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Americans Bombed Pearl Harbor With Airplanes Designed To Look Japanese

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posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by rival
Sorry OP

This conspiracy theory simply has too many people involved that would need to be kept quiet to
be anywhere near reasonable and viable.

What if their pulling people out the ass from locations we dont even know about? Would they tell us? Is it really a ....."small world after all"? Sun? Moon? You want to talk about a conspiracy theory.....bring it on. Pearl Harbor was a piece of cake. Apollo 11 easier. 9/11 was tricky but there's not enough of us "crazy" truthers to have any sort of impact on the outcome.These guys are GOOD! Damn good.

Back on topic - Roosevelt's "Infamy Speech" the day after the attack.

You can't see this all being staged? Real soldiers died in the post 9-11 Iraq war, yet many still question events that occured on that day. Truth = no conspiracy. Why are there so many conspiracies?

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by blocula

The only way that could work is if you said people from mars attacked Pearl Harbor and no one lives on Mars to dispute it.

Three thumbs down.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by Illustronic
"Naturally the common people don't want war. Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country"

Hermann Goering - 1893-1946, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party and Luftwaffe Commander in Chief...

edit on 9-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Seriously? You're arguing via a quote from a morphine-addicted lying piece of slime? Seriously???

edit on 9-4-2012 by AngryCymraeg because: Because
We could call him that,but a more appropriate term would be that he was an evil genius and second in command of the third reich and a ww-1 combat injury is where his drug addiction originated from and anyways,as cruel and heartless as he was,his words above speak volumes about how governments all over the world lie to their people and create fasle flag events and wether he was a nazi,chinese or an eskimo doesnt matter,what hes saying is whats important to understand...
edit on 9-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Im sorry, I love a good conspiracy theory but just because FDR wanted the Japs to make the first move doesn't constitute a conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by braydenf
i hope not!

my grandfather was there and has told me a story about personally fighting a downed jap..

Was he fighting a downed jap? or was he fighting someone who he only thought was a downed jap? and theres a very a big difference between the two...

because that so called jap from japan,might have actually been a "japanese american" playing the role of a japanese attacker from japan,along with all the other so called attackers in their planes,who also may have been "japanese americans" working for the usa military,so everyone would think they were from japan if they were seen...

and who would have see the pilots faces from the ground anyways? with all their head gear and goggles and during explosions,gun fire,flames and screaming people,probably no one would...

All the americans would have seen from the ground,were those big red circle insignias painted on those planes built to look like japanese planes and that would have been enough to convince everyone on the ground that they were being attacked by japanese people from japan...

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by AndromedaPWND
Terrible, disrespectful post OP. My grandfather always told of how he saw the Japanese faces in their planes, I can't believe that conspiracy theorists go this far, but hey, I guess you think there are no limits.
People who looked japanese,doesnt mean they were from japan and in the japanese army...

there were plenty of japanese americans and even hawaiians who could have been secretly paid off,trained and then used to attack pearl harbor and they may have already been in the usa military and didnt need any training, just some brainwashing,some installed fear,some threats and cash...
edit on 9-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:00 PM
Hey another blocula thread!

After reading through this one, you should seriously consider writing books. Fiction that is. You obviously have a very rich imagination. Everything from how our entire reality is fake, to now, Japan did not actually bomb Pearl Harbor!


And you could get holywar666 to be your PR to get your book sales going for you!

As for the topic of the thread:

I don't buy it. If you'd been talking about the possibility we were aware ahead of time we were going to be attacked, that would be worthy of discussion (and the thread wouldn't be here in Skunk Works, where most of your threads are), but that subject has been done to death.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by blocula

Why hasn't this fool been banned from these forums yet?
It is blatantly obvious they constantly post ridiculous posts trolling and feeding off responses.

Are the moderators here so bound by rules they ignore common sense?

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by braydenf

my grandfather was there and has told me a story about personally fighting a downed jap..

Originally posted by blocula

who would have see the pilots faces from the ground anyways? with all their head gear and goggles and during explosions,gun fire,flames and screaming people,probably no one would...

Great point. How the hell did your grandpa know the pilot was Japanese???

Originally posted by eriktheawful

And you could get holywar666 to be your PR to get your book sales going for you!

Best book you ever read damnit!

edit on 9-4-2012 by holywar666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by blocula

You know what OP. Words fail me. While I appreciate this is a conspiracy website and that everyone is entitled to their own opinions I think your idea and this thread is entirely wrong and extremely disrespectful of the people who died in the pearl harbour attack. I genuinely hope you never meet any ww2 pearl harbour veterans and give them this 'fairy tail'. If you managed somehow to avoid being punched I'm pretty sure they would have some 'Robust' advice for you.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by Malcher
I have to agree with the consensus that there is ZERO chance the op scenario is possible. Like the whole Japanese government would just sit there and not say..."um, no we did not do it".
If they did say that,would the united states government and military high command have ever allowed their statements to be realesed to the american public?...No...

And japan at the time was an extremely militaristic nation and would have loved to use their getting blamed for the attack on pearl harbor as strong propangada to feed to their public and a massive ego boost for their military to look all the more powerful and invincible...
edit on 9-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Nite_wing

Originally posted by grayghost
I thought there was a conspiracy all ready about pearl harbor.

Something about the Japanese squadron picked up on radar and a secret message

to the President and also wired telegram.

Military intelligence at the time was aware Japan was preparing for war. They just didn't know when.
The attack on Pearl Harbor was without a formal declaration of war. It was as surprise as to when. It was not a surprise that it would happen. We were unprepared and mistakes were made.

Our entire Pacific Fleet was nearly destroyed at Pearl Harbor. Had the carriers been there, it would have been the winning strike of the war. .
And those carriers that just happend to not be in pearl harbor on a sunday morning,were there in pearl harbor every other sunday morning,except that sunday,of course,its just a huge stroke of luck they werent there...

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Chadwickus
reply to post by blocula

This guy looks Japanese:

Kazuo Sakamaki

Sakamaki was one of ten sailors (five officers and five petty officers) who volunteered to attack Pearl Harbor in two-man Ko-hyoteki class midget submarines on 7 December 1941. Of the ten, nine were killed (including the other crewman in his submarine, Kiyoshi Inagaki). Sakamaki had set an explosive charge to destroy his disabled submarine, which had been trapped on Waimanalo Beach, Oahu. When the explosives failed to go off, he swam to the bottom of the submarine to investigate the cause of the failure and became unconscious due to a lack of oxygen. Sakamaki was found by a Hawaiian soldier, David Akui, and was taken into military custody. When he awoke, he found himself in a hospital under American armed guard.

Let us look a little closer at this historical event, shall we? The famous capture of Sakamaki!

This is David Akui, the Corporal who was walking down the beach on Monday morning after the surprise attack with a Lieutenant Paul Plybon.

When he could not repair the gyrocompass, Sakamaki ordered Petty Officer 2nd Class Inagaki Kiyoshi to swim ashore, while he set the demolition charges to destroy the submarine. Sakamaki then abandoned ship himself. Kiyoshi drowned attempting to swim ashore. Sakamaki succeeded, but passed out from exhaustion. Corporal Akui found him there.[5]

This is from the fifth reference on David Akui's wikipedia article. The source of this account is [5] Goldstein, Richard (1999-12-21). "Kazuo Sakamaki, 81, Pacific P.O.W. No. 1". The New York Times. Retrieved 2010-05-01.

Here is a somewhat different account of the story from a different source, the National Guard Educational Foundation history page at this link.

December 7. 1941 found the Hawaii Guardsman setting up defenses along the coast of Windward Oahu and it was here that the first Japanese prisoner-of-war was taken--by Guardsmen. Lieutenant Paul Plybon and Sergeant David Akui, members of Company "G" 298th Infantry, sighted and captured a two-man Japanese submarine that had washed ashore at Waimanalo. One of the occupants, an ensign was captured by the two guardsmen. The other crewman was found dead inside the craft.

Did Sakamaki really ordered Kiyoshi out of the submarine to swim ashore? Or did Kiyoshi perish inside the submarine according to a different source.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by caf1550
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Im sorry, I love a good conspiracy theory but just because FDR wanted the Japs to make the first move doesn't constitute a conspiracy.

well, if you like a good conspiracy, fire up google and look it up, I'm not going to spoon it to you

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by blocula

Jorge.... I think it's best you knock this nonsense off.


posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:26 PM
yup, we bombed pearl harbor with jap looking planes, we landed on normandy beach and fought americans that were dressed up as german soldiers, we fought in italy against americans dressed in italian uniforms. Heck, no troops died died, all of ww2 was fake

How dare you try to take away from the sacrifices those soldiers and sailors gave when we were attacked by an ENEMY that was bent on total destruction.

People like you make me utterly and completely sick

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by blocula

I can't believe how many stars you were given for this reckless drivel. 9/11 is one thing, but this is borderline insanity. Now, This is ATS, so nothing wrong with bringing up the debate. Here is the deal though, you're 100% in error my friend. The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and nobody else did. The only conspiracy connected to that historic event was FDR pretending that he had no prior knowledge of the Japanese planned invasion, which isn't a conspiracy at all, but the truth when one studies the historical facts. FDR lied.

I myself have put forth special attention througout my life long World War 2 studies to the life of Isoroku Yamamoto, The Man who planned it. I have read about his life as a child in Japan, and his rise in the Japanese Imperial Navy. I can tell you with 100% certainty, that the Japanese did in fact Attack us on that day. He drew up plans for a possible attack on Pearl Harbor years before it was even considered. He then campaigned against his own idea after studying at the U.S Naval college and Harvard University. His life was threatened by the Japanese Nationalist group The Black Dragon Society for his anti-War stance against war with China and later America. He later agreed to his own plan because Japan was left with no choice due to their Oil resource problem. Isoroku knew that Japan could never defeat The United States, he understood that attacking Pearl Harbor would only result in buying The Empire somemore time.

You see, when theories such as yours are put out there, all it amounts to is disinformation. It's put out there in order to create an even more squabbling circus side show so that those who were maybe sitting on the fence in regards to other conspiracy theories will then be so turned off by such outlandish assumptions that they will either end up becoming a full time debunker or just avoid it all together like a good little sheoplized robot. Not that your intentions are that, but maybe the intentions of the subject who you got these ideas from. Yeah I heard yuh before, so maybe you just had a vision or actually believe this to be true. I am fine with that.

Again, This theory is nothing more than reckless drivel. It's nothing personal either. ~$heopleNation

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:37 PM
I humbly disagree with you. here's why:

1) America imposed an oil embargo on Japan just prior to the attacks.


The pearl harbor power station,shipyard and maintenance buildings were also not attacked...
The fuel and torpedo storage facilities were also not attacked...
The submarine piers and headquarters building were also not attacked...
The home of the military intelligence section was also not attacked...

This was because the Japanese were hell bent on stopping the American force, now, I'm not denying that it would be a great strategy to bomb these places BUT Japanese pilots were not that well trained, at all, especially the kamikazes. They most likely saw ships with guns and planes on the ground and decided "Go for that."

3) The Japanese had already invaded China and the Philippines, if they were planning on moving on to America, Hawaii HAD to be taken.

Good story OP, but not very realistic...
edit on 9-4-2012 by Bigfoot12714 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:38 PM

Originally posted by essanance
Indeed America had a hand on some level in the attack happening but it was the Japanese who did the actual attack , why would the entire Japanese Carrier Fleet Lie about all of the events surrounding the attack ? Did AMerica know ..100 % YES . Did America secretly help stage it , scary thought .
During several ww-2 documentaries that i have watched,the narrator is speaking as we are shown footage and he tells us...

"heres the japanese on the decks of their aircraft carriers" "after having reached their destination near pearl harbor" "now they can be seen loading bombs onto their planes" "the planes are taking off now" "There they go to attack pearl harbor"...And then the film stops...

How do we know they were getting ready to attack pearl harbor?...We dont know...

How do we know those planes were flying to pearl harbor?...We dont know...

How do we know those japanese carriers were actually near pearl harbor?...We dont know...

because all there is to see around them is wide open ocean and so we dont know where they really were, they could have been anywhere...

and so we are told to think thats where they were and we are told to believe thats what they were preparing for and we are led to think thats where they were going...But do we really know?...No we dont...
edit on 9-4-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by blocula

sheoplenation powned you

step up like a man and answer his post

nah, you don't have the guts and you are just trolling anyway

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