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Proof that I am not Human nor can Inhabit this World

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+20 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:07 AM
I am not only asexual (meaning I find no desire for sex), but I still feel desires for other affections. I'm not here to 'argue' over whether you believe that's true or possible. Take arguments of the kind to another topic. This is the wrong topic for that. I've never desired sex, nor do I want to try it. I'm not going to argue with you pointlessly here, so please spare me any theories.

I know for a fact that the opportunities in this world are not sufficient for my psychological needs. For instance, I need a life with no 'time limit'. I can not have have 'expectation of my end' nor do I ever care to look any further than a week into the future. I need opportunities such as having extremely supernatural abilities. I NEED a significance great enough to make change that no one has ever made in known recorded history. Very basically, I need 'magical powers' like Jesus or something, but quite different from what he apparently could do (I don't even think time of this reality goes back nearly that far). I would need abilities more exciting than what's in those readings. With great power comes great responsibility that I'm not just WILLING to accept, I also need it as well.

"Birth School Work Death" is the phrase I've seen that seems to describe how I view life in the reality better than any other phrase and there is no way to convince me otherwise. Please don't ask me how I know that because I can't explain it to you. I just know that I can not be convinced otherwise. I know that no 'career' or multiple careers could possibly satisfy my psychological needs. I just know this. And, I'm prepared to find a way out of this world. I believe I was placed here, and that it is fake. Please spare me the 'Matrix' references. These feelings go back before I heard anything about that film, and I do not believe I'm 'in the Matrix'. I just believe this world is fake and that there is a real world. I can not believe that this is all there is or that it is even a real place. Facing that would be the end of me by my own hands. Please don't bother trying to 'convince me I'm wrong' or that 'I can fit in'. I know I can not, so I would have no reason to even try it. This place would destroy me were it real, but I don't believe it is.

I'm 99% sure there will be sarcastic comments in comments following this thread as people seem to be addicted to them in these situations for some reason I can't possibly understand, so comment away. All they are is awkward to read (as in that cool, tingly sensation on my face when I get embarrassed from witnessing someone make a very awkward and/or inappropriate gesture in a conversation that is either completely unrelated to the topic due to their own ignorance or just overbearingly strange in a bad sort of way.) That's right. Your sarcastic remarks can be so embarrassing to read I have to air my shirt to get rib of the uncomfortable , sticky, itchy feelings. Other than that, they can only be hilarious, so please spare your dignity and my general comfort (or misplaced entertainment) and refrain from the.. *cough* 'sarcasm'.

Sorry for the somewhat mediocre/boring-to-read thread construction. I'm just generally informing is all, and trying to see if others at least understand if not relate. Oh, and by 2012 change, I don't mean 'Apocalypse' or 'Rapture' and such. I believe that, whatever happens, it will bring positive change that will lead to a way out of this world. That's what I'm waiting for.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Three

i feel you will see All that and more soon enough

Much Love!

+23 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:21 AM
Ok, just to let you know, I'm not replying to mock you, or be sarcastic.

I know that no 'career' or multiple careers could possibly satisfy my psychological needs. I just know this. And, I'm prepared to find a way out of this world. I believe I was placed here, and that it is fake.

Just because you "believe" in something, does not make it real. An example would be someone who is mentally unstable believing themselves to be Batman. The belief itself does not make it true, or constitute as hard proof.
I'm not inferring you have a mental problem, just using that scenario as an example of "belief".

I NEED a significance great enough to make change that no one has ever made in known recorded history. Very basically, I need 'magical powers' like Jesus or something, but quite different from what he apparently could do (I don't even think time of this reality goes back nearly that far). I would need abilities more exciting than what's in those readings. With great power comes great responsibility that I'm not just WILLING to accept, I also need it as well.

If you are indeed serious here, and not trolling, why do you "need" these powers?

I just believe this world is fake and that there is a real world.


Proof that I am not Human nor can Inhabit this World

What exactly is your proof, other than simply believing?

+7 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:40 AM
evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true, or to produce belief in its truth.
anything serving as such evidence: What proof do you have?
the act of testing or making trial of anything; test; trial: to put a thing to the proof.
the establishment of the truth of anything; demonstration.
Law . (in judicial proceedings) evidence having probative weight.

No Proof, Just a Rant.

+48 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:44 AM
Sounds to me like you have been Wallowing in Self-Pity so long that you have turned it into depression. Seek some help, you sound genuinely ill...

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:46 AM
its possible
edit on 2-4-2012 by yourmaker because: (no reason given)

+27 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by Three

I think you just described most of us that visit this site. It's the exact reason we come here.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 03:51 AM
We'd all like superpowers and a custom made career or no need for one.

Though these feelings you are having, everyone else does also. Though not everyone comes to the same conclusions.

It's not going to happen, you might still be living in the make believe world like children do, they think in the same way. Everyone has to grow up sometime though.

Just because you need or believe something, as people said above, doesn't make it so.

You are going to be very dissapointed

+67 more 
posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:03 AM
It's nice to have wants.
Everyone has wants. Welcome to the human race.

It's nice to have needs.
Everyone has needs. Welcome to the human race again.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all had those magical powers?
Is your need greater than children that get sold into prostitution when they're 9 years old?
Is your need greater than children that starve to death, or get turned into child soldiers, turned into monster killers?

Is your need greater than all the people of the world born into the bondage of poverty with no hope of anything else ever better?

Your needs and wants seem quite selfish, and self centered.

What I need is free and openly available education, housing, and food for everyone on the planet, without reserve, without restriction, without requirement or any precondition.

What I need is for all the petty squabbles and arguments between peoples over land, politics, religion, race, and or economical standing to stop.

What I need is for all of us to get along, with, or without me ever having the satisfaction of seeing it happen.

You should be ashamed of yourself for having such selfish wants when there are so many more people that have greater need and greater want than you will ever know.

edit on 2-4-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by Three

Well, you're not the only one that feels out of place. I have similar feelings, although I'm not asexual. Affection can easily exist with the absence of sex though, even with someone you'd consider your "lover". Why you wouldn't partake in it though is like having a convertible car but never putting the roof down in the summer.

So yeah. It seems you've wrestled with yourself and society and it's "norms". Well, it's norms are bull# imo. I think Terrance Mckenna summed it very well:

“We have to create culture, don't watch TV, don't read magazines, don't even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you're worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you're giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is #-brained, this kind of thinking. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told 'no', we're unimportant, we're peripheral. 'Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.' And then you're a player, you don't want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that's being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.”

As for "powers" well, just look at what the chi can do. It's pretty awesome stuff, but that's not all. I've seen videos of, what I assume are shamans, healing with the laying of the hands and even levitating. The human body is capable of great things because it has the spirit as it's power source. So, don't resent your humanity, it's actually a precious thing to be in these bodies rather than, say, a goldfish.

Great change is coming though. For whatever reason, lots of people believe that too. Steady on and spiral out.
edit on 2/4/12 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:16 AM
You should check out the Spirit Science channel on YouTube. I'm sure you'd find you aren't alone.

edit on 2-4-2012 by jvl1985 because: miserable youtube link failure lol

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:21 AM


posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Three

You Do Not need any of the things you listed, but you may want them. most humans aspire to be gods. It's even in our mythology that we specifically aspire to be gods, but there is huge danger there. It's all there, look at Prometheus, or the idea of Hubris.

Asexual Usually means that you can reproduce without sex. I take it you mean you just Don't at all?

Anyway, the things you are describing is what anyone feels like when we first find out this world sucks. For me I noticed when I was 4 years old. I asked mommy why grownups drove in circles everyday down these lines called roads. Just over and over and over... What's the point!!

I decided not to participate in society. I decided I would live in the woods and never drive a car.

Well, I am still in society, but I don't consume society. I don't read their news I just use their roads. I don't believe their schooling, but I will use pieces of the knowledge gained as my own. I will not watch TV, but I will go on ATS. I won't believe their lies, but I will discern what they think they can pass off as truth, to better understand their view of the level of human intelligence. You see, I am playing my own game within the game, that destroys their game one day at a time.

won't you play with me??


Create YOUR game. Look for those powers. Meditate. Cause ACTion. Be Somebody. You can do it. You are out of place. There is nothing to lose. Create that which you seek.

PS... I don't know why I came to this silly earth, I seriously wonder why. It all seems so stupid at times. I long to go back home, but I have touched the walls. You cannot cheat your way out(think jumanji) you have to play the game through... Maybe there is some point to all of this after all...

Can you guess it?

Originally posted by nineix

What I need is for all of us to get along, with, or without me ever having the satisfaction of seeing it happen.

edit on 2-4-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

I know we butted heads a little, but I am really starting to like the way you think. I agree with the whole post, but this one part really says all of it.

edit on 4/2/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/2/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/2/2012 by Dustytoad because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:42 AM
Seems to me you've been watching too much anime for far too long. I BELIEVE to have seen the real world behind the veil (using a certain south american tool) and while being REAL to me, I still would not dare call it proof of anything. Proof is a very strong word. Gotta back it up with facts.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by Dustytoad
Can you guess it?

You nailed it, it is a game. The objective is to remember who and what we Truly are. We have been fed lies and denied Truth for so very long for a very good reason: if we did not figure out the answer on our own there would be nothing learned, and no point to the game.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 04:49 AM


posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 05:29 AM
You seem depressed and lonely, you are turning your back on the world, you cannot convince me your not. i am 100% right. You are wrong.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by Dustytoad

Let's get down to business, shall we? It's time to stop playing games...

edit on 4/2/12 by soulshn because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 06:30 AM
If you are having trouble establishing what is real and what is not, please be careful not to cause any long term injury but try giving yourself some brief pain. I know things can get numb and confused at times, but it can help re-establish the connection between your mind, body and this world. For whatever reasons we are here, there are some very real consequences from our actions. It helps to know what is important.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Three

You will never get your supernatural abilities if you don't respect yourself..... some have called you childish and told you to grow up........but when you see what grownups do.... war, allowing people to starve to death...I am not suprised you feel as you do.

edit on 2-4-2012 by dontlaughthink because: (no reason given)

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