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Aliens Are Abducting Human Souls And Replacing Them With Remote Controlled Implants

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posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by cloudyday
Or maybe the ufo and or the aliens telepathically read your mind and were already aware of what you were going to do before you even did it?

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by liliththedestroyer
During one abduction case that i read about...

A woman awoke in bed to see a helicopter over her house,as if the intervening ceiling and roof had disappeared. She later described also seeing two unusual humanoid aliens at the foot of her bed.Two of her human friends were able to witness this scene and they saw a blue sphere of light around her,as she did,with brighter lights shooting through it,but they heard no helicopter and saw no aliens.The blue light apparently created a virtual reality scenario for her to experience a false scenario and to recall a false memory that the aliens implanted within her,while they took her soul?

If so and either way,some of the aliens are probably kind and benevolent and some people would think of them as being angels and some of the aliens are probably evil and malevolent and they might actually be demons...Wow...Damn...

edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

understood. Everyone has their own way in coping with experiences outside their level of understanding or control.
Some will need to 'do' something. Others choose to try ignoring. Still, others will attempt to fight, and others will ask questions, investigating, while others will run away.
These are common reactions to any number of things, many several reactions are laid out in the current model for stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
These reactions are how we cope with anything, on many levels.
in cases such as yours, the mechanism for coping is put into overdrive, so, you get these extreme reactions of denial, anger, and such very similar to PTSD reactions.

In some cases, though, there are those who's coping mechanism is to ask questions, and never stop digging, to do something, stay busy, and on-target, to confront, claim, and 'defeat', by whatever means the cause of the problem.
'Deafeat' doesn't necessarily mean physical violence, but, more resolution oriented in favor of the resolution seeker.

It's for those that need, or can find fulfillment in focusing on doing something I suggest such solutions.

It's an important subject, and those who experience it seem to be victims. If this is some victimization occurring, the more data collected from active volunteers, the closer we can come to understanding what is occurring, and even preventing it.
If, by some interesting chance these events are orchestrated by aliens, then, by probing the limitations of whatever technology is in use, we can eventually bring them into accountability by turning the tables, and dragging the sneaky buggers out into the light of day.
If, that is, it's aliens, or some other kind of corporeal intelligence, robotic, biomanufactured, or what.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:45 AM
reply to post by zorgon

you almost forgot.....


posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by blocula
reply to post by cloudyday
Or maybe the ufo and or the aliens telepathically read your mind and were already aware of what you were going to do before you even did it?

I considered that, but I wasn't actually going to take a picture because I didn't think my camera would be able to get a decent photo. All I wanted was a closer look through the zoom lens with my eyes although I suppose I probably would have snapped a picture too. I really wanted to get a closer look, because it was so small that I couldn't be 100% sure that it was a flying saucer. It was about like a pea held at arm's length. It was shiny and looked like a tapered cylinder or upside down shiny milk bucket. (We had goats we used to milk as I was growing up, and it looked like one of those buckets.)
edit on 14-3-2012 by cloudyday because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

The Ancient Aliens series on H2 channel just had a show about N.A.S.A., and the knowledge they have about UFOs being real. Even the astronauts were having a discussion about being followed when they went to the moon, as well as other space missions.

Also, a little over a year ago, their was a documentary on the History Channel about all the different countries coming together to discuss all the evidence of UFOs they had documented. France released information and videos of many cases, as did many other countries. The USA was the only one that didn't release as much...(imagine that!) So, apparently, the U.S. government wants to keep the people ignorant as long as possible!
Even our own Pres. Regan said on the documentary he had seen a U.F.O., and others preceding him.
I went to the History channel online to order the documentary, but it wasn't listed, as they usually always have their documentaries for sale, and it never did show as a re-run. The government probably banned it! It was the best evidence I have ever seen..... all over the world by TOP officials in many different countries coming together to discuss this topic that the mainstream calls "crazy" because they, themselves, have not witnessed it.

Pilots have reported being followed by them for years and years, as well as military personnel in flight. Of course, the military leaders told them it was Top Secret, and not to discuss it further. But many of them are coming out with their stories now after they retired. Some are still so scared to share the information that they had their voices and faces distorted to avoid being identified.

But, I really don't need any government official telling me what I saw with my own eyes is real. It was as close as the top of my roof away from me, and I was not imagining it!

I wish the U.S. government would come out with it already! At least then people could be prepared when they see one themselves, if they haven't already, and maybe people who have seen them wouldn't be looked at as if they are crazy, or hallucinating, or on drugs, or whatever!
There is more EVIDENCE being released now, so maybe it won't be much longer. They better hurry because the "traffic" is going to pick up considerably this year! Keep watching the skies..... or your rooftops!

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:22 AM
This link is a frightening revelation to read and an eye and mind opening realization to understand...Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan >
edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by LionOfGOD
reply to post by blocula

I got hand it to you, of certain types of post, which in general i ignore, i enjoy reading yours.
The use of ellipsis can make a world of difference in the attitude conveyed.
Thanks for keeping me entertained and smiling!
Its not easy trying to convey a thought,an idea or a theory which requires multiple sentences or paragraphs to properly explain and its even more difficult to compress it into a single sentenced headline,as i'm sure most members here have found out...
edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Laughter is good for the "soul"! You are making my day, LionOfGOD!

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:49 AM
You made me laugh writing it is estimated that 2million people may have been abducted found in random internet polls
. Anyway dreams are natural, even animals have them. I can also self-induce lucid dreams where I am awake and conscious so that theory of aliens giving us dreams does not work from my personal experiences.

As for replacing souls with controlled implants, well I doubt that too, have you ever had an astral projection (hate that name)? Anyway the soul is not like the brain or something that can just be taken or removed, it is like the energy of an ocean though perhaps disassociation from the soul can have the same effect but Western culture is doing a fine job at that anyway. To replace the soul is like trying to take the water out of an ocean, it does not work, though you can manipulate someone to forget they exist in an ocean to some degree if that makes sense.
edit on 14-3-2012 by OwenGP185 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by blocula
This link is a frightening revelation to read and an eye and mind opening realization to understand...Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan >
edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Thank you so much for this link! Would you mind if I post it on my thread, or you can if you want.
This is info everyone needs to read!

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:35 PM
First I must apologize to all the posters and their points of view, I can not find the time to read all the replies. To those who wish to debate any points I make or have made in the past, again my apologies for not responding. Just not enough time. If you need feedback from me you will find I respond to all PMs. Now on to the subject matter.

To those who have never seen the aerial phenomenon known as UFOs all I can say is good luck with that. Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I never saw any of it but there is no real benefit in playing the what if game. I can attest to the fact that what all we see in life, isn't the whole story.

All the research I have done in this subject leads me to believe wholeheartedly, "they" can not be trusted. What you are stating is that "some" humans are not really humans but are something else that is remotely directed. This possibility can not be dispelled and in fact probably based in fact. It has even been suggested by what I consider to be a friend that I myself because of my ability at "Seeing" the unsealable might be such a soul. I myself must agree with this point of view, except that my driving force does not originate from the place in question.

There are reasons for everything even if we are not patent enough to explore for the answer. The first question would be are we being held in a fake reality, only being allowed to know or see what "They" want us to know or see? The answer must be yes because of the shape the world is in right now. We are on the edge of self extinction and I do not believe this is normal for our original soul. If you will allow yourself this possibility that everything we know can be reversed and make just as much sense as the reality we are fed. Try this, "We" are the true "Alien" on this planet. Our souls were injected here long ago with the cooperation of the original intelligent species, but, there was a disagreement concerning who would bow down to who as the creator god. Since that time there has been nothing but bickering, fighting, and dishonesty on almost all sides. We were created as slaves and we are treated as such to this very day. Slaves are not educated but are kept ignorant. Slaves do not live in the lap of luxury but in in depravity. Slaves do not explore the unknown, they are kept in a box with all knowledge fed to them, so they will not come to the reality that hey are slaves, and there is another way to live. And I might add, as John F. Kennedy said at the end of his "Secret Society" speech "to live, Free and Independent".

Yes we are being controlled through many mechanisms whether they be emotional, physical, or psychological. If we were truly free we would already be on the moon and Mars with outposts, exploring. That is your proof.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by blocula

So maybe thats the main attraction and the prime objective that keeps the aliens arriving here from wherever they're coming from,our perhaps unique souls and the aliens may be so fantastically advanced that they have found a way to abstract our souls and replace them with something else,remotely controlling implants? without us even noticing or realizing it...

Maybe the aliens are half machines,half organic life forms like cyborgs? Or they may be super advanced robots arriving here on their own,or sent here by someone or something else...

From the future? From another dimension? From an alternate reality? From some other galaxy?

They have no souls and they are the ones who want our souls for themselves,or for whoever or whatever may have sent them here? To try and obtain real emotions? To try and live forever,if our souls are eternal?
edit on 14-3-2012 by blocula because: (no reason given)

Or maybe not. You cant presume to know what form they take... or if there is only one group of them. I personally feel a great comfort when seeing them(lights in the sky, and recently a 'dream' where i was abducted and in my head i wanted it)... like they've come to take me home.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:54 PM
I am sure it has been said but how do put an implant in a soul?

You stated that the abduction was of the Soul not of the body and that an illusion of physical abduction was created. Tthen stated they put a mind controlling implant within them, that makes no sense...

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 12:54 PM

my threads could be made into a very large non-fiction book dealing with theoretical analysis of paranormal activity and unexplained reality

I'm sure they could.

You're a very interesting individual. Whether you're responding to a very down to earth topic or making a thread that, I'm sure you know, is "out there" to a lot of people (myself included) your wording is very direct and easy to digest. You don't make yourself out to be something you're not.

You add a very distinct flavor to this site and if I were a mod I'd applaude simply for that.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by nineix

Well, my nature is curious in general. But I'll tell you what pulled my attention at the time. It was the information that was being communicated to me. The question of whether these beings were "real" in a physical sense, or some sort of non-physical entities, or figments of my own subconscious, was one big question to ask....
But I was aware that even if I could figure that one out, then we'd have to move on to the second one- are they benevolent or not?

But whatever they were, messages were being comunicated through them to me. Things that were rather...mind blowing. So instead of focusing on the messenger, I decided to focus on the message?

The things I was learning were somehow more important than the question of what/who they were. If they were figments of my subconscious, they were communicating important information from my subconscious.
My curiosity sort of went a different direction. Some of the things I was learning could be investigated and experimented with on my own, so I could gain some judgement on whether they were accurate, or beneficial, and judging those took priority. Maybe it was a coping mechanism- I do tend to look for what I can pull in lessons or benefit from all situations, and choosing to see myself as a victim of beings from outer space didn't seem to offer me any opportunities of any sort!

Back more into the topic of the OP- my perception is that whatever this phenomena is in nature, it has an effect of stimulating , or facilitating/ speeding up, the development of the soul. As this progresses, the soul gains more individual power, and in fact becomes less vulnerable to manipulation by any other.
This may be an unintended side effect of the interaction, or it may exactly the purpose of the interactions.
It may vary, depending.... I have doubts about the abduction of souls, without their willing it on some level or another.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by blocula

You have obviously put alot of thought into this idea.. but it is pretty off my friend. No one's Soul is being hijacked, just their minds and energetic bodies. Also, they are not taken to other worlds and kept there ? You should meditate or see a psychic, that will help you out seeing things and understanding things more clear

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:14 PM
I was pulled into a UFO Satellite by an alien back in 75 while pumping gas at Holiday. The Unidentified Female Operator in the Plymouth Satellite drove off with my legs hanging out the window. Her friend alien, no that's not right, I think it was actually Aileen or Eilene held me as they drove off. The Managers didn't know what to say because they had never seen an abduction before. I don't think is actually relevant is it

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by LoveisanArt

excuse this post as it did seem a bit rude or judgemental, my apologies OP

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by blocula
Those implants might be tracking devices and mind controlling devices.Which may explain the random and savage serial killers,the psychotic spree murderers and the demented child killers who relentlessly tear peoples lives apart,who rip families asunder again and again all the time all over this world...

This is one f---ed up assumption you have just made. I don't buy your idea aliens are using humans as remote controlled cars to kill people at their own will.

posted on Mar, 14 2012 @ 02:01 PM
Well I just joined ATS to reply to this.You sir are tuned in on something that is not to far off.ETs are here in regards to our souls. I have had a run in or two and have it from a very reliable source that the reason that they have had a stronger presence here since the end of WW2 is that the dropping of the A bomb on Japan not only destroys the body but it in turn destroys the soul.And they do harvest our souls.So they have a vested interest. Not to sure about the implant to replace it though.Puts a new F d up twist on it.

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