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Why can't Americans be as great as Europeans????

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by khimbar

In all likelihood we do. It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Just so long as you're not a ManU fan... grrrr...

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by nixie_nox

God,I offered the peace pipe.If you dont think you are being defensive,maybe you will agree how patronising and condescending you are being.I suspect I know more about the NFL than you.Madden is a great game,played it since I was a teen..I am a big sports fan and I watched NFL as a kid even though I found it boring because I was football crazy.I could define the differences between sports better than you I suspect.Not only do I know alot about gridiron I have played and follow League and Union.It seems you dont know much about them at all.Sure you couldnt even seperate them.Thanks for all the info but you havent told me anything I didnt know already or swayed my view.And I know alot of league players that would make a humburger out of alot of NFL players.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by gfthree7

There is a reason that the NFL has kicked baseball to the curb as America's love interest.

No matter the location of the team or where they hail from, they have an equal chance of winning. The slate is wiped clean at the beginning of every season.

It is hard to rank popularity, NASCAR has the most attendees but only holds 2% of the country's interest.the NFL is the highest grossing professional sport in the world, with a revenue of almost a billion dollars.
Fortunatley, European soccer comes next, then followed by Baseball, surprisingly.

Why is the NFL so successful, they have an insane business model that generates most of their profit from advertising and TV. NFL translates really well to television, and they have made it accessible to every American. Can't get to a game? No problem. And promoting the franchise through team memorabilia. Both men and women can equally watch, the team's success depends on how well they play together.But the obsession is different for the fans. Coming from Steelers County where fans are downright rabid, it is because football kept the city alive during the darkest hours. You may have been laid off, you may not have money or food, but there was always weekend high school football to focus your attention somewhere else if someone else, and someone was winning for a little while. A quarterback isn't successful if the defense sucks. A successful team is a well oiled machine. A normal person has made it through high school football, college football, to become a rare success. Football players are rags to riches stories for Americans.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by seagull

Haha, nope. My manipulated tribal loyalties lie with Birmingham City, which like the Earth in HHGG, is mostly harmless. Rugby man mainly though

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:05 PM
This is not a thread about sports.....This is a thread about why Americans do not Protest like the Europeans do....To all of you talking about which sport is better you are all ignorant.

Why is it that America Starts Occupy Wall Street but it moved into every European country much stronger than in the United States.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by theovermensch

I didn't see your peace pipe, it showed up before I posted. I had to look for it.

And did you play in the NFL? What team did you play for?
edit on 24-10-2011 by nixie_nox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:08 PM
To the OP...

For starters, it helps that each nation is about the size of one of our states.

Therefore, it's very easy for them to follow their teams, etc. To do that in the US, you'd have to be a millionaire, and fly a lot.

Next, have you seen their TV and movies? Not like there's much else to do, so a lot more follow sports!

Another thing (that we could adopt), is that certain sports are very much a part of their culture, with their own songs, etc. Vindaloo!

Then there's the downside...have you seen their riots when a team loses a championship?

Be careful what you wish for....

As far as why we don't protest like Europeans...well, I'm too busy working to do so. I don't get a month or more of vacation...I'm lucky if I can line up 4 consecutive days (including a weekend). I don't have a designated nap time in the middle of the day (siesta), etc.

We SHOULD be protesting with our votes, but instead, too many sheeple (and yes, I'll use that word where it applies) think they are forced to vote for who MSM shoves down their throats.
edit on 24-10-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
To the OP...

For starters, it helps that each nation is about the size of one of our states.

Therefore, it's very easy for them to follow their teams, etc. To do that in the US, you'd have to be a millionaire, and fly a lot.

Next, have you seen their TV and movies? Not like there's much else to do, so a lot more follow sports!

Another thing (that we could adopt), is that certain sports are very much a part of their culture, with their own songs, etc. Vindaloo!

Then there's the downside...have you seen their riots when a team loses a championship?

Be careful what you wish for....

Reread my thread....I am not asking about sports or why we don't travel to every sports game. It is about Protest and why it is so weak in the US

I am ashamed many of the members at ATS do not read the entire thread then comment....

Shame on many of you for being so damn ignorant in my thread

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

My best friend and I joke that we had to negotiate off for our honeymoons. Actually, it isn't that funny.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:13 PM


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by theovermensch
reply to post by nixie_nox

]Thanks for all the info but you havent told me anything I didnt know already or swayed my view.And I know alot of league players that would make a humburger out of alot of NFL players.

no you don't......not to mention the fact that you say you know them makes you bias, how many NFL players do you know?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:17 PM


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:18 PM


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Short answer? We have guns, and guns make us BAD people.

Haven't more riots broken out of euro league sports than anywhere else? Sounds like propaganda to me. They actually require strict rules about behavior at sporting events, because they can't handle going to one! Better than Americans? Not a chance. We don't require a set of rules for the spectators at a football game, we don't need them because we've never tried to kill each other over it.
edit on 24-10-2011 by Evolutionsend because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

To paint any group with a broad brush based on the behavior of attendees at a sporting event is foolish. Europe and Europeans aren't special. They are just people with universal failings and foibles. Look up "soccer brawls" and discover the real truth, e.g.,

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
To the OP...

For starters, it helps that each nation is about the size of one of our states.

Therefore, it's very easy for them to follow their teams, etc. To do that in the US, you'd have to be a millionaire, and fly a lot.

Next, have you seen their TV and movies? Not like there's much else to do, so a lot more follow sports!

Another thing (that we could adopt), is that certain sports are very much a part of their culture, with their own songs, etc. Vindaloo!

Then there's the downside...have you seen their riots when a team loses a championship?

Be careful what you wish for....

As far as why we don't protest like Europeans...well, I'm too busy working to do so. I don't get a month or more of vacation...I'm lucky if I can line up 4 consecutive days (including a weekend). I don't have a designated nap time in the middle of the day (siesta), etc.

We SHOULD be protesting with our votes, but instead, too many sheeple (and yes, I'll use that word where it applies) think they are forced to vote for who MSM shoves down their throats.
edit on 24-10-2011 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

British TV Programmes and British Films must be as dreadful as you say they are. Otherwise why would they keep winning Emmy's and Oscars from the Americans?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by 31Bravo

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You've been to every country on earth?

That's your argument? I never once said, or inferred, that I have been everywhere. I simply traveled Europe, been in two conflicts, and made an assessment from the places I've been. Europe has absolutely BEAUTIFUL land marks, more than a handful of awesome people, and scenery.. but I would not choose to live there.

I love America.. and I would DIE to protect this country. Yes, I believe I fought for wrong reasons, but I woke up, and appreciate my country for teaching me the necessary skills to fight back physically to reinvigorate our government if and when need be.

I realize where this thread is potentially going (if it hasn't already).. "who's better than who". What this ultimately boils down to is where does your loyalty fall? I hope it's where you live.

edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You said. "But America really is the best country on earth" Those are your words. If you haven't been to every country on earth then how do you know? That's whay I asked if you'd been to every country on earth. Or are you just claiming what you said as fact without researching it?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by tHEpROGRESSIVE

Originally posted by NadaCambia

Originally posted by steveknows

Originally posted by 31Bravo
I would just like to say that I recently exited the U.S. Army and have done two combat tours, and traveling all over Europe (Yes, a pawn for the government). As a Soldier, I was highly encouraged to travel around Europe and make up my own mind about other countries to see how good America was compared to others. America has corrupt leaders just like EVERY other country but minus them and you get a great country.

I'm sorry but that guy "TheProgressive" is on track.. most of his comments are a little sarcastic, and demeaning BUT America really is the best country on Earth. We lack some things, but no country is perfect. I believe European countries are truly jealous. When ever someone brings up this OPINION someone from Europe gets all butt hurt and starts slamming back at the U.S... sorry but if you're so much better you have nothing to prove am I right?

If we did not publicize our internal problems to the world, all other countries would make stuff up anyway.. it doesn't matter. I do not hate other countries, I have a lot of friends from all over the world. I just believe that if America's and all other countries problems were a physical objects, put them on a scale and every other place would out weigh the US.
edit on 24-10-2011 by 31Bravo because: (no reason given)

You've been to every country on earth?

Even if he has it's irrelevant. Asking a US soldier their opinion on these things is a waste of time, you might as well ask the president of the United States. Because US soldiers are the worst, derpiest breed of patriotic imbeciles.

In terms of soldiers America is the North Korea of the West. Utterly brainwashed.

LOL if we are the North Korea of the West then we are the North Korea with the most capable military on earth. The real North Koreans cannot even get their little bomb to work very well. Our soldiers are not brain washed just the best trained, best equipped, best supported in the world. We ran through Iraq like a knife through hot butter... TWICE!

Beyond that, if our military was not around to keep you safe for the last 50 years you would have been speaking Russian a long time ago. If we did not have the manufacturing capability to turn out planes and ships left and right you would be speaking German,

Whenever you see American military personell you should thank them for your freedom.

To bad. if like you, they were never taught to research

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

Europeans are not that great, take it from a European. In Ireland the majority of teenagers are stopped and searched illegally by the police on a daily basis. If they try to enforce their basic civil liberties by asking for a reason for the search (according to Irish law and the Irish Constitution, the Police are obliged to provide this information) they will find themselves being arrested under the 'public order act'. This so-called public order act is an anmendment to the Irish Constitution which was never voted on by the people of Ireland. It basically gives the Police the power to arrest anybody at any time. Next week the Irish people are voting for a new President. The President of Ireland is simply a figurehead with absolutely no power. Of course the mainstream media are focusing on the election and saying virtually nothing about the two referendums the government are asking people to vote on. Both of these referendums are being voted on at the same time as the Presidential election. One of them will give members of the Irish Parliament the power to employ private security officers to invade homes and businesses with no search warrants and to examine private computer files and e-mails. Yet most of the people of Ireland know nothing about these referendums or how they will be affected if they are passed.
We Europeans are facing the same attacks on our civil liberties as Americans. In fact, I would argue that more people in America are waking up to what is happening than in Europe.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by THEDUDE86

So this is really a message to Americans to understand that we need to up our game....In crowd cheering, and more importantly standing up to tyranny......

I guess I'm shocked that anyone can equate cheering for sporting events to "National Greatness"! Seems to me that there are much better indicators for that measurement.

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