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17 year old tasered in the head

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posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Domo1

I think you are right that not all policemen are "bad". Unfortunately in the age we live in, you never know when someone's hand coming out of their pocket is pulling a wallet or a gun. Not like in the old days.
But at the same time, it is being shown (on youtube in particular) that they are acting more like a military force than a peace-keeping officer. This in turn causes even more public fear of them, which creates a cycle of escalation of distrust. Especially when they are shown to cover up they're own wrongdoing rather than owning up to it. I expect a policeman to live up to a higher standard than most people, based simply on the fact they chose the proffession they did. Same with politicians. Same with doctors.
Unfortunately, few of them seem to live up to these expectations.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by UniverSoul

well of course it would be impossible to get statistics but the fact is none of the real criminals are ever investigated. most police effort goes into victimless crime, or locking up criminals for who jail shouldnt be an option

I actually agree with you on that point. I think that is more an issue of govt. then of cops though. Certainly the majority of an officer's day is going to be doing mundane crap. ESPECIALLY the traffic cops. I'm still glad they're out there though.

police choose their vicitms by socio economics. if they are poor they will attack you and lock you up for some bull law. but if your super rich you can commit slavery and any other crime you want. its a food chain.

I kind of agree with you to an extent here as well. You are more likely to get pulled over driving a beater than bimmer. Trust me on that one LOL. Old muscle cars, pulled over more often. BMW nothing. Like the bimmer.

In regard to the rest of your post, I can see where you're coming from. Cops are the guys that enforce the laws you don't agree with. Who makes those laws?

I've met some cops I absolutely hated when I was going to college and doing asset protection. Yelled at a few for being unprofessional. The vast majority I've met were good honest people that actually cared and wanted to be an asset to the community... the WHOLE community.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:03 PM
Deploying a stun gun to someone's head in many States in the US is considered attempted murder, unless the person doing the deploying is a police officer. For some strange reason, when they do the same thing it is "Law Enforcement".

Even excluding the shot to the head, using a tazer on a police officer at all is considered attempted murder. I tried to find the case of of Florida for John Allen Coffin and the only thing I could find was this old link.
John Allen Coffin

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by QuantumCypher

I really hate bad cops. I REALLY HATE BAD COPS. I just don't think all cops are bad. I certainly don't think there are a higher number of bad cops than that of any other profession. We hear and see some committing atrocious stomach churning acts and it's easy to forget all the good selfless lawmen out there. Same thing with teachers doctors and lawyers to an extent.

I will readily concede that a bad cop is more dangerous than a bad cashier or what have you. It's scary to think someone can lock you up on a whim. I will also concede that there is a definite problem with covering up crappy cops and their actions. I am in full support of a panel from the community reviewing cases and helping to ensure that LEO are on the up and up. There was a thread awhile ago where I could not BELIEVE the cop was still in a job.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by MrWendal

Using a taser is not considered deadly force for a cop or a citizen. 'Less lethal'.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by InnerTruths

Lesson learned: Nowadays, when the police show UP... someone is going DOWN.

Tasers are that relatively new toy that the police just love to employ. It looks like a gun, it shoots like a gun, and instantly drops whomever the policeman wielding it target. Thereby stopping any further action on the part of the "perp" and all bystanders.

When first introduced, police used to threaten their use and only actually discharge from last resort. Now they drop someone right away to make a point. Cease and desist all ya all, back up is on the way and they all have tasers too. Not only do victims get electrocuted, but enjoy instant criminal status. There needs to be a crime for the police to employ the taser. Any charge will do. There are so many.

When the Precision Intervention Technique or PIT maneuver was first introduced authorities only employed the technique below 15 mph and only on deserted roads or hiways so as not to injure any innocent bystanders. Like any new tactic though, the rules of engagement change to include much more; cars being flipped and tumbled at freeway speeds, occupants thrown from vehicles sustaining injuries and even death.

Same with the taser rules of engagement. I can see down the road to taser rifles on automatic, hurling wireless darts rapid fire, stunning every one within excessive range. People droppin like flies for gettin too close or mouthin off, etc. Then out with the cuffs, a trip downtown, and stiff fines if not jail time and probation.

"Dude what happened to you?"
"I got busted man."
"What for?"
"I was standing down town and all these cops showed up because some guy was yellin and they just started tasin everyone. I spoke up and they tased me too. Now I got a court date and looking at jail time."
"For what? What they charge you with?"
"Disturbing the peace, interfering with an officer and resisting arrest. I'm screwed man, I'll lose my job and the state wont let me see my kids any more cause now I got a record."

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by UniverSoul

well of course it would be impossible to get statistics but the fact is none of the real criminals are ever investigated. most police effort goes into victimless crime, or locking up criminals for who jail shouldnt be an option

I actually agree with you on that point. I think that is more an issue of govt. then of cops though. Certainly the majority of an officer's day is going to be doing mundane crap. ESPECIALLY the traffic cops. I'm still glad they're out there though.

police choose their vicitms by socio economics. if they are poor they will attack you and lock you up for some bull law. but if your super rich you can commit slavery and any other crime you want. its a food chain.

I kind of agree with you to an extent here as well. You are more likely to get pulled over driving a beater than bimmer. Trust me on that one LOL. Old muscle cars, pulled over more often. BMW nothing. Like the bimmer.

In regard to the rest of your post, I can see where you're coming from. Cops are the guys that enforce the laws you don't agree with. Who makes those laws?

I've met some cops I absolutely hated when I was going to college and doing asset protection. Yelled at a few for being unprofessional. The vast majority I've met were good honest people that actually cared and wanted to be an asset to the community... the WHOLE community.

yes its not the cops fault they merley enforce it and do their job, big bussiness and government are the real enemy.

well yeah, but what im saying they go out with intent to catch poor people.wheres the intent to stop corporate crime, corruption, monopolies etc

to be fair ive met many nice cops, but the majority i have met were far from it
and most of the times they have been nice it was obviously a ploy to get me to talk (get the bad cop to abuse me, then the nice cop to reason with me..fairly basic technique)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by MrWendal

Using a taser is not considered deadly force for a cop or a citizen. 'Less lethal'.

i think it depends on the voltage
but i would hope that head shots/heart/spine are illegal.
how hard can it be to aim for the leg or arm?
same thing with shooting real guns

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by Domo1

"Bad" cops never seem to be caught, exposed, chastized, cast out, or even glanced at funny by the "good" cops. Until then, I have a hard time believing most are good. How can there be so many good cops and yet none of them blow the whistle on the bad cops? We always have to wait until they get caught by someone outside law enforcement. To me a bad cop is any cop that allows bad cops to stay on the force. That cuts a wide swath.

This PD is probably full of "good" cops now running around like crazy trying to figure out how to protect their one "bad" cop instead of the teenage victim. None of that is good to me.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by UniverSoul

i think it depends on the voltage but i would hope that head shots/heart/spine are illegal. how hard can it be to aim for the leg or arm? same thing with shooting real guns

Well the amount of 'juice' going through you isn't going to change depending on where you're hit. Granted you shouldn't be going for headshots (eyes and what not). Aiming for the arm or leg is always a no no. If you are to the point where you feel you must use lethal force, you need to commit to that with a real gun. I shoot once a week, am an excellent shot and would not trust myself to shoot someone in the arm or leg. Too many things can happen. When you decide to take that shot you are saying 100% this person needs to die. Otherwise not worth the risk.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 04:20 AM

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by MrWendal

Using a taser is not considered deadly force for a cop or a citizen. 'Less lethal'.

Sorry but you are dead wrong. Go ask a cop what a person would be charged with if they used a Tazer on a Police Officer. There are a few cases like that in the US and in each instance the citizen was charged with Attempted Murder of a Police Officer. Try clicking the link I provided, that is just one case.

While you are at it, ask that same cop what would happen if you, a private citizen, used a Tazer on the head of another Private Citizen.The chances are very high that you would then be charged with attempted murder.

Here is a link for another case. One women attacks a pregnant women using a tazer. She was caught and charged with..... you guessed it, attempted murder.


Perhaps you should look into some case law before you tell me how mistaken I am.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by MrWendal

Originally posted by Domo1
reply to post by MrWendal

Using a taser is not considered deadly force for a cop or a citizen. 'Less lethal'.

Sorry but you are dead wrong. Go ask a cop what a person would be charged with if they used a Tazer on a Police Officer. There are a few cases like that in the US and in each instance the citizen was charged with Attempted Murder of a Police Officer. Try clicking the link I provided, that is just one case.

While you are at it, ask that same cop what would happen if you, a private citizen, used a Tazer on the head of another Private Citizen.The chances are very high that you would then be charged with attempted murder.

Here is a link for another case. One women attacks a pregnant women using a tazer. She was caught and charged with..... you guessed it, attempted murder.


Perhaps you should look into some case law before you tell me how mistaken I am.

so why the hell isnt this cop being charged

i hate this world

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by UniverSoul

It is really just a game of semantics. That is why Tazers first started out as "non lethal" weapons. Then enough evidence was shown that proved that Tazers are not "non lethal" and they can potentially kill. Especially if used around the area of the head or heart. Then you can add to that potential dangers when used on people with heart problems. So they were then changed to "less lethal" weapons.

Now what exactly is "less lethal"? What it basically means is that the chances of death are not high, but still exist. Technically a baseball bat is a "less lethal" weapon. I can hit you in the arm, the legs, even the torso and not kill you. If I hit you in the head, that is a game changer.

The fact is our legal system is a joke and is completely broken. Police can use these "less lethal" weapons on citizens, yet these same citizens face potential charges for doing the exact same thing as a police officer would do. A perfect example of this is spitting. If you spit on a police officer, it is assault. If you punch someone in the mouth who spit on you, you can not claim self defense in most cases. You will be charged with assault. Does that make any sense to you? It makes no sense at all to me. It is what I like to call the hypocrisy of our democracy.

Make no mistake about it, if you use a tazer to the head area of another human being it is attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon. Yet police are able to do the exact same thing with absolutely no accountability at all.. and god forbid you choose to defend yourself.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:31 AM
Funfact 281: Did you know your more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist?

Who polices the police?

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

I completely agree. It is backwards. Now a days a person is never presumed innocent until proven guilty, but guilty until proven innocent.
We strip our rights away in the name of "security" against what exactly? The terrorists are corporate security guards protecting the interests of... well, not you and me.

The era of peace officer has died and been taken over by (corporate) law enforcers.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:17 PM
a lawn chair is a deadly weapon? what's next a plastic mop bucket. it's canada, the pool of candidates with slightly average intelligence the cops have to choose from is in the 1% to 2% range.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:19 PM
1 good cop + 1 bad cop = 2 bad cops

If a leo knows his partner is f'd up it is his responsibility to correct the issue or have his partners badge taken away. If he doesnt do one of those 2 things... he is now just as much of a scumbag as the f'd up cop.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 03:30 PM
When I was younger, I did two stupid things that stood out from everything else. One was being shot with a bean bag gun and the other was getting tazed.

I gotta say, nothing is more degrading than being tazed. The mere aspect of it is degrading. Especially now that they have a control device that sets you up like a puppet.

I would rather be shot with a bean bag gun any day than be tazered.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 05:58 PM
Well most of my friends live in London Ontario and amazingly the majority of them seem to side with the police in this case. There is some outrage but it's not like everyone disagress with Tasering the kid.

They are all in the west end of the city and that might have a lot to do with it. People in the west end tend to look at the east end as dangerous.

I don't know what else to say, I'm just glad I don't live there anymore.

posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 06:27 PM
And so we have yet another case of the Victim being abused by cops.

You know these guys need some serious re-education when they can't tell the perp from the victim.

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