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Are young children more susceptible to seeing ghosts?

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posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 04:38 AM
...Or are ghosts attracted to young children?

Ive always heard that young children see things that grown ups do not. You always hear stories of young children having imaginary friends and it makes me wonder if they actually did.....but in ghost/spirit form.

Growing up I lived on a farm in Texas. I recall vividly having the same dream every single night. It was one of those reoccurring dreams and it always had the same sequence of events. I'd be outside playing out back and this man would walk up to me and offer me his hand and he'd tell me that everything was going to be ok. He was an old man. Dressed in black and he carried a cane and walked with a noticeable limp. In my dream, I never did take his hand and i'd always run inside to Mom. But I recall having that dream over and over again. I guess in a way it was a nightmare? But I always woke up feeling warmth.

A lot of strange events took place in my childhood. At the same time however, its like there is a huge block that is keeping me from remembering a lot of the aspects of it. Im beginning to wonder if that man in my dreams was my imaginary friend back then, but for whatever reason, im only remembering it as a dream and not something in reality.

Anyway, what are some of your thoughts on this subject? I also always heard that dogs and cats see ghosts and things that human cannot as well.

I'd love your thoughts on this subject and maybe even perhaps what you think my dream was about.
edit on 14-1-2012 by Vrill because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 04:45 AM
I have heard actually that children's imaginary friends could be ghosts.

I would try to find some sources of it, but it would only be user generated stories, and theoretical assumptions, so I don't think it would be very convincing either way.

Nice post op.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by RobbWonder

It also makes me wonder about the whole "Boogeyman under the bed and inside of the closet" stories that are always talked about. "Check under my bed and inside of the closet please" - Perhaps the child actually sees a paranormal entity of some sort with their own eyes that grown ups do not see.

Sometimes tales such as these are a bridge to the truth.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:00 AM
The aetheric and physical matrices don't completely lock until around the age of 17.

As a result, yes, kids are more susceptible to "seeing ghosts," than adults; although it needs to be remembered that what "seeing ghosts," basically means, is having a higher degree of cognitive bandwidth, in multidimensional terms. As in, ghosts can be around pretty much all the time, but most people generally only see within the frequency range that corresponds with immediate physical reality. If you're on drugs, or in a non-beta neurological state as an adult, then you can access such levels of perception. Kids however can do it more naturally, because they are not as strongly bound to the physical body.

Psychological factors play a role, as well. A child with materialist parents, who dismisses said child's claims of seeing acorporeal entities of whatever kind, will learn to shut down and repress said abilities, which can further ensure that said ability is lost in adulthood.

(I'm only using the word "materialist," there rather than "atheist," because I'm getting tired of having to deal with stupid people who aren't materialists, but who insist on referring to themselves as atheists, because they don't believe in theism par se, and they refuse to accept the fact that atheism presupposes Cartesian materialism, by definition. This can often be because they're afraid of real atheists expressing contempt towards them, if they call themselves agnostic. Said people therefore get indignant and offended if I associate atheism and materialism)
edit on 14-1-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Could the parents that shun their children and tell them that they are just seeing things or that they are lying about it etc conjure up a negative entity for the child that was having visions of positive entities prior?

If you see what I am saying

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by Vrill

I think there is a psychological role being played ; that was forced upon by the parents "Do this of the boogie man will get you"

I remember being very scared of the "boogie man" to the point I would avoid the garden shed in which he lived.
I would even get very strange vibes from it. all fabricated up in my mind, due to a parent.

Imagine how fearful children would be of 'Santa' If they were told he was evil, Think how often they would see him around Xmas time also.

I can't recall ever speaking to a ghost as a child, but as a child I did not know what a spirit etc was.
So it is quite possible that i may have seen a ghost as a child and just not understood what it was.

Sorry to babble

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by Vrill
reply to post by petrus4

Could the parents that shun their children and tell them that they are just seeing things or that they are lying about it etc conjure up a negative entity for the child that was having visions of positive entities prior?

If you see what I am saying

Yes, it can. The child could react with negative emotions from their parents dismissal, which could then manifest as a negative thought form (astral construct, which varying degrees of ability, depending on the situation) as a result. Dismissal is more likely to manifest, however, as a thoughtform which generates the idea that the child genuinely cannot see such things, which itself can then promote insensitivity. Thought forms, even primitive/non-sentient ones, generally have a desire for self-preservation.

Depending on the nature of the thought form, they will generally also have been given some precondition for strengthening them, or perpetuating their existence. As such, the longer a given thoughtform exists, the more it encourages the belief it represents, (and therefore gets fed as a result of said belief being accepted) which produces a self-reinforcing loop. This is one of the main reasons why a belief in insensitivity can be impossible to break; that belief can be associated with a thoughtform, which depends on the reinforcement of said belief for its' energetic survival.

"Imaginary friends," almost always have some degree of persistent existence as astral constructs; persistent existence, being defined as the capacity for corroborated experience by additional parties, and verification of details about said construct, that they had no other way of knowing. Said entities can largely be products of the child's imagination, rather than necessarily needing to be a pre-existing spirit as such.
edit on 14-1-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-1-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-1-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Thanks for that reply Petrus. That is very very interesting

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:30 AM
I have a friend that has seen ghosts as far as she can remember and now in her 30's, she still sometimes doesn't know they are ghosts until later. She said she even says 'hi' to them on occasion before she realizes what it is.

I don't think all kids can see them. I think it's like how some kids are natural acrobats etc.

Just a thought.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by intelligenthoodlum33

That is true. I guess some people could just be born with the gift of being able to see spirits and things that others do not see.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 06:01 AM
Like animals, children tend to have a higher vibration than most adults. That is what allows them to see them.

A lot of spirits reside in the higher frequencies that are just above the visible light spectrum (in the ultraviolet) that most adults can only see. In this diagram, the visible light spectrum is referred to simply as "light".

Now another thing you must understand is how light waves react when they strike matter. They will either reflect, absorb or transmit. This is determined by the molecular vibration of the matter. For example, if an object appears yellow, and you were to increase the molecular vibration of that object, it would now appear green. If you continue to increase the object's vibration, it will then appear blue, then indigo, then violet. Keep going, and the object will become invisible, as the visible light will transmit through it instead of reflecting off it.

The light receptors inside the eye are also matter. The reason they sense light is obviously because light strikes the matter which they are made up of. So if you were to increase the vibration of your body, which would include these receptors, you will also be changing the effect light has when it strikes them.

Put simply, if your vibration is higher than "normal" you will be able to see objects that ultraviolet light reflects off, while other people cannot.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by intelligenthoodlum33
I have a friend that has seen ghosts as far as she can remember and now in her 30's, she still sometimes doesn't know they are ghosts until later. She said she even says 'hi' to them on occasion before she realizes what it is.

If your vibration is high enough, they can actually appear solid. If your vibration only just allows you to see into the ultraviolet, that is when they appear transparent.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 06:18 AM
Those in power are well aware of the spirit world and go to great lengths to prevent the masses from knowing about it. There is a conspiracy to keep the vibration of the masses low so they don't discover it, using many different techniques. This is one of the techniques they use explained by Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa:

"We were told that there was a great smallpox epidemic coming to the land and all the children must be vaccinated. My grandfather used to say that the white man’s vaccination makes you blind and if you are to look after the cattle you must not go to the trading store to get your vaccination. Inspectors used to come and check each child for signs of vaccination. Our grandmother used to give us great pain in order to save our spiritual eyes. Grains of maize would be heated up and pushed against the skin of the child, and so when the schools inspectors came he saw the blisters and assumed the child had been vaccinated…and I noticed that school children in mission schools who had been vaccinated for smallpox or measles could not see spiritual entities at all. A flying saucer would fly through the sky at great speed and be seen by many men & women but the children who had been vaccinated would see nothing and I noticed this hundreds of times."

Another is the promotion of sunglasses that reflect UV light so it won't strike your eyes and "harm you".

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 06:27 AM
If you are interested I wrote about this topic last year on my blog here is the link to the post. Through The Eyes of a Child

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 06:34 AM
Yes I believe children are.

I showed 5 or 6 of my sons 9 to 11 year old friends this picture and immediately they ALL
saw what I saw, and were spooked by it.

Here is the picture:

And enlarged:

Here is what I saw and still see.

Originally posted by pshea38
i am freaked looking at this picture. not sure about the smaller faces but there are two life size individuals taking up almost the whole front of the image, as if they were posing for the photograph. i can make out their blurry outlines quite clearly. the figure on the left, standing between the red shed and adjacent pillar, seems to have a skeletal transparent body form with rounded shoulders and is looking directly at the camera. i see his head shape clearly as co-inciding with the bush/tree to the right of the shed, but much closer to the camera, with a dark black left eye, nose and left half of mouth very visible. he looks quite sinister. while the figure on the right seems to be wearing an old fashioned long wrinkled garment, like a man in robes or a body cloak maybe. i can't clearly make out his face but his head is cloaked also and seems to be bowed (with his body half-turned to his left), as if reading from a book held in both his hands, and his right elbow is protruding towards the other individual. i see it more clearly when i tilt my laptop screen slightly back from the vertical. can no-one else see this? seriously? this is the strangest picture i have ever seen. i have looked at it again and again and always see the same things. that is so wierd man..

which is This Post
from This Thread

Figures circled.

As I said, the kids saw the same figures as I did, without prompting.
Most adult posters in the thread saw nothing at all.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by pshea38

It took me a bit, but once I relaxed my focus I definitely see it. Very interesting!

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

That is some awesome information and a cool chart. I have to honestly say that I am glad my vibration is too low to see anything. I would be more comfortable in a room with bigfoot than an entity I could see.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by pshea38


posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:50 PM
My wife and kids were over at their grandma's house one day. My daughter came out of the back bedroom where she usually watches cartoons and her mom asked her why she came right back so soon. 'That hunched over old man is sitting in there".

It was her uncle that died the week before. We never told her and kept quiet in disbelief.

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 01:00 PM
Personal experience: I saw two different ghosts before I turned 5. After I "came out about it" the sightings stopped. My parents seemed to believe me, but my school teacher definitely did not. Most kids in class (kindergarten) seemed to disbelieve but some were interested. The teacher very much disbelieved and was trying to convince me that I imagined it all. Even though I wasn't convinced that it was imagined, after that I saw no more ghosts. It was as if the preconceptions of others effected my reality.

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