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YECs: The age of the earth?

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posted on Mar, 31 2012 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
reply to post by xxsomexpersonxx

Science show's evidence of a young earth not old. Its easy to distort the evidence to make the world seem old when you have a strong bias. Secular Scientists do this by starting with presumption that 'their is no God' in turn making most of their scientific findings inaccurate or simply misleading.

You don't think god is old too? Why does the earth have to be young to validate your religion?

Scientist have to rule out god to find an answer. If they said, well gee, god created the earth, no one would search further than that. That doesn't mean that every scientist that pose questions that may contradict the bible is an atheist. Science, by nature, has to be atheistic.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by borntowatch
All the objects moving away from the center and preceding earth will show signs of red shift and those moving out and after from the center would have a definite blue Doppler effect.
Its hard to explain without drawings and images and I cant be bothered spending ages searching, linking and explaining.
This is proven science. Best you research it yourself if you want the truth.
God stretched the universe from a central point, roughly us, as it was stretched light remained. Thats the theory.
Ever wondered why there are no new planets stars and comets.
Thats well worth researching as well. Mind the pooh though.
I have been looking into this. What I'm seeing is that the universe is expanding like a balloon. All the galaxies are on the surface of the balloon. They all started near the center before the balloon is expanded. Once you start expanding the balloon, they all move outwards and begin separating from each other, the bigger the expansion the further they separate. By looking at the surface of the balloon (where are the galaxies would be), you can't find a definite center. They would all appear to be the center and moving away from each other.

He is suggesting the universe is effectively round and flat. Two dimensional. That is not the case.
The universe contains depth and width and height. Its 3 dimensional expanding.

posted on Apr, 1 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by borntowatch
He is suggesting the universe is effectively round and flat. Two dimensional. That is not the case.
The universe contains depth and width and height. Its 3 dimensional expanding.
No he's not. Look at the balloon. Do you see 2 dimensions or three? It is expanding in all directions. BTW, I'm still not sure where you stand on the age of the earth...
edit on 1-4-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by borntowatch
He is suggesting the universe is effectively round and flat. Two dimensional. That is not the case.
The universe contains depth and width and height. Its 3 dimensional expanding.
No he's not. Look at the balloon. Do you see 2 dimensions or three? It is expanding in all directions. BTW, I'm still not sure where you stand on the age of the earth...
edit on 1-4-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

The balloon is suggesting the universe is empty in the middle, that is not a fact.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by borntowatch

Originally posted by Hydroman

Originally posted by borntowatch
He is suggesting the universe is effectively round and flat. Two dimensional. That is not the case.
The universe contains depth and width and height. Its 3 dimensional expanding.
No he's not. Look at the balloon. Do you see 2 dimensions or three? It is expanding in all directions. BTW, I'm still not sure where you stand on the age of the earth...
edit on 1-4-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

The balloon is suggesting the universe is empty in the middle, that is not a fact.
Well, you can't really draw galaxies inside the balloon, but the same principle applies. Everything would be moving out and away from the center. The further it moves out, the further things move apart.

p.s. Where do you stand on the age of the earth?
edit on 2-4-2012 by Hydroman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 03:52 AM
Ok if you were on the outside skin of the balloon every other object would look blue due to the Doppler effect, also you would only see objects in one side of the hemisphere. The other side of the hemisphere would be empty. The empty expansion side.
In the center of the void of the balloon you will see only red Doppler effect, as everything moves away from the center.
Between the center of the Balloon and the skin of the balloon you would see both blue Doppler on object moving toward you and see red Doppler of an object moving away.

As the object comes toward you its blue shift and as it moves away you see red shift. Our object remains between them when observed that way. Earth only sees Red Shift. Cept alpha Centauri where we see slight blue shift

posted on Apr, 3 2012 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by windword
You don't think god is old too? Why does the earth have to be young to validate your religion?

Scientist have to rule out god to find an answer. If they said, well gee, god created the earth, no one would search further than that. That doesn't mean that every scientist that pose questions that may contradict the bible is an atheist. Science, by nature, has to be atheistic.

It's not a matter of needing to be atheistic, or of ruling out answers involving deities.

It's ruling out assuming from the start. Science doesn't assume, and therefore doesn't immediately go to godditit. Instead we search for evidences, and compile conclusions from that.

A god that isn't part of any empirical evidence will not show up in in scientific examination of the evidence. However, that isn't because science is "dismissing god", but instead because there's no objective route to observe and support any claim that there is.

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