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Whats for dinner?

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posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:05 AM
Whats for dinner?
If you thought you were about to score a truck load of archived recipes, your on the wrong channel. This might have been more accurate as “Whats not for dinner.”
What I’m referring to is the food we are suppose to be eating, or the lack of, and what it proves beyond a doubt. You might want to read my original OP called “God was a space alien and NOT our real creator” to get caught up to speed. There are to many things that simply prove we are not from here. The lack of our intended diet is one that would shock you.

We are scavengers, I’m calling it official after much debate and consideration, there is simply no denying it. We eat everything and anything, including some things we shouldn’t. To add insult to injury we also manufacture our own food, called processed food. Speaking of processing, I have a challenge, that everyone should keep on cue. Compare what I present with all the other life here on earth to look for comparisons, there simply are none. We are not from earth, we were placed here and the simple fact that we have no target diet, alone proves it.

This conversation came up on an evolution channel weeks ago. Basically this buries evolution as well. If you honestly think we are able to evolve into a totally different species, than one little important fact you overlooked is what is our target food suppose to be? I’ll explain what I mean by target food.

I like to use the example of the anteater, not that everything is as perfect. He’s an ant eating machine. He has the long snout to sniff out the ants and termites, the long claws for tearing up there homes, and the long sticky tongue to grab many ants at a time from deep places. There is no argument that this guy is an ant eating machine, well equipped too. We might be able to guess that ants are a main course for him or what I like to refer to as a target diet.

Now try to think of a target diet for humans.

It doesn’t work. It’s complicated but I’ll go over the details. No matter where you live, you are going to have one hell of a time getting a balanced diet. This is mostly because the things we need in a balanced diet are scattered across the country. Thank god for shipping, right?

Cows milk is probably the biggest nail in the casket. Check out what we do to get milk to our door. Process it, pasteurize, homogenize, fortify and package, ship, and refrigerate. We sure do go through a lot of trouble to get that milk in our bodies. Did you ever wonder why? Well you might obviously know the obvious. We need the calcium. But why is it that any other species here on earth, gets it from mothers teat? It’s simple, we are lacking necessary things that would allow that process to work. Our mothers simply don’t produce it, in the way that we need it. The responsibility goes on down the line where she isn’t getting something in her diet.

Quite simply, its because there is something lacking in our intended diet, and its not here on earth. If we aren’t from earth, we are probably missing a lot of the amenities that were made specifically for us as well. Food of course being a major one. No one is ever going to convince me we were suppose to drink cows milk. Thats just wrong, not that I don’t drink it but you get my point. I’m not saying don’t drink milk, you have to because its our major source. Some people claim we do it because its an easier source. Really, do you know what we go through to get it? Some people claim we do it for the great taste. Really, like it tastes better than breast milk, I don’t think so.

You might wonder how this odd combination became realized. Well it goes back to the bible. You see god fitted us with many things we would need to get by. But he also made it clear that none of these things were actually from our home, in other words they weren’t specifically intended for us. It’s so screwed up. You get this image of how screwed we are.

Our gaps in nutrition are so serious that we have warehouse sized stores that sell supplements. No other species here on earth takes supplements. Look at our need for calcium if we didn’t have the cow. Next on the list of sources I believe is Sardines. Were we suppose to live on a boat? According to articles I have read, get this, our need for calcium actually goes up with age. And all this time I thought it was just a growing thing. Now there are other things on the list but you would have to gorge yourself on them to get your RDA.

One friend argued with me on the cow, so I rolled with it. Were we all suppose to own a cow? I don’t think so. I don’t think stores and processing and packaging are considered to be natural. We just don’t fit in here, naturally. Our nutrition needs are suffering so bad that we have sickness like diabetes, IBS, Gall stones, intestinal cancer and a plethora of other things. We even have dieticians to try to help our diets. It’s a no wonder to as nothing we have was specifically made for us.

Some peeps might argue and say its just people making poor choices. There could be some slight truth in that however, anytime we have poor foods IMO its only because it is a processed food to try to cover for something that was lacking to begin with. We aren’t even sure if we are suppose to be carnivore, omnivore, or vegetarian or vegan. It’s a clue people. We aren’t from here.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 05:50 AM
Regarding cows milk or any other non human milk - Is that not theft - Everything has a purpose - The purpose of animal milk is for their offspring. Every action has a reaction or consequence.
An egg likewise and also the eating of animal flesh. What gives Humans the right to imprison animals and slaughter them in their millions daily - Sure it is a choice but that choice bears consequences.
What are those consequences -
The host parasites of a living animal keep it's body in good working order. This applies to us too.
On the moment of death these parasites then take on the way of breaking down the flesh into the substance of the soil ie dacay. Our Human flesh is so similar to that of an animal that if ingested they will not make the distinction and attack the flesh, blood and organs of the one who has by choice taken them in.
Mostly however the body deals with such an invasion and is able to oust these parasites but not always so we have disease which is rampant amongst our species.
Besides this so many labaratory chemicals are added to the food supply which also cause untold damage.
We do not live naturally for sure - we suffer the consequences

edit on 29-1-2012 by artistpoet because: typo

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:00 AM
I drink local organic cows milk. It's heated to kill the bacteria and then bottled
it has the cream around the bottle neck like the good old days.
I choose to drink it because if I still breast fed from my 65 year old mother
it would just be wrong

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

Well that's a long, drawn out theory that I respectfully disagree with.
Our diet today is influenced by companies who are scraping for profits.

We, as animals, are omnivores, which I'm sure you know the definition of.
There is, and always has been, enough nutrition in our surroundings to flourish.
The plants, wildlife and environment have provided sustainance for millenia...
You think just because we process food and milk now that we are not from Earth?

I don't think so.

We process food and milk now for an appetite that is structured around profits.
The only reason we have a billion dollar supplement industry is because of processed food.
Processed food is stripped of its natural vitamins and minerals we would otherwise get.
Had these foods been found in the natural world, they'd have the necessary nutrients.
But, because of a market for cheap, processed, junk food...they sell supplements.

When we bleach flour to make it white, purely for cosmetics, we strip away the nutrients.
The "enriched" flour found at the has to be injected with the things they stripped away.
Flour is not supposed to be white, but it sells more as white, not natural, flour.
Natural flour is more brown and doesn't sell as much.

Humans are the only species to drink milk after weaning from the mothers breast.
It's not because of a need for calcium, because we can get calcium from a host of natural foods.

I can go on and on about this very topic, because it's profit related and cash driven...
Which is why our foods are so poor in nutrition today, as opposed to foods 50 years ago.

But I will wait dilligently for a response.

edit on 29-1-2012 by havok because: Clarity

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by LeLeu
I drink local organic cows milk. It's heated to kill the bacteria and then bottled
it has the cream around the bottle neck like the good old days.
I choose to drink it because if I still breast fed from my 65 year old mother
it would just be wrong

What other animal drinks milk intended for anothers baby?
Just because something has been accepted for generation upon generation does not make it right.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by havok

Just to add to your comments - I agree that food has beenstripped of much of it's goodness - And also that the state of our soil is something we have neglected by use of artificial fertilizers. Monsanto could be said to be the pinacle of not just neglect but outright destruction of our soil and so plantlife

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by artistpoet

Originally posted by LeLeu
I drink local organic cows milk. It's heated to kill the bacteria and then bottled
it has the cream around the bottle neck like the good old days.
I choose to drink it because if I still breast fed from my 65 year old mother
it would just be wrong

What other animal drinks milk intended for anothers baby?
Just because something has been accepted for generation upon generation does not make it right. do you still breast feed then?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by LeLeu

Originally posted by artistpoet

Originally posted by LeLeu
I drink local organic cows milk. It's heated to kill the bacteria and then bottled
it has the cream around the bottle neck like the good old days.
I choose to drink it because if I still breast fed from my 65 year old mother
it would just be wrong

What other animal drinks milk intended for anothers baby?
Just because something has been accepted for generation upon generation does not make it right. do you still breast feed then?

I stopped breast feeding when I was an infant?
My interest in breasts is for others reasons now

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by artistpoet

Nice addition, and you are absolutely right.

Now, to add to Itsthetooths original post...
I fully appreciate all the "out-of-the-box" thinkers out there, and you are one...

But our diets have only drastically changed in the past 100 years or so.
Before that, it was primarily grains and meats, or grown vegetables.

Since humans are curious creatures, we have travelled across the globe.
Everywhere we travelled, we have discovered new foods and eating habits.
I am talking about hundreds of years ago, before processed foods were even thought of.
Our food supplies were always provided by natural means, and local vegetation/animals.
And we flourished from just what was provided to us, in our own habitat.
For thousands of years...

We don't have a target diet...that why we are such a diversified creature...
We can, and will eat everything, because our bodies adapt to changes in our diets.
Not saying that every change is good or bad, but we can adapt.

Don't think of food sources from today as our natural food supply.
Remember our past, because todays food is much different than ever before.
And it's not natural to strip away everything...just for cosmetically appealing food.
Or a consumer driven market...just to sell processed food for profits.

But with billions of people to feed and an ever increasing junk food habit, that sells...
We get crap food, with supplement stores, and juices with "added vitamin C"...
Ever wonder why its added? Because the process to make it strips it away.
Pathetic, in my opinion.

That is also why the best foods are fruits and vegetables, and basic meats with starches.
But even todays fruits and vegetables have 50% less nutrients than 50 years ago.
Another good reason for a billion dollar supplement industry.

You can thank GMO foods for that...

edit on 29-1-2012 by havok because: Clarity

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:34 AM
What have you been smoking all night ?

There are many examples of omnivores on this planet.

Bears, Chimpanzees, Baboons, Dogs, Ravens the list is endless.

So, I take it, from your OP that these animals are not from Earth as well ?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by havok

I do agree mostly with what you are saying.
Here is an interesting statistic I read - Dont hold me to it though as it may not be truly accurate but does say something true about animal rearing.
It takes 10 x more land to rear animals for food consumption than if that land were used for crops.
Also - In way we have artificially increased the numbers of animals bred for consumption massively.

edit on 29-1-2012 by artistpoet because: typo

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 08:51 AM
ok, I had to stop half way through the op and post.
The thing about cows milk destroys all credibility at that point.
First, mothers milk is essential to establish a healthy immune system for a new born.
Second, milk is the ABSOLUTE WORST source of calcium for a human body.
You NEED a perfect balance of phosphorous/calcium to be able to absorb it. If not it just sits and waits toi get washed out.
Now cows milk is also high in animal protein. Your body does not store protein so it so the excess just washes through the system taking all the undigested calcium (including what is able to be assimilated but in the process) out of your body. Now raw milk does have alot of advantages but your evolution examples must begin from the time they started pasteurizing and homogenizing the product.
Now as for the supplement arg.
In 1959 the studies done in the usa showed that from modern farming techniques that the soil was stripped of all the minerals that were needed for the food to carry it and thus we are left with nutrient deficient foods that are grown from that soil.
Add to that an even bigger problem from globalizing the food chain and the practice of "green harvesting" where they pick the fruit and veggies green so they don't rot in shipping the average 1800 miles it takes to get to market and what you get is nutrient deficient foods.
In this day and age due to poor farming and production methods you HAVE to supplement if you want a chance at a healthy life.

Those are the first and obvious, glaring problems with your theory.
You simply lack knowledge and understanding to draw reasonable and working hypothesis to prove your theory so you are taking stabs in the dark due to your own ignorance.
But it does show you have a good imagination with the things you work from, which is very limited when it comes to health and basic nutrition facts.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by manna2

That was well written and informative - thanks - Rather than gazing to the stars its good te get your hands in the soil and plant a few seeds and as rewarding.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by artistpoet

Regarding cows milk or any other non human milk - Is that not theft -
Actually you are correct. I never delv into how planets are created in an eco balance. It's not our milk you are correct.

purpose of animal milk is for their offspring. Every action has a reaction or consequence.
You would be right again, as we are knocking off that balance.

The host parasites of a living animal keep it's body in good working order. This applies to us too.
On the moment of death these parasites then take on the way of breaking down the flesh into the substance of the soil ie dacay. Our Human flesh is so similar to that of an animal that if ingested they will not make the distinction and attack the flesh, blood and organs of the one who has by choice taken them in.
Mostly however the body deals with such an invasion and is able to oust these parasites but not always so we have disease which is rampant amongst our species.
Besides this so many labaratory chemicals are added to the food supply which also cause untold damage.
We do not live naturally for sure - we suffer the consequences
It looks like you really do understand whats going on here. I'm shocked how when I bring this stuff up on the evolution channel, people are so close minded and incredulious. You will find there are a lot of things like food that when you look at them seem to open up a never ending trail of loss. It's proof that we aren't from here.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by LeLeu

I drink local organic cows milk. It's heated to kill the bacteria and then bottled
it has the cream around the bottle neck like the good old days.
I choose to drink it because if I still breast fed from my 65 year old mother
it would just be wrong
We always look at it like its just wrong, and it is, but the question is when and why did it go that direction.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by havok

Well that's a long, drawn out theory that I respectfully disagree with.
Our diet today is influenced by companies who are scraping for profits
If that were true, our processed food would cost less and the natural food would cost more.

You can still sell natural food. Either way, its not our food.

We, as animals, are omnivores, which I'm sure you know the definition of.
There is, and always has been, enough nutrition in our surroundings to flourish.
The plants, wildlife and environment have provided sustainance for millenia...
You think just because we process food and milk now that we are not from Earth?
Well its more than that, its the fact that we have no target food, and yes we are scavangers and stealing food from others. I think it all paints a rather complex picture.

We process food and milk now for an appetite that is structured around profits.
The only reason we have a billion dollar supplement industry is because of processed food.
Processed food is stripped of its natural vitamins and minerals we would otherwise get.
Had these foods been found in the natural world, they'd have the necessary nutrients.
But, because of a market for cheap, processed, junk food...they sell supplements.
If this were true we would still have people breastfeeding at more ages.

When we bleach flour to make it white, purely for cosmetics, we strip away the nutrients.
The "enriched" flour found at the has to be injected with the things they stripped away.
Flour is not supposed to be white, but it sells more as white, not natural, flour.
Natural flour is more brown and doesn't sell as much.
I cant argue with you that some things have taken off for profit. I can't argue that many things get processed. The question is why. There is an underlying reason that is not involved with profit.

Humans are the only species to drink milk after weaning from the mothers breast.
It's not because of a need for calcium, because we can get calcium from a host of natural foods.
I have allready proven on another channel that those sources don't exisit like you might think. We could eat sardines, but anything lower than that and your not getting the RDA. So are you saying we were suppose to live on a boat, or near a store that sells sardines?

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by LeLeu do you still breast feed then?
Just because our choices have been taken away from us doesn't mean are able to do the right thing.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by havok

Ya I think you nailed it this time. We later developed a commercial market for food which caused more problems.

Of course its important to understand that the problems were here even back then, just not as bad.

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by itsthetooth

Maybe there are souls that are not of this solar system here on Earth
I know what I think

posted on Jan, 29 2012 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by brokedown

What have you been smoking all night ?

There are many examples of omnivores on this planet.

Bears, Chimpanzees, Baboons, Dogs, Ravens the list is endless.

So, I take it, from your OP that these animals are not from Earth as well ?

Thats a very good point. We have to remember that there were a lot of things brought to earth that also don't belong here. I'm not sure on the ones you mentioned. It's a tuff call. I know more about humans than the animals. Aside, some of them could just have that type of diet. So it may not be an obvious answer. I would look for target foods.

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