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Anon! While you are legion, some are still alone...

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posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:07 AM
Eh, the rant section. But where else? Because that's all this really is a damned rant. Forgive the rambling, consider the content. Opinion based as it is.

Anyhow, my wish is some 'Anon" member, somewhere, will read this and pass it up the chain.And actually GET it.

Because the ANON group, closely now associated with these 'Occupy' movements. What the hell are they/you guys thinking?

Sure, we are all pissed, we are pretty much all disgruntled. We all see injustice, many of us have encountered injustice most of our lives in one form or the other. Sure, we all remember some cop who probably sped to work just to hide behind a billboard and ticket us for speeding. Absolutely most of us have had a teacher or a boss or manager who treated us unfairly.

Maybe some of us have had loans turned down, or worked like dogs while it went unappreciated.I have experienced every one of the above, multiple times, often, and worse. I know the pain of poverty very, very well. Injustice, unfairness, suffering? Check, yeah most have seen this at some point or the other.

Me, I've went hungry and been cold and been hot, lots of us have, Millions of us have. I still do to this very day subsist on less per month that most of you guys smartphone payments. The whole world is unfair. Some live on rice and water. I hate that and those responsible just like anyone else does.

But you guys, you 'occupiers' and you keyboard-pecking Anon guys, you whine and you bitch and you moan and you play and pretend like you organize some big march for some vast majority of us.For we, the teeming masses. Then, you use your little playground your folks money made possible---this 'internet'---to try to rabble rouse people into thinking you are some noble and selfless saviors, determined due to purely compassionate reasons to save us or speak for us all. You stoke fires, make cryptic videos, wear cool masks based on a movie based on a comic book, and declare the rest of us should 'occupy' places!


Except I have news for you,you so well off up there where ever you stay, with stocked kitchens and paid-up to date electric bills and fancy little cars:

Your damned 'legion' has forgotten the very ones you lull these internet sheep into thinking you speak for!

The cities are ALREADY 'occupied'.They are filled to the brim with the poor, under or uneducated, the hungry, the desperate. Beneath some bridges are 'occupied', people. Some culvert pipes near here are 'occupied' with old nam vets, with the crazy, with the needing.

See, you play with us. Oh, I know the counter arguments that such blaspheme as I now type brings: "but doing anything is better than doing nothing, dude"! or "something has to start the spark"...blah, blah, blah...words, empty bullsh*t rhetoric . Boredom based mumblings of the full and the warm. Not even applicable at all out here for everyone.

Because you are playing with us. In the name of the hungry, you play your games and you wear your masks. You tap on keyboards on smart phones that cost more than my damned car..and you rally US to 'occupy' in YOUR name--while pretending 'we' occupy for 'the everyman', the vast majority.

These pseudo occupiers, you anon people, speak well.You are good speechers and speakers, no question. See, someone afforded you advantages not everyone had. You speak well, you preach well, you appeal to people because you have had the opportunity to LEARN to speak well!

But fool all you will, and play all you will, and watch the upper middle class kids march and rant and rave as strings are pulled, and watch a form of mob mentality hysteria grip those that sit behind keyboards bored, watch facebook and twitter and message boards spread your gospel-of-the affluent that pretends to be for us all.

But don't presume for one second all of us buy it. The 'elite' you scream, behind masks or signs, are the problem--and so they damned sure are. Absolutely correct.

The only problem for you guys is that very term 'elite' is subjective. And to those that truly struggle in this world, you guys are certainly as 'elitists' as those you march against. While these 'elites' are to blame, most of them are more like you people and your club than like me or most of us.

Today some line is drawn making 400k per year or above or something is the 'line' that is drawn that separates the 'us' from 'them'.

But one day, see, that line might be 40k, one day it might be 20k..and one day, the 'occupiers' might be in front of your apartment or suburban house.

One day, the 'legion' might come for you guys, and remind you all, that you forgot someone in your little march to 'prosperity for all'. You forgot the real people, the non-liners, non-wired, the struggling.

So play, play hard and well. Fool and confuse and watch the gullible flock to this 'cause'. The hard truth is you guys, anon/protesters/occupiers don't want to improve a damned thing. You want to 'replace' that group with your group.

You all just want to be the elite you rail against. Hell, I think you already are.And spare me that 'we are all anon" Just, no.

Change should come, do not misunderstand. But change can ONLY come on an individual level, not by simply replacing one group with another. Change starts within us, we struggle on, try to feed kids, and find happiness in a world we never ask for nor made---and will only marginally be able to ever change.

If you really and truly want to help others you are going about it wrong, all wrong. Go offline. Go off-campus.Lose the silly masks and drop the signs and let the Verizon bill lapse and meet people and try to ACTUALLY understand, try to actually help this shambled world.

And I will meet you there and devote my life to helping. Convince me you aren't as self serving and greed driven as those you protest against. Convince me, convince a LOT of us. Don't 'link' me anything, keep your internet 'sources' and convince me and us as actual real life people.

Otherwise, your 'legion' is going to be a very exclusive club. An elite legion, you might say. Just another group telling the rest of us what to do and how to think.

Ironic, right?

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:14 AM
Wow, you know everything, I feel so enlightened now, thankyou.

Oops, posted in wrong thread.

edit on 3/10/2011 by nerbot because: added punchline

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by nerbot

Even if you try to help everyone, it is impossible to help everywhere, someone is always left out, feeling alone and under appreciated. Its how the world is, i wish it was possible for one cause to help every person that needed help but it can't happen.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:22 AM
Definitely a rant...a presumptuous one at that. What are you doing to help? I am seriously asking you that question (not trying to piss anyone off). I really want you to share with me and "the others" what steps have you taken? I don't get it (your rant). Collectively we can accomplish a lot. Dividing commentary serves no one person in your group. How do we the people fix this? I'm all ears.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Ellis1234
reply to post by nerbot

Even if you try to help everyone, it is impossible to help everywhere, someone is always left out, feeling alone and under appreciated. Its how the world is, i wish it was possible for one cause to help every person that needed help but it can't happen.

I agree, which is the saddest part of it all, IMO.

I do think individual changes and true compassion could remedy a large part of that, but it would have to be on a very personal level.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by Clark Savage Jr.

The protesters should get some of those horns they use at soccer games and blow them. Like the ones people hear at the soccer matches in South Africa. Something to inspire and invigorate the crowd, to lighten their spirits. -------

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by MightyQuincunx
Definitely a rant...a presumptuous one at that. What are you doing to help? I am seriously asking you that question (not trying to piss anyone off). I really want you to share with me and "the others" what steps have you taken? I don't get it (your rant). Collectively we can accomplish a lot. Dividing commentary serves no one person in your group. How do we the people fix this? I'm all ears.

I can only afford to help locally, and only individuals I personally know. That is the absolute truth. My ability to help others is limited to my financial realities.

In my mind, that is the ONLY way this can be accomplished, though. I don't think a collective does anything except manage to exclude more people than they presume to help.

My entire point is this HAS to be done as personally as possible. And nothing is less personal than someone in a mask, or just another face in a throng of people.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:37 AM
Wow you really are angry with these 'kids' for 'playing their games' angry that you the forgotten one should be left out...
If you're waiting for a personal invite based on your current situation and income then you've got the wrong idea.
They don't exclude or include people based on anything, because they're not sending out party invites like it's some cool kids birthday bash.

They told THE WORLD about it, and if people are too lazy, too crazy, or too self-righteous to go, then don't expect on top of helping to organise the thing, they they are going to turn up with transport and take your candy ass there and back.

Some times in life you have to fight for stuff.
You want to make a change in the world, these people have put in the groundwork and all you have to do is show up. Work all week? Go weekends!
Maybe YOU could use YOUR voice to speak for those under bridges, or talking to cats, and all the other people who cannot turn up for various different reasons???? Ever think of that??? No, you'd rather sit here and whine about it.
No sympathy. You sicken me.

Oh and as for the whole 'bunch of kids' thing. You're so wrong it's scary. Wait and see.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Deplume

I do use my voice for the very things you speak of, and have since august of 1980. Damn, that's my whole damned point. Jimmie Hale mission has not a single damned person in a mask helping. We HAVE to help on a personal level, this change the world tomorrow crap is going to starve more people than it feeds, friend.

I will join in and help ANY group change this world, just as I have tried to help as an individual, as soon as I see a group member with a damned spoon in his hand.

It's easy to make assumptions on this medium, hell yes.
edit on 10/3/2011 by Clark Savage Jr. because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Clark Savage Jr.

you so well off up there where ever you stay, with stocked kitchens and paid-up to date electric bills and fancy little cars:

I'm a single mum, juggling work, training to make myself a better person, childcare, and bills. I can't afford a car. We live off beans on toast. How DARE you sit and judge all members of anonymous as kids??

Among the 'Anon' around here, who joined in with the scientology/cuts protests, I met a lady who was made bankrupt and homeless after her ex stole all the money from their bank account and did a runner.
I met another mum who was made redundant because her daughter developed a severe intolerance to something,. and needed regular tests and investigative procedures, and several elderly people, one of whom is suffering from early stages of dementia.

They are filled to the brim with the poor, under or uneducated, the hungry, the desperate. Beneath some bridges are 'occupied', people. Some culvert pipes near here are 'occupied' with old nam vets, with the crazy, with the needing.

How is dragging these people to a protest going to help? Tell me, I'm all ears.
If it's the system that these people forget, how is a march against this system a bad thing? Especially as we have now established that your idea about this being a bunch of kiddy hackers is absolute BS!

Boredom based mumblings of the full and the warm. Not even applicable at all out here for everyone.

Again with the judgements. I've lived on the cheapest cornflakes known to man for weeks, just so any food we have in our kitchen, can be frozen and saved to keep my daughter going.
I've had to keep the heating off, and sleep in bed wearing my coat with my little one, because we can't afford to pay heating bills.
I guess I'm just a lucky cow because at least I have a home right? I count my blessings for that every day. But don't tell me I'm never hungry or cold. And don't ASSUME the rest of the people who identify with Anon are any different.

Because you are playing with us. In the name of the hungry, you play your games and you wear your masks. You tap on keyboards on smart phones that cost more than my damned car..

I can;t afford a smartphone OR a car. I'd love to drive instead of walking 2 miles in the snow to my daughters school morning and afternoon, but I couldn't afford to run one. How lucky you are. Must be nice to be able to afford a car, and pass judgement on everyone around you...

These pseudo occupiers, you anon people, speak well.You are good speechers and speakers, no question. See, someone afforded you advantages not everyone had. You speak well, you preach well, you appeal to people because you have had the opportunity to LEARN to speak well!

I paid attention in school, and when I finished school I read. I know some people are not as well educated, if at all.
You clearly have access to a computer, so you clearly have access to reading materials, and could better your yourself any time you chose. But you won't. You'll just moan about not having the same opportunities.

I think you're angry with an illusion.
You see what you want to see.
You see kids, with smartphones, and expensive computers.
Yet the majority of people like me on places like 'what is the plan' are people like me.
Late 20's early 30's whose lives haven't been the big party you seem to think they have.
People with ideas, people who would like so see the change you're referring to. Not to cause trouble, but to help ourselves, and the very people you point out so well, that don't have a platform to air their views.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Deplume

You mistake frustration with 'whining'.

I don't operate in that world, and like you, I too have and still do struggle. I am being much less presumptious regarding this club that you are of me, thats clear.

My point is, 'anon' is sending you, or those like yourself, out to the streets with signs rather than to actually address the problems that exist in this world.

How many cornflakes could that smart phone payment provide at the local Salvation Army, for instance.

"We are anon, we are legion...we are distributing blankets to the cold, or serving soup to the hungry"

I have helped do those things. Often. Hell, just to try to BE contributing.

See the point?

I truly wonder how much of this is bandwagon jumping, net driven desire to simply be part of a group, any group, so long as it's a group.

And I ask folks, would they be as quick to volunteer locally in a soup kitchen as they are to protest march? Would they REALLY?

We all want a better world, I don't doubt that, but we had best be damned careful of groups leading the way to that world. ANY group. Because as soon as that group---and yes, that is what they are, and you are just another group member if a part of it-----decides things are as THEY think they should be, then it starts all over again. Help reach people, try to help people you can touch and reach and see.

That's the only way this will ever work.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:59 PM
I don't begrudge people smartphones, if they are lucky enough to have the income to buy them, or the family to buy them as gifts.
I don't care if the person standing next to me with a banner eats lobster every night.
You say "My point is, 'anon' is sending you, or those like yourself, out to the streets with signs rather than to actually address the problems that exist in this world"
I don't think anyone would be out there, in the cold, day after day, just because someone told them to.
I also disagree with you about addressing the problems that exist in this world.
They COULD all gather together and feed the homeless, (some of them do that too!) but things need to be taken one step at a time. What the point in clothing and feeding someone for a few days, until resources run out.. when the problems with society that put these people in the position still exist?

I think (and correct me if I;m wrong) that you don't see a pro=active approach. Just people waving banners and signs, and shouting a bit.
I agree with you there. Signs never changed anything.
Unfortunately though, we live in a world where people at home are faceless, and nameless numbers.
The governments across the world don't see individual people... they see statistics, and percentages.
Without numbers of people gathered together, protesting, they may never SEE anger.
We could all write letters to our local representatives. We could all ask for audiences with them, and talk through our concerns... but many voices are better than just yours, or mine alone.
Governments have to be pressured into doing whats right, because to them 'what's cost effective' or 'what's easier' will always come first.
Movements and protests like this need to be a persistent annoyance buzzing in the ear of TPTB, because it's only when something wont go away, will they change anything at all.
MSM, and people who are down on this movement will damage it, and it will fizzle out. I predict that right now.
Which is such a crying shame, when it;'s such a beautiful opportunity for the likes of you, and me, so speak up.
Sod the person stood next to you with an iphone... who cares. Don't we deserve to be seen?
Don't we deserve to be part of that constant annoying buzzing in the ear of TPTB?
Because it's people like us, people who really don't have a lot, and struggle through life, without complaining to any except close friends and family.. that these b*****rds like.
"Sure they moan, but they keep paying taxes, and no-one listens to them.. who cares"

Some of these kids might be smartasses, and they might be doing this for 'something to do' and they might just be tapping on keyboards.... but they have given us numbers of voices.
They have achieved something unthinkable a few weeks ago.
Their 'group' without leaders, who had to have help deciding on a list of demands because they couldn't bring themselves to speak as leaders...
They have given us our best shot at stepping out from the shadows of the daily grind and shouting 'NO'
I salute them for that.
That's all I can say really.
They've given with their energy and their knowledge, and their ability to organise people, us the perfect chance, if only we'd take it.
You will never see a revolution in America Or UK. This is the best we've got.

Anonymous is not just a movement, it's an idea. It really is. It;s the idea that people like you or me, who are just another number on another computer database to the government, can use this facelessness, to gather with the other nameless people and speak up.

I'm sorry if I came across as a cow in the posts above. I just hope you know that You aren't alone, and this group of people with their ideas of change aren't what you think.
Take care x

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Deplume

I respect your passion and compassion, and think we both agree change needs to happen.

Good luck and take care and fight the good fight as you think best, and I will do the same, thats all any of us can do really.

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by Clark Savage Jr.
reply to post by Deplume

I respect your passion and compassion, and think we both agree change needs to happen.

Good luck and take care and fight the good fight as you think best, and I will do the same, thats all any of us can do really.

You too. I respect your approach to fighting the good fight, wont be the same as mine. No-one's way is 'correct'
I'm just pleased that so many do recognise that change needs to happen, as you said.
Take care of yourself.

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