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Occupy Wall Street Has Begun!

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posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:32 AM

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by constantwonder

To be upset with the status quo is one thing to want to throw out what our country is built on and usher in an age of socialism/communism is quite another.

I don't know if you have heard Lupe Fiasco speak but he is ridiculous... And these are the type of big names at this event... It was a small fringe protest and accomplished nothing. . .

Until people realize that big business isn't the only problem and that everyone needs to quit the left right bickering and stand up for small government and the American dream and not communism or fascism or cooperate protectionism then I'm afraid we are all boned.

We are boned if all people can see is communism everytime the status quo is challenged

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 01:44 AM

History lesson.

Challenge you all to watch,pay absolute attention,then act.
edit on 19-9-2011 by Qouth The Raven because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by NoHierarchy

Originally posted by DataWraith
Living in London I have not heard nor seen any sign of protests in the city so is it true? Second my advice is to be totally peaceful and to watch out for agent provocateurs placed into your ranks by the government to undermine the legitimacy of the protest.
Should anyone start causing trouble for the love of Humanity surround them, strip them naked, take pictures of their faces to post on facebook and then hand them into the police lines. Because if you police your own demonstrations then the police wont have to wade in with riot shields.

So... hand your fellow protesters over to the police simply because they won't sing kumbaya peacefully? C'mon... obviously you don't understand how revolution works. If you're coming from a place of "I hope nobody acts out of line because then the cops will get angry at us and have every reason to beat us, pepper spray us, and imprison us!!!" then that's cowardly. Regardless of what tactics are used, if you TRULY take these issues seriously, you shouldn't be picking too many knits. The common enemy is THE ESTABLISHMENT and their long arms of the law... NOT your fellow protesters, no matter how unruly they might get (unless it's completely heinous/unwarranted/intentionally provocative). There are many that argue that property destruction is NOT violence if no living thing is harmed... and a good case is made in that vein.

There have been many instances where police officers have posed as agent provocateurs to stir up trouble, and seeing as the organisers wanted it to pass peacefully why let some mindless or paid few disrupt it ?
How is that cowardly?
It not only takes a brave man to make a stand against tyranny by government it also takes responsibility to let the rest of the public know that demonstrations can pass without incident by stopping those intent of mayhem either for personal 'fun', lack of understanding or 'orders' and handing them over to ensure that protests can go on
All you have to do is look at the current trend of banning protests for 'fear of violence'. Where does causing violence serve the purpose of the meaning of the protest?

And besides a few 'bad eggs' do more harm than good, and if you want a bloody revolution then you'd need a huge amount of people with guns not a couple of anarchists with hoodies and why would you want one?

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by Canned2na

Originally posted by Canned2na

Basically this is what needs to happen for change.

I have to say Im disappointed aswell about how small this protest was. I couldnt find a single camerashot with more than maybe 300 people at once

But a Riot would make absolutely no sense at this point.
There is a time and a place for a Riot as the last resort... thats when the majority of the people argued for a evidently just cause and their voices are still being ignored.
In other words... when democracy failed to recognize your vote.
Only riot if nothing else worked to get attention and make yourself heard.
Thats not the case here.

Americans obviously dont know what to riot for... hell, there are people in this very thread who dont even know the meanings of some terms tossed arround here.

Nice recap

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 02:32 AM
It is only the beginning,this 'quiet protest',this revolution.

To think that this is only a small handful of meek people,in one place,for one or two days is alright. Think it,but pay attention,watch.

In time. All things,in time.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by TheLoony

There are people who live in the area, and this is manhattan. it's never deserted, there are people around 24/7 365..I wish these guys well, but I was disappointed. on the other hand, I applaud them for trying, which is more than most americans do, that's for sure.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 07:04 AM
Thank you to everyone that responded to my question on the repeating the speaker issue. I can't wait to see what the live stream shows in an hour.

ETA: May not have to wait an hour.

Cop with bullhorn: "This is to inform you that you are blocking vehicular and pedestrian traffic. You must disperse."

Here it comes....
edit on 9/19/2011 by OldCorp because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 07:43 AM
OKAY so I tried to post this link to my facebook Livestream of the live protest footage, as well as a video from youtube about it. The youtube video showed up in my "most recent feed" but the link did not. So I posted the link as a comment to the youtube video, and the video was taken off my wall completely, as if i had not even posted it.

And I thought facebook censorship was just a conspiracy theory.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 07:57 AM
I was able to post the livestream link on my FB page without any trouble but that was yesterday.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 07:59 AM
this is good news.

somehow I didn't hear about this until now and I cannot read this entire thread.

would someone please summerize the current situation for me?

how many people are there?

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by vermonster
this is good news.

somehow I didn't hear about this until now and I cannot read this entire thread.

would someone please summerize the current situation for me?

how many people are there?

But they're just waiting for their ride to show up.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by vermonster

More people there today than yesterday from what I can see, the number has been as low as 200 and as high as 5000 from the different reports and videos. The best way to find out what's going on is watch the twitter topic

Twitter feed for #occupywallstreet

You do not need a twitter account to view the feed.

ETA: With over 50 tweets coming in per minute you'd think this would be a trending topic. Instead we have such important issues as International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Yarr, censorship me hardees

edit on 9/19/2011 by martianmallow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by vermonster
this is good news.

somehow I didn't hear about this until now and I cannot read this entire thread.

would someone please summerize the current situation for me?

how many people are there?

But they're just waiting for their ride to show up.

I LOL'd.

The live stream is down at the moment but the last I saw, about a hundred people were walking down the sidewalk banging on pot pans, and a couple have signs made out of cardboard. One dude has a tuba. I had to laugh when the guy holding the camera was interviewing a protester. What made it funny was that the guy had no clue what the protest was all about.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 08:33 AM
This protest is not about people wanting socialism.

This protest is not about people wanting to be supported for not working.

This protest is about people who are willing and able to work but can't find jobs, while bankers and corporations continue outsourcing their jobs, making big profits, and sitting on taxpayer bailouts and other forms of financial and corporate welfare, government subsidies, and tax breaks.

This protest is about a political system that wholeheartedly represents the politicians' financial benefactors, lobbyists, and campaign contributors, while wholeheartedly neglecting the Constitutionally-mandated general welfare of the People who elected them to office.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by seachange

It is so sad there are so many people like you who can't make that last step, and face the reality that free market ideology is turning control of our lives over to the banking corporate masters.

When you're the one writing the rules like the Corporate Masters,

The politicians preaching free market ideology are the people serving the corporations, and letting them write the rules.

The banking deregulation written by the banks when Newt Gingrich and the republicans got control of congress in the nineties is what created our current mess. The rules put in place under Roosevelt to prevent the banks from doing to the U.S. economy what was done in the twenties kept us from slipping back into another depression for fifty years.

Do you really want your life controlled by the corporate banking masters? Like so many who embrace the free market ideology, you final answer is that we can't win, so why try.

We won before, the WW II generation knew how to win. They supported high taxes for the rich, top .01%, and sound regulations on business. We grew the greatest economy the world had ever seen. What do you people have against prosperity?

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by seachange
It would be nice to see the bankers in prison, but you put them in prison and they'll be replaced with more criminals. You have to have a system to work FOR, before you have the right to push AGAINST the system we have now.
I appreciate the information you have shared. I don't really get your statement above as a reason to not do anything till... Convicting criminals does not eliminate the criminal element and never will, but that does not mean you don't have the "right" to pursue justice for/as the victims.

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:20 AM
Live Feed can be viewed here;

Anonymous Worldwide

I think that most casual viewers are watching this with a pre set notion of what 'revolution' is supposed to look like,sound like. In order for it to be successful,it must be peaceful. These people are trying to do something,for all of us,and I couldn't BE more proud. They are acutely aware of just how quickly things can turn on them. They are our people.

I think as it goes forward that it will solidify and gain momentum..but that's just me. I'll do whatever I can to support them,and when I can do more,I will.

Have a really great day.

edit on 19-9-2011 by Qouth The Raven because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-9-2011 by Qouth The Raven because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:22 AM
I see some that are still there from yesterday,that walked all night..still there. Different times call for different strategies. Take away their megaphone and they become human megaphones. Love it! I wish I was right there with them!

"If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace!" -- Thomas Paine
edit on 19-9-2011 by Qouth The Raven because: to add content

posted on Sep, 19 2011 @ 09:25 AM
Democracy now covered the protest over the weekend and reported on it in today's program. Today's program has not been posted on the front page yet, so you will have to go here to listen, or watch it.

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