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Giza Plateau and The Sphinx Revealed?

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posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 10:57 PM
One of many Dream Visions I have been privvy to but this one was more earthly bound, an enigma all the same.

The The Giza Plateau and The Sphinx modern day mystery... Who built it? Why does it look so oddly disproportionate?
To me this sheds light on quite a few issues.

Two days ago I was shown the original view of Giza in all its glory, like it had just been built and not as we know it to be from our history books either.
I took a modern day Google Image and edited in what the most important parts of the then Plateau looked like(Quick edit not Van Gough)

Anubis in the centre surrounded by a pool with cascading water falling along all sides apart from the path between his front paws, which may have lead to an inner sanctum beneath. A Promenade let our ancestors see the magnificent golden Anubis from all sides.
Real Gold Plated

Four main roads ran through the complex and it had many white buildings on either side...... Palaces, Libraries, Hall Of Records or Schools and Temples. All guarded in the shadow of Anubis, the most valuble prize sitting beneath Anubis himself, the entry to which lay between his paws.

To the left a distance away stood a Golden Pyramid, again real gold but this wasn't as important as the centrepiece, Golden Anubis. The pyramid may have been a Gateway/Wormhole or craft only used by the gods. Which leads me to believe that pyramids were built by subsequent Pharaohs and in many cultures accross the globe, to leave the planet and join their Gods in the stars. Through the ages becoming a kind of Chinese Whisper in stone, counterfeits of the real structures, eventually just mere status symbols.

edit on 16-9-2011 by DreamerOracle because: adding

posted on Sep, 16 2011 @ 11:05 PM
A more fitting name.....
The Plateau Of Anubis

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:16 AM
That is quite the fitting name and a very interesting theory. I never thought of that before.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by xvagrantx
That is quite the fitting name and a very interesting theory. I never thought of that before.

To be honest neither did I... I honestly thought it would be Nommo but I stand corrected.
What I found most interesting was the fact the Pyramids were merely a functional structure or craft. Only the humans revered the pyramids after their Gods/Spirits(Advanced Race) had left inside them. A primitive effort to follow the Gods, Spirits or Aliens.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by DreamerOracle
A primitive effort to follow the Gods, Spirits or Aliens.


I'd recommend watching the documentary Revelation of the Pyramids before suggesting those who built the pyramids were primitive!

Interesting theory about the Sphinx being Anubis. It does appear to be proportionally closer to the Jackal than the Lion.

edit on 17-9-2011 by SatoriTheory because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by SatoriTheory

Lets put it this way....... If the Original constructions could traverse the stars, then what would you call a stone facsimile for dead bodies to rot in? A major leap in advancement? For a cave man yes, for a advanced civilisation ...No.
I call it a nice try but still a long chalk short of the real deal.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:30 PM
Great share
I don't have time to watch the whole video, but I will later. I just wanted share a few facts that are buried under mainstream academia. The sphinx body is not that of a feline, this is correct. But the face is not that of a jackal. It was the face of a very, very important Queen from northern(our southern) Egypt.

The pyramids had a multiple uses. It was a craft, 'that did not move'. It was also a conductor/generator/ that transmitted and distributed 'healthy' vibrations/light for miles. We now know the pyramids were built on aquifers which confirms this idea. They were also used as a storage for data, with the use of crystals and glyphs. There is even evidence and remnants of a 4th pyramid within the 'anubis plateau'

I can talk about the gold for hours, but I won't bore you guys. The gold was very special to ancient egyptians and other africans as well. It has many, many purposes...........It may have been the 'food' that allowed humans to operate, using all faculties of the brain in harmony, which results in the 'god' state of mind, where all things may be perceived. Herbs can do this as well, I am speaking from personal experience.

Can't wait to watch the video. Just wanted to share those facts.

If the builders of the pyramids were primitive then we must redefine our current state and status as something lesser. There are sooooo many different things coded within the pyramid its not even funny anymore. Lets remember etymology, primitive stems from the root of the word prime, so in essence they were primitive. They are the prime root of civilization. Our misuse of the word and our ignorance of human history has led many to believe that history is linear. Like a straight line, from here to here. I would compare real history to a circle or an instrument like a clock, that has no numbers on it. How can anyone determine where it starts, or where it suppose to start. Or what the purpose of these megaliths were.

I can tell you one thing, there is no evidence to suggest the pyramids were tombs of any kind. these are facts.

Once upon a modern time, scientist concluded man is 6,000 yrs old...

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by DreamerOracle
reply to post by SatoriTheory

Lets put it this way....... If the Original constructions could traverse the stars, then what would you call a stone facsimile for dead bodies to rot in? A major leap in advancement? For a cave man yes, for a advanced civilisation ...No.
I call it a nice try but still a long chalk short of the real deal.

Who says the Pyramids were a facsimile for putting dead bodies in?
You don't spend 20+ yrs hauling huge stone blocks just to put a dead body inside.

Have a watch of the documentary I linked. You will realise they were not as 'cave man' like as you think. Infact, they have done things with stone that we still cannot do. So who really is the cave man?

Whoever built the pyramids, were way more advanced as a civilisation than we will ever be. Sadly.


posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 01:54 PM
I've had a theory for sometime now that is virtually unprovable regarding why it looks disproportionate, the size of the head being a bit too small for the body.

The body of the sphinx was carved and formed in it's entirety where it sits, the head was carved separately and mounted atop the body. My theory is that the head was not part of the original sculpture. It is known that the cat goddess Bastet was one of the earliest known deities the ancient Egyptians worshiped. In viewing the sphinx the body appears to rise significantly above the sphinx ditch, which would seem to indicate that in it's untouched state when it was just a part of the natural terrain of the area, the body area rose above the flatter surrounding earth particularly so in the head area, providing a perfect inspiration for carving a cat or lion head and body.

One of the Pharaohs in ancient Egypt claimed to have taken a rest against a rock that ended up being the head of the sphinx and was told by the sphinx that if he would dig up it's body he would become a great Pharaoh so the history of the sphinx indicates that at one least one time in it's past the monument was abandoned and forgotten by it's creators and lay undiscovered for a significant amount of time, long enough for all but it's highest point to be buried by the desert sand.

I know it's a unique theory, but that would somewhat explain why geologist Robert Schock dated it by the weathering patterns on the rock to be older than the pyramids rather than the generally accepted theory that it was created during the same time period as the pyramids were built.

Just my own personal theory.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 05:15 PM
As I stated in the OP... It was a dream, a few second fly over but with a sense of what the vibes of the plateau and the persons/occupants were. Its hard to explain but I will the way I mean no disrespect to the Pyramid builders of the past.... it's just what I sense as the dream happens.
So imagine your flying over a battlefield, you try to imagine how they felt at the time?
In my case the feelings hit first in each part of the panorama... This being said the golden pyramid had hardly any emotions to it and it felt very functional, exactly as stated previously totally functional and not for dead bodies. So functional health, travel, powerstation as functional as they get. It's just I feel personally that anything that came after said pyramids must have been poor cousins although still a great feat.
The main sense of majesty was over Anubis in his Jackal form but with his head dress intact covered from top to bottom in pure gold... The centrepiece of a world civilisation. It was like The UN, Great British Library, The Vatican and Buckingham Palace all in one place.

Historians tell their versions and people have their own theories.... This was shown to me in a short dream fly over and so far the things I have been shown are total biggies and seemingly very plausible.

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by DreamerOracle

Actually your impression of the pyramids is definitely plausible, it is actually a theory presented in a documentary called "the Pyramid Code" with significant points to back it up. If you are interested you can find it in multiple parts on Youtube

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 05:51 PM

edit on 9/17/11 by Pixiefyre because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2011 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Pixiefyre

Cheers I will look that up thankyou.


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