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I may be homeless, need advice

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posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

Although I have not read all the many pages to this thread, I am responding to your first post made in this thread.

If you have a year or more to plan, there is no need to be homeless unless you want want to be.

Personally I would take the military option if faced with your situation (unknown) and if you are eligible to join.

If you had a drastic reduction in income and are basing your time left based upon savings, etc. again you don't have to be homeless unless you choose to. There are even certain Section 8 programs within HUD that persons even with zero
income can live in government subsidized apartment this general knowledge no, do they exist...absolutely, and yes there are waiting lists which are very long in major cities and actually sometimes available in a short time in smaller cities and towns throughout the U.S.

Best to you regardless of your decision.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

Well I guess you had better work hard and stay focused, because if that is the case, you DO NOT want to be homeless. Weather and animals are not the only dangers out there.
Get your mind together. The other posters have very good ideas. You must not focus on failure, or you certainly will. Focus on where you want to be and feel it, beleave it, then start simple. You are young and have so much opportunity to do great things. Don't worry and take things one step at a time. Job Corps is a viable direction.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

Try to get a job at a motel and trade payment for rent. Then apply for a student loan and go back to school. It worked for me. I'm in my third year at a university now. At least at a motel you have no bills to pay and it gives you a chance to focus on an education.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by 0thetrooth0

I may be homeless as soon as a year or as late as a few years. It's not because of losing a job or getting kicked out of parents house or anything...
I pretty much have 4 options: Be homeless, join military, end up in jail, [SNIP] or join a Catholic monastery..



Mod note: Removed inappropriate subject matter.
edit on 3/26/2012 by AshleyD because: (no reason given)

if you have a year, you could get pregnant and go on public assistance like most individuals for which WORKING and PAYING their own housing is not option.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

I worried about you all night at work! Please consider Job Corps! And Please dont ever hitch hike! Save as much of youre money as you can! Try and think positive! I wish you Happiness!

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Apollo7

And Please dont ever hitch hike!

LOL I think you worry too much, there is nothing wrong with hitch-hiking. Paranoid America

Don't fear OP, get out into the world, life is dangerous no matter what you do. If you spend your life afraid you're going to die anyway having not lived.

I've done a lot of hitch-hiking and never had a problem, and I ain't a big guy either. Met some crazy people, and even creepy people, but no one who tried to do anything to me. I run into crazy and creepy people on the street every time I leave my home.

edit on 3/26/2012 by ANOK because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:50 PM
OP, unless you are disabled physically or mentally, then get off your ass and find a job. You have a full year to figure this out. What kind of hand have you been dealt?

Have you gotten hit by a car? Did you loose a limb? Do you have down syndrome or maybe even a chronic pain condition?

If not, then stop feeling sorry for yourself. Take all that energy you do feeling sorry for yourself and start something positive in your life, even if it's walking your neighbors dogs for a few extra bucks a week.

Life is what you make it.

posted on Mar, 26 2012 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

See if you can't find a place to stay with a friend until you can get on your feet. (If someone allows you to stay with them, don't take advantage of the situation, get out and hit the pavement and look for a job.) Looking for a job is a full-time job. Spread the word everywhere you can that you're looking for a job. Word of mouth and making contacts can sometimes land you a job.

If you don't have any kind of skill, a waiter in a popular restaurant will help pay your rental expenses. Some waiters and waitresses get great tips. Use that money to pay your friend some rent and pay for your food during your stay. Your friend should like that arrangement.

Look into federal programs and grants that will help pay for you to learn a trade. Attend a trade school during the day and be motivated to be the best. Employers will grab at the chance to get top trade school graduates.
Education is the key to get out of your depressed circumstances.

Keep your head up, work hard and be motivated to learn. Living in a monastery are you kidding me? That will probably make you more depressed? Wish you the best.

edit on 26-3-2012 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:16 AM
I don't mean to sound out of place but i see 6 pages that this post should of not gone past 2. I think you all have been trolled on this one.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

Firstly, you will never be homeless.As long as you are here on earth this is your home. Being houseless is another thing. Don't stress about not having a house, my mom's been houseless since i was 2 and she did a really good job raising me, you know why? Because she was really crafty. You don't necessarily have to have to have hardcore survivor skills to get by, but you should always be prepared should you find yourself in a situation where you have no one else but yourself to rely on. Joining the military or a monastery is completely your decision to make. I would avoid jail if i were you, once you go there and they profile you, they tend to keep tabs on you there on out. There are so many public resources you can use to get on your feet, a lot of churches keep extra sleeping bags and clothes. You've got foodbanks soup kitchens church lunches hospitality houses where you can stay ( i'd camp out in a tent or my car instead,those places you should only stay when there's a storm)'ve got foodstamps.I'm not sure for how much longer though, they might stop that soon.You can collect recyclables and turn them in. There's a guy here who makes 1,000 dollars a month doing that,just going through peoples recycling.You've got some options you know. Don't be discouraged.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:43 AM

Originally posted by 0thetrooth0

I may be homeless as soon as a year or as late as a few years. It's not because of losing a job or getting kicked out of parents house or anything...
I pretty much have 4 options: Be homeless, join military, end up in jail, [SNIP] or join a Catholic monastery..

I vote number 1 but then again with 24 years of service myself I am biased.

As long as you have graduated high school, are not wanted, or a felon, or have a lot of law issues and can read and do math at the 6-8th grade level you can get into the military.

It's a great way of life. Private makes about 24k a year with room board and uniform allowance. You get to travel, see exotic places etc...

Not everyone in the military is an infantryman btw - if your scores are good enough you can learn a trade, mechanic (aviation or wheeled vehicle), learn to speak a language, defuse bombs, computer networks, satellite repair/set-up etc so many things to do. Like 200 jobs available. Even jobs for consciences objectors - medics etc.

A four year stint will net you 69k for college, a VA home loan, and job experience. You don't have to do it for a lifetime but you might like it.

Life is what you make it.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:44 AM
join the military

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:53 AM
Haven't read the entire thread but you show sure signs of being clinically (very!) depressed. It can show itself as a fear of leaving the house and vague thoughts of suicide. If you go to a hospital ER and tell them what you've said here, they will probably diagnose you with depression at the very least; you may have other physical problems that are causing you to feel so defeated and have such seemingly low energy. There are social workers at hospitals that will help you get access to social services such as food, housing and medical care. Ask for help if you're not automatically referred. It would be best to go to the hospital on a Monday through Thursday, late morning-ish. Don't show up Friday through Sunday unless it's truly an emergency, they already have their hands full and they are short staffed then. There is also Suicide Hotlines, they have trained people to help you find out your options.

As far as jobs go that are a bit off the radar, if you could work as a caretaker to an elderly or disabled person, you could be paid to just be there and help with things and room and board would come with the territory. Maybe you could also trade a bedroom for help around a house, gardening duties, whatever. It depends on what you think you could reasonably do. 2K in the bank is pretty good and gives you options, at the very least get out of the Midwest and go somewhere where the weather is easier to take.

Job Corps sounds like a great idea. A good gig in the Armed Forces might be difficult to get and you don't want to be cannon fodder but it doesn't hurt to talk to a recruiter as long as you realize once you've signed on the dotted line, you're their slave for how ever many years. There's also the Peace Corps which is a 2 year hitch and all your pay will be waiting for you when you're done, and you'll have some great experience.

But seriously man, you're depressed. Get treatment for it.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:01 AM
get a life buddy... we are not here to throw you a pity there a conspiracy angle to this?

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:09 AM
Get a backpack, buy a plane ticket to Europe and just back pack across Europe until your time is up..then if you don't want to come back to the U.S. you can always join the French Foreign Legion and you'll get a french passport if you complete the 5 year contract..

The pay isn't good though, but at least you'll experience things that most of us will never get to experience.


Waking up at 4am to jog 10 miles on an empty stomach
and getting kicked in the ribs if you get too tired.

Seriously though go to a Job Corps location near you.

You're way too young to have this kind of an attitude.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by muse7
Get a backpack, buy a plane ticket to Europe and just back pack across Europe until your time is up..then if you don't want to come back to the U.S.

He can come here to Spain, the weather is excellent, NO ONE gives a **** about paper work etc The economy is horrible and no one has money, but there is always stuff to do like picking fruit...and you can rent a fully furnitured apartment for €300...spend the rest of the day sizzling in the sun or in the pool.

Still not sure whether his OP is trolling or not
but i'd say US and in particular Chicago area is just bad, bad bad....the winters there are brutal.

Also...i am still puzzled why he did not/does not do the MOST OBVIOUS checking out temp agencies and simply getting a job? I mean this is what i did back in Illinois, and there is still more jobs as compared to the south. There is ALWAYS some kind of jobs, *especially* in the Chicago area.

Also..i cannot emphasize's ALL in your head/your are 21 and basically have no clue about life...but i can tell you it's all under your control and things can change very month you don't have a penny and the next month you can do great. Nothing in this world is "static", it's your choice to sit back and let life "live you" - or take matters in your own hand and try to control things because things wont happen if you don't do anything. need to be aware that you should do this NOW since it well become far, far more difficult if SHTF and you are homeless. You can use the internet now and use whatever resources you have - later on you cannot even do that anymore because you will be busy with basic stuff and survival.
edit on 27-3-2012 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 03:46 AM
take a look at your hobbies

and try to do relatively what you love

or darn closest to it.

when i was a kid i loved mowing lawns or weeding or pruning hedges for just 5 bucks a day

of course thats nothing..

but now i do that stuff for free, cuz its my passion! do what ya love or at least like, so you'll be happy!

if you dont like anything ,then ya have other problems (ie lack of interest in precious life)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by 0thetrooth0

Originally posted by Apollo7
reply to post by 0thetrooth0

If you are in the USA..please apply for JOB CORPS Now!! They will give you room and board..It will be like a college dorm..You will have plenty of food and they will provide Transportation!! This is Federal Based of the best that I have ever seen. You can train to work with HOmeland Security, become a Forest Ranger..which I think is a great one..or do whatever you decide to do!! They will take you up to the age of 24..this is a chance!! Child..Please Hold ON!! I know the Struggle!! You can make it please have Faith!

Thanks for reminding me about this. I didn't forget about this option, but I figured that after a few months there then I get a job and what If I get fired and then im back to square 1. Although the good thing is ill always have experience and a ceritificate
It sucks time is running out to apply there

Being fired and being laid off are 2 different things entirely. If you are 'laid off' due to the lack of work, then you can apply for unemployment insurance which is paid for by the company..

Being 'fired' means there's a performance issue(s) and it can be as colorful as the rainbow, weak unions, bad bosses, etc..

Post an Craigslist ad and see if you can share a room/apt till you can find a minimum wage job; @ 8.80/hr here in Oregon that equates to about 1200.00/month (after taxes). By sharing expenses, you can cut them by half and still be able to save some cash ..

unless of course your lazy, and rather not look for a job and bum for awhile...but their are resources out there..

but here's a start help paying your bills

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 07:01 AM
There are numerous survival communities all over the globe, who do accept new members and all have criterias, that should be able to find one, where you will fit in and they would welcome you in, just keep in mind jonestown's regrettful demise, when searching out for a commune, so do not fall into some trap, and well who knows, if you find a jonestown looking one, let us know and/or go in an check it out for us

Biggest shame is the option of joining the military , as so many choose to do, as that is like joing the root of evil based on the performance and records of history have shown us and those that join are pawns in a game of destructions and tyrany, like be a regulator or not, ...ever watched young guns?

Future options are military or die... the global way or boycott the military an what is stands for and take the road of honor and dignity, so you can die knowing you did not surrender to the enemy...the powers that be.

edit on 27-3-2012 by earthinhabitant because: added a paragraph or two

edit on 27-3-2012 by earthinhabitant because: changed a word

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 07:05 AM
There's always the French Foreign Legion

Will keep you busy for 5 years, plus get a French passport if desired.

If you get posted to Djoubti, you will earn roughly $45,000 /annum (That was 6 months ago, compared to $AUS)

There are so many options mate. Just keep applying for jobs, who cares where it is at, just walk in, introduce yourself, hand over your resume, take it from there.

Best of luck mate.

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