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Fluoride Ion 0.3 PPM in our NATURAL Spring Water bottles .. WTH and WHY ?

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posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:10 PM
Anyone ever though about our SAFE, CLEAN, NATURAL, FRESH water bottles ?
that we buy in our local grocery store

Now im starting to get really pissed at all those conspiracies
i though our fresh natural water bottles where SAFE to drink

Is it because they care about our teeths ...
pretty sure it is NOT the case

is it because they want to control the population .. like a brain drug ?

I drink less water from the sink then before
since they put a lot of crazy stuff into our public water supply
and it taste really funny like metal sometime ..

Jesse vid added not has a source .. but to let people know
they are indeed adding crap in all water supply .. even little unopen water bottles

IT should be WATER .. just WATER
why the eck do they put fluoride when its say NATURAL SPRING WATER
what are the chances that the PPM is way much higher then they put on the bottle stickers ?

Im curious to know if Obama,Bush,and all other "leaders" drink water with fluoride in it
and are having the same natural spring water bottles we drink

Fluoride is not dangerous right now .. but i think it do have long term effect consequences
but im no expert

any people have tricks to avoid drinking fluoride ?
boil water before drinking it .. will it remove the fluoride ????

edit on 10/15/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:16 PM
Fluoride is industrial waist more then it is a drug. Its just that it contains a bunch of crap witch slows us down. They have it good, not only do they get rid of their waist with out having to pay any thing, they get to sell their waist and market it as fluoride.

You know what really pissed me off about that episode? They never talked about Fluoride, he made one comment on it and said that it was for our teeth. Every thing on tv is their for a reason Jesse is apart of their plan our he would not have his own show witch is owned by TIME WARNER CABLE, the company with the all seeing eye logo.
edit on 15-10-2011 by 8ILlBILl8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:16 PM
Where is your proof that it's in natural spring water?
I've personally called Poland Springs and asked them, they said they offer both, it would be on the label. If you are claiming otherwise, please cite sources other than Jesse's show.

ETA- There's naturally occurring "Calcium fluoride" that shows up in spring water, totally different from "Sodium fluoride" from the fertilizer industry, imported from China for cost effectiveness.... because when it comes to chemicals in our drinking water, we want to go with the lowest bidders!

start at 0:35 (this is less than 50 miles from where I've lived all my life)

"Chinese fluoride is safe..."

Did anyone read the label on the sodium fluoride bag?
Warning * Toxic Poison + drinking water = Hellooooo Nazis.
edit on 15-10-2011 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Where is your proof that it's in natural spring water?
I've personally called Poland Springs and asked them, they said they offer both, it would be on the label. If you are claiming otherwise, please cite sources other than Jesse's show.

My source was me looking at the label of at least 5 different mark of water bottle
and they are labelled with 0.3 PPM of fluoride

i have just added the jesse ventura vid for the thread
because there is really a big myth / Conspiracy with our water supply ..
and now its in our NATURAL spring water bottles

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Ben81

Calcium Flouride occurs naturally in some water sources so you would expect some flouride ions in some sping water sources. Sodium Flouride (a chemical waste product) is what is added to municiple water supplies.

Flouride is removed from the body with iodine... iodized salt, paint a patch of Betadine or tinture of iodine on your skin before sleeping.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by Ben81
My source was me looking at the label of at least 5 different mark of water bottle
and they are labelled with 0.3 PPM of fluoride

What is ppm?
I have a bottle of natural water next to me. It contains less than 0.03mg (milligram) per liter and that's just because there is a very, very small amount of fluoride in the water, it's natural (there are other things in the water, thankfully, in germany they are forced to not only show everything on the label but have to analyze the water quality every couple of years). If it's more, i would be concerned.

But i have to agree that american tap water has a very weird taste. I've been to the US several times, several different cities across the country, different hotels and compared to the tapwater here in Germany, it's weird tasting. I could never imagine drinking it (But then again i never drink tap water, could never imagine to do that) or use it for cooking.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

This comment was interesting to me. They offer both and it is on the label? What does the label state to differentiate between the two? I was in a convenience store and saw that they have bottles labeled "Distilled Water" and "Spring Water," which I had not noticed before. I would love to hear more about what Poland Springs said.

For good measure, here are a couple of links that have measurements of Fluoride in bottled water. Not surprisingly, there are few if any American brands listed. Though these are mostly international brands, it goes to show that there certainly is Fluoride in many brands of bottled waters:

This is a "list" of bottled waters WITHOUT Fluoride. Note that there is only one brand on the list (Nestle Pure Life): []

And a news report from CNN citing a Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency recommendation to actually lower Fluoride in the U.S. tap water, something that I have not heard more about and do not expect to:
edit on 10/15/11 by MentalPriapism because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Ben81

At 0.3 ppm ..........I wouldn't worry myself!

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by MentalPriapism

This comment was interesting to me. They offer both and it is on the label? What does the label state to differentiate between the two?

They said their bottles labeled "Natural Spring Water" have no added fluoride, and they offer fluoridated water that says "with Fluoride" on their labels.... there's also cartoons pictures on those labels of Poland Spring, saw them myself, kind of sick & twisted but that's how they roll in the USA.
Sponge Bob = Nazi goodness when you read the "ingredients", most people I talk to only read the nutrients sections.
edit on 15-10-2011 by JibbyJedi because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:48 PM
Fluorine, and fluoride, is practically everywhere. It is the 13th most abundant element in the earth's crust. It is also very reactive and will form compounds with almost every other element. These compounds are called fluorides. Fluorine-containing compounds range from potent toxins such as sarin to life-saving pharmaceuticals such as efavirenz, and from inert materials such as carbon tetrafluoride to the highly reactive sulfur tetrafluoride. Therefore, there are many different types of fluorides in nature. Most water in nature has fluoride in it, from traces to high amounts that need to be lowered for human consumption.

When you add say, sodium fluoride, to water, the fluorine ion dissociates from the molecule and what you are left with is the same ion that is found in nature. That is why there are several different kinds of fluoride additive that is used for fluoridation, including sodium fluoride, hexafluorosilicic acid and its salt, sodium hexafluorosilicate. In water the molecule breaks down to the basic fluorine ion.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Argyll
reply to post by Ben81

At 0.3 ppm ..........I wouldn't worry myself!

If all the water bottles are labelled like this
there is no secret

Conclusion : The amount is much much higher
but the taste is way better then the water coming from my sink
the danger is not immediat
its after yrs of drinking it and for the next generation
they will possibly be more controlable then us now

I do not know the real answer
but im really starting questioning this issue

In the past WW1 & 2 .. they were adding Fluoride on the enemy water supplies
the same tactic is probably being used in Irak and many other places
wonder why the US have secret bases all over the world

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Ben81

If all the water bottles are labelled like this there is no secret Conclusion : The amount is much much higher

What leads you to this conclusion?
Why is the amount much higher?

A decent conspiracy would be if artificially added fluoride was not mentioned at all on the ingredients, the fact that it is, and with an amount, does not lead to the conclusion that they must be adding more than stated.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Argyll
reply to post by Ben81

If all the water bottles are labelled like this there is no secret Conclusion : The amount is much much higher

What leads you to this conclusion?
Why is the amount much higher?

A decent conspiracy would be if artificially added fluoride was not mentioned at all on the ingredients, the fact that it is, and with an amount, does not lead to the conclusion that they must be adding more than stated.

Since they are good for lying
The best tactic for a perfect lie is ..
let it be know but only release a certain portion of the truth
in case it is discover... it can still be disguise with another lie (teeth care)
It has been tested for yrs .. profound research was done with the "enemy" in the past
but with a large amount of tainted water

If a certain amount of fluoride is added .. only a single more 0.1 PPM or a little more
can make the difference for a long term effect

If people would start dying right now .. very hard to contain the mass
but if you sterelise the mass so they cant reproduce
it will be very hard to notice right now and to punish the people who did that

Dont underestimate any label .. they can mean a lot more then it is
edit on 10/15/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Ben81

My community is fluoridated since the 1960s. No signs of mass sterilization in all that time. Also, never once have I heard of a victim of 'long term' fluoride poisoning. Surely there would be at least one victim in 50+ years?

Care to explain this?

And while you're at it please show the "profound research" that was done with the enemy. I'd like to read it myself, if you don't mind?

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 05:43 PM
I know fluoride occurs naturally in water in nature. However I was rather displeased when my 1 year old sons pediatrician told me I needed to start giving my son baby water with fluoride added for his teeth. Yes there is such a thing. Special baby water with fluoride added. I told him that I did not feel comfortable with that. And he quickly assured me it would be OK to give him regular non fluoridated water.

I mean why does the fluoride have to be added to it? If it's natural then I'm ok with that, but it doesn't seem right that they would add it to the water.

Maybe I'm missing something here.

edit on 15-10-2011 by seeker11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 07:35 PM
the fluoride that comes from china is often adulterated. i read an article fairly recently that said 40% of it would not dissolve in water... when 100% is expected to from real sodim fluoride.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Enclosed, is a compelling documentary on bottle water that may be of great interest to you, possibly shock you.

Some states in the US are being severely impacted by bottle water companies draining the water tables at an alarming rate.

Many people assume that bottle water is Fluoride-free but this is far from the case.

US states/tax payers spend millions in order to maintain and keep their ground water supply clean/safe. Most states test their water hundreds of times each year but the vast majority of bottle water companies are simply bottling this (water) from the city's tap and selling it back to you at over 10000% mark-up ($.002 per gallon; the average cost in the United States, although prices differ from city to city)

Yes, in some cases it may be filtered tap water but the industry is self regulated.

People would be much better off, as well as thousands of times more cost effective, to invest in a quality multi-stage home RO filtration system which also eliminates the fluoride. (I would highly recommend a particular system but it might be frowned upon to post it here)

(One has never been more please then when I finally installed a 6-stage complete Reverse Osmosis system [including a UV light stage], plus amazed at just how much I was spending on bottle water each month/year)

First video is a trailer to "Tapped", the second is a link to the full video (free, just some advertisements during video)

Tapped Trailer:

Free Full video: -[url=]>Link

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:36 AM
We put stuff in water because it wasn't made well enough to begin with, and could use some tweaking.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by TheComte

I haven't really looked into fluoride in the water that much (but I really should), but I don't think the idea behind it's usage is as simple as massive sterilization or acute mental retardation of entire communities. I think it's more about making society as a whole lazier, more sluggish, less motivational, and more easily controllable and influenced.

I don't know how long fluoride has been used in public water, but based on how our country has been completely oblivious and apathetic to a number of things that they should be outraged out at, for example the Federal Reserve, I would guess for quite some time. And I would also say that it's been working to a certain extent.

I could be wrong, maybe politicians really care about American teeth and want us to have nice and strong enamel because we're too busy watching mainstream media and eating cheetos to brush our teeth. Also I'm pretty sure fluoride isn't used in all cities though, there's gotta be some list online where it tells you if your area is fluoridated or not.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by TheComte

I haven't really looked into fluoride in the water that much (but I really should), but I don't think the idea behind it's usage is as simple as massive sterilization or acute mental retardation of entire communities. I think it's more about making society as a whole lazier, more sluggish, less motivational, and more easily controllable and influenced.

That's fine. Those are the claims made by anti-fluoridationists, among others. I have not seen one shred of evidence for it though I've lived in a fluoridated community all my life. That's why I don't believe it.

Please show the peer reviewed studies that link fluoridation to making sociey lazy, sluggish, less motivated, more easily controllable, etc. Really, I would like to read them myself.

For example:

Here is a peer reviewed study that concludes that the addition of sodium fluoride to cyclical etidronate is beneficial in the treatment of corticosteroid induced osteoporosis. In other words, it makes bones stronger in people with osteoporosis.

That's is what I would consider solid evidence. If you choose to ignore it then that is your prerogative.

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