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Pelosi: Obamacare Allows You to Quit Your Job and Become 'Whatever'

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posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by beezzer

I hate to say it Beezzer, but I think it would be wise to move to Japan. Oh, but they have that darn nuclear radiation issue. Hmmmm, lets see, I guess you're out of luck. You'll just have to stay here, get dependant, lazy,'ll fit right in! Don't worry, it's painless, you won't feel a thing. Now lay back, close your eyes and float right on into that nanny state. It'll be okay....I promise.

edit on 23-3-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 12:17 PM
on the one hand, health insurance and employment shouldn't be so entwined. one would be much freer in deciding career changes, heck even deciding to be a stay at home mom, if one could get affordable healthcare while doing it...which many can't, heck, many can't with a stable job!! and those that need the coverage the most, well, they just might be sick enough to not be able to hold a job!!

on the other hand, polosi is kind of nutty if you ask me...
"We had to pass it, to know what's in it!!"???
say what!!

regardless of what she says, I don't think obamacare is a good plan. I think that quite frankly, it was more a gift to the insurance companies and doctors than anything else....
it's not gonna help the average person much, if anything, it will probably make life more complicated for many...

I could be wrong, but well, we have one state running on romney's healthcare plan, and I think it hurts just as many people as it helps...

by the way, anyone know where drudge manages to come up with those really good pictures of polosi?? he has a knack of being able to find some of the most humorous pictures of her to make her look like she belongs in a mental institution or something.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
This thread was done already

This is about current comments.

Although similar,

The new comments were said 3/22/2012.

It's in the article !!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

This is beezzer, chillin' at home.

This is beezzer on Obama's healthcare and entitlements

Any questions?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 01:31 PM
Why are people so opposed to socialized healthcare? Not Obamacare in particular, but just socialized healthcare; healthcare for all. Pelosi makes a great point in saying that people are bound to their jobs because of the benefits they get from being employed such as healthcare. While she is exaggerating in saying that people will up and quit their jobs to become artists, she is right in saying that it removes barriers which would have stopped them from doing so. It basically means more personal freedom.

As for the topic of socialized healthcare, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HELPING A COUNTRYMAN IN NEED? The capitalist healthcare system he have now is awful; people without money can seldom get treated for ailments and injuries without putting themselves in grave debt. Jesus Christ, stop being so selfish and self centered; as Americans we are a community, we should embrace that rather than reject it and trample on our neighbors in their time of need.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen

Originally posted by Indigo5
This thread was done already

This is about current comments.

Although similar,

The new comments were said 3/22/2012.

It's in the article !!

Oh...thanks for clarifying.

Nancey Pelosi has a real likability issue...but the premise of her statement is sound.

Millions of folks in the USA are working at places that they do not like specifically for the healthcare coverage.

HCR makes coverage portable and allows those who work someplace that doesn't provide it, to get coverage cheaply on one of the exchanges, even if they have a pre-existing condition, which according to Insurers lately is a whole lot of people as they expand that definition....Being alive is a "pre-existing" condition these days.

Otherwise...yes...people can change jobs without worrying that they will be without healthcare coverage...

Every economist and most folks who think objectively agree that a more mobile labor market makes for a more productive and profitable economy. It's actually very "free market" in the sense that the labor market is no longer artificially bound to healthcare coverage. People can follow thier best talents, make the most of thier education and take more entrepenurial risks.

All that said, feel free to hate Nancey, I don't like her much either, but she has a point.
edit on 23-3-2012 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy
Why are people so opposed to socialized healthcare? Not Obamacare in particular, but just socialized healthcare; healthcare for all.

Short answer? Because they have been told to.

Long answer....Billions of dollars spent on PR, Lobbying and a politco-culture war.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by DestroyDestroyDestroy

As for the topic of socialized healthcare, WHAT IS WRONG WITH HELPING A COUNTRYMAN IN NEED?

Absolutely nothing is wrong wth helping someone in need. We do it all the time. Studies have been done that shows conservatives are even MORE generous than their liberal counterparts.

But socialized medicine isn't helping a countryman in need.

It is a government forcing you to pay for something whether you want it or not.

Conservatives spend their money.
Liberals-progressives spend other peoples money.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by beezzer

a broken ankle costs over twice my yearly wages, now, are you telling me that if you had broke an ankle, well, you ain't gonna want to get it set properly??
by the way, about freedom...
the only way there is gonna be freedom regarding healthcare, for the patient AND the doctor is for it to get back to where there is only the patient and the doctor and no health insurance either. since that interferes alot with the doctor's freedom to treat you the way he sees fit also..

edit on 23-3-2012 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
reply to post by beezzer

a broken ankle costs over twice my yearly wages, now, are you telling me that if you had broke an ankle, well, you ain't gonna want to get it set properly??

That is insane. It shouldn't. But socialized medicine is not the answer.

by the way, about freedom...
the only way there is gonna be freedom regarding healthcare, for the patient AND the doctor is for it to get back to where there is only the patient and the doctor and no health insurance either. since that interferes alot with the doctor's freedom to treat you the way he sees fit also..

edit on 23-3-2012 by dawnstar because: (no reason given)

And there is your solution. Just you and the doctor. No government, no HMO, no insurance.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by beezzer

that's how you get medical bills that are two to three times your yearly not being part of one of the ponzi schemes.....

if you got the gov't money out of the system, and the health insurance gone, it would be a good starting point though....there are alot of doctors finding out that they can offer affordable care if they just ditch the staff they have to hire to handle the insanity of insurance claims...

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
reply to post by beezzer

that's how you get medical bills that are two to three times your yearly not being part of one of the ponzi schemes.....

if you got the gov't money out of the system, and the health insurance gone, it would be a good starting point though....there are alot of doctors finding out that they can offer affordable care if they just ditch the staff they have to hire to handle the insanity of insurance claims...


Even here on ATS we can find a way to solve the medical crisis in America that doesn't raise taxes, violate the Constitution, or pour money into insurance companies.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by beezzer

ya, only one problem, the system has become quite addicted to the gov't money and ponzi schemes...
I mean, for it to work, the doctors would have to probably take a small pay cut, worth it if you consider that they'd gain their freedom back, but well...
most new doctors entering the field aren't really making enough if you consider the student loan payments that they are stuck with by the time they get their degrees....

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by dawnstar
Not to mention the malpractice insurance payments.

Most docs I know (and I know a few) would gladly accept smaller pay to get rid of the malpractice insurance payments.

Here's a thought.

Since the government (Sally Mae) has all student loans, why not forgive all doctor student loans? Just erase them. Then the docs won't charge as much and people will pay less. Hospitals can pay doctors less (while still paying them the same) and they, in turn, can charge less for stays.

Everyone wins!

Except for government.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by DestroyDestroyDestroy

What many seem to miss is, we already have socialized health/medical care in many states. In fact, I think in every state. I think every state provides welfare to low income families and medical assistance to low income families and individuals. I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong. The people who need health care and can't afford it get on their state's medical assistance program. Many states provide dental as well. Also, since when did my choice of employment affect my freedom to purchase insurance? NEVER. I can buy medical insurance right now if I can AFFORD it and have no pre-existing conditions. So, we all know that premiums are doing nothing but going up because that's what premiums do. But Obama promises us that health insurance premiums would go down! His famous quote: "We will bring down premiums by $2500 for the typical family." The only thing left to discuss about Obamacare is, the pre-existing condition issue with private insurance companies. So besides the ability to continue coverage one's grown children on their existing medical insurance, what exactly has/will Obamacare do that isn't already being done?

Well, let's look at a few examples:

Raise medical premiums faster and higher.
Force everyone who can't afford or doesn't need/want medical insurance to purchase it or fine them if they don't obey.
Raise taxes on seniors
Put new caps on FSA's
Stop HSR spending for OTC non-prescription meds

Health insurance premiums shot up 9 percent this year, nearly three times the rate of inflation and the most since 2005, a new study shows

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by beezzer

why just for doctors?? why not for every field that there is a genuine need for people to be trained in...
and well, instead of forgiving them, we place a small percentage of their income that is to be paid for ten years....

that way, we ain't paying for people to go to school four more years for stupid things like "women's studies" ect, we are just paying to obtain qualified people in areas that we need the qualified people....

what can I say, college education is another big scam that is bubbling waiting to be popped! and it's destroying our young people.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Gridrebel

you're wrong???

I have experience that you are wrong!!
there's a nice big gap between being able to afford, and being poor enough to qualify....
been there done that, wasn't fun!!!

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by beezzer

A family member of mine is a retired neurosurgeon (nearly 20 years retired) and was paying about $100k a year in malpractice insurance back then. He gave himself a pay raise just by retiring... It's crazy, I can't even imagine what an OB/GYN is paying these days. Serious tort reform would have been a nice component of a healthcare system overhaul. Perhaps if Obamacare collapses we can finally get it.

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
reply to post by beezzer

why just for doctors?? why not for every field that there is a genuine need for people to be trained in...
and well, instead of forgiving them, we place a small percentage of their income that is to be paid for ten years....

that way, we ain't paying for people to go to school four more years for stupid things like "women's studies" ect, we are just paying to obtain qualified people in areas that we need the qualified people....

what can I say, college education is another big scam that is bubbling waiting to be popped! and it's destroying our young people.


Eliminating doctors loans would have a definite trickle-down effect.

What other occupations would you include?

posted on Mar, 23 2012 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
reply to post by beezzer

A family member of mine is a retired neurosurgeon (nearly 20 years retired) and was paying about $100k a year in malpractice insurance back then. He gave himself a pay raise just by retiring... It's crazy, I can't even imagine what an OB/GYN is paying these days. Serious tort reform would have been a nice component of a healthcare system overhaul. Perhaps if Obamacare collapses we can finally get it.


But what could we do with all the excess lawyers?

Skeet-shooting targets?


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