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Just caught occupiers stealing my water which we pay for.

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:35 AM
No...... You caught "two dirtyish looking guys" stealing water who happen to be at the protest. But, hey, I'm sure the entire cities of "occupiers" were totally supporting their actions... You realize that you are just as hypocritical as people who think all police are bad when a couple bad apples decide to be corrupt, right?

It doesn't matter WHAT group you look at... Occupiers, 1%ers, police, Christians, Gays, Democrats, Republicans, Bikers, Mountain Climbers, African Americans, Caucasians, Gingers, Muslims, Anarchists, Extra-Terrestrials, Teens, Elderly, War Veterans, Hippies, Blind people, Quadrapalegics, nude AIDS infected polygamist bird-watching conspiracy theorists who play the violin and happen to be Seattle Seahawks fans and drive a Prius on their way to the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam while wearing their Holocaust Deniers Club T-Shirts and chanting Buddhist Mantras in reverse to reveal the hidden satanic messages placed their by Ozzy Osbournes ancestors' mother-in-law and drinking and driving... Some of them will be just your cup of teabags, some will be considered vile self entitled scumbags, and most will fall somewhere in the middle!

I mean... Seriously... There's hundreds of people there. You didnt expect every single one of them to be good people, did you? It would be a statistical anomaly if there WEREN'T at least two people who thought a few bottles of water wouldnt be a big deal, and then to behave like most humans do when they get caught in the act by someone scolding them...

Now, if there were a line of 20 or more people getting water from your hose and over half of them refused to stop at your behest, then MAYBE... just MAYBE, you would have a thread. This is just... Sorry.

Send me a mailing address of your choice and I will send you a money order for a dollar to cover the cost of the water they took. And I'm probably the poorest sunofagun on this site. I'll even add an extra 20 cents for the oxygen they breathed while on your precious property, LoL... They were rude, ill give ya that. And I'm not trying to make an excuse for their reaction to your insisting that they stop. But chances are they were either very thirsty and tired, or maybe a little tipsy. Or, maybe they really were some rude jerks.

Either way, its not really fair to attempt to label the entire worldwide movement based on two measely protesters...

Besides, I bet they were actually police acting as agent provocateurs

Just kidding

By the way, are you one if those seniors who yells at kids who walk on your grass, and keeps their baseball, frisbee or other sporting item when it accidentally flies over the fence into the back yard?
Relax, I'm just giving you a hard time!

edit on 29-10-2011 by 3n19m470 because: P.S. SnF because the ATS membership needs to see this. They deserve to know truth... about how much of a *blankity blank blank* you are! Haha! I gave you a hard time... again! For the 2nd time! What are you gonna do, go make a thread about it? By the way, Im a Ron Paul supporter. You know, in case you feel like demonizing an entire group of people again...

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

My problem would not be with the water, even though I pay for it, it is too small an amount for me to worry about, my problem would be with the trespassing. Now, on to what caught my attention.

I am not trying to advocate theft of any sort, and they definitely should have asked permission, but;

Just because they were 2 'dirtyish' looking guys, they were occupiers?

The cops showed up and knew who they were right away.
They told me these guys have a sense of self-entitlement and are arrogant.
They were also really nice (this is for all you cop bashers out there)
They called me back and told me it was dealt with and they will not be returning.

This sounds like just about every homeless person I have ever met. It also sounds like the cops have had significant experience with both of these men, which in many cases would mean that they are probably long term homeless from the area, and not actual members of the OWS movement, unless you have proof that you failed to mention?

edit on 29-10-2011 by gamesmaster63 because: in addendum

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:53 AM
This thread does not hold water nor deliver.

nuff said.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by chiefsmom

A slight aside maybe, but I have never understood the terms "common sense" or "common courtesy", I have been kicking around for 1/2 a century now and have never found either sense or courtesy to be common.

Should they have asked? Yes, of course they should have.

Should the police have been called? That one is completely up to the person who's property is being trespassed upon.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by theRhenn

If you don't want an account here, just ask a mod to delete it or stop coming here, no one is forcing you to sit at your computer, enter this site's url, log in, read threads, and post on them.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by spacekc929
I wish people on the thread would stop talking about trespassing until the OP makes it clear whether or not they were trespassing! The fact of the matter is, the OP's story doesn't add up and it does not sound like they were trespassing, merely taking water from a private building that is next to public land like a sidewalk or an alley! The OP has admitted this is an apartment complex, and he associated these people with OWS, which is happening in downtown, so the right assumption from the info we have is that these men WERE NOT trespassing - they were standing on the sidewalk!

Actually, he did say that trespassing was occurring.

From his original post:

I said "hey guys you can't be doing are trespassing"

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by shogu666
If people have no job because there is 20% of unemployment they steal , it is obvious that what system forces you to do to survive.

Welcome to capitalism.

I have been without a job for upwards of a year in the past and I have never trespassed on another's property nor have I stolen.

This concept does not wash...Fail.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by gamesmaster63
reply to post by DrumsRfun

My problem would not be with the water, even though I pay for it, it is too small an amount for me to worry about, my problem would be with the trespassing. Now, on to what caught my attention.

I am not trying to advocate theft of any sort, and they definitely should have asked permission, but;

Just because they were 2 'dirtyish' looking guys, they were occupiers?

The cops showed up and knew who they were right away.
They told me these guys have a sense of self-entitlement and are arrogant.
They were also really nice (this is for all you cop bashers out there)
They called me back and told me it was dealt with and they will not be returning.

This sounds like just about every homeless person I have ever met. It also sounds like the cops have had significant experience with both of these men, which in many cases would mean that they are probably long term homeless from the area, and not actual members of the OWS movement, unless you have proof that you failed to mention?

edit on 29-10-2011 by gamesmaster63 because: in addendum

I am calling BS on the whole thing. IT NEVER HAPPENED. This was totally made up for the sole purpose of demonizing the movement.

Let me demonstrate:

"2 anti-OWS kids were caught stealing my water. They were rude and boastful and highly opinionated. They were arrogant and smelly like old socks that were not washed after they were worn for 2 days. I called the cops and they told me all these people smell like this and act the same way. They called me back later and said they would not be bothering me again. They were really nice to me (for all the cop bashers)."

What do you think those "NICE COPS" did to those kids to make sure they would never mess with you again?

I would have given them 2 gallons to take with them. Then I would have taken a couple of buckets down to the rally and handed it out to other thirsty people. The only threat I would have faced would be the green police telling me I was under arrest for not handing out bottled water or being arrested by the cops for feeding the homeless. That would sound ludicrous if it were not fact because it has happened numerous times around the country.

Occupy America does not need you or your water. If you only slightly supported them before it is because nothing has happened to you personally yet, but that will change. This is not a movement you can be wish-washy about. You don't support it sort-of then not at all because some kids were thirsty. You either disagree with what is happening or you are a part of it. Seems to me you have proven where you stand.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:22 AM
to original poster....

why not be the bigger man/woman and after the 1st time seeing them after 'your' water run out and offer them the use of your 'water' or even add a hose and leave a msg on tap / end of hose....
such as >
Take as needed
but please turn off
tap to save water

You decided to act as the 1% and make them criminals and grubs etc as you lord over your water / privelage....

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by DrumsRfun

The water-stealers are just NWO plants to help stir up trouble amongst everyone (hegelian dialectic).

Martial law is coming..... wonder what the 9/11/Reichstag event will be?

The wicked are so predictable..... their endgame has been self-broadcasted to the world through Atlas Shrugged, Brave New World, and the Georgia Guidestones.

The bible exposes this end times conspiracy:

Ps 2:1 WHY do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
Ps 2:2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD , and against his anointed, saying,
Ps 2:3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

Here's God's reaction:

Ps 2:4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

To those who believe on Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour is the victory (present tense). We have already won.

Please don't harden your heart to the Lord and the holy spirit pricking your heart.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by DrumsRfun
I knew i would get heat about this thread.....I DON'T CARE!!!
Its the point of stealing when they could have just asked.

wow.. entitled?.. then I can assume you won't be "asking" for social security when you retire..right? did or are you paying for the water in their bottles?.. point is .. its water.. a ness part of life that the planet gives to us all. so I suppose we are all entitled..but once again .. its all about the money..thats what really ticked you off..

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:37 AM
You should've been more than happy to let them drink the fluorinated water!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by 46ACE

Originally posted by muzzleflash
This is pathetic though.

Humans denying other humans to water?

Calling the cops?

Wow....humanity is selfish and heartless these days.

Humans should never have to ask for water, it's a human right.
That water belongs to everyone, stop being aqua-imperialists.

Hello? wake the "fK" up... Somebody works to pay for the convenience of:the tap; the maintenance; filtering; pumping; and plumbing;
The entitled earth children have all the"free water" they want walking down to the hudson river.That's why i don't support this crap.

All they have to do is ask which implys: "Sir ; I know it's not mine for the taking ; would you be so good as to allow me to partake of the benefits of some of your work.
it gives the "giver" the opportunity to feel good inside and be recognized for their "contribution". Payment enough mostly.
It costs the "begger" nothing except a little humility.

Taking is just rude; brutish and a violent assertion of: ME! I DESERVE! YOU CAN'T DENY ME!

edit on 28-10-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-10-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

True words of wisdom. Let us all hope that we are never thirsty enough to take water from anyone.

BTW, if we took the trillions of dollars given free and clear with no expectations of repayment because they were "Too big to fail" we could plumb the entire planet with free water for our entire lifetime.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

Originally posted by jaynkeel

Originally posted by acrux
reply to post by DrumsRfun
Maybe you should be angry with the ones who impose the charge for your water.

They are the ones really stealing from you, isn't water really a human right.

Do you call the cops on the corporations who have been stealing your money for the water.

PS. I do agree with you though about the common courtsey of asking you for the water though.

Why do people insist on supporting their point by using the what if scenario. Thats not the current situation so it's pointless to keep hearing it over and over again. That would be an ideal world and a great idea I might add. But it's not the here and now, right now unless you rent you pay for water. If you rent the landlord usually pays for it as it is usually the cheapest bill and most locals require them to provide at least one utility included with the rent. I think this may also account for some peoples lack of understanding the feelings of the op, as I feel many have never been a home owner and have had to deal with some of the different issues that come along with it. But just as everything else just my

Please show me where I used "WHAT IF" No where, get an eye test or learn to read

Don't use me for your misguided arguments

edit on 29-10-2011 by acrux because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:47 AM
This entire thread and half of the responses shows exactly how pathetic humanity is.

It is a BOTTLE OF WATER. Your becoming outraged because someone wanted a drink... if anything support these people with their protest, they need water and food when occupying a location. If you don't then you are simply part of the problem.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by facelift

Are you kidding me? Are you seriously suggesting that the OP is in the wrong by exercising his legal right to call the police, which are paid with tax dollars to enforce the law? Listen buddy, theft is theft, and trespassing is trespassing. If you come onto my property without asking and taking something without asking, you'll be lucky if I actually do call te cops, because I might decide to take matters into my own hands and beat the hell out of you where you stand.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by archangel2012
.. then I can assume you won't be "asking" for social security when you retire..right?

When one assumes it make an ass out of you.

You can't opt out of social security.

People have an option if they decide to steal or not.
In this case the ops water.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by TheRedneck

The petty fighting in this thread will stop now! Debate the topic, not each other.

Failure to heed this warning will result in unpleasant consequences.

ATS Forum Moderator

Apparently, this needs to be said again.

Bickering, name-calling and rude manners and off topic remarks will not be tolerated.


edit on Sat Oct 29 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:18 AM
First thing OP, I agree with you that if the guys responded to you rudely then they were wrong for doing so. But by the way you described the incident it also sounded as if you were being a bit aggressive with them from the start.Regardless of the way they looked and the fact that you were annoyed with them for taking your water without asking. You just wanted them to be polite, apologize for using your water and ask for permission the next time correct?.

But you didn't say that to them or approach them in a friendly way. You reacted in a way that made it sound like you were forbidding them from using the water. You have every right to react to them in whatever way you want to. But if you want to get along with those people then you could have been a bit more polite when asking them not to trespass. Unless your intention was to be confrontational because you don't agree with the Occupy movement.

You could have said ....

." Hey guys, how's it going. I live here. What's going on? .....Next time you guys want to use the water please ask me ok?"

If you had said something like that, you might have gotten a better response. I don't know they tone or the body language you used when telling them.... "Hey. you can't do that..that's trespassing". But it doesn't sound very friendly in my opinion. It sounds like you were pissed off and being confrontational.

Water is usually metered in bulk amounts and not by the gallon. But if you are still determined to put a stop to them using your water I can tell you a easy solution.

Look at your water spout fitting. Determine the size of the threads. Probably 1/2 or 3/4 inch. Determine if the threads are male or female. Then go to your local hardware store and by a plug or cap in the correct size. Then turn off your main water supply and remove the spout and replace it with the part you bought at the store. Turn your water back on, check for leaks and you're done.

Either that or sit outside by the hose with a shotgun....

Last thing I want to say is.. I don't think those two guys represent the Occupy movements attitude as whole. Most of us are normal, hard working, polite and considerate people. Everyone has a bad day or bad mood once in awhile. Let it go man, there's no need to call the police over a few gallons of water. Common courtesy works both ways and so does respect.


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Hitsuzen

Stealing anything is theft. It is the lack of consideration these people had for others that makes it what it is.
If you take water without permission it is stealing. It is theft. and that does make you a thief. It may or may not reflect on OWS. But no one is entitled to something someone else has paid for. Not even the water.
they could have knocked on the door and asked or even offered to pay for a little. But they didn't
The stole it from a private residence. Basically they are indeed thieves.
Something cannot be shared unless both parties agree to the sharing.

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