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FLASHBACK: Homeless Lady with 15 Kids: ‘Somebody Needs to Pay for All My Children’

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posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:00 PM
No government anywhere should ever have the right to sterilise people.
All of you crying out for low income or homeless people to be sterilised should be ashamed of yourselves!

Agree 100% that this woman is in no financial or mental situation to be looking after 2 kids - let alone 15!! But there is always other options.
If a homeless person has children that they are unable to provide for, they should have those kids taken into care as they are unfit to be a parent - but (as retarded as they may be) you NEVER have the right to sterilise another person you sick twisted people!!

You all need to take yourselves outside and give your head a wobble - so you do!

+6 more 
posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:02 PM
I say, staple her vagina shut, then dump her and her kids in a desert Island with not males that she can get their sperm from.

Simple, she is a sperm collector.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
You shouldn't stop paying your tax's you may have to increase them to pay for the real thing what's missing here..

A condom

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:04 PM
I'll be more than happy to see the STATE care for her litter of kids. Not pay for, CARE for. I just demand one thing before society does the compassionate thing here and prevents the children from being further victimized by a woman I seriously question as being fit to care for herself, let alone a single person additional to that.

My simple request? This baby factory be sterilized. Against her will, if needed, although I'd hope even SHE could see the total lack of ability she possesses to make her own decisions regarding reproduction. She's proven to the world she has absolutely NO personal responsibility and is incapable of even the most basic life, lets remove temptation from her life right AFTER we remove her kids and legally terminate any rights she has to be a part of their lives again.

Harsh? You bet. I'm just sick and tired of friggen baby factories running around, pumping one or more out every 9-12 months and then looking at everyone else as if it's some big mystery how they became complete and total losers in life? Let Ms. Baby Maker meet Doctor Baby Taker and we won't have this story re-appear when she's had time to make more. This isn't a Doritos commercial after all.
edit on 1-12-2011 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by JimMcDonald

What? After 15 kids, she needs more?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by rbnhd76

Points and claps excitedly in your general direction.
Natural selection has failed due to modern medicine...

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by GoalPoster

I will like to see a picture of the men she is been collecting sperm from that dare to have sex without a Total body condom, I guess in her fantasy world she and the males she sleeps with do not believe in sexually transmitted disease specially HIV.

Nasty, nasty, nasty.

edit on 1-12-2011 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by HandyDandy

And just where did I say she needs more kids???

The children need to be taken away from her - no doubt, what I am saying is that no one has the right to forcfully sterilise ANYONE

Get a goddamn grip of yourselves!!

If the Russians or Chinese were forcefully sterilising their population then it would be the same members up in arms about it.

I agree 100% that this woman does not have the right to be a parent, but that doesn't mean you then have the right to forcefully sterilise her!!

So many people need to wake up from the bubble it is unreal - so it is

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by JimMcDonald
No government anywhere should ever have the right to sterilise people.
All of you crying out for low income or homeless people to be sterilised should be ashamed of yourselves!

Agree 100% that this woman is in no financial or mental situation to be looking after 2 kids - let alone 15!! But there is always other options.
If a homeless person has children that they are unable to provide for, they should have those kids taken into care as they are unfit to be a parent - but (as retarded as they may be) you NEVER have the right to sterilise another person you sick twisted people!!

You all need to take yourselves outside and give your head a wobble - so you do!

its not just for the fact of having too many to support.
there is also increased risk with each birth to the mother and her health. Suggest you study medicine then you would know there is also valid medical concerns as well in the decision.
Meh waste of breath explaining .. Go back to your little ivory tower .. And leave the thinking to those of us living in the real world.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by JimMcDonald

I would generally agree with you on the neutering and spaying of humans.
But 8 kids is just too many....wait what 15??
she went too far and we pay for her negligence.
You know if a nuclear war happened, her offspring would statistically have a better chance at repopulating the planet.
Yes, her genes would carry on.
This is actually a tragic thing.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:20 PM
This is what happens when Congressmen trade your money for votes. I am going to take you back a few years to get you the basis this was all founded on. In early American History the Democratic Party propagated slavery. They did every thing they could to prevent it from being abolished for voting against abolishing it

to passing fugitive slave laws

to being the founding members of the KKK

Now, fast forward to the 1950's and the civil rights movement, while blacks had the right to vote before this they would be beaten and killed if they tried, until the 1965 Voting Rights Act

Now 2 things you need to understand is before this blacks were excluded from welfare, and after this had passed the Democrats knew they were in deep trouble politically now that blacks had the right and protection to vote. They knew no Democrat would ever hold office again unless they could buy the minority vote. What man in their right mind would vote for any one from the party that discriminated against them, made them slaves and did everything they could to keep them slaves??

There was only one answer for the Democrats, that was to flip sides and promote welfare for blacks as a way of bribery, and it worked. For the last 30-40 years blacks have almost exclusively voted Democrat, is essence Democrats have traded welfare for votes with minorities ( this is why they want to give illegal immigrants welfare and then amnesty, for their vote with you paying for it) In fact, the percentage of black people on welfare jumped from 10% in 1965 to over 30% in 1973 to today where blacks collect 37% of all welfare while making up only 13% of the population.

This is why you see stories like this, you have people who are intentionally abusing the system and Congressmen allowing it to happen in exchange for votes because it does not cost them a dime when they pass it on to you. Any person, white, black, yellow etc that abuses the system like this lady does should have her kids taken away from here unless they can prove who the babys daddy is and then make him help pay for them, period. You do that enough and I guarantee you will see women stop having 13 kids from 10 different fathers, most of whom they do not even know who fathered the baby.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by g146541

Yes, you post does bring memories of a movie about that same subject, supposedly a funny movie, don't remember the name (idiocracy)?, but hell you are right for some reason they will inherit the world.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by JimMcDonald

So, we just take her kids and let her keep making more?

How exactly does that lessen the burden on the tax payer?

I say tie her tubes until she can prove that she is fit for reproduction.

You do know that tying of the tubes can be reversed correct?

Many women who undergo tubal ligation surgery later choose to have children again. One option available to these women is tubal ligation reversal, or tubal reanastomosis.

So, yes, I'm STILL all for sterilizing this woman that can be reversed if she proves herself. Until then, we need no more babies from her.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Starwise

Everyone has a right to education and if this lady had a better education when she was at school she wouldn't of had 15 kid's.
It isn't just about school subjects she should have been educated in drug use and family planning.
Maybe it's the American Goverment past and present for not providing a better education policy, It's the same in my country.
Goverments have failed the education system which makes failing teachers which makes failing students and for some failing human beings.
Education is the key for everyone's future....

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:36 PM
You know what pisses me off royally. If she had 15 dogs, and she couldn't afford them...TPTB, would be in her door in a heartbeat, to take them all away. Plus if she were a repeat offender, she would be court ordered to not have any more dogs. Add to that, the taxpayers are not called upon to house, feed, and see to the medical health of 15 dogs.

She is only the tip of the iceberg in a growing trend of popping kids out, like candy out of a pez dispenser. It's out of control, and has incredible negative impact on society as a whole. One dysfunctional mom produces 15 dysfunctional kids, and on and on and on.....This madness must stop!

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:41 PM
She has mental issues no doubt.
Hoarding is a mental prob "they" say.
This chick just hordes kids rather than trinkets.
On the brighter side, statistically speaking one of her kids will become sucessful and will be able to support his Daddy's baby Momma.

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by HandyDandy

What you fail to understand is that these people like the OP have no intention of "lessening the burden on the tax payer" they feel that you should not get any money at all. It should be taken from you to pay the way for those less fortunate. Like the poor woman in this story.

This poor woman has nothing and you are too much of a tight wad to pay fo her chillens. Cuz you kno youz gotz to pay fo all dem chilrens....

I say she can take a flying leap with all her 15 welfare checks. I have 2. I planned for 2, I am managing with 2.


posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by JimMcDonald
No government anywhere should ever have the right to sterilise people.
All of you crying out for low income or homeless people to be sterilised should be ashamed of yourselves!

Agree 100% that this woman is in no financial or mental situation to be looking after 2 kids - let alone 15!! But there is always other options.
If a homeless person has children that they are unable to provide for, they should have those kids taken into care as they are unfit to be a parent - but (as retarded as they may be) you NEVER have the right to sterilise another person you sick twisted people!!

You all need to take yourselves outside and give your head a wobble - so you do!

Ok look what this women is doing;

1) bringing kids into a world where they will suffer
2) they might get adopted, end up in a home, where they might not like
3) younger ones might start having defects because of soo many birth as well the age of the mother
4) they not gonna get proper education
5) they will suffer from diseases and weather
6) the money going to her can actually going to someone who is willing to improve and live a proper life

I know sterilization is bad but how would you suggest controlling her from having another 15?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by JimMcDonald

...and one of those options is getting her tubes tied. Fifteen kids? Really? In her situation? What sort of life are those kids likely to have?

posted on Dec, 1 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Doom and Gloom

I planned on 2 ended up with 6!!!
The wife and I figured out how it happens and finally got a TV with cable.

We did it but we both worked our collective butts off.
I could not imagine 1 more yet alone 9 more.

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