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Begin Sex Ed in Kindergarten, Says New ‘National Standards’ Report

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posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:20 AM
This would be a non-issue if people didnt feel this floormat compulsion to raise other peoples kids.

Let chlamydia and unwanted pregnancy run rampant. What do I care?
Likewise, if they cant fend for themselves dont do it for them.

Following "natures course" got them there. Let them follow "natures course" to its inevitable end.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Skewed
I think teaching sex ed in kindergarten is a bit too early. However, I think it is a perfect time to start laying the foundation and fundamentals in order to adequately start teaching sex ed in their 4th/5th/6th grade years.

I would also like to say that the school systems should adopt a curriculum that also includes psychology and sociology.

What about the "qualifications" and "credentials" of the "teachers" ?

Too many sick-o's are attracted to the system.

ITs the Parents Job

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by xuenchen

Absolutely !

THIS is the job of the Parents .... NOBODY Else !

edit on Jan-18-2012 by xuenchen because:

What happens when the parents don't do their job?

The same thing as when the "teachers" don't do their jobs.

Take your choice.

When teachers don't do their jobs, parents can go to the school and demand action. What does the school do when parents aren't doing their job, i.e, properly educating their children regarding sex? Should they go to the parent's house and demand that they properly teach their child? How well do you think that would go over?
edit on 18-1-2012 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
This would be a non-issue if people didnt feel this floormat compulsion to raise other peoples kids.

Let chlamydia and unwanted pregnancy run rampant. What do I care?
Likewise, if they cant fend for themselves dont do it for them.

Following "natures course" got them there. Let them follow "natures course" to its inevitable end.

Not a bad point !

"They" want to raise YOUR kids because THEY make money.

Money is their agenda, not "education".

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

When teachers don't do their jobs, parents can go to the school and demand action. What does the school do when parents aren't doing their job, i.e, properly educating their children regarding sex? Should they go to the parent's house and demand that they properly teach their child? How well do you think that would go over?

When teachers don't do their jobs, parents can go to the school and demand action.

Yes of course, looong after the damage is done.

Teachers errors and low qualifications affect 100's of families.

What does the school do when parents aren't doing their job

Quite frankly, it's none of anybody else's damn business in this particular case !!

What legal stance is there ?

Should they go to the parent's house and demand that they properly teach their child?

America is not a Communist country yet.

edit on Jan-18-2012 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen

Originally posted by Skewed
I think teaching sex ed in kindergarten is a bit too early. However, I think it is a perfect time to start laying the foundation and fundamentals in order to adequately start teaching sex ed in their 4th/5th/6th grade years.

I would also like to say that the school systems should adopt a curriculum that also includes psychology and sociology.

What about the "qualifications" and "credentials" of the "teachers" ?

Too many sick-o's are attracted to the system.

ITs the Parents Job

I do not have a problem with it being the parents job. However, I remember having sex ed in 6th grade and looking back on it, I have to say my teachers did an excellent job with it as did my parents. I got educated from both angles. The only point I like to make on this is not who should do it but who has the adequate materials to effectively teach. I am just saying that it is easier for the schools to get a hold of good materials to use in educating the kids. I do not care who does it, as long as it is done right.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:32 AM
I'm all for sexual/social education starting from an early age and continuing through graduation from high school.
A number of European countries aren't such repressive prudes, and do to progressive sexual education from a young age continuing on until graduation, children learn from a young age the importance of interpersonal communications.

You find in all countries that have progressive ongoing sexual education all through a child's schooling that crimes involving rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, murders over jealousy, and other such, are FAR less, from a percentage comparison, astoundingly so.

Repressive, prudish countries that get all in a tizzy if woman so much as has a nip slip, well, you'll find those places lead the world in sex crimes, abuse, domestic violence, and other such.

Places where kids know what sex is, as well as appropriate behavior in interpersonal relations are quite the bit wiser about the world and if a priest, or some other kind of perv attempts to lure them into a compromising situation, well, a savvy kid will know what's up, and not be so naive, nor let themselves be victimized.

Turn sex into something taboo, dirty, awkward, and kid just might be too embarrassed, or reluctant to talk about someone taking advantage of them. A huge number of cases where abuse has occurred go unreported because of this social repression about the subject.

edit on 18-1-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by nineix

I'm all for sexual/social education starting from and early age and continuing through graduation from high school.
A number of European countries aren't such repressive prudes, and do to progressive sexual education from a young age continuing on until graduation, children learn from a young age the importance of interpersonal communications.

You find in all countries that have progressive ongoing sexual education all through a child's schooling that crimes involving rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, murders over jealousy, and other such, are FAR less, from a percentage comparison, astoundingly so.

Repressive, prudish countries that get all in a tizzy if woman so much as has a nip slip, well, you'll find those places lead the world in sex crimes, abuse, domestic violence, and other such.

Places where kids know what sex is, as well as appropriate behavior in interpersonal relations are quite the bit wiser about the world and if a priest, or some other kind of perv attempts to lure them into a compromising situation, well, a savvy kid will know what's up, and not be so naive, nor let themselves be victimized.

Turn sex into something taboo, dirty, awkward, and kid just might be too embarrassed, or reluctant to talk about someone taking advantage of them. A huge number of cases where abuse has occurred go unreported because of this social repression about the subject.

Some real time stats and links might help your argument.

And a list of "prudish" countries would be enlightening too.

Keep in mind the article content is primarily fixated on focused on "sexual orientation",
with a misleading headline

I hope sexual orientation is not the main agenda of sex education

edit on Jan-18-2012 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

edit on Jan-18-2012 by xuenchen because: added quote update/edits

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by daryllyn

'Mommy... where do babies come from?'

'They grow in the mommy's belly and when they are big enough, the doctor takes them out.'

That reminds me always of that stupid Dennis the Menace movie:
Dennis: The most important thing is they marry the women, then the women can go down and get the baby.
Margaret: The baby is in her stomach.
Dennis: She has to get it installed. Her stomach isn't just filled up with babies.
Margaret: Who installed some?
Dennis: A minister and a doctor.
Margaret: How?
Dennis: 'How'?
Joey: [laughs] She wants to know how?
[Joey continues laughing but stops as Margaret furiosuly glares at him]
Margaret: Tell me, Dennis. How?
Dennis: The bellybutton-it opens up.
Margaret: How come men have them?
Dennis: So they don't look weird in bathing suits.

Of courise usually the parents should educate their children. But when it comes to Sex, most parents have a problem talking about, they find it awkward or "my child doesn't need to know that". All the while kids get earlier and earlier confronted with Sex and if it's just because they saw something on the Internet.

I just think it's a good idea to teach children as early as possible

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
This would be a non-issue if people didnt feel this floormat compulsion to raise other peoples kids.

Let chlamydia and unwanted pregnancy run rampant. What do I care?
Likewise, if they cant fend for themselves dont do it for them.

Following "natures course" got them there. Let them follow "natures course" to its inevitable end.

What a great idea. Why don't we let parents do whatever they want with their own children. Starve them, rape them, beat them. What do we care how their children turn out? What do we care if we have a nation full of diseases, abortions, unwanted children in orphanages, etc., etc.? Niiiiiice.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen
Keep in mind the article content is primarily fixated on focused on "sexual orientation",
with a misleading headline

The article's title is misleading all right.
In fact, I would disregard the article altogether in favor of looking at the actual SOURCE.

The education about sexuality doesn't come till later. And I support a thorough education. If you want to teach prejudice, you can do that at home.

I know you don't want the facts to get in the way of your outrage, but I feel I must put them out here.

The people of this country WANT this education for their children. If you don't, then put yours in private schools.

Ninety-three percent of parents of junior high school students and 91 percent of parents of high school students
believe it is very or somewhat important to have sexuality education as part of the school curriculum.

Ninety-five percent of parents of junior high school students and 93 percent of parents of high school
students believe that birth control and other methods of preventing pregnancy are appropriate topics for
sexuality education programs in schools.

Approximately 75 percent of parents believed that the topic of sexual orientation should be included in
sexuality education programs and “discussed in a way that provides a fair and balanced presentation of the
facts and different views in society.”

Eighty-eight percent of parents of junior high school students and 85 percent of parents of high school students believe information on how to use and where to get contraceptives is an appropriate topic for sexuality
education programs in schools.

Bullying of gay kids and kids with gay family members has gotten out of hand with the education parents are giving their kids. Let the school do it if the parents are doing such a suck job.
edit on 1/18/2012 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by thisguyrighthere
This would be a non-issue if people didnt feel this floormat compulsion to raise other peoples kids.

Let chlamydia and unwanted pregnancy run rampant. What do I care?
Likewise, if they cant fend for themselves dont do it for them.

Following "natures course" got them there. Let them follow "natures course" to its inevitable end.

What a great idea. Why don't we let parents do whatever they want with their own children. Starve them, rape them, beat them. What do we care how their children turn out? What do we care if we have a nation full of diseases, abortions, unwanted children in orphanages, etc., etc.? Niiiiiice.

The answer to this problem would be solved simply by communities acting like communities again. When people watched out for other people. When other neighborhood parents kept an eye on other kids. I know when I was growing up there were always adults around and/or watching. I remember that if I farted and it stunk, my parents knew about it within 30 minutes and sometimes I had my ass drug back home. My parents thanking the other parents the whole time and me getting prepared to have my ass heated up. Some of the problems discussed here are societal problems and if society starts acting right some things will rightfully fix themselves without any intervention.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

What a great idea. Why don't we let parents do whatever they want with their own children. Starve them, rape them, beat them. What do we care how their children turn out? What do we care if we have a nation full of diseases, abortions, unwanted children in orphanages, etc., etc.? Niiiiiice.

Do the majority of parents do this ?

Or is this just another excuse for failures of the few ?

It's still a free country.

The majority will educate their own kids successfully.

The sex ed programs have been around for a while now in many forms.

Look at the results.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

Do you want to remove the issue or do you want to be nice?

That's the base for just about every backwards abuse of power, inept half-measures and money pit in this world.

You can either accept that some people will # # up for themselves and move on or you can perpetually tread water keeping your head barely above it being nice.

Reality is not compatible with fantasy.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen
reply to post by nineix

I'm all for sexual/social education starting from and early age and continuing through graduation from high school.
A number of European countries aren't such repressive prudes, and do to progressive sexual education from a young age continuing on until graduation, children learn from a young age the importance of interpersonal communications.

You find in all countries that have progressive ongoing sexual education all through a child's schooling that crimes involving rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, murders over jealousy, and other such, are FAR less, from a percentage comparison, astoundingly so.

Repressive, prudish countries that get all in a tizzy if woman so much as has a nip slip, well, you'll find those places lead the world in sex crimes, abuse, domestic violence, and other such.

Places where kids know what sex is, as well as appropriate behavior in interpersonal relations are quite the bit wiser about the world and if a priest, or some other kind of perv attempts to lure them into a compromising situation, well, a savvy kid will know what's up, and not be so naive, nor let themselves be victimized.

Turn sex into something taboo, dirty, awkward, and kid just might be too embarrassed, or reluctant to talk about someone taking advantage of them. A huge number of cases where abuse has occurred go unreported because of this social repression about the subject.

Some real time stats and links might help your argument.

And a list of "prudish" countries would be enlightening too.

Keep in mind the article content is primarily fixated on focused on "sexual orientation",
with a misleading headline

I hope sexual orientation is not the main agenda of sex education

edit on Jan-18-2012 by xuenchen because: (no reason given)

edit on Jan-18-2012 by xuenchen because: added quote update/edits

True the opening post was more concerned about orientation matters, but, a complete and thorough sexual education would cover that topic and be open about interpersonal relations of all types without blinders.

Anyway, you asked for it:

Let's just use the US of A as an example of prudish. The USA is one of thw worst rated on the planet for sexual education, sexual health, rape, abuse, domestic violence and other ills that could be curbed with a proper education about appropriate behavior and respect for other people, especially as it applies to interpersonal relations.

The following link is just one study where the effects of sexual education programs in Belgium, France, Germany, and the USA were put side by side:
Adolescent Sexual Health in Europe and the US

The following is a reference guide to sexual education policies in Europe.
Reference Guide to Policies and Practices of Sexuality Education in Europe

Here's another USA vs Europe
Sex Ed in Europe vs. the United States

Have fun with all that.

I'm sure, however, most that already have their minds set about putting blinders on their precious little snowflakes
to keep them from getting infected with the ghey virus, or just not mentioning that boy and girls are different and why, won't have their opinions changed, because, they probably won't even take the time to sit and read, and accept the statistics.

edit on 18-1-2012 by nineix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen
The majority will educate their own kids successfully.

Then how is it possibly going to hurt these kids if they go through it again in school - just to reinforce.

The sex ed programs have been around for a while now in many forms.

Look at the results.

Apparently, there is now an effort to step it up and start it a little earlier. The current results would also show that parents are not doing so good either.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

The article's title is misleading all right.

That's the point. They have an agenda that's not in the best interests of the majority of Americans.

The education about sexuality doesn't come till later. And I support a thorough education. If you want to teach prejudice, you can do that at home.

The article says this

“Ideally, comprehensive sexuality education should start in kindergarten and continue through 12th grade,” says the “National Sexuality Education Standards” report, drawn up by a range of advocates, academics and public education officials.

I know you don't want the facts to get in the way of your outrage, but I feel I must put them out here.
The people of this country WANT this education for their children. If you don't, then put yours in private schools

Can't find the page or genuine source for those "facts"

My normal middle class neighborhood (not Las Vegas) said different.

And I did send my kids to private schools (big city mid-west) with no interference from strangers and pseudo-intellectuals. Not real expensive for people with normal jobs.
Had no problems either. Thanks to freedom of choice by parents.
Thanks, but no thanks to the do-gooders.

Wide Area Government is the Problem

Bullying of gay kids and kids with gay family members has gotten out of hand with the education parents are giving their kids. Let the school do it if the parents are doing such a suck job.

More excuses for failure !

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Skewed
Some of the problems discussed here are societal problems and if society starts acting right some things will rightfully fix themselves without any intervention.

I absolutely agree with you. But what do we do to encourage society to "start acting right"? It's not just going to happen on its own. And in the meantime, more girls get pregnant and have unwanted babies and more gay kids commit suicide because of bullying in schools.

Originally posted by xuenchen
The majority will educate their own kids successfully.

Good. Then the children of the minority will get a proper sex education in school. Everybody's happy.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
Bullying of gay kids and kids with gay family members has gotten out of hand with the education parents are giving their kids. Let the school do it if the parents are doing such a suck job.
edit on 1/18/2012 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

This is my primary concern with regards to this subject.

If you're gay, and you don't even know that "gay" is a thing, that must be distressing. If you're gay, and you come from an overly religious household, you very possibly won't know what gay is, or you may think that it's bad to be gay. If you're gay, your intolerant peers could make your school-life hell.

And most importantly, any one of you that are mad about teaching kids that sexual orientation exists, COULD have a gay child, and no amount of praying can stop that bit of biology.

I had a gay friend in high school that NEVER came out, ditched all of his friends, and ultimately found a gay crowd to hang with years later. He didn't think the straights would accept him. I'm not sure if we were taught about sexual orientation because one, I wasn't gay, and two, I already knew about it from my moms,and therefore I would have not paid attention, BUT, if we were, it was in ninth grade, and that's just too damn late for kids to be learning about "gay."

I'm not saying that they need to learn about the acts of gay sex at 5, but they need to know what "gay" is.

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen
It's still a free country.

Yes, and you are free to choose where you send your kids to school.

The majority will educate their own kids successfully.

The sex ed programs have been around for a while now in many forms.

Look at the results.

Yes, let's look at those stellar results that you are satisfied with:

The US has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the industrialized world. Each year in the US,
more than 750,000 women ages 15–19 become pregnant, with more than 80 percent of these pregnancies unintended.

Furthermore, while young people in the US ages 15–25 make up only one-quarter of the sexually active
population, they contract about half of the 19 million sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) annually. This equates to one in four sexually active teenagers contracting a sexually transmitted disease each year.

And young people ages 13–29 account for about one-third of the estimated 50,000
new HIV infections each year, the largest share of any age group.

According to the 2009 National School Climate Survey, nearly 9 out of 10 lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) students reported being harassed in the previous year. Two-thirds of LGBT students reported feeling unsafe and nearly one-third skipped at least one day of school because of concerns about their personal safety. LGBT students who reported frequent harassment also suffered from lower grade point averages.

edit on 1/18/2012 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

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