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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:14 AM
Although I have no concrete sources to provide as evidence to what I am about to tell you is taking place, I do still have very concrete evidence that comes from our history books, the present state of the world's economies and governments, and the steps in which TPTB are taking and have already taken to ensure that the outcome is completely in their favor.

First a little bit of history...

Does anyone know why monopolies were outlawed in the US?

See the thing about monopolies are that they have pros and cons like any other financial institution:

Guaranteed price, usually set very low because there is no competition
Guaranteed quality of goods
Guaranteed and PREDICTABLE profit

The profit fills the pocket of a select few, and in American history it has usually been the pockets of an individual (Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Buck)
A monopoly destroys popular freedom in every since of the word
Although I'm sure many will criticize this, but the workers become slaves. Anyone who takes the time to do any bit of research on life during industrialization will not refute this point.
Power in the hands of the few which historically has always led to extreme violence
The list goes on and on...

You see when a monopoly exists there is no other choice but to assimilate to whatever product it is or lose your livelihood. This problem is greatly compounded when the product is a necessity for survival in the world.

It took a great deal of history to get to the monopolies in which I am about to explain to you. Yes, it took American thinkers to come up with such a brilliant and elegant evil scheme. But it also took American greed to see it through; intense greed that is the byproduct of the seductiveness of absolute power over everything known. You see, over the course of the past century we have seen a vast distance beyond our borders. And as far as we can see (apparently) the human race is at the top of the living being pyramid, with America at the forefront of the human race. This is why people have such greed, because power corrupts them to the point in which they feel that they can control everything that they see, and that they can OWN everything that they see. (creepy I just realized that NWO is own backwards and in all caps, symbolic?)

See the thing about America is that it wasn't the world's first super power, but the time in which it became a super power had a dramatic effect on life in this world. The world's first billion dollar company, U.S. Steel, was founded in 1901 by Carnegie which, from 1870-1920, was the same economically as oil is to the world now. In that period over one third of industrial output in the world came from America, which means it came from Carnegie. Then it was Rockefeller's turn, when he gained his monopoly in the oil industry, he basically could control everything from transportation to food production to mail delivery and communication to the distribution of energy. This was a major step to American dominance. Vanderbilt had a railroad monopoly which put him slightly under Rockefeller in the pecking order.

These men were the sole powers in government in their time and they molded the American government, and by consequence the governments of the world, into what they are today

But see the most dramatic step came after America controlled all aspects of life. See until this point, America controlled many important commodities. But it was when Morgan developed his monopoly in banking when the world took a dramatic turn for the worst. What point is there in having a monopoly over all of these commodities, when you can just have a monopoly over money in the world and therefore over everything? 90 percent of the money in the world that transferred hands went through J.P. Morgan's hands first.

Yes, monopolies were outlawed and apparently unions were put into place to protect against them. But why and when were they outlawed? And by whom? Well they were outlawed apparently because of violent protests followed by the progressive movement and then finally FDR after these people assumed power and established legacies of money and power. But we should assume that greedy men, who ruled over government and in any other era would have thought of themselves and been considered as divine rulers, simply decided that they should give up the power that they had gained for themselves? I think not...

So what really happened and what is happening?

Well after Morgan the US had a monopoly on money. The dollar became the preferred international currency. Subsequently, at the time and since then America's government which was run by the aforementioned men became the only nation which could print its own money because of its status in the world. JUST LIKE THE WORKERS IN THE STEEL MILLS AND COAL MINES WE BECOME SLAVES TO THE DOLLAR< ALWAYS WORKING FOR IT, AND TO THE GOVERNMENT WHO JUST GO PRINT IT.

Thus we introduce the concept of inflation.

But WHY?

Well when your climbing a ladder and you get to the top how do you stop others from coming up the ladder and taking your place at the top?

You push the ladder over, which is basically what inflation does.

Since this time period, the value of the dollar has steadily decreased. In the near future, once other nations realize that we are only paying our debts by printing more worthless money, the American dollar will lose preference. But the global economy is completely dependent on the dollar and so it will collapse. The value of all money in the world is determined based on the value of the dollar, so all monetary systems collapse. We have worldwide economic failure...

What does this accomplish? What does "spreading the wealth" accomplish?

The few who climbed the ladder stand looking down at the the ones who have no ladder to climb... In other words, the few who are in power at the time of the collapse will remain in power for the forseeable future without having to worry about being forced from power...

NWO= tier 1: fascist leader/slave drivers/big brother + tier 2: communist worker society

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:21 AM
*****Stop and think about what I'm about to say.******

Oprah has more money then anyone else in the world. If Oprah wanted us dead, we'd be goners!

Oprahs SO rich that she could buy all of the worlds nuclear weapons and PAY someone to detonate them from Outer Space, with her.

The only reasons that we have our life, is thanks to Oprah.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:25 AM
actually, competition keeps prices down.

monopolies were banned partly because of prices being too high

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by cardicorona

Dude. If you're going to use a title like that, in all caps, then I expect you to deliver!

I want to see their Master Plan!

If all you can deliver is your opinion of what it might be, I think you owe me an apology.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by cardicorona


The few who climbed the ladder stand looking down at the the ones who have no ladder to climb... In other words, the few who are in power at the time of the collapse will remain in power for the forseeable future without having to worry about being forced from power...

Why do you think there are no training programs for the next generation of workers other than selling them into a debt based slave system that only teaches them to get a non-existent job that was outsourced to China 10 years ago?
edit on 18-10-2011 by InformationAccount because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:33 AM
Monopolies do not keep prices low. They can jack it up to whatever price they want because there is no one to offer it at a lower price. Competition keeps prices lower.

Quality is also higher when competition is present. If not the consumer has no other choice but to buy YOUR horrible quality product if it is essential to survive/work/produce. Examples, lower grade gasoline, internet with slow speeds, non-safe cars, etc.

This is economics 101 stuff..

Your thread is flawed
edit on 10/18/2011 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/18/2011 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/18/2011 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:15 AM

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:35 AM
monopolies are still functioning today... in my local area... TWC (time-warner co) has a monopoly of all cable services including internet/TV/digital phone over their government protected territory

the infrastructure that was assembled from an original 'Community Antenna TV' (CATV) also protected by government and allowed tax favored status as the system grew
~back years ago the Cox Cable Co. was the local monopolistic provider~

this is just one example.... the FDA is another arbiter of dividing up territories and exclusivity of product by producers to the's just disguised more

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:17 AM
Monopolies keep prices high not low, it's one of the reasons why they are not a good idea and governments try to legislate against them. Sorry but I stopped I reading your post at that point because of the fundamental error.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:54 AM
actually sorry but competition drives down prices, but also with monopolies you have standard low prices. Theoretically with a monopoly you can set any price, but this proves to be ineffectual if you actually want ppl to be able to buy your product. you have set the prices low to because its the only way to continue making money once it becomes a monopoly and the worker-consumers work for ridiculously low wages. And yes I know that monopolies are still around that was kind of my point... Please read next time before posting.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:06 AM
Ok anyone who decides to pick up a history book can check and see what monopolies do... For instance when Buck gained a monopoly in the tobacco industry prices of cigarettes were set low. Why? So people could actually afford the product. Now you can say its econ 101 blah blah blah. Yes theoretically monopolies can have a high set price. but historically they have not. And I said they set a standard low price and that they have standard quality. "Standard" meaning "set".

Aside from this, yes I realize the worker society was separated from the consumer society. This is to avoid violent strikes obviously. Buck actually created the worker-consumer society in America. Once strikes got bad, congress starts regulating and regulating these companies until they have to outsource to china. What does this do? Creates a completely consumer driven economy in the US and a completely industrial driven economy in China.

...Anyway all of this was just to explain how we got here. The point is that the American government has a monopoly over the American dollar.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:16 AM
ALSO this is not opinion its actually a short analysis of the economic trends of the past century and a half. I am sorry if it did not live up to the dread fantasies that some people on this site have of the evil TPTB, but this is what we know is happening and what we know has happened so take it or leave it...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by cardicorona
you have set the prices low to because its the only way to continue making money once it becomes a monopoly and the worker-consumers work for ridiculously low wages.

Low compared to what? Workers wages? That is not an accurate indicator.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 11:33 AM
I think the most important point made in this thread by the OP was about inflation and what a monopoly on money itself could do. Inflating the value of money when there is stagnant wage growth is literally like kicking the ladder out from under class mobility.

The history provided is less important to me than this one insight, and when you look at the continuing merger of banks, both at the private and sovereign levels, into larger and larger institutions, is that not what we are seeing?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:53 PM
Those who stay on the top are the ones who have something that will keep its value, like hard assets, when something else becomes worthless, like money.


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