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Group posts billboards in religious neighborhoods saying God is ‘a myth’

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posted on Mar, 6 2012 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by sith9157

Originally posted by Turq1
reply to post by jiggerj

Atheists and religious people are not all that different. Those that can see beyond labels should notice that.

Atheists want religion out of public life, yet they have no problem "preaching" atheism in the open.

Very good point Turq

Atheists want religion out of government. Atheists support freedom of speech.

Show me where Atheists fought to remove religion from anything public that is not government affiliated.

Show me a media article where there is outrage of a religious billboard on public property.

It is the religious who are filing lawsuits and trying to stop freedom of speech on public property.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by sith9157

Originally posted by el1jah
whats with atheists acting so religious these days?

I agree, if they truly do not believe in God, why even bother posting signs. That is part of the problem in society today, people cannot keep their beliefs to themselves. What does throwing it in everybody's face accomplish?

The only thing I can say for sure is that it gets people talking about it. I wish people could talk about it and have a productive discussion though, and that seems to be rather difficult.

As an agnostic, (or one could say a "passive" atheist) I personally only care for the acceptance of atheism as a worthy choice.

Part of the reason why I am a quiet atheist is that I don't like to stir trouble or offend people (that is me personally) but the other and more harmful part is that I fear the rejection and judgement of others, because atheism is not mainstream.

So I would *hope* that signs like this help start a productive conversation whose outcome is the mainstream acceptance of my lack of belief in deities, the recognition that just because I happen to be an atheist I don't have a chip on my shoulder about it and I am not about to pick a fight with people who have other beliefs, and an effective separation off church and state that can maintain respect for individual faith choices, whatever they may be.

Last but not least, for science not to be undermined in the process, given that we all stand to benefit from science.


posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:47 AM
This is targeting those who have "doubt" about their religion, you know, from common sense.. but afraid to come out because of accusation that might follow.

Atheism pretty much saying not believing in god, i'm not sure why there is a group.... i mean, if a group of smart people get together and started discussing logical and natural things, god is already out of the question, no need to form a group for it... that's what religion does because only support they get is from each other.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 02:27 PM
Jutht tho everyone is clear on thith I would like to categorically thtate that god ith not a myth.
Nor ith he a mythter.

Thank you.
edit on 7/3/12 by Pardon? because: Thpelling

edit on 7/3/12 by Pardon? because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by xuenchen

When you begin trying to convert people of other faiths to Atheism .... does that not, essentially, mean Atheism becomes a religion?

I guess when I have to start paying Tithing and my Atheist leaders call for the heads of the believers we can call it a religion.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:12 PM
This won't affect anything... The Bible calls atheists "fools".

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:18 PM
God is not a myth, but it could be argued organized religion very much is.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 03:46 PM
It really seems to me that rather than encouraging free thought and free speech, the purpose for the billboard was to spread an anti-god message. How can they claim that it wasn't meant to offend when they come right out claiming the beliefs of the vast majority of the people on this planet are complete bull#. I mean jesus christ, I don't exactly buy into religion either, but nihilism is just as abhorrent. Different ideologies, same arrogance. And to the people claiming that this kind of advertising isn't religious in nature, you need to come to grips with reality. It comes from a group of people sharing the same interests and beliefs about a god (or lack thereof) and enjoy throwing them in the faces of others in hopes to sway or convert them into buying into the same thing. As far as there being a god or not, everyone could do with some humility and admit they just don't know. Or is that concept to far out...?

edit on 7-3-2012 by kaiode1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by LittleBlackEagle
God is not a myth, but it could be argued organized religion very much is.

How do you know God is not a myth?

That is no different then claiming any belief is or is not a myth.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 05:36 PM

Originally posted by RevelationGeneration
This won't affect anything... The Bible calls atheists "fools".

So what!

A Fool would first have to believe the bible for it to have any meaning.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
I'm not sure why there is a group

The American Atheist's main purpose is separation of church and state.

They file lawsuits and fight in court when there is a religious infringement of government or on government property.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Interesting how they say they aren't offending when saying "God is a myth" so bluntly on a large billboard... when they state they want to make other atheists feel at home. Why not just write a billboard that says "hey you're not alone come join our club" instead of attack Christianity.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by Myollinir
reply to post by xuenchen

Interesting how they say they aren't offending when saying "God is a myth" so bluntly on a large billboard... when they state they want to make other atheists feel at home. Why not just write a billboard that says "hey you're not alone come join our club" instead of attack Christianity.

Only Christians believe in a God? That's quite an egocentric statement.

Have you read any of the anti-Atheist billboards by the way?

There are other bill boards and other sayings like this one:

“Don’t believe in God? You are not alone”

Atheist Billboard Goes Up in Fredericksburg, Virginia - January 9, 2012 by Hemant Mehta **Thanks to $7,200 in funding from the United Coalition of Reason, there is now a billboard reading, “Don’t believe in God? You are not alone” in Fredericksburg, Virginia: **Matt Jordan, the [Fredericksburg Coalition of Reason's] spokesman, says the billboard is not meant to offend people of faith. He says it is to reach out to like-minded folks to let them know that they are not alone and that there is a community out there for them.

edit on 7-3-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Myollinir
. . . instead of attack Christianity.

Perhaps Christianity should stay out of politics.

American Atheists main purpose is separation of church and state. With people like Santorum getting a significant amount of votes - - - it seems to me a few billboards is a very passive statement.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Myollinir
reply to post by xuenchen

Interesting how they say they aren't offending when saying "God is a myth" so bluntly on a large billboard... when they state they want to make other atheists feel at home. Why not just write a billboard that says "hey you're not alone come join our club" instead of attack Christianity.

That's how the ad boys work.

They use the best punch lines that work.

Remember also, the signs have Arabic and Hebrew.

Looks like they had the Big3 (The Abrahamic religions) on the bulls-eye.

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Annee

Originally posted by Myollinir
. . . instead of attack Christianity.

Perhaps Christianity should stay out of politics.

American Atheists main purpose is separation of church and state. With people like Santorum getting a significant amount of votes - - - it seems to me a few billboards is a very passive statement.

Perhaps it's athiests who should stay out of American politics. America was founded on a belief in God, so if athiests don't like that, move to some other country that wasn't so rooted in the belief in God. I mean, they do have the right to move - it's a free country and all....

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by TrulyColorBlind
Perhaps it's athiests who should stay out of American politics. America was founded on a belief in God, so if athiests don't like that, move to some other country that wasn't so rooted in the belief in God. I mean, they do have the right to move - it's a free country and all....

Absolutely NOT!!!

Oh Gawd - - - not the America founded crap again. The Constitution has Creator mentioned once. It wasn't even part of the 1st 2 drafts. Most founders were Deist. Someone apparently whined that god wasn't included - - - so the Deists allowed the universe Creator stuck in at the end.

Not only that: FREE MEN refers to white male property owners.

"These RIGHTS are INHERENT to all FREE MEN, bestowed on them by their CREATOR"

edit on 7-3-2012 by Annee because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 7 2012 @ 10:59 PM
I dont see what the problem is with this, you didnt see athiests rioting when Harold Camping predicted the end of the world last year, how many billboards did his activist group get published?

We non religious folk just sat back astonished at how rediculous the whole scheme was.
Those who took it seriously are still probably living on the streets, maybe theyre the ones organizing all these billboards seeing as their beliefs got them real far.

I dont believe in religion, but i wouldnt call myself athiest as my views on higher beings are complicated to say the least.

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
Wow... Talk about one for the record of short sighted. If they can billboard us to death about how there isn't a God, and they want that 'belief' system (the lack of one, actually) to be heard with the same volume as religion, then religion can rightfully demand and receive similar billboard space. Even the ACLU doesn't have lawyers with enough creativity to allow one and not the other. Not when both would be mentioning God and the Atheists set the precedent.

Can anyone imagine the billboard forest that could result? It'd be funny if the Catholics and others weren't already being pushed into the realm of politics..and so already in a frame of mind to have that very thing occur to them as a great idea to push back a bit.

If I were actually an Atheist, I'd be downright mad about this. This would seem to be a rather large step in the wrong direction and like firing a big shotgun, backward.

Wait...What? That didn't make any sense... How the heck is Relgion going to "demand and receive billboard space"....You don't have to go "demand" billboards..You simply get some money together and buy space on one!

Not to mention the fact that I already see Religious billboards all the freaking time!!!! ...Churches have the money to do that....Why would Religious people feel like they have to match the Atheists, when Religious billboards are already all over the place!?

posted on Mar, 8 2012 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by xuenchen

When you begin trying to convert people of other faiths to Atheism .... does that not, essentially, mean Atheism becomes a religion?

That depends.

Is logic and reason, devoid of the ego's emotional underpinnings, a religion?

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