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Thoughts Regarding The Concept Of Infinite

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posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:07 PM
I feel that the most likely possibility for the nature/architecture of the universe is that it is infinite; that is to say there are no boundaries containing the universe. One reason for my understanding the universe in this way is that if the nature of the universe was such that is had some kind of limit or boundary, a new question would then arise. The question would then become what lies beyond said boundary (three dimensional thinking).

However, the concept of infinite is difficult to portray in a three dimensional medium, and therefore difficult to understand with our three dimensional thought process (and current, limited, understanding of reality). One reason for this is that in our three dimensional reality, all physical objects appear to have boundaries of some kind, whereas for infinite to exist, the implication would be that it is possible for something to exist with no boundaries of any kind present.

One way in which individuals can understand infinity is through mathematics. Not being particularly proficient in the area of mathematics, but rather a visual person, I attempt to understand the concept by visualising how it might look in my mind. For example, take the smallest unit which we (humanity) have discovered thus far. Now imagine improving our ability to look closer and closer at this object until eventually we are able to see the basic make up of the object. Suppose we find that there are smaller units making up the larger object which can also be magnified. This could potentially lead to a never ending cycle of magnification. Likewise, imagine zooming out farther and farther while focused on an object, say, Earth for example. Eventually perhaps we would find that at a certain point, all we know and experience in our existence, makes up a small portion of something larger in this plane of infinitely larger and smaller things.

Obviously there is a lot of speculation I am making here; I just wanted to share where I am currently at in my own understanding of the concept of infinite in the hopes that some of the more knowledgeable members here could help to further my understanding, and critically assess where I may have made mistakes in my reasoning

What are your thoughts?

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:15 PM
Here is a link to another thread which I created based on a similar subject matter a few years back for comparative purposes. At the time that I created that thread I was pondering whether the universe was finite or infinite and have since come to the conclusion that it is indeed infinite.
edit on 3/20/2012 by NJE03 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by NJE03

I have a problem with infinity for a couple of reasons.

The first thing is, people always want to see how big or small it is. My question is, what if it goes in both directions forever? Would it even be possible to know? At some point the shear knowledge of infinity would cause the accumulation of so much of the memory medium (Neurons, electrons in a memory bank, or whatever) that it would exponentially grow out of control rendering infinity that much bigger.

The second thing is, why do we try to figure out what infinity really is? That would simply put a limit on it. Why can't we just have "infinity" as the idea of something that never ends?


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 05:35 PM
If the universe is infinite (in terms of space/matter), we will never be able to prove this to be true, and thus never come to a full understanding of the universe. As we continue to expand our knowledge and realise that the universe is greater in size than we originally assumed, we will still be forced to assume that the "boundaries" exist at or beyond the edge of our knowledge. We will then continue to push these boundaries ad nauseum, searching for the end that isn't there. It is an exercise in futility that will continue as long as we live and seek complete understanding.

I wish I could offer more insight here, but I prefer to focus on matters closer to the heart, rather than the outer limits of the mind.

posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 06:25 PM
The Universe was once Infinite Space and is now finite at any given moment, surrounded by a spherical black hole that prevents entropy and is growing back into its once Infinite Self.


posted on Mar, 20 2012 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by NJE03


the only place where boundaries exist is within the mind (via the ego). we ourselves create them. they would not exist outside of ourselves if they didn't exist within the view that we have of ourselves.

take away the ego and we have an infinite view of the self (the true self) and with this an infinite view/ experience of life. with this we also have a true and full connection to the divine and therefore a much more empowered and conscious and unlimited ability to create.

all of this is something that is felt or experienced more than something that can be thought about or explained away. it is a very beautiful and expansive and free feeling.

so we can kind of view every border or boundary or line that we see in the world as a reflection of a border or boundary or line that we ourselves have drawn within our very own selves. as we break this down internally the lines that are a reflection of this externally dissipate and with this a beautiful and expansive experience and a much much freer ability to enjoy ourselves/ each other/ life.

posted on Mar, 21 2012 @ 03:17 PM

The first thing is, people always want to see how big or small it is. My question is, what if it goes in both directions forever? Would it even be possible to know?" ~ Mapkar

If the universe is infinite (in terms of space/matter), we will never be able to prove this to be true, and thus never come to a full understanding of the universe. As we continue to expand our knowledge and realise that the universe is greater in size than we originally assumed, we will still be forced to assume that the "boundaries" exist at or beyond the edge of our knowledge. We will then continue to push these boundaries ad nauseum, searching for the end that isn't there. It is an exercise in futility that will continue as long as we live and seek complete understanding. ~ Glass

You both make valid points. If indeed the universe is infinite then regardless of how much we learn, or explore, there will always be an endless number of things yet to be discovered. That being the case, it seems unlikely that it could be said with 100% certainty that the universe in infinite.

However at the same time, like I said in my first post, what other options are there in a three dimensional reality? If there is a physical boundary of some kind at the “edge of the universe” then logically something would lie beyond, true?

At some point the shear knowledge of infinity would cause the accumulation of so much of the memory medium (Neurons, electrons in a memory bank, or whatever) that it would exponentially grow out of control rendering infinity that much bigger. ~ Mapkar

The Universe was once Infinite Space and is now finite at any given moment, surrounded by a spherical black hole that prevents entropy and is growing back into its once Infinite Self. ~ ButtUglyToad

I am not sure I fully comprehend the above two quotes, would you both please elaborate a bit on these ideas?


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