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Psychic's predictions for 2012 -- From 30 years ago. [CONFIRMED HOAX]

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posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:39 PM
Does anyone speak French? I mean, what they did with Osama was plop whatever text they wanted on his old videos and no one knew Farci or whatever he was speaking wouldn't translate into what text they ploped down on the video.
minute 4 why didn't he know the illuminati are more powerful than the president of the us?
If the person uploading this video can't give any kind of backgroun why should it be trusted? How easy would it be to just fake it if your a psyops person posting to youtube.
I don't know if it looks like the normal film you'd see from a VHS home video recorder from the 1980's. In fact, it looks high quality compared to the one we had back in 1990. Wouldn't there be the slightest static in the picture/microphone if you were transcribing old VHS onto digital format? Or is this just a webcam from 2012 or something in an 2012 interview?
I'd be interested to see what else Paranormal74 has posted on their youtube channel in about 4 months.
If psychics are that accurate, WHERE are all the other ones when you look at youtube videos?

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Power_Semi

Originally posted by timetothink
reply to post by marvinthemartian

I am certainly not fluent in French...but after studying it for four years, then 3 years each of my children studying it..I can get by. Most of what I can tell matches the subtitles. But whether this is really from 1980? I have a lamp like the one behind him and I bought it last year. Not that that means anything. This is right up my alley though, I love researching and debunking...I am on it!!!

I've already debunked it, try reading the posts one page back

Thank god...... I dont feel like dying this year

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Audiokat

Hard to explain, but hes definitely not talking like we were in the 80's.. I think you will have to be a french speaking person to understand what i mean.. Nevertheless,, so so fake

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:41 PM
I think it's clear that it's for the marketing competition.

Which is more likely, that it is for the competition in the French speaking part of Canada, or that it really was made 30 years ago and just coincidentally has the california/ca, 2012/HM2012, 20th anniversary/20 years, and French speaking man coincidences?

Or maybe he was so good a psychic he knew there'd be a happening marketing competition in 2012, that it'd be the 20th anniversary, and so he dropped in all of these clues for us to impress us further.

Honestly, I bet there are some of those guys who made this huddled around a computer, drinking beers, and laughing their boobies off at some of you.

If so please put them out of their misery.
edit on 10-1-2012 by Power_Semi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:43 PM
"Je suis venu m'installer en Californie parce qu'en faite, euh.. dans mon village en France, euh, on m'appelait "Le Devin". Je faisais beaucoup de révélations, euh, et notamment une qui s'est avérée exacte.
Donc, j'n'en parlerai pas ici, puisque c'est pas le propos...
Et il a vraiment fallu que je quitte le pays et maintenant depuis 20 ans, je suis installé ici, en Californie et... et j'm'y sens bien.
Non, non non, non non non, ce serait vraiment de la science-fiction, non non, non non, je suis quelqu'un qui travaille avec les images.
Donc là, j'ai vu un homme, sur la lune, hum... marcher sur la lune, euh arrivant avec une fusée!
Voilà, je m'rapelle que c'était en 1950, j'avais, j'avais à peine 10, donc, euh, on a donc l'imaginaire de son âge...
Donc une fusée, un homme, marchant sur la lune, et je disais toujours à mes parents; 'On va aller sur la lune en 1969".
On va, et alors ça s'est avéré, évidemment... Ils étaient à la fois touchés alors, je pense, quant s'a s'est révélé...

Oui, j'ai toujours des... des images, euh, notamment, euh, des images très très forte notamment en ce qui concerne en faite la... l'énergie nucléaire, puisque nous arrivons vers la fin de l'énergie du pétrole, euh, on a bien là, ce qui s'est passé ces dernières années... et donc on va vers l'énergie nucléaire, et là, l'énergie nucléaire apportera sont lot de catastrophes, notamment, euh, en URSS, où je prédis pour la fin de la décennie, avant la fin de la décennie, euh, n'est ce pas, une... une catastrophe majeure qui pourra remettre en question l'utilisation mëme du nucléaire.

On va avoir des voitures électriques, hum, et ça très rapidement, au tour des années, je pense 2000, 2000 qui est mon année fétiche, euh, 2000-2005, les voitures à pétrole n'existeront plus. On sera sur les voitures électriques, hum...
Et je pense qu'on aura, si ce n'est pas commercialisé, en tout cas, euh, trouver la solution de la voiture volante, la voiture magnétique, voilà. Je le vois tout à fait très clairement.

C'est relativement flou, mais en tout cas, ce qui est relativement certain, c'est que dans la première décennie qui suivra l'an 2000, euh... L'Amérique sera attaquée.
Non, non non, non non, il ne s'agit pas de, d'une attaque à l'étranger, mais d'une attaque sur le sol américain.
Il s'agit d'un, là, vraiment, d'un nouveau Pearl Harbor, euh... C'est un bombardement!... Et je vois des villes, comme Los Angeles, notamment New-York se faire bombarder, New-York se faire bombarder, euh, et ce dans la première décennie qui suivra l'an 2000... voilà, ça, euh, s'est évident.

Non, non non, mais comme je vous disais, le Bloc de l'Est dans 10 ans n'existera quasiment plus et donc on peut imaginer qu'a l'aube de l'an 2000 non seulement ils seront des alliés mais en plus de ça, euh, on ne parlera plus, je veux dire on ne parlera plus de Bloc Soviétique, euh non, non non!

Là c'est... c'est très très claire, les causes de, de ces attaques et les causes de ce conflit, seront d'abord, euh, liés à l'énergie, ça c'est évident, de l'énergie, le pétrole, la guerre du pétrole va rentrer bientôt en action, dans pas longtemps, et deuxièmement, euh, le problème est une guerre de religions, on revient sur les guerres de religions, hum, oui, et euh, et euh,un changement qui, qui sera une révolution populaire,euh, populaire, puisque le peuple américain, euh, élira, entre 2005 et 2012, euh, c'est très clair là encore, un noir à la tête du pays le plus puissant du monde. Un noir sera, euh, l'homme le plus puissant du monde. Hum... Et... et ce sera, euh, amené par un élan populaire, vraiment... Les gens, euh, seront derrière cet homme qui sera accueilli probalement, euh,euh, non pas comme un messie, mais en tout cas, euh,comme un, comme un... un sauveur, l'esprit d'un changement pour un, euh, une amérique qui aura souffert, je pense."


That's the retranscription of the first 4:19 seconds. It took longer than I thought, and I have to go make the supper... Will be back later for the end where he adresses the world in a hundred years from now, talking about 2012, as the year of contact, or rather, invasion, in a war like manner, almost...

Anyway, I'll be back later. Sorry for mistakes. I tried to put everything, even all his euhs and hums...

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:44 PM
It can be a fake. I would not have thought about that until it was mentioned. The title do not look like titles from 1980, even broadcast title were blurrier. Of course that conclusion can be wrong so going with the assumption that it is legit:

I think what happens is your subconscious picks up on things, could be something you hear but does not register at the time you hear it or could even be from a radio broadcast or t.v show playing while partially asleep, too young for it to fully register so you forget the source but remember the main parts . So that information gets filed in your memory banks and comes out later as prophetic.

The Mayan thing and 2012, I am assuming, has been known for long before it became fashionable so a lot of these guys are or were aware of that. He also made an error about all electric cars at 2000 to 2005, think he said that anyway. He gives similar stories as Edgar Cayce did too. In the '50s he foretold about men on the moon, but the 50s everyone was rocket crazy so i just think he has a little more situational awareness than some but i wouldnt set my watch by his visions.

You can listen to Jimi Hendrix' song "Valley of Neptune" because some would call that prophetic and i really cant say but to be honest it sounds a hell of a lot like what Edgar Cayce wrote about...however Jimi Hendrix did foretell his own year of death, i dont remember the exct quote so maybe he just stated the age but i heard him say it in an interview that was played only recently on cable t.v. I was shocked when i heard his own voice telling the year but now i cant find the exact quote. It was very strange.

Getting back to this gentleman's predictions, I think it was a mixture of luck and being a little more aware. Suffice it to say, most people dont think of these things to begin with.

I dont believe in 2012 predictions so in that sense alone i am a skeptic.
edit on 10-1-2012 by Malcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:46 PM
You always have to wonder about a Psychic who can't speak in current times.

When they predict up to the current date we are now living.

And I've had my own premonitions - - so I do believe in premonitions.

This one? Not so much.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by RUSSO

This man is an actor and this was filmed recently. I'm an actor myself so I should know. I've even seen him on tv recently although I can't pinpoint what exactly he was on. This video is either a hoax or part of a viral advertisng campaign for a movie / game.

Nice try!

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:46 PM

Originally posted by pasiphae

Originally posted by quedup
reply to post by Power_Semi

Yes you make a very KEY point re the 'speaking English' That is the biggest give away! After all that time in US - even with an accent. Or does he just feel more comfortable expressing himself in his Mother Tongue in case things he says are taken out of context MMMmmm I'm on the fence.

there is nothing that says he moved to the US though. just that he left france.

It says he moved to California 20 years ago. So if this is 1980 he moved to Ca in 1960. He was born in 1940 because he said he was 10 when he "saw" man walk on the moon in 1950. He certainly had enough time to learn english and it would be very strange if he did not. You move to a country when you're 20 you know you have to learn the language or you're never getting a job. After 20 years in Cally he most certainly should have learned to speak english. Heck he should have learned english in school in France as a child.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

But at the same time you feel to give your perspective on the matter. Think before you type!

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Ok...hoping it was I have butterflies in my not like this at all.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by The GUT

oh my GOD those VIDS brought back so many memories! The 'In the News" world and sounds gave me TOTAL chills, as did the commercials.

And wow how nice and polite they treated the hostages. Granted ,that was in 1980 and I think I was in 1st grade when that went down? I remember my teacher saying "They have hostages in Iran" but that's all I remember. Ah being an innocent naive child. I wonder what really went down back then to the hostages?

And, was the MSM as polluted and corrupt then as it is today? Can anyone help a youngster who was born in 73 remember back then?

Ah an EDIT:
Found out from wiki: "...The hostages were formally released into United States custody the following day, just minutes after the new American president Ronald Reagan was sworn in."

and "he crisis has also been described as the "pivotal episode" in the history of Iran – United States relations.[5] In the U.S., some political analysts believe the crisis was a major reason for U.S. President Jimmy Carter's defeat in the November 1980 presidential election.[6] "

Politics. Politics never changes.
edit on 10-1-2012 by sarra1833 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by NowanKenubi

En 1950. il avait a peine 10 ans??Donc il est ne en 1940 ou 1941.. pas vraiment l'air d'un gars de 40 ans sur la video, mais plutot d'un gamin d'une vingtaine d'annee..Donc. sujet clos je pense.. Mais ou va donc ATS??

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Troofseeker
reply to post by RUSSO

This man is an actor and this was filmed recently. I'm an actor myself so I should know. I've even seen him on tv recently although I can't pinpoint what exactly he was on. This video is either a hoax or part of a viral advertisng campaign for a movie / game.

Nice try!

YES - as already pointed out a bazillion times!

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:51 PM
Easy debunk:
hm2012 email address --> happening marketing 2012 per prev poster -->
.. top picture, man in suit on left with purple shirt.

Put a wig on him and those big black 80's glasses. Look familiar?
Ta da!


edit on 10-1-2012 by rlnochance because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by karen61057

Originally posted by pasiphae

Originally posted by quedup
reply to post by Power_Semi

Yes you make a very KEY point re the 'speaking English' That is the biggest give away! After all that time in US - even with an accent. Or does he just feel more comfortable expressing himself in his Mother Tongue in case things he says are taken out of context MMMmmm I'm on the fence.

there is nothing that says he moved to the US though. just that he left france.

It says he moved to California 20 years ago. So if this is 1980 he moved to Ca in 1960. He was born in 1940 because he said he was 10 when he "saw" man walk on the moon in 1950. He certainly had enough time to learn english and it would be very strange if he did not. You move to a country when you're 20 you know you have to learn the language or you're never getting a job. After 20 years in Cally he most certainly should have learned to speak english. Heck he should have learned english in school in France as a child.

Could be for French T.V.

As other are pointing out, it is a good job for a period piece as far as the image looks but the title are too clean and no flagging or dropouts on the video. does not say to me "that is definitely from early 80s like actual footage from that time always does. Though until we prove it i cant say with 100% certainty.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:54 PM
I'm pretty sure CAROUSEL is a box for a Carousel Slide holder. Looks about right for 1980s. Easy prop to find and place in background. Cool video production though. I do see some clues in the reflection of his glasses.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:55 PM
I believe this is a crappy HOAX. The wig alone insults my intelligence.

That being said, the way we do things here at ATS is we put it to a vote of our members when we don't have conclusive proof. If we, as a community say it's a hoax I'll move it to the HOAX forum.

I don't appreciate scammers getting free publicity on ATS.

So, what say you all? Just respond with "HOAX" or NOT HOAX" so I can count up the votes.


posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:56 PM
It's fake for me, the clock on the piano in the beginning and in the end of the video haven't changed,also the picture it's too clear for old recording.

posted on Jan, 10 2012 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by OleMB
Is it only me getting the feeling that this was shot last week or something with a shoddy camera? The last minute or two feels like acting, can't really tell why. Besides; don't worry what will happen. Concentrate on yourself this year, let go of your fears, forgive yourself and your family, stop asking 'why me?' and start asking 'why NOT me?'. Love yourself and love others. Be at service to others, and let the plan unfold

edit on 10-1-2012 by OleMB because: (no reason given)

I got exactly the same impression. There are plenty of betacams left over because it's hard to throw away something that cost $20,000. Make up and props are too easy.

I got a similar impression listening to an interview on C2C about the "Merlin" event prediction device. The fate of the planet is at stake. Science has validated the theory that reality in the physical sense is strictly a function of our collective conscious.

Never in history has there been more resources dedicated to the manipulation of our thought form energy. ATS stands as a beacon of sanity in an increasingly Matrix-like environment.

The only thing preventing the absolute end of tyranny is fear of the unknown. If we practice as a group, the systematic elimination of fear and project a future of peace and harmony, we will tip the scales. Don't allow the programmers to invade your brain. They are not paying rent for it.

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