make the planet more important than us? Without the sun, there would be no life on this planet. Doesn't that make the sun more important than us?

What do we give the food (including animals), what do we give the world, what do we give the sun, what do we give the universe, that makes us important or significant in any way? Nothing. We contribute nothing to this existence. Why would that change if we were to go to another realm after we leave this one?

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

i dont compare our value to other things, all things that exist exist,,, you and i happen to be human,all humans are in on this together, part of being human is that we have the ability to create more humans, it is something special that we exist as what we are, its a miracle you can breath, think about the more technical things humans have accomplished,,,,, when we value our selves and our time,, we are most important and most valuable,, we can respect and value all other things, but still prize our selves, each other, and what we can accomplish with our time, skill and will.... dont think that because some people have randomly thought we are most important or god created the universe for our existence, that those things are true,,,, but dont think that because those things may not be true, that humans are nothing special, important, awesome, incredible, amazing, fascinating, beautiful, love....
if you were never human how would you explain yourself, your personality, the things you love,, how would you have experienced your memories,, how would you have gained any insight, or closure, curiosity,,, being human we get to create more, to share these experiences that have been something wondrous to ourselves, to add to the mystery, and attempt to solve it/,....

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by jiggerj

Nothing can exist without the seer of it.
We are aware of existance.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:08 PM
There are lots of other planets revolving around are sun that have no life. Even if we are far enough away that the perfect conditions are met and this could happen somewhere else then how? There were dinosaurs here 65 million years ago before us and they were a bunch of primal stupid animals. We have civilization, art , culture, music , philosophy and have come a really long way or just being here one day.

I know you are an aetheist cause I have seen you around the threads, I used to be like you awhile ago then I stopped and turned around. I didn't ever really go to church and lived without god any god, but ask yourself " how" . Evolution is stupid it's based on the same type of bird that was on two islands with different looking beaks because of the food supply. Everything everywhere came from bacteria , that doesn't make a lot of sense. Look at how advanced we are , do you really think we came from monkeys and left the rest behind?

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