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Watch Tea Partiers Own OWS hatred protest attendies

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posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
Lovely circle jerk that you've got going on in here fellas.

A certain bunch of clowns are having a real good time lately huh

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by RandomThought
The video isn't funny at all.

Looks like a bunch of douche-bag college kids trying to steal the spot light.

What's funny is how 2 different parties are at each other now. We're heading in the wrong direction.

What's next? civil war OWC vs TP while the TPTB sit n watch how we lost sight of the goal?
edit on 11-10-2011 by RandomThought because: (no reason given)

We have a winner. Of course that is the point of Adbusters et al starting these idiotic protests with such left wing fervor. That was the point from the beginning. It is so blatantly un-American and would, of course, get people to discredit it because its so ridiculous that it's plain hard not to.
It is, of course, the very elites these useful idiots go on and on about ensuring their continued domination. They thank you( Actually they just laugh at you).

For the record, the Tea Party became the same thing, just a much more American form of idiocy. If forced to choose, Tea party all the way right here (hopefully it wouldn't come to that)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by PosterNutbag
Peacefully protesting is what I believe most of the protesters step out in hopes of doing. Now show up and provoke them? Probably not the smartest idea. Innocent people are getting beaten, pepper sprayed and denied Constitutional rights by the local PD's and these clowns wanna go out there and provoke? Right or wrong, I think they are asking to get a bloodied nose. I'm not saying I would resort to physical violence, but you go into a crowd that is charged with energy of being stepped on and oppressed, without a gun a badge and a your back boys. That situation could land your arse in a hospital real quick. It won't be so clever and funny when you're eating your meals through a straw for a month.

Have you seen the same protest videos I have? Jerry's Kids could take those pansies with one arm tied behind their back. That's the least intimidating crowd I've ever seen in my life. And I teach kindergarten.
edit on 11-10-2011 by radosta because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Ghost375

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
Ha ha ha

Let's go provoke people then mock them for reacting.

Ha ha ha

The guys walked around in suits, carried signs that say "Unions destroy jobs" to a protest where the majority support unions...they were clearly baiting people.

edit on 11-10-2011 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

So the minority voice should not be heard? Those who disagree with "the movement" should remain silent?
The ugliness of the mob is making itself known.

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Wow, are those guys interning for Fox News or what? No, actually that video is worse than the filth Fox releases about the protests. Not only does this misrepresent all of the protesters by putting a few videos of the angry ones, but those tools instigate it by clearly trying to come in there and piss them off.

"Challenge: send in a video of people at a tea party rally acting like this"

I've got one too: Post a video of occupy protesters from anywhere in the country going to a tea-party rally and trying to provoke an emotional reaction. It would be even better if they came in there with signs that say things like "Ban guns: They kill people", "Increase the size of the federal government", and "Raise taxes!".
edit on 11-10-2011 by TupacShakur because: To edit my post

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 11:24 PM
I don't care for either group, but it's pretty clear to see that these guys were doing nothing but trying to provoke and antagonize.

I wish they wouldn't take the bait, just ignore them.

Is this the Troll Party sector of the Tea Party?

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 11:28 PM
What's with these utube links? I click on the triangle and a dot appears on the screen but no video.

edit on 11-10-2011 by mishigas because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 11:42 PM
Can none of you see the big picture? It is right infront of your eyes and you don't see it.
I'm not even from your country and I can see it.....Plus it happens here too & well, everywhere.

Now, I'm expecting a few nasty remarks from some people and just to let you doesn't bother me.

But to the ones who do have an open ear/mind, why can I see it? Why can't you see it? I don't have much knowledge of the American system or how things are really going down in your country or anywhere else for that matter but the point is becoming very clear and we are all just about there. But not quite.

When was the last time that you've genuinely heard of the average Joe/Jane voicing their opinion for a better life for the right reasons? Sure it may seem like it happens everyday but in all reality it doesn't and why is that? Because you are doing exactly the opposite of what your goal is and that is fighting with one another and your not getting anywhere. OWS, Tea Party, any group really, what is this all about?

Now, the last time that I checked we are all human correct? Correct. So with all due respect.....why are we so stupid as to try to start a good thing and then turn on each other? Why do we fight for a better cause? a freedom that is so close to our reaches? or a future? Because we....the people, diserve it but we are not getting the big picture.

Why does skin color matter? Or language? Or religion? or smarts? Why does material or possessions suddenly make us better than one another? Its right in the video....67000 shares or whatever with AT&T....Yeah? Well to me it suddenly sounded like someone was calling the kettle black.

Take away the Tea Party signs and OWS signs from the video and what do you get? People! The same in every way but only different due to the lack of reality. Mankind has been around for a long time and look how far we've made it. Look at what we've accomplished and look how far we've come! How can it all go sour so suddenly?

Why did we, a great species, suddenly put few people in charge and then complain about them pulling the wool over our eyes. Who cares if they are rich! Who cares what they have! They are people too and they do not have the right, or the power, or the business to tell any of us how to live, or when things may end things for us! They go home at the end of the day and hit the hay like every other person so why can we not control ourselves?

Why can we not just say....walk up to any Occupation protest with a Tea Party sign, then put down those signs and say

" look alot like me? Oh wait a minute! We are the same! We are the people! Even they are the people! Lets do this together because we all want the same result in the long run....balance"

Why can't we do that? Why do we need to put others down to get ahead? Why can't we join together and ensure our future.....together?

It can be like that moment in any school....when a group has had enough with a bully and they set aside their differences because the numbers show the bully they can't be messed with. They can't be hurt or stolen from or lied to or feel less about themselves anymore. That group's goal was balance and when a bully is confronted with it, they cower and balance is restored.

So why can't we be like those kids in school who want things to go their way with the right amount of discipline to stay in control? We have the numbers we just need to put it all aside and take what is ours. We don't need to be violent, we don't need to be hateful. We all just need to see the big picture and that is.


posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by radosta

Originally posted by Ghost375

Originally posted by traditionaldrummer
Ha ha ha

Let's go provoke people then mock them for reacting.

Ha ha ha

The guys walked around in suits, carried signs that say "Unions destroy jobs" to a protest where the majority support unions...they were clearly baiting people.

edit on 11-10-2011 by Ghost375 because: (no reason given)

So the minority voice should not be heard? Those who disagree with "the movement" should remain silent?
The ugliness of the mob is making itself known.

the "minority" voice ??? are you joking ?? it's the voice of the masters of the game, it's the voice that we hear since the beginning of the capitalist system man !! it's the voice we always hear since we were childs, the voice of the bankers and the neo-liberal economics, the voice of the NO-solidarity, the voice of the racists and the ones only thinking in $$$ greed terms ..
so calm down with your statement : now we hear another voice, the voice of the minority ( in real power terms .... but majority in number !! ) that was never heard before and now comes clear and loud in the streets !!! your voice is not credible any longer, we see you are deceiving the people, you are stealing their money, their wealth, the middle class, just for greed !!
stop sniveling, stop your hypocrite talk ... a new voice is heard in the streets, a voice full of hope !!!

edit on 12-10-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:21 AM
Wow another post from the same author trying to discredit occupy wall street. I see the same people who were convinced Obama birth certificate was fake are now focusing their attention somewhere else. I guess people stopped reading your posts so you decided to focus on occupy wall street.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Tinfoil, why don't you find something else to do besides this?

This is not productive and it isn't funny either.

What's the matter afraid of the bare truth of what these people are really like out there?
Hahaha, there needs to be cameras on these clowns 24/7, this stuff is golden.

They're not all idiots, idiot.

Now go listen to some Rush Limbaugh, jack a.
edit on 12-10-2011 by colbyforce because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by radosta

Originally posted by PosterNutbag
Peacefully protesting is what I believe most of the protesters step out in hopes of doing. Now show up and provoke them? Probably not the smartest idea. Innocent people are getting beaten, pepper sprayed and denied Constitutional rights by the local PD's and these clowns wanna go out there and provoke? Right or wrong, I think they are asking to get a bloodied nose. I'm not saying I would resort to physical violence, but you go into a crowd that is charged with energy of being stepped on and oppressed, without a gun a badge and a your back boys. That situation could land your arse in a hospital real quick. It won't be so clever and funny when you're eating your meals through a straw for a month.

Have you seen the same protest videos I have? Jerry's Kids could take those pansies with one arm tied behind their back. That's the least intimidating crowd I've ever seen in my life. And I teach kindergarten.
edit on 11-10-2011 by radosta because: (no reason given)

Great, another "tough guy" behind a keyboard. Unintimidated are ya? Lets give you the benefit of doubt and agree they are all pansies, but get together a dozen or more of them and they could whoop those 3 tools. Heck, your entire kindergarten class at once would probably land you in the hospital. Power in numbers my friend, never underestimate your opponent, two rules of thumb any real "tough guy" knows from the word go. Which just proves to me, you ain't one.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by discharged77
Don't you have anything better to do? Are you mad that your phony tea bag party has been over run with idiots and the majority of sane people want nothing to do with it. GO AWAY!!

And the first thing out of your mouth is a barrage of insults just like what we saw on the video.

Way to go, you just made the Op's point for him.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

I'll take the OWS hippies over think they-know-it-all hipsters any day. I know you are the biggest troll on ATS atm Tin, but seriously you know those guys were obnoxious trust fund kids and not funny at all right?
edit on 12-10-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Those guys were making more of a mockery out of the Tea Party you know? Anyone that saw that and thought those guys were legitimate Tea Party members would be turned off to it. Also as I have said many times before, it is the media and politicians (as well as local ATS trolls apparently) trying to turn these groups against each other when in reality they should be (and in some places finally are) joined together.

The guys that founded the Tea Party already gave OWS their full backing if you guys didn't know.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by radosta

Originally posted by RandomThought
The video isn't funny at all.

Looks like a bunch of douche-bag college kids trying to steal the spot light.

What's funny is how 2 different parties are at each other now. We're heading in the wrong direction.

What's next? civil war OWC vs TP while the TPTB sit n watch how we lost sight of the goal?
edit on 11-10-2011 by RandomThought because: (no reason given)

We have a winner. Of course that is the point of Adbusters et al starting these idiotic protests with such left wing fervor. That was the point from the beginning. It is so blatantly un-American and would, of course, get people to discredit it because its so ridiculous that it's plain hard not to.
It is, of course, the very elites these useful idiots go on and on about ensuring their continued domination. They thank you( Actually they just laugh at you).

For the record, the Tea Party became the same thing, just a much more American form of idiocy. If forced to choose, Tea party all the way right here (hopefully it wouldn't come to that)


OK McCarthy, I turned on FOX news the other day; the lingo and even your reasoning is
was there on the TV

and I doubt the TV learned it from you.

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:03 AM
Greed - an ancient human weakness based on fear.
Labor Union - A reaction to greed.

Take the greed out of corporations and unions would become obsolete

Imagine that - human evolution based on love

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:52 AM
I'm not trying to turn this into a hate filled debate, but how do unions kill jobs? Isn't the point of unions to give the average American citizen more power in the workplace, give him the opportunities to negotiate pay, have health insurance, get some vacation time, and stuff like that? What is that guys logic behind his sign that unions kill jobs? Or was he just wearing that not because he believes it, but because he wanted an emotional reaction?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 08:58 AM
What the hell is wrong with the "tea party?"

Here they are opposing other Americans yet again. Americans who are doing what it is their right to do.

We don't always have to agree, but should at the very most and at the very least just not say anything when other Americans are protesting something they feel strongly about. Sorry, but this "tea party" is a divisive instruments. like so many other divisive instruments we have these days. And it's a toxin.

No one "owned" anyone here. We all lose.
edit on 10/12/2011 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by TupacShakur

I'm not trying to turn this into a hate filled debate, but how do unions kill jobs? Isn't the point of unions to give the average American citizen more power in the workplace, give him the opportunities to negotiate pay, have health insurance, get some vacation time, and stuff like that? What is that guys logic behind his sign that unions kill jobs? Or was he just wearing that not because he believes it, but because he wanted an emotional reaction?

Unions kill jobs with their greed:

$58-an-Hour UAW Workers Kill $16K Ford Bonus as Stingy

As the UAW rank-and-file continues to vote on the contract offer hammered out between management and UAW honchos, the Detroit Free Press reports that at least one local has rejected the offer, even though it includes a $6,000 cash bonus, a $3,700 profit sharing bonus and at least another $1,500 cash for each of the four years on the contract for a total of $15,700 on top of wages and benefits.

A similar contract offer with Government Motors (GM) contained a $5,000 bonus and an unspecified profit-sharing plan for union employees based on North American profits. And GM employees make less hourly than Ford employees do according to the Associated Press.

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