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Racism is mostly a farce

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:45 PM
What we see here everyone is the newest addition to our culture, something we call a troll. When I say troll some may think of monsters that live under bridges and eat billy goats, but this is something far different and far worse.

A troll in the anse is someone who comes to a site like ATS and then post seeming nonsensical topics and uses mainly unsubstantiated opinion to love his/her point. Troops are becoming a bigger nuisence than the thugs that have been discussed within this post.

The only way to get rid of a troll for good is to stop speaking with it until it gets bored and goes back to looking up old britney spears music videos and porn. Just letting everyone know that this thing will stay here as long as you keep giving it a reason too.

Oh and OP, I laughed when i read your comment about staying away from those "filters" because of their immoral activites but choose a norse god as your avatar

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:46 PM
Smells like able-bodied heterosexual white male in this thread.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:50 PM
I can't believe how I see people here that claim to have an iota of a clue as to what TPTB is up to are taking the bait with this race ish. And by the way, there is absolutly nothing hilarious about any of this...this is serious business and the powers in command never waste a good crisis. It's quite obvious what they're doing here, because what better way to divide a diverse country such as ours than by race? I mean, it's elementary. Obviously, the class wars are ineffective, so let's rile up the races! Perfect storm! People let race become emotional, and that's ridiculous because you had no choice as to what uniform you were given. Racial pride and all that crap is bull-ish, regardless of who it is. How are you proud of something you had absolutely JACK to do with? How can you blame or dislike a whole race of people by the actions of, in the grand scheme of things, such a few? I'm black and I think it looks stupid as hell to have on a belt and your pants are at your knees. I live in the south and I've met alot of non-black people who speak so called gibberish. Depends on the listener my friend. And I also happen to think huge rims are ridiculous and hell on a car suspension, to each his own. And being black isn't a culture's a skin tone. If you think most black people are what the media portrays, you're sadly mistaken. If you don't like gold teeth...and I don't, don't get gold teeth! And you don't have to hang out with people that do. You have a very negative attitude towards black people in general, and that's your right, but don't think for a second that this isn't planned. And one more thing, most black people are not from the inner city. Don't believe the hype.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by WhatAreThey
I find it absolutely hilarious how you people get on your high horses and call someone "racist" and think you are soooo much better than them - like you have just pulled the wools from everyone else's eyes and exposed this person for being a raaacccciiiiissstt.

Most of us are not racist. We are more... "culturalist".

We don't like thugs who wear pants down to their ankles revealing their underwear for everyone to see, speak in gibberish, attempt to legitimize a corruption of a language, replace their teeth with tinfoil/diamonds/gold, have huge obnoxious tires and blast loud vulgar music for all to hear. Those who have 6 kids by 6 different daddy's. Those who don't know who the father of their children are. We don't like the culture of walking around harassing people because someone looked at them funny. We don't like the culture of highly disproportionate crime rates, violence, rape, and drug use. We don't like the general disrespect and selfishness the culture has. We don't like the lack of self-improvement or the attitude of entitlement. The culture of victimization and persecution from white people. We don't like the culture of placing blame on the white man. We don't like the culture of staying on welfare while you go out and make tons of money selling drugs.

This culture exists. PC has allowed for a large group of people to adopt the above culture and be protected behind a curtain of politically correct sheep who defend any criticism or discrimination of the above by labeling it "racist" by inherently assuming that the above culture is the culture of the inner city black person.

They can have "their" culture, that's fine. However, when their "culture" infringes on my culture, I have a real problem with that. I'm a "problem solver" that believes that the end justifies the means when solving a problem.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

My friends had to leave for home by 9;00 pm when visiting me in San francisco or face getting robbed out side the door........we lived just off haight and fillmore.....

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 09:09 PM
Racism, is way to take people's differences and create division, nothing more.

People of different cultures and ethnicity and religion have co-existed in peace many times in history.

When we think about all of these terrible qualities all throughout society, doesn't it make you appreciate the good qualities a bit more?

If you didn't have something in your mind that is "bad" to compare against, you would never know what "good" really is. So even though you try to avoid those people or neighborhoods, they are probably there to remind you of the good in other people. Likewise, the opposite is true. The people living in the bad conditions in society would not know what to look forward to if there weren't good conditions in society.


posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by WhatAreThey

Sure. The difference is I can tell my mind is doing this and tell it to stop.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 09:46 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by WhatAreThey

Well his skater days are over, he is 28 years old, I just found it hilarious that they automatically thought he looked like a guy that should being doing community service.

Hmmm. I see that the OP author just assumed a bunch of stuff about your boy....based on....nothing. I for a minute thought he had a point in his original post....but not so much now. God I love the irony of people!
edit on 26-3-2012 by empireoflizards because: word

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:06 PM
When will some of you get it?? In the big picture, race is not the issue because within every race, there is a SUBculture within that race! Today's hiphop culture does NOT define black people. It is a subculture. Skinheads do not define white people...see where I'm going with this? TPTB have us at each other's throats, ON BOTH SIDES, and everywhere in between, to keep our focus away from them. They are methodically orchestrating this madness. When it comes to these maniacs in power, they don't give a crap WHAT color you're a pawn in their twisted games. They WANT this for a multitude of reasons, one being, race controversy creates a fantastic diversion. When the jackboots come, we will unite.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by SonOfTheLawOfOne

Spot on Law...there's a book called ''Before the Mayflower''. Different races not just co-existed but interacted and intermarried with one another. Very interesting read on very little known facts about how the race thing got started in North America. Division and fear is how they control the masses ultimately. The bread and circuses are just the bait.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by WhatAreThey

I think its quite stupid how people can say your racist, well really what does that even mean? By saying your racist towards someone doesnt even make sense. We humans are the human race. There is no black race, or brown race, or white race.......The word doesnt even apply to color, it applies to a whole group of type of species.

So a person is not racist at all when they say "I dont like white people because...." or "I know that those Indians are like that because...." Thats not even a racist remark. A racist remark would be "Dolphins are better than humans because humans kill each other for no aparrent reason".

People are prejudiced towards others not racist. The meaning is twisted to mean something it is not. We are all humans, black white, brown, yellow (simpsons) whatever. Stop using the word it doesnt even mean that.

Also, quit being just biggoted people and having a childlike attitude for any criticism. Grow some balls, grow some thick skin, take a comment and shut yer yap, grow up people!

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by WhatAreThey

naahh I am both to be honest with myself, I am a nationalist and racist to a need to lie here, I know who I am and am comfortable with myself enough to acknowledge it...


posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by Bigfoot12714
reply to post by antonia

its all about respect. we don't respect the rednecks because they don't respect us. we don't respect the "cultures" in the OP because they don't respect us. Neither of these types of people have respect for themselves either.


Both of those have plenty of respect for themselves - the problem is that YOU don't get to define their self respect and force it to conform to YOUR framework..

THAT is what galls you.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by WhatAreThey

Ya know what pal, you just described the future of western culture, almost to the letter. I was thinkin "man, this person knows what is goin' on."

Then I got to your position on drugs, which really isn't any of your business. Society is made of drug addicts, that just don't wanna admit it. Have you had your caffeine today? (one example of hundreds/thousands I am sure).

Personally I like my drugs, lol. They don't cause me to go rampaging about, harming your family, your property, etc. I don't sell em, and in fact, I'd rather not have to buy it either, if ya know what I'm sayin. Ultimately, I don't think it should be up to you or anyone telling me or anyone else what they can and cannot do to themselves.
I work hard to support myself, in all aspects of life. I don't take handouts, and I don't believe in entitlements.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:09 AM
there is a problem though, with the level to which political correctness has taken over.. in truth we are really only one race (unless we wanna start talkin trippy conspiracy talk) but probably just one race, different adaptations, pigments, social structuring and development.

but if one man or woman is allowed to walk down the street shouting about how proud they are to be black, or white, or yellow, or red or blue.. then all other men and women, of differing color schemes should be allowed to do the same. WITHOUT BEING CALLED A RACIST.

It would also be really cool if people would stop calling me an anti-Semite for my disapproval of Israel. lol

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by ToFarGone

Political correctness? Do you really not get the grand scheme of things?? Check this out...there's nothing political about being respectful. With freedom, including freedom of speech, comes responsibility. Let's not be ridiculous.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:14 AM

So was Geraldo Rivera correct by saying that
everyone who wears a hoodie is endangering their own lives ?;
therefor is at fault ?
Is this type of stereotyping sensible ?

As for kids wearing baggy pants ect., yes I agree it's
a horrible fashion statement, but don't forget that these are
immature kids. Kids often just don't know any better,
no need to hate them for their immaturity.
We all know that you too wore some ugly
stuff too in your early years and embarrassed your parents.
Anyways, between hate OR baggy pants,
I would loose the hate. Hate is not healthy,
and does more harm in general.


posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:23 AM
I really think these race post are being made because white people, yes i said white people, Are starting to realize that they are the minority in this country. While other races like black, mexicans, asians, are moving forward. You people are getting left behind in the wind. If i was white i would feel the same. But nope, im mexican, making good money, and still moving forward. Sorry crackers.

OP you are indeed a stereotypical racist. I bet if you looked in your phone contacts and saw all 3 of your friends, which im sure you dont have a lot of friends. Im willing to bet the majority are white. And i know your white because white peole on this site are the only ones complaining about race.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by solizer
I really think these race post are being made because white people, yes i said white people, Are starting to realize that they are the minority in this country. While other races like black, mexicans, asians, are moving forward. You people are getting left behind in the wind. If i was white i would feel the same. But nope, im mexican, making good money, and still moving forward. Sorry crackers.

OP you are indeed a stereotypical racist. I bet if you looked in your phone contacts and saw all 3 of your friends, which im sure you dont have a lot of friends. Im willing to bet the majority are white. And i know your white because white peole on this site are the only ones complaining about race.

I'm glad that you're a mexican (as opposed to a mexi-can't), glad yer making money (if you are, if its honest you live in a land that you do not belong to, therefore you owe americans and the united states the "good money you make" - if you live in mexico however, you'd only be making good money selling dope, still you had to thank americans and the united states for buying it) and I hope you continue to move foward (as long as theres not a cliff ahead which you seem to me that you wont be able to see it when it comes... easy to tell from your arrogance).

Now I love how you call white ppl racist and that they start all the "race issues", but as I look to your reply I see that you let your true self come out first, and call ppl "crackers", and only then you really addressed the issue at hand.

This tells me that you're a small little man... a small minded little man with a more than evident inferiority complex... still... take your time to thank your fellow white man for the good stuff you have in life...
edit on 27-3-2012 by FraternitasSaturni because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by mikeprodigy

Don't you think your racist by calling us African American.. Why not just American

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