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The IQuestion.

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posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:18 AM
Many times I have heard science has been looking for the I and never has it been found. It seems to be made of a slippery substance that cant be grasped. What a blessing, it has never been found, for sure if it had we would of changed it, belittled it,spat on it and done everything possible to put it down and simply frown upon it. In reality we have done that already, because our false ego cannot find it. That is the job of the twisted ego, to send you in the wrong direction.

One of the best attempts at this, is to tell us that the only valuable thing a human may have (that is measurable) is the IQ. Why because it can lead to a feeling of inferiority and superiority (dualistic thought), once this implant is in place the rest of the work is easy. If there is a need to make one false ego feel it is superior to another false ego, we just explain what is lacking. Like magic we have created puppets on a string, all you need is a self and make it feel inferior. Once you have achieved this you have added the puppet along with all the strings you need. Of course the puppet needs to be told how and where and why to move. All this is done by hypnotizing persons in to believing that the brain and the IQ is the centre of the show. What if that was just one simple lie? I am not saying that IQ is bad, or the brain. But aren’t we missing a lot of other things here.
Lets start with music and to begin with someone like Mozart.

Was his IQ the most important part of the formula? Doubt it. How about some of the great artists? Sure they had IQ but was that the governing factor? Doubt it.

Is beauty directly linked to IQ? Doubt it. I am sure this list could go on endlessly, someone with a really high IQ could bury me underground with their arguments,but would that high IQ make them right? Doubt it. But that is one thing we have been trained not to do, do not doubt those ones we name as gods, the gods of the IQ. Who are you the common man to question IQ? For you are just an idiot, hahahah everybody look at this idiot, hahahahhaha. Feeling safe within the IQ crowd let us laugh, the superior laugh.
Here is a saying, that didn’t take much IQ to make up, but may be embedded with more wisdom than any IQ can fathom. “He whom laughs lasts laughs the most.”

edit on 23-1-2012 by ancientthunder because: miss spell

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:24 AM
That first picture almost made me scream lol. As for IQ, I agree. IQ is mostly a measure of how quickly you learn, anyway, and it's simply amazing at how insanely pompous some people get over a stupid number.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:28 AM

I have been thinking about IQ today and was researching the meaning of on.

The new thought is, IQ doesn't matter that much if the motivation isn't there. I can attest to that, wasted mine...just a domestic engineer, but I digress.

A study of N Americans showed many who had high IQ scores were unachievers. Trying to find the article again to post it, sorry.

The question I had is this.....being this is ATS my mind went to tracking. Do you think people who score high on an IQ or EQ test are tracked? Say TPTB know the end is coming..we know they will need Drs etc...but if they are going to save some regular breeding stock who do you think they will pick? Seems like a perfect time to make sure only good DNA reproduces right?

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by ancientthunder

My opinion..IQ is nothing more then pattern is not intelligence, thats why I refuse to join mense.
Pattern cognition is important, but there is something even more important that sets us apart: imagination.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:00 AM
When I was younger, I used to place much importance on IQ and really admired those with a high score. One of the turning points for me was when we had a National IQ test here in Australia and I ended up doing pretty badly on it. After some study in psychology, I realised that it is not an accurate indication of the different kinds of Intelligence a human can possess and started to place less importance on it. I really think IQ is overrated in terms of measuring an individuals potential to achieve and it's a shame so many people place such significance on how high their score happens to be.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

Dont admire IQ. I can teach you pattern recognition in 1 week, it is a skill.
It is important, but nothing to be admired. It is something to be learned if you are so inclined.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:09 AM
Cool post.

It is my feelings that there are many different types of intelligence, academically, artistically, socially, practically, but the IQ test only measures one specific type of intelligence which society has for whatever reason deemed to be important.

And then of course you can have all the smarts in the world, but intelligence and wisdom are two different things.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Dark Ghost

That's basically what the new studies are saying....if the motivation isn't there IQ won't matter anyway. The example used was someone who hates music having a great good if they won't sing right?
And don't forget all thru the 90s the big thing was Emotional Quotient, basically meaning common sense....and all that fancy book learnin' ain't gonna get you that!

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:22 AM
The current IQ model is inadequate for a comprehensive understanding of cognition.

For instance, a 'genius' artist might not know the slightest thing about math, and very well might even be incapable of grasping the slightest mathematical principals no matter how hard they try.
On the other end, you have the more common stereotype of genius that's wired for math, science, physics and such, yet, some of these might have difficulty tying their shoes, or understanding simple common sense things.

The current IQ model doesn't test for intuition, creativity, and even the level of interest or curiosity someone has, plus many other factors.
There are people who's 'genius' lies in spacial awareness, reaction speed/control, and muscle training as exampled by such names as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and other martial arts masters.
Other people may have genius like ability in social adaptability, memory, music, recognition and identification of small details, and many other things.

The Model for cognition, memory, understanding, learning, intuition, creativity, the drive of curiosity and overall quantitative measurement of all of that into a value of intelligence is not yet modeled.

There's all sorts of different genius. Some of it's generalized, while most often it's recognized in a concentration of specialization, or limited focus.

edit on 23-1-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 02:03 PM
from my free opinion, i would say that IQ measure the skill abstraction of value in objective terms

but it lack the measurement reference for subjective value abstraction, which is the reason why it ends measuring nothing in fact since relative point is absolutely an opposition point

again from my opinion, the subjects skills to realize individually values abstraction, could be measured regarding their self realizations to be an absolute zero

the point i mean, is that objective intelligence is true only if you are counting it as being zero constant

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by ancientthunder

The modern distinction of being "intelligent" is usually given to those who think most like unthinking computers. And just like computers, those "smart" individuals are often the most easily programmed and controlled via the contemporary educational system. Ive personally known several "genius" level people, and trying to teach them about the world thats not discussed in the MSM is like trying to teach a brick to bake a cake. Just doesnt compute in their supposedly big brains

Should not such "smart" individuals have been difficult to indoctrinate with lies? Obviously not.

"Intelligence" is certainly not a measurement of ones level of perception/wisdom. Perhaps instead of gauging intelligence on how quickly a person can identify repeating patterns, it should be gauged via how quickly a person gains wisdom and understanding of not just the isolated problem at hand, but of the overall nature of how things really work.

Unfortunately though, IQ scores are given by those who rarely have a clue themselves... so I guess that would never work

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by timetothink

I have been thinking about IQ today and was researching the meaning of on.

The new thought is, IQ doesn't matter that much if the motivation isn't there. I can attest to that, wasted mine...just a domestic engineer, but I digress.

A study of N Americans showed many who had high IQ scores were unachievers. Trying to find the article again to post it, sorry.

Depends on your definition of achieving. Money? Power? Chicks? Not everyone agrees that attaining these things is a desirable goal. In fact, the cat's out of the bag concerning the requirements of achievement.
  • "I think the world is run by 'C' students." ~ Al McGuire
  • "The 'C' students run the world." ~ Harry Truman

The question I had is this.....being this is ATS my mind went to tracking. Do you think people who score high on an IQ or EQ test are tracked? Say TPTB know the end is coming..we know they will need Drs etc...but if they are going to save some regular breeding stock who do you think they will pick? Seems like a perfect time to make sure only good DNA reproduces right?

Okay, on this I have to agree. Personally, I've being fed super models every week to go and knock up with as much of my brilliant juice as possible. Sure, it sucks being an underachiever, but I love banging these broads with my super IQ brain driven junk. And let's face it, these little morsels would be costing me plenty if I was trying to order them from the private catalog (ala Donald Trump, and other mooks with too much cash and too little game), so I guess it all balances out in the end.

It's also good to be bright enough to tell when a conspiracy idea is just plain ludicrous, but I digress....
edit on 1/23/2012 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by absolutely
from my free opinion, i would say that IQ measure the skill abstraction of value in objective terms

but it lack the measurement reference for subjective value abstraction, which is the reason why it ends measuring nothing in fact since relative point is absolutely an opposition point

again from my opinion, the subjects skills to realize individually values abstraction, could be measured regarding their self realizations to be an absolute zero

the point i mean, is that objective intelligence is true only if you are counting it as being zero constant


These are all cogent sentences and phrases. Have you been sandbagging us or did you just have a stroke? I don;t agree with your assessment, but I applaud your newfound capacity to present it.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

My opinion from the article I read, the idea of motivation was based on a capitalistic viewpoint. It pointed out one person in the study had a genius IQ but was a biker who was in and out of jail. Not successful in their view. Now, if he is happy then he is a success...minus the criminal aspect.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:41 PM
Several experts in the field of intelligence have proposed that we need to broaden our understanding of what intelligence really is, and the role it plays in successful living.

Psychologist Howard Gardner of Harvard University has suggested that we should consider a wide range of talents and abilities as valid forms of intelligence. In his intriguing book, "Frames of Mind: Theories of Multiple Intelligences", Gardner has proposed the existence of at least seven types of intelligence: verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, visual-spatial, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, social-interpersonal and intra-personal.

Another psychologist, Robert Sternberg, has suggested we consider three distinct forms of intelligence. One type is the ability to think logically and rationally, doing well in an academic type of environment. A second kind of intelligence identified by Sternberg is the ability to come up with creative solutions to real life situations. And the third type, according to Sternberg, is the ability to psychologically understand people and interact effectively with them.

A very different perspective on the IQ issue is presented by Daniel Goldman in his best-selling book, "Emotional Intelligence". Goldman offers an explanation for why a high IQ does not always lead to success in career or in life. He says that EQ, or emotional intelligence, has been an overlooked factor that is an extremely important ingredient for success in life. An ability to get along with others, to be optimistic, to be determined, are among the many factors that contribute to success, perhaps even more than intellectual ability.

Are you starting to realize that intelligence is not just a question of one test score number that forever limits your possibilities? If we define intelligence primarily as an aptitude for mathematical and linguistic/logical thinking, we may be missing other forms of intelligence that are also important.

If you happen to know your own IQ score, don't think of it as something that limits or defines your potential. If your IQ is in the average range it does not in any way mean you are limited to a life of average success and average accomplishment. If your IQ is in the above average range, it does not guarantee you a life of ease. You can't use either a high IQ score or a low one as an excuse not to try very hard.

Your IQ score is only a number. It does not define you. It does not really limit you. It's just a starting point. Remember that many other qualities you already possess or can develop are also important for success in life.

This article is taken from the new downloadable book by Royane Real titled "How to Be Smarter - Use Your Brain to Learn Faster, Remember Better and Be More Creative." It's available at

Read more: Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be Successful? Does an Average IQ Mean Youll Be Average? - Success
Improve your Search Engine Rankings dotcompals

edit on 23-1-2012 by timetothink because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:44 PM
The "I" or self is the observer of the ego.

When you say "I want a new Mercedes" its not 'you' saying it. Its your ego, driven by social cues and its own need to be identified somehow with that society.

Now if you say " I want a new Mercedes" and then you mentally take a step back and observe where that 'want for a new Mercedes' came from. THAT is the I or self.

If anyone is interested in the true nature of the ego and how to recognize and rid the control it has over your life, please read the book "A New Earth" by arthur Eckhart Tolle.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by nineix

The fact is that IQ and genius are not directly related, and if you do some research on the topic, there's a lot that's been written about the mistaken belief that they are. IQ is about the brain's capacity to store and retrieve information. Genius is all about focus and creativity. Yes, a genius is generally addled with a high IQ, but the highest recorded IQ does not belong to a genius. Superior intellectual capacity allows one to hit a target that most people can't hit, but genius allows one (forces one, actually) to hit a target that no one else even knows exists.

Whenever I run into one of these IQ threads, it always devolves into aggressive resentment. Must suck to care so much about the issue of innate capacity in others that it upsets you to even have to know that it exists.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

These are all cogent sentences and phrases. Have you been sandbagging us or did you just have a stroke? I don;t agree with your assessment, but I applaud your newfound capacity to present it.

i dont applaud your freedom in meaning to mock my obvious higher intelligence

any objective value should be forced to be respected for existence rights

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by timetothink
reply to post by NorEaster

My opinion from the article I read, the idea of motivation was based on a capitalistic viewpoint. It pointed out one person in the study had a genius IQ but was a biker who was in and out of jail. Not successful in their view. Now, if he is happy then he is a success...minus the criminal aspect.

MENSA isn't a club of snobbish people who see themselves as superior to the rest of the 98%. It's a support group for people whose raging intellects would otherwise destroy their lives. If you've gone so far as to join MENSA, then you already know better than to see yourself as a member of the lucky sperm club.

As far as the validity of the term "EQ - emotional intelligence quotient", that's just something that one of those "everybody is a star" book authors invented to make people feel good about themselves and to dismiss the very real struggle that most gifted people deal with every moment of their lives. EQ is just social ease and a talent for schmoozing. Salesmen and homecoming queens are gifted in this arena, and yeah, it does help grease the skids for them as they offload the days and years of their lives into skillfully crafted and profitable resumes.

The really bright people stumble from one confusion to the next, and they never miss the significances that slip right by the average folks. Every now and then, that capacity can be helpful, but for 98% of the time, it's like having hurdles put in front of a person as everyone else is running a clear track.

posted on Jan, 23 2012 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by absolutely

Originally posted by NorEaster

These are all cogent sentences and phrases. Have you been sandbagging us or did you just have a stroke? I don;t agree with your assessment, but I applaud your newfound capacity to present it.

i dont applaud your freedom in meaning to mock my obvious higher intelligence

any objective value should be forced to be respected for existence rights

I must be losing it, because I understood that post too.


And I'm not mocking you. I'm expressing my surprise. If I was mocking you, you'd know it by my syntax. I can do Yoda too, y'know.

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