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Why can't Americans be as great as Europeans????

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:33 PM
I'm also curious considering your critisim, what is it that you have done to become better? Is your solution to go to a football game and cheer the loudest for both teams? Will that make us mere Americans great like the Europeans?

Kidding aside, I am serious about the what have you done part and what is it that you suggest doing?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by theovermensch

Perhaps you didn't fully understand my point. This movement is no where close to be considered a threat to the puppet masters.
Sure the movement somewhat cannot be destroyed, but it doesn't make a difference, in my opinion. We are talking about tyrants..real tyrants. We are talking about mass murderers and thieves. We're dealing with psychopaths that are willing to watch the whole world burn to ashes as long as it's part of their agenda. Excuse me for being honest and realistic, but they will not perish by a sign waving crowd. They will not perish by a bunch of guitar playing and singing folks.
Maybe we cannot swallow it in at the moment, but I'm if we're going to be realistic, we're gonna have to fight fire with non other than fire.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by MaMaa

ah whatever. bed time
edit on 24-10-2011 by dadgad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:10 PM
All i can say is if people love Europe so much you know where the door is all the good "Europoeans" left there and came here so let's get this straight let's go back to the ideology that we threw off long ago?

I think not.
edit on 24-10-2011 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by JournoForTruth
reply to post by AGWskeptic

Geography obviously isn't your strong point my friend. Ireland IS in Europe and IS a member of the EU.

Reading comprehension obviously isn't your strong point my friend.

Keep trying though.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by deanx

Seen the protests in Greece,Spain,Portugal? Hardly a bunch of singing hippies.You arent thinking big enough.Its early days but it will happen.Not like in Russia or France.It will be peacefull.We will beat them at their own game.Join the revolution comrade

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by khimbar

Originally posted by gfthree7
I think we're a bit jaded/spoiled here in the U.S. when it comes to our sports.

'Well, in our society, we have things that you might use your intelligence on, like politics, but people really can't get involved in them in a very serious way -- so what they do is they put their minds into other things, such as sports. You're trained to be obedient; you don't have an interesting job; there's no work around for you that's creative; in the cultural environment you're a passive observer of usually pretty tawdry stuff; political and social life are out of your range, they're in the hands of the rich folks. So what's left? Well, one thing that's left is sports -- so you put a lot of the intelligence and the thought and the self-confidence into that. And I suppose that's also one of the basic functions it serves in the society in general: it occupies the population, and keeps them from trying to get involved with things that really matter.'

Noam Chomsky. Have a terrible feeling he's right.

I do agree that sports and entertainment are portrayed as far more serious than necessary in the U.S., and it certainly keeps the masses distracted from things like war, oil and assassinations.

That doesn't mean all sports fans are idiots.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by CherubBaby

I believe the original post has to do with the culture of the Europeans. Your statement "I don't give a damn what UK or China Or Korea etc has to say " is a good example of why so many people in this country are shamefully clueless to what's going on in the rest of the world.

If you grew up after WWII then you were inculcated with the philosophy that America is #1 and the rest of the world needs to just tow the line because they are the inferior ones. It was that kind of arrogance that opened the electronic and automotive industries to the Japanese.

Then, after a huge hangover from the Sixties, American college students in the mid 70's decided they had enough of the "Hippy Agenda" and were going to make as much money as fast as they could and retire at an early age...society be damned. And thus was born the culture of selfishness that has pervaded this country for the last 4 decades and which produced the economic disaster of 2008. Unfortunately, many of the leaders in the financial sector today developed their philosophies during the last 40 years and to them, it's not their fault, it's somebody else's.

It's my guess that you have never traveled in Europe or Asia, not that's it's necessary to get a realistic view of those two places, but if you had, your opinion would be different.

So, when I hear people talking about the ignorance, or inferiority, or stupidity of other nations, I think, these poor souls are playing right into the hands of those who want to keep us separated from the rest of the world, keep us in a box of ignorance that allows the waging of wars and clandestine activities in the name of American greatness that destroys people and resources around the globe.

A great culture recognizes the connectedness and interdependence of everyone everywhere.

Aside from technological superiority in some areas, America is woefully behind in many of the things that contribute to a great culture. So, if you don't give a damn about the UK or China or Korea, then you're one of the unlucky ones who's still stuck in a box that no longer provides you with a realistic view of the world.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE
reply to post by Trolloks

I am not being sarcastic. What did I say that was not true? America is the greatest country to ever exist on the face of the Earth. Europeans hate us because they envy us and they know they can never be as great as us. The good Europeans just admit it to themselves and do whatever they can to move here.

What a load of crap..................Europeans don't hate Americans because they envy them, Europeans hate Americans because they are Americans. The big reason for this is the fact the Americans cannot hold themselves properly outside of their own stupid, plastic, f&&&ed up country with no history or culture. Americans have no boundaries, they have total disregard for any customs in any other countries they may visit. They wander around the earth not realising how stupid they appear to others around them. Even when they are at war Americans have no idea where the country is they are fighting in.

After travelling the world extensively for the last 25 or so years you can guarantee that if there are Americans around, then people from other countries, not just Europeans will give them a very wide berth. I have witnessed this first hand on many occasions on all continents, even the Americans are aware of this. You would not believe the amount of SO CALLED PROUD Americans I have met who sew Canadian badges to their clothing and luggage so that people do not think of them as being American. Wow, how proud of your country do you have to be to wear the flag of another country.

Many Americans reading this know for a fact how true all this is.......................

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by theovermensch
reply to post by deanx

Seen the protests in Greece,Spain,Portugal? Hardly a bunch of singing hippies.You arent thinking big enough.Its early days but it will happen.Not like in Russia or France.It will be peacefull.We will beat them at their own game.Join the revolution comrade

I'm not talking about Greece, Spain or Portugal. I'm talking about America, and i don't see that happening in it.
Regardless, my idea of a real revolution is not trashing fast food restaurants or setting cars on fire. That doesn't accomplish anything. A real revolt is taking up arms, and put up a fight for you country against the tyrants.
Peaceful? You really think "Peace" is the essence of resistance when you're dealing with mass murdering psychopaths? Sorry, but that's delusional, with all due respect.
How can you "Beat them at their own game" when their game is the epitome of war, destruction and mass murdering, and then say it will be peaceful? That's impossible.
I appreciate the fact that you're optimistic about this movement, but you'll have to face it one day.
This movement has already been dubbed by the media as a leftist movement, and as the equivalent of the Tea Party. Both OWS and the Tea Party started as genuine movements but they have been hijacked by bi-partisan rhetoric to keep the country divided, and sell this whole Conservative versus Liberal paradigm.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:59 PM
the premise of the thread is they do a better WAVE than us crowds at sporting events.

how does that translate to greatness exactly ?

US crowds got over the wave 10 years ago, lol

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Yup your a goob... How funny you call yourself an American.

Yes you can leave OUR country now, surely nobody loves you.
edit on 24-10-2011 by xX aFTeRm4Th Xx because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

America did not become America through protest. There was this little thing called "revolution" . This thing called war between Colonies & Britain. It took violence to gain our independence from British rule. People lost their lives for this thing we call "freedom". If major change is to occur, IMHO all I stated above will have to happen again.

If not, the change we will get will be superficial & fleeting. and maybe those european sports fans enjoy the game so much. because over there you don't have to get a second mortage to go see a damn football game. $ 11.00 hamburgers= Bull Sh#t.

The Occupy movement, is simply a war of attrition. TPTB know cold weather is coming, when they want these folks off the street. They will be off the street. They will let the winter do it for them. Then they will change the laws about, public camp out protest's and that will be that. Or the above.
edit on 24-10-2011 by openyourmind1262 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Americans are more patient and civil. Since when was that a bad thing?

If the fox that caries the scorpion on its back wishes to cross the river, it will be stung. The best thing about America is that the sting will happen long past the point of no return, and they will be fully destroyed, without a chance of salvation.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Europeans go head over heels over sports, and more so "futbol", or what in the U.S. is called soccer. A lot of fans in Europe constantly have fights with fans of other teams. Heck, there have been people who have died due to the violence that occurs quite frequently in European countries over sports.

I have to laugh sometimes when Europeans claim that Americans are "bloodthirsty barbarians", or even "warmongers". Yet Europeans forget that they fight, have constant violence and even kill each other over sports... Ironic isn't it?...

You really want Americans to be like Europeans?
edit on 24-10-2011 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by davethebear

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE
reply to post by Trolloks

What a load of crap..................Europeans don't hate Americans because they envy them, Europeans hate Americans because they are Americans. The big reason for this is the fact the Americans cannot hold themselves properly outside of their own stupid, plastic, f&&&ed up country with no history or culture. Americans have no boundaries, they have total disregard for any customs in any other countries they may visit. They wander around the earth not realising how stupid they appear to others around them. Even when they are at war Americans have no idea where the country is they are fighting in.

After travelling the world extensively for the last 25 or so years you can guarantee that if there are Americans around, then people from other countries, not just Europeans will give them a very wide berth. I have witnessed this first hand on many occasions on all continents, even the Americans are aware of this. You would not believe the amount of SO CALLED PROUD Americans I have met who sew Canadian badges to their clothing and luggage so that people do not think of them as being American. Wow, how proud of your country do you have to be to wear the flag of another country.

Many Americans reading this know for a fact how true all this is.......................

I thought I posted something fairly healthy and constructive on page 9 of this thread that would curtail some of the ignorance in this thread. There isn't a prayer of stopping idiots posting ignorant tripe like the quoted post, nor the countless others from Europeans and Americans in this thread. All of the arguments posted in this thread do nothing constructive for either America or Europe as a whole. It does prove the people posting these comments are idiots and some of the more respectable comments the posters are ignorant. A pissing contest about which country is greater and which people are better. Really? Sounds like not too long ago when slavery was commonplace where all blacks were viewed as substandard human beings. Or when women couldn't vote because they were inferior. The same ignorance that propagated that nonsense is present here we're the massive generalizations taking place.

You state that Europeans hate Americans. Do you speak for all of them? Ignorance and arrogance at it's finest. about 40% of Europeans think America has a positive influence on the world. The only poll I could find regarding "hatred of the American people by Europeans" put the number of Europeans that hate and strongly dislike Americans at a combined 22%. But hating a group of people so large is stupid in itself. And you hate Americans because they are Americans. More stupidity. Blind and ignorant hatred, you are the lowest common denominator.

Americans can not hold themselves out of their own country? I've been to 42 different countries and handled myself quite well. So do many other Americans. Just like any other country there is a small group of people who don't know how to act abroad but generalizing all Americans as such is ignorant. America has no history or culture. Again an uninformed ignorant opinion. But you are certainly entitled to it. Uneducated though it may be. If you don't understand how America came to be and the historical importance of it then I can not help you. As far as culture, the Native American Culture is quite old and quite rich. So is the multitude of different cultures which blend together across the country. Part of our culture is your culture. You also state that Americans have no regard for the culture of others. But with your previous comments you show no regard for American culture. We've established the ignorance of your previous statements, I guess we can add hypocrisy to it as well. Americans don't know where the country is that they are fighting? You seriously can't be stupid enough to believe what your saying. You can't. Funny thing is I'm an American but I'm not letting your ignorance cloud my view of other Europeans.

No offense but I've done quite a bit of traveling myself. You make it sound like everyone in the world avoids Americans. I've been to a multitude of countries where nobody gave us a wide berth. In many countries I went to Americans were beloved and treated very well. We respected their culture and had wonderful trips. There have been very few countries I've traveled to where it was uncomfortable being an American. And Americans are frequently targeted by crime and terror so some do carry camouflage passports or have identifying info from other countries. It's a safety measure not shame.

Anyone here that lumps all Europeans or Americans into a singular group and generalizes them for criticism is ignorant. Stop being stupid.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by JournoForTruth
reply to post by steveknows

Let me just clear this up for everybody. Ireland and Britain are member states of the European Union, a fact that a lot of people (including myself) are not happy about. Both Ireland and Britain vote in European elections to elect members of the European Parliament. After the Lisbon Treaty, Ireland gave up a lot of her soverignty and constitutional powers to the European Union (another fact that a lot of people, including myself are not happy about). So there it is, whether we like it or not we are European. It has nothing to do with my original reply, I was trying to make the point that none of us are really any better off than anybody else. We are all in the same boat with the same problems.

Ok. And you might all be in the same boat with the same problems So can we still call Brits poms? Sure why not.

edit on 24-10-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by davethebear

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE
reply to post by Trolloks

I am not being sarcastic. What did I say that was not true? America is the greatest country to ever exist on the face of the Earth. Europeans hate us because they envy us and they know they can never be as great as us. The good Europeans just admit it to themselves and do whatever they can to move here.

What a load of crap..................Europeans don't hate Americans because they envy them, Europeans hate Americans because they are Americans. The big reason for this is the fact the Americans cannot hold themselves properly outside of their own stupid, plastic, f&&&ed up country with no history or culture. Americans have no boundaries, they have total disregard for any customs in any other countries they may visit. They wander around the earth not realising how stupid they appear to others around them. Even when they are at war Americans have no idea where the country is they are fighting in.

After travelling the world extensively for the last 25 or so years you can guarantee that if there are Americans around, then people from other countries, not just Europeans will give them a very wide berth. I have witnessed this first hand on many occasions on all continents, even the Americans are aware of this. You would not believe the amount of SO CALLED PROUD Americans I have met who sew Canadian badges to their clothing and luggage so that people do not think of them as being American. Wow, how proud of your country do you have to be to wear the flag of another country.

Many Americans reading this know for a fact how true all this is.......................

I'm not American bashing and I have a soft spot for the U.S as I lived there for two years before my American (then) wife and I moved back to Australia. I must say that though I can't vouch for the badge thing I can vouch for the wide birth aspect and the oh no aspect when being in other countries with Americans around. In fact my wife was not that loud or self-opinionated.and other holliday makers, once getting to know us would say to her." : we thought you were Canadian" That is Gods honour truth and my wife would be the first to admit that American abroad sometimes need to calm down.

In fact we were on a one week scuba diving trip in Hondurus which was mainly Americans and there was this one guy who was so the usual type you find abroad in Europe or Australia. There were four dive boats and you could pick a boat for the week and he chose our boat and within half an hour almost everyone including my wife and I had gone to another boat. As I said most of these people were American who usually only leave the U.S to go to Hondurus. A couple of days later, as everyone was talking aobut this one guy, my wife said " You get that all the time overseas and that's what foreigners get to hear. The response generally was " My God"

See this guy would talk just for the sake of talking and I don't mean have a chat. I mean he wanted to be heard. And he thought that everybody wanted to hear him.

Anyway. This is what people see. and when a convo does start it's usually with "when we saved you guys" and then a history lesson as taught by hollywood and not actually as things were.
edit on 25-10-2011 by steveknows because: Typo

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by davethebear

Everything you state was BS. I wear an American flag to Europe(not a lot) and most of them didn't seem to mind. I don't listen to what the people said such as you. Heck i have plenty of friends in Europe that didn't seem to mind, Also they can remember separating between the American people and the government. They are not stupid. IF they realize they blame the American people, it's just make them as discriminate as the KKK and makes them look like racist Europeans. I heard plenty of Europeans even hate Israel too but i don't think that mean to blame on all Jews isn't it?

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Well. Lemme tell you of what I've come to gather throughout my adventures in America.

America = Spread out
European nations = Close together

More density = stronger sense of unity

You wonder why Occupy Wall Street is in NYC, San Fran, and L.A.? Close together. Dense population.

In my adventures touring the U.S. and eventually flying to NYC, I had a chat with a Frenchman. I asked him about his stance on the United States, and he said, "It doesn't make sense. You have your cities so spread out. In Europe, it's bam, bam, bam, and you're there."

In terms of invasion standards and national defense, I guess this is suitable. BUT, in terms of unity, this is horrible. Why/how are people in Dallas able to join people marching on D.C.? Well. Here lies the next problem and key factor of the American people.

The Media. (typical, right?)

America is united by the media. And unless the media is without filters, then there is no way of knowing what's going on.

At the peak of television, a host had 75 million viewers. Now you tell me that's not control.
You ask a person in SouthEast Florida if they know about the Jonas Brothers, and then go and ask a person in Oregon the same question, and 75% of the time you'll get a correct answer.

European nations have a different way of living. You have people so close together, unless you're completely oblivious, the London riots are on your front doorstep. The L.A. riots of 91? No-one in Alabama gave a damn, except maybe wealthy businessmen.

NOW, with that said, American's need a universal cause to unite.

Pearl Harbor = national unity through use of radio relay

9/11 = national unity through use of television

A little into my personal bias, I think we're too divided. The internet is a great tool, but we're still too divided.
The Blacks go to the black rights brigade.
The Gays go to the gay rights parade.
The Jews go to the jewish convention.

Aren't blacks, Gays, Jews, and the ever so left out 'whites' Americans too?

When I ask my best friend what he is, he says Lebanese, even though he was born in the United States.
Aren't 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants Americans?

We emphasize diversity so much, it separates us as people. Unless there is something majorly catastrophic, and it affects the masses, we don't give a damn. It's just the 'American way.'

We need to stop sub-diving ourselves, and unite under the eagle.
Hope this is some sort of help? I've noticed unless you're on the front page, no-one gives a damn about your post.

Peace and love to all.

(this was based on acclimation, no sources, I apologize. Opinion)
edit on 25-10-2011 by boomboxpanda because: Wanted to bring up the point about outer nationality differences, but realizing that America doesn't have a major culture, because it self subsidizes itself?

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