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Why Are So Many People Debating About Gay Marriages? You've All Got It All Wrong!

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posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by newsoul
Are you and Annee in high school or something?

I am 65.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 12:46 AM

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 12:56 AM
Yep - 65. Been around the block a few times.

I don't waste time in the Spin Zone.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by domasio
Let's face it, if religion never happened, there wouldn't be an argument about this right now, in fact, there wouldn't be an argument about most things, except maybe murder and other extremes.

Look at animals, thousands upon thousands of species of animal have sex with females and males of the same species, and don't have a problem with it. Humans ... well, almost all religions have discriminatory views towards homosexuality, and have done for thousands of years, and i'd say that's long enough for it to be drummed into people's heads. If there was never religion, we'd live peacefully on this issue.

I'd bet you anything, that if there were no religion today, then we'd have a helluva lot less discrimination, and a lot more people having sex with both genders.

I keep hearing this arg for homosexual animals and it's lame and wrong.
For example.
Animals are all racists, right?
And they eat feces, their own and other animals.
So have at it, use animals as an example of how you want to carry yourself in real life situations.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by newsoul
reply to post by manna2

If I could shake your hand, I surely would.


You would be shaking hands with a "real" Christian

Thanks annee, after all your character assasination posts and your use of all your pretend friends who are liberal, progressive unbiblical believing christians I rather decided you had no clue what a Christian really is.
But in the case that you are making a back handed insult, show me where I am not.
Ithink you manifest alot of silly conclusions in your head about people to justify your idealisms.
In the end it's just gossip.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by crazydaysandnights
If you need any convincing that gay people aren't respect by large portions of society, look at the several people on this very thread borderline MOCKING LGBTQ teens who are pushed to suicide by homophobia. That's the real indicator of what LGBTQ people are facing, because the truth is, no other group has to deal with that type of UNPROVOKED vile hatred. No other group. It is not fair. It is so incredibly unfair and it is wrong, and I will not tolerate people who tolerate something that harms us all.

BIIIIIIIIG jump there.
And you are saying that gay teens commit suicide for this reason only?
That they are better than the hetero teens that commit suicide for all the other teen reasons?
That's it, they all commited suicide due to homophobia?
It has nothing to do with say, fathers? Or the lack therof for example?
I think it's disengenuous and inconsiderate to draw this conclusion just to make a point in a thread on the internet.
I would think they were more than "gay teens" as a definition and would have more life problems just like other people...or are you saying they aren't people, just gay teens?

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by ~Vixen~

Originally posted by crazydaysandnights

To those of you who say you "have gay friends" you don't, because if you had gay friends, you wouldn't call them that.

Whoa.... Maybe I've been fighting for the wrong cause.

I fought for absolute inclusion, and against alienation of anyone. Now I see that those I stood up for are exactly the ones to alienate me.


Technically - - it should be: I have Friends - - that are gay. They are your Friends without a qualifier.

Kind of the same thing with Marriage. Its not really Gay Marriage. Its just Marriage.

NOT - - "I have a gay friend" - - because I'm hip and cool.

edit on 6-4-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

Then there aren't, by your definition, gay teens that commited suicide.
They would be teens, like the others, who commited suicide.
You simply cannot have it both ways and make sense.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by Annee
Yep - 65. Been around the block a few times.

I don't waste time in the Spin Zone.

It's the maturity level of posting that threw her annee.
We all got that impression.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by Annee
TWICE - I posted.

I know Christians who do not support Homosexuality because of their belief.

But - - they have the intelligence and open mindedness to understand and know the difference between Belief and Equal Rights.

They support Gay Marriage from an Equal Rights position.


from you, nahhhh.
Always using imaginary friends that would never post here to support you and verify they are not your made up idealogical friends to make cheap points is not cutting it.
You have no credibility so why would anyone believe this?
By most definitions what you describe cannot be a christian, just your own personal porch christian you bring out and parade around when you need to make a point that cannot be supported without your imaginary friends as an example.
Again, did you ever apologize for gossiping and spouting false claims about zimmerman?
That was some ugly stuff you lied about in those threads.
All made up stuff.
So here you are again, making stuff up to make cheap points at the expense of others.
So, was there any apology I missed?

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:44 AM
reply to post by newsoul

hey, he's just trying to encourage you and bring happiness to your life.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 03:59 AM
wow, this bthread is full of very very sick people.
Alot of hate against Christian beliefs masked in every perverted form of storytelling and gossip I have ever seen.
No need to spend time here. It's like a great big game of rumours, except you are supposed to belive it all as the truth.
I doubt half, no, 1/10 of these examples are true.
pics or it didn't happen.
I have seen annee lie about others to make herself look good at their expense and I tend to believe most here are doing the same.

It's like that show, "good christian bitches"
You guys need strawmen to tear apart, honesty and truth doesn't seem to matter.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by manna2
wow, this bthread is full of very very sick people.
Alot of hate against Christian beliefs masked in every perverted form of storytelling and gossip I have ever seen.
No need to spend time here. It's like a great big game of rumours, except you are supposed to belive it all as the truth.
I doubt half, no, 1/10 of these examples are true.
pics or it didn't happen.
I have seen annee lie about others to make herself look good at their expense and I tend to believe most here are doing the same.

It's like that show, "good christian bitches"
You guys need strawmen to tear apart, honesty and truth doesn't seem to matter.

Hi there - I'm happy to cite references to any of my own posts and claims if it pleases you.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by manna2
wow, this bthread is full of very very sick people.
Alot of hate against Christian beliefs masked in every perverted form of storytelling and gossip I have ever seen.
No need to spend time here. It's like a great big game of rumours, except you are supposed to belive it all as the truth.
I doubt half, no, 1/10 of these examples are true.
pics or it didn't happen.
I have seen annee lie about others to make herself look good at their expense and I tend to believe most here are doing the same.

It's like that show, "good christian bitches"
You guys need strawmen to tear apart, honesty and truth doesn't seem to matter.
A homophobe calling other people sick. Irony isn't lost on you at all.

You're reduced to character assaults and calling people liars without any sort of facts to prove that because you bring nothing to the table in this debate. It's like a dog with a tail in-between it's legs. Everything you've said has been rejected and crashed and burned, anyway, so it's basically like deja vu, saying and doing the same thing over and over. The rest of us are all very tired of it.

STOP USING RELIGION to justify your homophobia. It WILL NOT work. Period. No-one has attacked Christianity. No-one has said, you know what, F-God, F-Christians, all Christians are perverts, I hate Christians. Let's not even go there. Quit whining, you're not a victim, grow up and get over yourself. You parroting religion is simply a mask for your personal beliefs; but sorry, we can see through you, and those like you. It won't work anymore. Using a spirit, a belief of a belief, as a means to justify complete denigration of an entire community is sick. Homophobia is sick. Too bad you and others are too damaged with irrational bigotry to realize this.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by manna2

Originally posted by Annee
Yep - 65. Been around the block a few times.

I don't waste time in the Spin Zone.

It's the maturity level of posting that threw her annee.
We all got that impression.
We all? Or just the bigots of this thread? For many easy to have an unfavorable view of someone if you disagree with their entire mentality, world-view and dislike their character because they operate differently than you.
edit on 7-4-2012 by crazydaysandnights because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by newsoul
reply to post by crazydaysandnights

You just told me to stop using religion as an excuse and now you are asking me when did you say anything about my religion. Maybe you need to reread your own posts. Speaking of!
Really, honey, like.............are you joking? Um, yeah, you were the one who said that people aren't showing any tolerance towards religious beliefs, Christian beliefs. You said that *paraphrasing* "you ask for acceptance but I don't see you accepting religious beliefs of homosexuality." Now you're backtracking. Is that intentional? I mean, I would hope not.

So you are totally ok with someone saying I should be killed, because "people like me" contribute to the suicides of teenagers?? Are YOU for real?? Saying it is obviously wrong, BUT....But what? There should be no BUTS in that sentence. Saying someone should be killed is wrong, no matter what.
It is wrong, but your whining and acting like a saint does you no favors. I am for real with what you said, people like you say negative things about gay people, but can't handle negative things said about you. Boo hoo.

I have not contributed to anyones suicide. I do not think that homosexuality is natural, and you may not think that heterosexuality is natural, your opinion is not going to make me kill myself. Do you have self worth, or is the only worth that you feel given to your from outside sources?? A person with SELF worth would not kill themself because of someone elses opinion of them. There are obviously underlying issues. Teenagers are ridiculed every single day by their peers. As astounding as you might find it, even heterosexual teenagers are ridiculed. Hateful people will find anything to ridicule someone about. DO all of these children who are being ridiculed kill themselves. No, I don't think so.
You can tell yourself you haven't contributed to the suicides of LGBTQ teens, but the reality is, that you have. You HAVE and you DO contribute to their suicides and YOU have blood on your hands. For you to put this down to "self worth" is as insulting as it gets. NEWS FLASH: We're talking about children here. Children are fragile and constantly being told that their unnatural, deviant, and don't deserve marriage isn't a healthy way to build self-esteem. Just the opposite, in fact. The underlying issue is the homophobia in society that drives kids to have such low self-esteem and feel so hopeless that suicide is an option. Kids get ridiculed, sure, but most kids ARE NOT being systematically discriminated against in society, at home, and in school, and discarded and uncared for like trash. Which is what LGBTQ children have to deal with. YOU are ignorant, because sorry, straight people are not being ridiculed for they being straight. A fundamental aspect of your being disrespected. No understanding, no support. We're not machines, we're human beings. And we all need love. LGBTQ teens are lacking that, and it's not as if they can just stop being gay. It's not as if the bullying ends outside of school. It's everywhere.

I'm not anti-gay as you keep calling it. I am anti hypocrit. Because that is exactly what you are. You want people to accept you for who you are, to treat you equally, to understand the plight of homosexuals and yet you get up on this soap box and spew hateful words and tell me that YOU do not have to except my point of view, and not agreeing with homosexuality is not tolerable. You say "don't be anti-gay if you can't handle the negativity that comes with it." Did you really just say that?? SO basically you are saying "you either agree with homosexuality or we are going to bully you until you do".
If you are a homophobe in 2012, then expect negative reaction and quit crying about what you've chosen to put on yourself. It's not about bullying, it's about calling a spade a spade and not allowing bigotry to advance unchecked any longer.

Did I say that BEING gay is a belief? Agreeing or disagreeing with homosexuality IS a belief. If I am not a homosexual and I do not believe that it is natural, hey guess what, that's my belief. If I am not a homosexual but I believe that it is totally natural, again, my belief. You keep trying to twist my words and it's really funny because my words are right there in black and white.
You can't disagree or agree with homosexuality. It's not a questionnaire. It's a sexual orientation. It's fundamental. Your belief is WRONG. And since you're NOT gay, who are you to say homosexuality is unnatural? Heterosexuality is unnatural for me, doesn't make it unnatural overall. Homosexuality is natural, since guess what, people are gay. Homosexuality exists in nature without schism. That's called something NATURAL.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by newsoul

For you to go OUT OF YOUR WAY to DENIGRATE homosexuality and marriage equality and then have the ignorance and audacity to blame LGBTQ children for their suicides is disgusting. You call homosexuality unnatural, you call the gay community unnatural, you think their rights harm society, and you do not understand the damage that causes, when you have to hear this daily? You don't understand how straight children, who pick up the GARBAGE in the minds of people like you, then spew that garbage onto LGBTQ children, push LGBTQ children into suicides by literally dehumanizing them in school and out of school? No other group has to deal with that. No other group is disrespected to the point we see ADULTS actually blaming the children for why they are being abused. That is how disgusting homophobes are. The lack of respect is beyond chilling. Honestly, the reality is, homophobia is a blight to society, period, so no, I will not respect or tolerate those who parrot it.

As for me being a martyr, gay rights directly affect me. Gay rights directly affect gay people, and the loved ones of gay people, straight and gay. Gay rights DO NOT affect you, so you're basically wading yourself into this debate for NO reason whatsoever and going out of your way to trash me and my community for NO reason. You have ZERO reason to be anti-gay and that's the problem. We have done absolutely nothing to deserve it; we have done absolutely nothing to earn anti-gay laws and attitudes against us. So, you now expect me to be nice when you call me unnatural? Are you THAT naive? Are homophobes THAT delusional? You people are honestly ill. You truly are totally messed up. And you people, yes, homophobes, anti-gay bigots, that's you people. You're incredibly delusional, you honestly don't get how ridiculous you've made yourself sound over the span of 12 hours. And if if took me a couple of responses with you to see that then obviously, it's not really that big of a secret.

This debate is fabricated by HOMOPHOBES. There is no real debate here. A man putting a ring on the finger of another man is not a debate. It's not a drama. It's not an issue. It doesn't affect you. Anti-gays have created a debate because they are insecure and then have used that insecurity to turn marriage equality into a moral debate. Because you're scared and ignorant, and think somehow if we allow same-sex couples the ability to marry, that the world will collapse. You people are weird. And don't think I am going to bully you. No, in real life, I IGNORE people like you, and laugh behind your backs. I don't associate with bigots. I've severed friendships with bigots. So they know exactly where they stand and where bigotry gets them. Finally, bigots are seeing and paying the price for being anti-gay. The shoe is on the other foot and homophobes just keep crying and whining like a 5 year old without ice cream. Says everything about your mentalities.

Stop pretending we're on the same plane here. You're anti-gay and I am not. Not all ways of thinking are equal. You have an opinion, and your opinion is ignorant and wrong. And I'm a gay man, I think I am in the position to judge the value of homosexuality and it's merits than YOU are. YOU do not know more than I do on this subject. Maybe instead of exposing how foolish you and all the other homophobes on here are, you should hush up and listen and actually learn something.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by manna2

Originally posted by domasio
Let's face it, if religion never happened, there wouldn't be an argument about this right now, in fact, there wouldn't be an argument about most things, except maybe murder and other extremes.

Look at animals, thousands upon thousands of species of animal have sex with females and males of the same species, and don't have a problem with it. Humans ... well, almost all religions have discriminatory views towards homosexuality, and have done for thousands of years, and i'd say that's long enough for it to be drummed into people's heads. If there was never religion, we'd live peacefully on this issue.

I'd bet you anything, that if there were no religion today, then we'd have a helluva lot less discrimination, and a lot more people having sex with both genders.

I keep hearing this arg for homosexual animals and it's lame and wrong.
For example.
Animals are all racists, right?
And they eat feces, their own and other animals.
So have at it, use animals as an example of how you want to carry yourself in real life situations.
You bigots are so ignorant, so uneducated and so foolish you don't even realize how you put yourselves into a box. First of all, we're all animals. We are all animals, biologically. Which is essentially 6th grade science. So therefore, obviously, animals are animals, and guess what else, we're living in the natural world, human beings.

No-one has said that because homosexuality is in nature, it means it's moral. NEWS FLASH: Morality is a HUMAN construct. This isn't about morality. Not everything is about morality. Take off your Christian blinders and learn something logical. Homosexuality is natural as it exists in nature without schism. That's the definition of natural for you.

You're lame for comparing homosexuality to eating feces. Just another example of how stupid EVERY anti-gay argument is. You people have NOTHING.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by manna2

Originally posted by crazydaysandnights
If you need any convincing that gay people aren't respect by large portions of society, look at the several people on this very thread borderline MOCKING LGBTQ teens who are pushed to suicide by homophobia. That's the real indicator of what LGBTQ people are facing, because the truth is, no other group has to deal with that type of UNPROVOKED vile hatred. No other group. It is not fair. It is so incredibly unfair and it is wrong, and I will not tolerate people who tolerate something that harms us all.

BIIIIIIIIG jump there.
And you are saying that gay teens commit suicide for this reason only?
That they are better than the hetero teens that commit suicide for all the other teen reasons?
That's it, they all commited suicide due to homophobia?
It has nothing to do with say, fathers? Or the lack therof for example?
I think it's disengenuous and inconsiderate to draw this conclusion just to make a point in a thread on the internet.
I would think they were more than "gay teens" as a definition and would have more life problems just like other people...or are you saying they aren't people, just gay teens?
WOW. How hateful and callous are you. Lack of fathers are why gay teens commit suicide, huh? Did it ever occur to you that 85-90% of LGBTQ teens grow up in heterosexual households? I guess not. You're really something else, the lack of respect.

When did ANYONE ever suggest gay teens who commit suicide are better than straight teens? Oh yeah, no-one did. NO-ONE has created a straight vs gay schism BUT homophobes. You are anti-gay. Gay people are not anti-straight, by and large. The reality is, that straight teens are not discriminated against for being straight and most teens who are bullied actually have an avenue to escape. Whether that is at home with their parents and loved ones, in school with friends, with the principal stepping in and putting an end to the bullying, at church. LGBTQ teens often times have NONE of this, and not only that, they are blamed for why they are bullied and mocked, disrespected by ADULTS. ADULTS who instead of trying to LISTEN AND UNDERSTAND think they know everything. Why can't you just shut the heck up and listen? Get over yourself. I'm gay, you're not, I've been through life as a gay teen, you haven't. You're not the authority here.

There are reasons outside of homophobia that LGBTQ teens commit suicide but that is, obviously, the #1 reason, given the fact 80-90% of LGBTQ teens suffer with bullying on a regular basis and 60% are physically assaulted in school. 2/3s of gay teens have been MOCKED BY TEACHERS IN SCHOOLS. And around 40% of America (a number that's pretty consistent elsewhere) thinks homosexuality is a disease and thinks it's immoral. You can't get a grasp of how this would damage a young persons' brain, someone who is developing and growing up, in a world that treats them like a leaper for something they can't control? You're heartless. Homophobes are inhumane.

Gay teens are more than just gay, and if people like YOU would realize that, there wouldn't be any problems. If people like you would stop judging the character of a person as a result of their sexuality, if people like you would stop irrationally parroting negatives about the gay community, then it's something we'd be able to move beyond. Until then, we cannot move beyond it. You haven't moved beyond it. You homophobes cannot move beyond making an issue of homosexuality. How pathetic an existence that is.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 08:11 AM
This thread really makes me realize just how hateful, mean-spirited, callous, uncaring and just flat out hostile people who say they "disagree" with homosexuality are towards anything gay-related. It's honestly shocking. To the point where you mock and denigrate teens who commit suicide and call people sick for not being anti-gay. It's unbelievable how anti-gays will always find a way to not take responsibility for their own actions and blame gay people and straight supporters of equality for everything. For everything. The way they feel, the reasons gay teens commit suicide, why gay-acceptance has taken so long to gain traction. Not even realizing that calling people unnatural deviants is insulting and not only that, saying these things with some perverted sense of pride. And what's funny is ALL of you say this behind the safety of a computer because you don't have the gall to say this in real life, since you KNOW what would happen----you'd be completely ostracized. Such cowards. Such low character. I'm really very offended. Homophobes are nasty, nasty people. You don't even treat LGBTQ citizens like humans. It's like they're a different species to you.

Treat others the way you want to be treated. Do unto others as you want to have done to yourself. Something I always strive to achieve. I guess that's just how I was raised.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by manna2

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by newsoul
reply to post by manna2

If I could shake your hand, I surely would.


You would be shaking hands with a "real" Christian

Thanks annee, after all your character assasination posts and your use of all your pretend friends who are liberal, progressive unbiblical believing christians I rather decided you had no clue what a Christian really is.
But in the case that you are making a back handed insult, show me where I am not.
Ithink you manifest alot of silly conclusions in your head about people to justify your idealisms.
In the end it's just gossip.
And you are who to deduce what a real Christian is? Who are you? Oh wait, just a silly bigot who thinks they're a martyr. OK, carry on embarrassing yourself.

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