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FINALLY They Found The Cause Of The Wisconsin BOOMs and RUMBLEs

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

We shouldn't be so quick to accept another *official story.* Anyone who has done a decent amount of research into the US government's explanations for the STRANGE and/or the UNUSUAL will quickly realize that what "experts" assert was nothing more than the planet Venus was indeed something quite substantially more.

People saw a lot in the skies in the 1950s+. Professional/military pilots, law enforcement, political officials, etc. saw things. These sightings were explained away as swamp gas, planet Venus, hallucinations, etc. The gov is quick to cover-up something REAL with ridiculous and simplified explanations while reciting the numbing mantra of Occam's Razor.

Just because the gov has "explained" the booms (which have not really happened before, or otherwise wouldn't people have reported these in the past?) as earthquakes, doesn't mean that they were really earthquakes. Were tremors felt? Have booms ever been associated with previous earthquakes? As far as I was taught, the answer is NO. So, now, they are saying these booms are caused by earthquakes? Why wasn't this taught 30 years ago? Why isn't this "common knowledge?"

Something far different is going on here. We need to keep DIGGING.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by TheIlluminatedOne

Well REGARDLESS of all of our varied beliefs and opinions, at least we know this much, they recorded SOME kind of seismic activity.

At least we could rule out the fracking and underground drilling(perhaps)

Now youre getting it.

For it to last for days, I would think its very unusual.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

Dear TheIlluminatedOne,

And. There is no sound. Have you lived through an earthquake? I have many times and so has anyone else that lives in California. None of us will buy this answer. You don't hear sounds from the ground or the sky, you hear the sounds of buildings shaking and furniture moving and anything under a 4 I don't even notice. Understand the Richter scale and you will understand how minute the mini-quake was, it wouldn't move in water in a teacup. It is a joke.

Okay AQuestion,
Given your experience with quakes and me having 0 (seeing as how i live in Ohio lol) you may be right. I will give in because you obviously know that part of the equation that i don't, SO.

If its not any kind of earthquake thing that then rules out the massive EQ theory does it not?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:16 AM
If there is anything i learned in the last few years it is this:
Just because the government says so, doesn't mean it's true, on the contrary

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:17 AM
When things started being heard in the next town,when the MSM picked up the story,something "official"had to be trotted out to "calm the people"so it was announced as an earthquake with noise instead of noticeable may think differently but try to prove their explanation wrong.The whole thing has now "officially"been put to bed.
The Government has spoken.Remain calm.All is well
edit on 23-3-2012 by Bullypulpit because: Dawgsbane

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by Bullypulpit
When things started being heard in the next town,when the MSM picked up the story,something "official"had to be trotted out to "calm the people"so it was announced as an earthquake with noise instead of noticeable may think differently but try to prove their explanation wrong.The whole thing has now "officially"been put to bed.
The Government has spoken.Remain calm.All is well
edit on 23-3-2012 by Bullypulpit because: Dawgsbane

Move along, move along, nothing to see here...

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by LennyDaRetard

Dear LennyDaRetard,

Exactly, this is nonsense. This nonsense doesn't fly with people who live in earthquake land, it is just silly. If you could predict earthquakes by sound and feel ones under 4 than it would have been figured out before now. Why did it take so long to even figure out that a mini earthquake had happened, we know immediately. That is how we have set up the detection tools, Richter scales. You can even watch it online live. You don't have these kinds of sounds around earthquakes if you don't have them drowned out by other sounds first, sounds of your dishes crashing of buildings moving. The first thing that makes noise is what we call non-structural earthquake hazards (loose things that fall) that sound will drown out any other sound. If it cannot make a dish fall then it made no sound or vibration of interest. It is simple.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by TheIlluminatedOne

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

Dear TheIlluminatedOne,

And. There is no sound. Have you lived through an earthquake? I have many times and so has anyone else that lives in California. None of us will buy this answer. You don't hear sounds from the ground or the sky, you hear the sounds of buildings shaking and furniture moving and anything under a 4 I don't even notice. Understand the Richter scale and you will understand how minute the mini-quake was, it wouldn't move in water in a teacup. It is a joke.

Okay AQuestion,
Given your experience with quakes and me having 0 (seeing as how i live in Ohio lol) you may be right. I will give in because you obviously know that part of the equation that i don't, SO.

If its not any kind of earthquake thing that then rules out the massive EQ theory does it not?

I don't see how it ever related to anything "massive EQ centric" at all. It was more another regional anomaly type event.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by LennyDaRetard

I read a thread somebody made predicting a huge March 22nd EQ and they were saying it was going to happen right there in Wisconsin. They based their prediction off the 188 day cycle where every 188 days a 7.0 or higher hits a certain area.

I find EQ's to be a random natural event like that of tornadoes and hurricanes, unpredictable.

edit on 23-3-2012 by TheIlluminatedOne because: link

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by TheIlluminatedOne
reply to post by LennyDaRetard

I read a thread somebody made predicting a huge March 22nd EQ and they were saying it was going to happen right there in Wisconsin. They based their prediction off the 188 day cycle where every 188 days a 7.0 or higher hits a certain area.

I find EQ's to be a random natural event like that of tornadoes and hurricanes, unpredictable.

I am as intrigued by the 188 phenomenon as many others... but I don't take the predictions of people who are trying to tie a story coming out of WI together with an emerging phenomenon regarding big quakes every 188 days.

Internet drivel is just that. I am sure GLP was filled with such predictions.

What is most intriguing to me regarding the WI microquke explanation is the fact that the USGS decides to put an end to the story by coming out with a scientific cover story... excuse me, scientific explanation... AFTER the MSM begins to lick up on it and the story gains steam.

So let's see. Either the USGS is right and it was a microquake of such a small magnitude that they didn't even notice it at all...


Groans, grumbles, rumbles, hums, rattlings... and rickety barns falling over in Canada I think it was... will continue. And then, from out of nowhere, WI might become the microquake capitol of the world. Which itself would be the manifestation of a strange new phenomenon (or a bunch of smoke and mirrors to distract those who accept official explanations).

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by LennyDaRetard

Possible bible correlation?

"earthqueakes in various places"

If earthquakes are now varied away from fault lines for the first time ever, that's almost an 'act of god' in its own right...

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

Hey Yo Illuminated,

Man, you can find parallels in anything and everything if you choose to look for them. From prophetic religious texts to Nostradamus to E. Casey. Mayan Calendars, Time Wave Zero, Bible Code... pick your poison or find your truth.

You want elevated EQ activity... world wide... you have it! Looking for floods, how about a few massive, nation destroying, land scouring tsunamis or Pakistan washing away? What about a fire driven end... didn't half of central Asia's crop fields burn away not too long ago? Wars and rumors of wars... damn, even the MSM has that one checked off for you. Plagues, pestilence and a general pox on all our houses... well, the zombie plague isn't here yet, but we have a lot of evidence of odd diseases, resistant bacterias and Lord knows what might be next. How about mass animal deaths... lots of prophets speak about that kind of stuff going down... seen anything like birds falling out of the sky or rivers and marshes filled with the corpses of dead animal life?

And don't even get me going on what our solar system is experiencing right now! Every planet but for Mercury is in electromagnetic/thermal upheaval, as are many of the planets' atmospheric bearing moons. But hey man, global warming and climate change are due to the gasses emitted from my tailpipe! Pay no attention to the shrinking Martian ice caps... or massive wind storms on Neptune... or huge electric storms on Saturn and Uranus. Or so many moons orbiting the gas giants which are showing signs of rapid atmospheric changes. All those things are cyclical and part of planetary existence in the solar system and you have nothing to worry about as it is all related to minor fluctuation in the Sun's normal cycles.

But all the stuff happening on Earth, well, it is either your imagination, a conspiracy theory or due to farting cows!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:13 AM
Sounds like a nice 'Official' explanation, for something they don't actually have an explanation to.

I was under the impression that they didn't know what it was. If they were minor earthquakes they would have called it like it was when it first happened. I live in Michigan and we never have earthquakes, but a couple years ago we had a minor one.....needless to say, we knew what it was within a couple minutes.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by LennyDaRetard
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne

Hey Yo Illuminated,

Man, you can find parallels in anything and everything if you choose to look for them. From prophetic religious texts to Nostradamus to E. Casey. Mayan Calendars, Time Wave Zero, Bible Code... pick your poison or find your truth.

You want elevated EQ activity... world wide... you have it! Looking for floods, how about a few massive, nation destroying, land scouring tsunamis or Pakistan washing away? What about a fire driven end... didn't half of central Asia's crop fields burn away not too long ago? Wars and rumors of wars... damn, even the MSM has that one checked off for you. Plagues, pestilence and a general pox on all our houses... well, the zombie plague isn't here yet, but we have a lot of evidence of odd diseases, resistant bacterias and Lord knows what might be next. How about mass animal deaths... lots of prophets speak about that kind of stuff going down... seen anything like birds falling out of the sky or rivers and marshes filled with the corpses of dead animal life?

And don't even get me going on what our solar system is experiencing right now! Every planet but for Mercury is in electromagnetic/thermal upheaval, as are many of the planets' atmospheric bearing moons. But hey man, global warming and climate change are due to the gasses emitted from my tailpipe! Pay no attention to the shrinking Martian ice caps... or massive wind storms on Neptune... or huge electric storms on Saturn and Uranus. Or so many moons orbiting the gas giants which are showing signs of rapid atmospheric changes. All those things are cyclical and part of planetary existence in the solar system and you have nothing to worry about as it is all related to minor fluctuation in the Sun's normal cycles.

But all the stuff happening on Earth, well, it is either your imagination, a conspiracy theory or due to farting cows!

hahaha, wow bro well said, bravo

im about to PM you a question hold up.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by Frankenchrist

We are having sounds come from underground all over North America.

Not only America but the world. Pay more attention. Noises have occured in Australia, Britain, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, France...You name it, it has happened. Not all of them are underground. The noise i heard lasted for 20 minutes, non stop, coming from all around, moreso in the air than the ground. But it WAS coming from all angles. Insane.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:54 AM
If anyone here actually believes that earthquakes are causing these booms then you're truly naive.. I'm calling BS

This is just scientists doing what they do a scientifically logical, fallacious answer to pacify the public and hide the truth.

I don't think they know what's REALLY causing it...but seriously...1.5 mag quakes causing booms, rattling windows...deep within the earth...REPEATEDLY?!?!? Get real people...
The people want answers, and that's what they got...AN answer...not the THE answer. Again, I call BS...and I don't think we're ever gonna get THE least not from the people who are investigating this crap.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by TheIlluminatedOne


I guess I am not allowed to send PMs... and it sucked to learn that after my having typed out a very nice reply! If you like, I will gladly type my reply into the main board, but it is getting late, so you might have to wait a few hours..

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:02 AM
reply to post by WatcherMan

I agree. Australia rarely has earthquakes, yet i heard the noise which peolpe have recorded and described.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by LennyDaRetard

Here I will handle that, check your PM's again after you read this.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by notsosunny

"When they tell you not to panic, THAT'S WHEN YOU RUN!!!"

my favorite quote from that whole movie...
edit on 23-3-2012 by WatcherMan because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-3-2012 by WatcherMan because: (no reason given)

My theme song for when the SHTF and you gotta start makin life or death Go hard or go home:

edit on 23-3-2012 by WatcherMan because: (no reason given)

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