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We need a one world government, whether you like it or not.

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posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:36 PM
Some people are living in a dream world where one system of government is better than another. This is simply not the case. Any system has flaws and corruption attached to it. Therefore, the system must be redrawn on a global framework. Democracy will not be thrown out the window. You will still have access to government for redress of grievances.

Think of all the resources that would be saved by cutting US military spending by 99%!

Yes, we are getting a one world government. It will not be perfect. But it will be more humane. And there will not be any bankers. There will not be a Pentagon. We will be taxed nominally at 1% and nobody makes more than US$ 1 million per year because nobody needs that kind of money for themselves to live.

What peoples needs are varies (at the present moment) some countries are so poor because they have been held down by centuries of colonialism and economic thievery. Some countries are so rich that they throw money at problems and hope the problems go away. This is what we have now.

A new world government, a new system of economic resource management will eradicate the corruption of finance bankers, break the illusion of government control, release the potential of humanity to achieve the greatest things we have ever seen.

The fearmongers would still say this can't work. They like to say it won't work!. To those people I would say : go home to your tin-can bunkers, close the door behind you and wait for the world to end. Good Bye!

I know which way I am headed. Screw you who say this won't work.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by muse7

I hate people like you. You will literally have to fight some of us to the death for your precious World Government.. we will never abandon sovereignty. But I know people like you with your disgusting need for suppression will have no problem witnessing genocide to complete your goals of a singular World Power.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:40 PM
what if that world government became corrupt like so many are now , then what?
I think humanity will be enslaved as a whole if that were to happen

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:42 PM
Socialism breeds laziness and ineptitude. Why work extra hard when your average efforts will sustain you? As long as you bow down to the state, fill your daily chore quota, you will get your stipend.

Gene Rodenberry's world? Sure! But that would first require the destruction/elimination of all the world's rich and powerful. The Queen of England and Bill Gates would need to be scrubbing klingon's out of toilets with a toothbrush while you (average citizen) supervise and critique them, and make them start over when they fail to meet the collective standard.

Until that day, don't be so dumb as to ask for a one-world anything. When it comes, it will be implemented without your best interest in mind. You will be a worthless drone, better to cull you when you become a burden.

"Dear government, please save us from ourselves! We need you!" DISGUSTING!!

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:44 PM
one world government?
so the zombie bankerzs can steal everything at once

we need national watertight compartments and firewalls everywhere

so this space shuttle Challenger doesn't go down like the good ship Titanic

Independant checks and balances are the only way to go
a republic if you can keep it
edit on 17-3-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:47 PM
Humanities 3 possible futures...there's ONLY three.
A thread I authored summarizing an essay by Aldous Huxley. Basically, a one-world government is the only good option. Because if we stay with these individual countries, one of them will eventually decide to nuke the other countries, causing a nuclear Armageddon, or a return to barbarism. I recommend reading Huxley's entire essay, if my summary doesn't do it for you. HE IS RIGHT. My summary doesn't provide nearly as much evidence and logic as he provides, meaning you might not be convinced by my thread, but that's only because I can't copy an entire essay on this forum, and I don't have the book, I read it a while back.

He gave us 50-100 years before we kill our world, that was 60 years ago....
edit on 17-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by muse7

In principle I agree. However, we have to really think of the rights of the individual as opposed to the powers of the government. While it is not perfected the US Constitution and the US Declaration of Independence could readily be viewed as excellent starting points. Think of it this way: We currently have 50 states within the union. Why? Our form of representative republic works well, is maleable within certain limits, and speaks to the needs and aspirations of the People as individual people.
I would make it known that we are ready to discuss it if others want to join. Even if those others are socially and culturally very different does not mean they cannot fit within our system of law and mores. In fact, with the examples of Alaska and Hawaii they do not even need to be geographically contiguous, just ready to mold their systems of law and government to be compliant with ours.
In short, I view the American Revolution as still taking place. We have the broad concepts and ideals and we've worked and bled to achieve the current state of human and civil rights that are in place today, even if this is not yet to everyone's satisfaction or completion, however you view it. As a whole, Americans are an open society and ready to accept others.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

Hmmm, "hate" is a pretty strong word, isn't it? Do you belong to a society that has secret oaths? What did your signature line say ""What we believe shapes what we see"".

Oh, the irony in that signature is

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:48 PM
A one world government can be done many doesn't have to be communist, it doesn't have to be fascist. It doesn't have to be've just been brainwashed into believing this.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:51 PM
25 stars and 27 flags ... agreeing with the OP that the world needs a one world government.

I thought people here were smarter than that. My mistake.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:53 PM
When this one world government finally arrives it will not be a utopian happy place! Unfortunately it will be a sharia ruled hell hole, enjoy!

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:55 PM
whatever OP, you sound like a tool do you honestly believe one world "gubment" would work? let's put all the power of the world into a few hands, that's brilliant. I think your brown nosing TPTB so you will have a job when the sh@#T
hits the fan.
Get some knee pad's!

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:55 PM
reply to post by Danbones

Bankers won't rob us blind with a one world government!
There won't be corporations!
No difference between rich and poor.. we will all be rich!
No one will fight
No wars
Just peace
No one will starve
No one will be sick
Everyone will get a unicorn!
It will rain chocolate!
politicians won't be corrupt!

Yay global Communism! It's going to be paradise!

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:55 PM
It's true, we are already at, or close to, what may be considered a "one world government". But they probably want us to think otherwise. They would want more of a 1984 type of world when it comes to that, where somebody is always at war with somebody. If there were an official one world government, who would we go to war with??? How then, could lifekill be achieved and be accepted by the people? War with imaginary holographic aliens? Way too complicated... Just keep controlling things behind the scenes with the illusion of borders and countries. Even a true president of a country must bow to the wishes of more powerful entities, and plus he does not control the economy!

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

Why so hard on the OP?

At, leats they have an idea and offering a solution. What is your solution to the problems of the world....oh yeah, you don't have one or the time to try to figure out one, just the time to bash other peoples ideas on possible solutions,in three posts.

Second, I find your constant repeating of the term socialism and blaming the problems of the world on socialism, to be kind of naive and obsessive. None of the nations of the world are looking very good right now and they are all corrupt and failing, even so called capitalist nations and etc. I am not even a proponent of socialism and gets on my nerves when people like you act like it is the bane of the world. News flash, all governments are corrupt and failing and it doesn't matter what governmental system you intact, they all go the same way.

As, far as people not wanting a one world government, socialist or otherwise, it's actually quite easy to reconcile that fact. Having studied humanity first hand from the ground level my whole life, I have learned there is one factor that trumps, all religion, all politics, all beliefs and that is starvation and hunger. Like I told the OP earlier, if you collapse the global economy and currencies, then offer a new currency under a global government a majority of the people will get in line with their hands out, at least far more then will lose everything or die for starvation for their beliefs. People like to think they are strong and stand up for their beliefs, but they don't and if they are starving, most will sacrifice all their beliefs for a loaf of stale bread. So, actually it's not really difficult to get all the nattering masses to unite, if you really wanted to and had control of the global financial system. Crash the whole thing, devalue all the currencies and you would have the majority of people on the planet joining the one world government without even having to fire one bullet to boot.

I also like how you call the OP naive because they don't share your view on the importance of individualism, the truth is; though I am not opposed to individualism myself, that you and I as an individual mean jack squat in the grand scheme of things or even the course of the human race. No man or woman is an island; you didn't just spring out of the dirt self realized and individual. No, actually it took thousands upon thousands of humans struggling to live and scrapping to survive just for you to be here. You actually owe all those ancestors everything you have,because if not for them you wouldn't be here to exercise your individualism. And truthfully after about I would say another four or five generations even your descendants will forget your name and tales as well. Like I said, I am not against individualism, but to watch the world continue to go down a path of suffering and destruction and not wanting to do anything about it because it might interfere with your individualism, isn't actually mature, it's a sign of selfishness, which is the height of immaturity, after all it is why tiny children have to be taught that not every toy in the world is their toy.

Okay, now since you hate socialism and global government in general, which you have made clear, what is your solution to the problems of the entire human race? I know I am at least more then happy to read your plan.

edit on 17-3-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typos

edit on 17-3-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typo

edit on 17-3-2012 by prisoneronashipoffools because: typos

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by SayonaraJupiter

...Um really?... What does that have to do with your self-absorbed egotistical belief that your ideas should be projected on the entire World? that you're a sociopathic egomaniac who desires nothing more than suppress innocent people? I've no doubt if a sick person like you came into power my brethren would find themselves in concentration camps "for the greater good" no doubt.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
Some people are living in a dream world where one system of government is better than another. This is simply not the case.

YOU are the one, among others, living in a dream world... What for one person, or ten thousand, or a million might be a good form of government is a bad form of government for another, or ten thousand, or a million, or more...

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
Any system has flaws and corruption attached to it. Therefore, the system must be redrawn on a global framework. Democracy will not be thrown out the window. You will still have access to government for redress of grievances.

Wow, while on the one hand you are right, yes any system has flaws, you actually want to give ALL power to just ONE form of government which will be flawed and WON'T represent a majority of the people in the world...

BTW, how do you "have access to government to redress of grievances" when there is only ONE form of government and your grievance is that BILLIONS of people do not want this ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT?...

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
Think of all the resources that would be saved by cutting US military spending by 99%!

And you actually think that China, Russia, Iran, India, Pakistan or other countries will follow suit?...

What at least some of them, like China, or even Russia, or Syria will do is FORCE their own One World Government upon the people of the world and upon YOU...

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
Yes, we are getting a one world government. It will not be perfect. But it will be more humane. And there will not be any bankers. There will not be a Pentagon. We will be taxed nominally at 1% and nobody makes more than US$ 1 million per year because nobody needs that kind of money for themselves to live.

It WON'T be more humane...and BILLIONS of people, including myself will fight to our last breath against YOUR One World Government...

What makes you think "it will be more humane"?... or that it will help a majority of the people in the world?... Because it is what YOU think?... That shows nothing but immaturity and a very naive mind.

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
What peoples needs are varies (at the present moment) some countries are so poor because they have been held down by centuries of colonialism and economic thievery. Some countries are so rich that they throw money at problems and hope the problems go away. This is what we have now.

Yes, people needs and wants vary a great deal, but there are also many countries which are poor, and in which people have starved, were/are being beaten to death, or incarcerated and/or FORCED to do the will of people like YOURSELF...

YOUR experiment has been tried time, and again, and it has brought nothing but suffering and death. Yet in your ignorance, and that of some others, YOU want the world to be FORCED into accepting YOUR "socialist utopia"...

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
A new world government, a new system of economic resource management will eradicate the corruption of finance bankers, break the illusion of government control, release the potential of humanity to achieve the greatest things we have ever seen.

Wow, I am amazed at how naive you are. This "One World Government" will be even MORE CORRUPT than all previous governments before it because it will have ALL POWER...

Those people who are truly in control of the world now will be the ones in control of the "One World Government"... They will only find patsies to be sacrificed for what those who have been, and are in control of the world have done, and people like you, in your naivety will believe yet another lie...

Originally posted by SayonaraJupiter
The fearmongers would still say this can't work. They like to say it won't work!. To those people I would say : go home to your tin-can bunkers, close the door behind you and wait for the world to end. Good Bye!

I know which way I am headed. Screw you who say this won't work.

Riiiight, you would FORCE YOUR One World Government and if people don't like it they have to hide under the Earth...

I will tell you what I, and millions if not billions like I will be doing. We will be arming ourselves and fighting to our last breath against YOU and YOUR One World Government...

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by muse7

There are so many problems with what you're suggesting. Let me begin.

The "Billionaires" will never give up their power. Why would they? Would you? If you think so, you have no idea what kind of life they live.

I'm not afraid of change, I'm afraid of losing my liberty and freedom. This idea that everything can be even will NEVER be possible. He who decides will no doubt embezzle, at every level. It's corrupt from its birth. Punishment and retaliation could be done single-handedly if they didn't like you. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts.....

Without individuality, expression, creativity, art, innovation and music dies. You're dreaming of a Utopia, you should know better.

Okay, everyone is even, everyone works 9 hours a day. If you were the rocket scientist, would you be okay getting the same things as the ditch digger?

What has failed is the corruption of people and greed. You can say Wall Street, you can say the government. Same common denominator.

Your "radical" desire, is in opposition to mine. Who wins? Are you suggesting you've thought more, are smarter, better, racially superior? Your thinking scares the hell out of me.

The idea of dividing power around the world has been tried. Read Gaddafi's last speech to the UN.

"Us against them?" I'm not against you. But, if you try to make me do what you want, we may have a problem.

Last thought, even Rome did not survive. They had ultimate power. People are not happy being controlled whether it be communism of being the peasant.

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

No it isn't frightening in any way, because it only shows people actually want to change things. They are fed up with the current system and want something new.

They are tired of having 200 different countries arguing like little children threatening each other every day over stupid reasons. They are fed up with people and children dying because they don't have a voice, because they are under the rule of a lunatic.

It shows that there is actually people out there who want equality, and who don't put their countries interests ahead of everyone elses.

The people that are against this are the people who only look out for their bests interests, and their greed. They do not care whether there are people suffering in another part of the world.

There is a lot of misconceptions about socialism on this site.

The goal of a Socialist Economy is to provide greater equality and giving the working class more control over the production means.

The word "Socialist" has been hijacked by the far right and used as a tool to spread fear and misinformation, seems most people here have bought into it.

But it's good to see that not everyone is content with working only to make your boss richer, giving him better healthcare, housing and retirement benefits than you..the worker that busts his ass for him for 30 years

posted on Mar, 17 2012 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375
Humanities 3 possible futures...there's ONLY three.
A thread I authored summarizing an essay by Aldous Huxley. Basically, a one-world government is the only good option. Because if we stay with these individual countries, one of them will eventually decide to nuke the other countries, causing a nuclear Armageddon, or a return to barbarism. I recommend reading Huxley's entire essay, if my summary doesn't do it for you. HE IS RIGHT. My summary doesn't provide nearly as much evidence and logic as he provides, meaning you might not be convinced by my thread, but that's only because I can't copy an entire essay on this forum, and I don't have the book, I read it a while back.

He gave us 50-100 years before we kill our world, that was 60 years ago....
edit on 17-3-2012 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given) only YOUR solution will work...

So what happens when many of those people who are suppressed in YOUR socialist utopia get their hands on atomic weapons and decide it is better to destroy YOUR One World Government with YOUR One WOlrd Army even if they have to murder billions of innocent people?... That cannot happen in YOUR dream world/socialist utopia right?...

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