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Media Monitoring initiative.The DHS full list

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posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:09 PM
You got to admit when it comes to catchy titles those boys at the DHS
are not up to the job.I know there been a few posts on which sites the
US goverment is keeping a eye on but didt find these pdfs posted anywhere.

NOC Media Monitoring Initiative pdf

The pdf above set out the goals of the DHS.its hard reading and full of goverment jargon.

List of Sites pdf

Now this is the more intresting one with a complete list of blogs and sites which
is being monitored and before you ask no ATS is not on the list.

And here the link to the site i got these docs off there something like 70,000 files
like this so if you want to dig out something juicy for ATS.....


edit on 17/1/2012 by skuly because: typo

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by skuly

Before I look how big is it?

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:30 PM
ATS not being on there makes me question the validity tho.

I think that many will agree that we are worthy of being spied on!

If not, I've just wasted a year of my life and my stars mean nothing...




I'm not seeing theblaze, activistpost, godlikeproductions, alexjones, blacklistednews, thecomingdepression...and so many more.

Strange indeed.

edit on 17-1-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by skuly

Before I look how big is it?

This is perfect for a "That's what she said" line.

But I won't give in to temptation.


posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by jude11

I think it may have to do with the domain being registered in UK?

I do know that DHS has mysteriously seized domains in the US and that the domains that appeared to be working fine were suddenly and unexplainably unavailable, not even the Domain Server companies could explain why suddenly a site that appeared to be there wasn't there anymore.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 09:09 PM
On second thought I may be incorrect maybe somebody can correct me, but is ATS registered in Scottsdale AZ in that case it would be registered with GoDaddy which when the story about SOPA broke there were thousands of domains that dropped GoDaddy in pre-emptive protest because of its pro- SOPA stance? At least that was what I remember.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by skuly

Sorry, but you missed the most important part of the NOC. It is not the list but the language of the Act, the 1/6/12 "modification," and DHS' interpretation of them that makes all the difference.

Appendix "A" of the NOC (page 14) behins with a "description" of the sites monitored.


Social Media Web Sites Monitored by the NOC

This is a representative list of sites that the NOC will start to monitor in order to provide situational awareness and establish a common operating picture under this Initiative. Initial sites listed may link to other sites not listed. The NOC may also monitor those sites if they are within the scope of this Initiative.

Read between the lines, and recall that under DHS' "interpretation," returning servicemen and conservative activists were well-within the definition of "domestic terror threats."
From 2009 DHS' "Terror Lexicon" (Unclassified/For Official Use Only (UFOUO)):
DHS Document Lists "Alternative Media" As Potential Terrorists

It is narrow-minded credulity that permits ever-greater intrusion by the government into things that were once off limits.
People need to read between the lines to see what's really going on and being done to their freedom.
You Were Warned! Obama Adminstration Gathering personal Data on Sites Like ATS

Good luck.


edit on 17-1-2012 by jdub297 because: " "

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:28 PM

edit on 17-1-2012 by redstorm because: womp womp womp, womp womp womp

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 10:55 PM
My ex worked for DHS. If they same group she worked for is doing the snooping you have nothing to worry about.
She called me once because everyone in the office got new laptops and couldn't figure out how big the hard drive was in their new toys.
Although I have to admit that her job was to get on planes with fake ID, weapons, bombs, ect...
When she did pass through with such (and she did) they would fine the hell outa them.
Sounds like an easy job to me, when your making over 40.00 an hour...

posted on Jan, 18 2012 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by jude11

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by skuly

Before I look how big is it?

This is perfect for a "That's what she said" line.

But I won't give in to temptation.


That is golden

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