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Qadaffi or Double?

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posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:21 AM
I know many people are caught up with this whole thing about Qaddafi being dragged in the streets and being killed in a crossfire between the fighters but personally I dont buy it. I have studied Qaddafi for some time now and as those informed know he was a CIA agent playing his role. I may be wrong but just keep an open mind.
I was watching some of his activities before the conflict begun and non of what he did made sense then,growing a beard to look like a bad guy, he goes into some European countries peaches a tent, disses European women on TV, his son crashes into a french monument while the other son beats up some European girl and gets away with it. All this I now know was done to piss the west enough to support a conflict in Libya.

Just last year he was holidaying in Greece with one of the Rothschild kids and whoever his masters were just kept him there as long as he furthered "terrorism". Like Hitler (another agent) I believe he got lifted and the poor dude being dragged and beaten on the streets was trying to convince the mobs that he wasn't Qaddafi. He will conveniently be buried on the third day and Libya will be open to a different future.

However hard it is to believe, there is a probability we got played again and those who pay attention can see what am saying. So now this celebrity actor (Qaddafi) has a new life to look forward to, a new face after surgery, a new home and identity.

Check out this video, its definitely not evidence but this Spanish reporter claims Qaddafi was captured alive and lifted. Its in Spanish but I hope there will be something coming up in English.

edit on 21-10-2011 by Gemwolf because: Removed all caps from title

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:38 AM

I don't know how the US NWO CIA False Flag Operatives in the Illuminati can fake the glee and joy on the face of the average run amok with an AK Libyan guy on the street.

They're pretty damn happy, and if thats just by killing a fake guy in a fugly mask, well.. lets kill more guys in fugly masks eh? Resolves a conflict, who knows...

Now, think... do you think someone who resembles osama being assasinated and witnessed by the public en masse, would fool people??

Or is that just a really stupid question, equating the average US citizen with the average Libyan citizen?

Would you know is george bush was killed and hundreds of people saw it personally, or would that mean hundreds of US citizens are just tooo stupid to know better?

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by Ha`la`tha

I don't know how the US NWO CIA False Flag Operatives in the Illuminati can fake the glee and joy on the face of the average run amok with an AK Libyan guy on the street.

They're pretty damn happy, and if thats just by killing a fake guy in a fugly mask, well.. lets kill more guys in fugly masks eh? Resolves a conflict, who knows...

Now, think... do you think someone who resembles osama being assasinated and witnessed by the public en masse, would fool people??

Or is that just a really stupid question, equating the average US citizen with the average Libyan citizen?

Would you know is george bush was killed and hundreds of people saw it personally, or would that mean hundreds of US citizens are just tooo stupid to know better?

Am not quite sure what you are saying but I will try and answer.
Qaddafi/ Gaddafi (In the Libyan Embassy in China its Kaddafi) is just a symbol, Leaders are always a reflection of the people, the fall of the Qaddafi era is just a sign of the mass change in people. Its not really important where Qaddafi is, its important that his fall symbolized a mass shift/transition in the Libyan mass psychology.

And trust me leaders never bring positive change, the masses do. They will rejoice for now only to be replaced by something negative though not similar. But Qaddafi had to step aside for Libya to grow.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by traveller4

Saddam has a similar story two, an agent, war and probable lifting. Gordon Logan reckons they lifted Saddam Hussain. The hanging scene was a con, with the 'corpse' lying with head propped up. A hung person has a broken neck. That neck was not broken.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:27 AM
i have to admit it was way more convincing than the obl story and pics.but the hair didnt look right.what gets me is if i was being hunted ,i would dig a hole and disappear.backfilling as i went.nobody on the planet would find me.the only fact i believe is ,dont trust the us govmint.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by traveller4

So you are saying the man himself was just an innocent tool of his people?


I too am not sure.

Gadaffi was a tyrant who murdered many many people, was responsible for the Lockerbie deaths of 243 people and was the source of many terrorist arms for many terrorist groups even within the UK.

A Symbol? Perhaps, but an actively violent one, who was no complacent in these acts.

As I said, the Libyan people are happy he is gone, what remains to be seen is what happens next.

Will things on our part reduce... I doubt this, because, ... well therein lies another story.

But I don't see his symbol as a leader being replaced.

... this I hope for anyway, who is to know. am sometimes too optimistic however ...

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 07:43 AM
The video looks pretty convincing to me. Unless the people in the video turn out to not be genuine in any way (CGI, actors, agents etc.) I see a weak case.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:16 AM
my bad, hit enter first -- ignore
edit on 21/10/2011 by Ha`la`tha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 12:07 PM

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