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No need to quit smoking during the apocalypse

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six
reply to post by Rocketman7

Smokers are weak and often they are considered easily breakable.

Plus they smell bad and quite frankly you can never trust a person that needs a drug to operate.

I would vote for smokers to be rounded up and be the first in line in the depopulation agenda. Plus they are a drain
on the Medical system right along side fat people!

I rank smokers along side pedophiles, rapists and religious zealots and obese people!
edit on 20-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

I C U......I know what you are trying to do....

It will not work,... and I am not the only one who knows what is really going on in your mind.

It is very easy to pick out the addicts, mentally challenged, perverts, lower income groups, blacks, jews, moslims and what not....and stick it to them......just to create a riot......for fun.


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by PsykoOps
reply to post by Six6Six

If you drive a car you should be rounded up and shot. Cars hurt most people on the planet. Do you drive a car? I don't.

Yes I do. And no cars do not hurt the most people on earth. Smoking does directly and indirectly.

so there you go. You actually admid you hurt way more people than any smoker ever could. Then you deny the effect.

edit on 20/10/2011 by PsykoOps because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by PsykoOps
reply to post by Six6Six

If you drive a car you should be rounded up and shot. Cars hurt most people on the planet. Do you drive a car? I don't.

Yes I do. And no cars do not hurt the most people on earth. Smoking does directly and indirectly.

so there you go. You actually admid you hurt way more people than any smoker ever could. Then you deny the effect.

edit on 20/10/2011 by PsykoOps because: (no reason given)

No brains. Check your facts Sir!! Smoking causes more harm

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by The GUT
reply to post by Six6Six

"I worship Satan, but cigarettes are nasty!" You really are a piece of work and a poof of a satanist with that kind of opinion.

I need a cig....

That is Phillip Morris talking to you. You only think you need a cig.
They are good. I have to hand it to them. Now they are selling the anti-dote. There is the business we all want to be in. Sell the disease and sell the cure too. Ask Rumsfeld about this selling Sweet and Low to cause the mental illness as well as the Prozac for the cure. This is wandering into a new thread though...You by all means SMOKE. I still LIGHT other peoples cigarettes occasionally. I also pour them wine. I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want. People should however NOT BE MISLED. People should get accurate info and then choose - not be given the choice - get hooked - and then find out they chose something that's deadly.

That is just not fair. And I know life isn't fair, but the parts we can and do control, should be.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

Tell me how many people Satan Killed...go on. Less than 13. Now tell me how many people smokers and smoking killed. Oh the irony..

Just as you have the right to make a poor decision concerning your religious belief, people also have a right to make a poor decision regarding their health. You see it's a little thing we call freedom, which is rapidly becoming an endangered species along with common sense. It's this thing we call freedom which gives you the right in this country to worship who you do. Now tell me how much blood has been spilled and lives lost in the name of religion?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:22 PM
I hope my second hand smoke blows in your face, gets in your nose and eyes, and you spend the next hour hacking your lungs up. I hope my smoke makes your clothes stink, and your family are repulsed and shun you into a deep depression.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:22 PM
To be honest this sounds like an ad for an e-cig company. Insert name here. I'll be back in 15 minutes.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Rocketman7

Don't buy the cans of tobacco.
They cost a fortune, and are sold for cigarette tobacco normally.
Buy the Lb. bags of plain pipe tobacco.
Sure it is a longer cut, but with very little work you can fix that.
Cigarette tax is much higher than pipe tobacco tax as well.
I pay anywhere from 15 to 20 bucks for a Lb. bag vacuum sealed.
On top of that if I were a smart smoker I'd buy a gross of bags and seal em up in mylar and do the bucket trick.
That's alot of smoke.
I have a couple of E-cigs and the sickly sweet taste the oil leaves on your mouth is just a nogo.
There will never be a real replacement for a real smoke!
Hey 66six, cool story Bro!
I dunno if you do it for pay or fun.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Nucleardoom
reply to post by Six6Six

Tell me how many people Satan Killed...go on. Less than 13. Now tell me how many people smokers and smoking killed. Oh the irony..

Just as you have the right to make a poor decision concerning your religious belief, people also have a right to make a poor decision regarding their health. You see it's a little thing we call freedom, which is rapidly becoming an endangered species along with common sense. It's this thing we call freedom which gives you the right in this country to worship who you do. Now tell me how much blood has been spilled and lives lost in the name of religion?

Freedom is fine.
Mis information deceptive advertising and trickery is not.
Neither is placing addictive chemicals in a product to keep you "hooked" and chemically dependent on the product. Those practices should not be encouraged by acceptance and support in the main stream because people are tricked and now drug dependent and not fair representatives of any argument. These are users speaking and we should weigh in what they say but remember this is the chemical talking. When they are able to wean themselves from the substance each and everyone of them will sing a different tune. Hey I like heroin...but you know, society frowns as well it should. It is allowed to frown as much as you are allowed to choose how you will die. That is freedom too.
edit on 20-10-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Nucleardoom
reply to post by Six6Six

Tell me how many people Satan Killed...go on. Less than 13. Now tell me how many people smokers and smoking killed. Oh the irony..

Just as you have the right to make a poor decision concerning your religious belief, people also have a right to make a poor decision regarding their health. You see it's a little thing we call freedom, which is rapidly becoming an endangered species along with common sense. It's this thing we call freedom which gives you the right in this country to worship who you do. Now tell me how much blood has been spilled and lives lost in the name of religion?

First of all, my belief in Satan and religion are two separate things.

Smokers are not free. They are held by the addictions of nicotine and therefore weak and squeezable.

Satan is seated to my left. Smokers are beneath me. Isis and Horus are to my right. Again you will never understand the depths of our dealings. Our keeper is above.

Smoking is just wrong!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by Pregnant
I hope my second hand smoke blows in your face, gets in your nose and eyes, and you spend the next hour hacking your lungs up. I hope my smoke makes your clothes stink, and your family are repulsed and shun you into a deep depression.

Ahh there is the drug talking. You see this poster might have some kind of an empathetic reaction but you see how the chemical is making him or her and I will have to take a wild stab at her react irrationally and with acute irritation. Most people are able to partake in a discussion without losing it and attacking or wishing terrible outcomes toward other posters who are thinking feeling human beings (for presenting an argument to save their life, of all things) right off the bat.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:33 PM
ughh, you seem to have a lot of hate 6Six6Six whatever.

2. second hand smoke is a wive's tale. car exhaust is much more damaging then second hand smoke.

3. do you believe in the freedom for individuals to do as they please? or should they do as you say? for THEIR own good.

4. do you drink? do you take medications? do you drink coca cola?

maybe you should start popping some xanax and chill out


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six

Originally posted by The GUT
reply to post by Six6Six

"I worship Satan, but cigarettes are nasty!" You really are a piece of work and a poof of a satanist with that kind of opinion.

I need a cig....

How is your daughter? Does she smoke? If she does....time is ticking......lung cancer is coming her way!

She neither smokes nor worships that idiot satan so she's good to go.

I've noticed you're wrong a lot, btw. Plus...are you stalking or sumpin'?

Oh and please don't use hate words like Poof in the context you did. It is disparaging against homosexuals. Its like using the word faggot. DONT do it!! Or it shall be reported.
edit on 20-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

I was under the impression that 'poof' had a broader meaning, kind o' like the way we might use 'wimp' or 'wimpy' here.

My sincere apologies to any homosexuals that might be offended at being lumped together with you. Not my intention.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by zatara

Originally posted by Six6Six
reply to post by Rocketman7

Smokers are weak and often they are considered easily breakable.

Plus they smell bad and quite frankly you can never trust a person that needs a drug to operate.

I would vote for smokers to be rounded up and be the first in line in the depopulation agenda. Plus they are a drain
on the Medical system right along side fat people!

I rank smokers along side pedophiles, rapists and religious zealots and obese people!
edit on 20-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

I C U......I know what you are trying to do....

It will not work,... and I am not the only one who knows what is really going on in your mind.

It is very easy to pick out the addicts, mentally challenged, perverts, lower income groups, blacks, jews, moslims and what not....and stick it to them......just to create a riot......for fun.


You know what they say about criminal pro-filers? I wonder if this is true. You sort of have to be one to know one? Do you think that is true? What is it you see here from this post and what do you know? Really I am curious - don't keep it a big secret. Who is in jeopardy here? To be responsible I think you should tell.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:34 PM

And no cars do not hurt the most people on earth.

And what is it you think comes out of a tailpipe of a car? Unicorn kisses?

Anyway, this topic was about ecigs and they don't have second-hand smoke, (they only mimic the act of smoking, but other than that are absolutely nothing like a cigarette.) So why did this turn into a I-hate-smokers-they-suck argument?

Even though the OP does sound a bit like an advertisement, I have to agree that ecigs are a good substitute but in a survival situation, unless you have a ton of batteries or a power source to recharge what you have, you won't last long with them. The liquid is easy enough to keep on hand, stays good for a long time and doesn't need to be refrigerated. I mix my own and have enough supplies to keep me for well over a year, maybe two.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by lightdude
ughh, you seem to have a lot of hate 6Six6Six whatever.

2. second hand smoke is a wive's tale. car exhaust is much more damaging then second hand smoke.

3. do you believe in the freedom for individuals to do as they please? or should they do as you say? for THEIR own good.

4. do you drink? do you take medications? do you drink coca cola?

maybe you should start popping some xanax and chill out


I do have a lot of hate towards smokers. I should not have to breathe in someones smoke for any reason. There is no benefits to smoking, none for society.

However, cars are a mode of transport. If no cars or vehicles were around your post would be hard to get nowadays, deliveries would not be so frequent for groceries or products that society needs. So there is some benefits to Cars over Smoking.

If you could of been bothered to read my posts I do not drink, I do not take medications except vitamin C daily. And NO i do not drink COKE!! Even if I did it would only be harming ME. not everyone else like smoking.

Please think before commenting. Engage brain before mouth!!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Six6Six
reply to post by Rocketman7

Smokers are weak and often they are considered easily breakable.

Plus they smell bad and quite frankly you can never trust a person that needs a drug to operate.

I would vote for smokers to be rounded up and be the first in line in the depopulation agenda. Plus they are a drain
on the Medical system right along side fat people!

I rank smokers along side pedophiles, rapists and religious zealots and obese people!
edit on 20-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

Man! That's harsh! Somebody must have burned you with lit cigarettes while you were a child!
Second Line

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:40 PM
lmao at this satanist!!! I joined just for you buddy!

Oh buddy you claim science backs up your facts through studies? Guess what! Those studies are flawed!

Second hand smoke is Bullsh!t !

How does it feel hating on people for no good reason? lmao

Here's a lil vid for you. Have fun worshipping Satan! lmao
edit on 20-10-2011 by swoopaloop because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by mikemck1976

Originally posted by Six6Six
reply to post by Rocketman7

Smokers are weak and often they are considered easily breakable.

Plus they smell bad and quite frankly you can never trust a person that needs a drug to operate.

I would vote for smokers to be rounded up and be the first in line in the depopulation agenda. Plus they are a drain
on the Medical system right along side fat people!

I rank smokers along side pedophiles, rapists and religious zealots and obese people!
edit on 20-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

Man! That's harsh! Somebody must have burned you with lit cigarettes while you were a child!
Second Line

Harsh YES. But what you said might be offensive to people or children who have been burned by cigarettes. I have not been though.

I have stood next to smokers at traffic stops, breathed in their toxins when walking down the street or walking behind someone with a lit cigarette. I should not have to be subjected to their smoke. Why do you think the governments have been cracking down on smokers. Because they are filthy and gross people.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by lightdude
ughh, you seem to have a lot of hate 6Six6Six whatever.

2. second hand smoke is a wive's tale. car exhaust is much more damaging then second hand smoke.

3. do you believe in the freedom for individuals to do as they please? or should they do as you say? for THEIR own good.

4. do you drink? do you take medications? do you drink coca cola?

maybe you should start popping some xanax and chill out


I don't sense hate. I sense intense criticism for what may be a personal familiarity with the ravages of cigarettes. I sense hatred on the part of the smokers. Come on. Ease up. I think everyone should lighten up. Not light up!

There is a place around here called double D's tobacco and you can roll your own, fresh and chemical free for like a quarter a pack. Why anyone would smoke anything else I don't know. My mother used to roll her own when times got tough and I have done it myself.

But other people should not fight their own personal demons with people only trying to talk what science HAS proved is good sense no matter how judgmental their argument. You can never get the writer off the caffeine and cigarettes. That is all they have in common with super models is their diet. (smiley) And maybe we shouldn't. Can you imagine Hemingway without either booze or cigarettes? I don't even want to.

But people are showing personal weakness and great denial by going after a messenger full on, really because you hate the message.

Now I will go and mind my business as I have interfered enough.
I fully expect to come back and find myself soundly trounced from both sides of this argument.

Also: I can quickly count the smokers here by counting stars on the post above. " I hope I blow my second hand smoke in your face..." Lets call that one the "smokers anthem" post. Funny. I know - I'm here all week.

edit on 20-10-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

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