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Colorado School Comes Under Fire for Hanging Saudi Flag Higher Than American Flag

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posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by JBA2848
reply to post by xBWOMPx

If you respect the flag so much you would defend it tooth and nail against how it has been used in the past as a propaganda piece and nothing more. Even the rich destroy the meaning of a flag such as Donald Trump using it as advertising for his newest resort as he puts in a flag pole that is against code just for the publicity. For something to hold meaning you must defend it from being abused in all ways foriegn and domestic. The same with this country defend it from the abuse people are doing to it foriegn and domestic. Then respect will allways be there. Its not a advertising prop, its not a campaign prop then it can be a honored flag again.

I do Respect the flag, why else would I have posted that and I took an oath to defend this country foreign and domestic and believe me I will defend the people, the constitution, and my flag to the end!

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by JBA2848

We need to be more like Australia, their leader says "You can visit and be a part of this country but you must speak our language, learn about our culture and way of life, respect this nation (which is also including the flag) and what they have to offer and if you dont like it you can exercise one of our best freedoms, you can leave!" You dont just move to another country to disrespect another nations culture. If I moved to Russia im not gonna tell them they need to make everything in English for my convenience, that's very disrespectful and so is spitting on that countries flag on their turf! If you dont like America then get the F*** out!

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by xBWOMPx

So your telling me to get out of America? Sorry im here and im staying and see no reason to leave. But when it comes to speaking up to the people who have thier heads so far up the A55 of republicans and people like Donald Trump to think what they do with the American flag and to America its self is great and don't have any idea of what disrespect to either one of them truly is. How about Koch Brothers calling the President of this country Saddam Hussien and declaring war on him. If thats not disrespect to America then what is. If you think about it George Washington would probly shoot them for treasoon or undermining the country.But it came from the right or rich so they get a pass. Respecting America and the Flag and even the President is respecting this country. And when people see that it will dawn on them what is happening to this country. The flag means nothing with out meaning behind it. Undermine the meaning behind this country and the flag is nothing but faded glory. If you want the flag to be respected make sure they respect all that it stands for. Not just the cloth its made of or the design on it.

edit on 6-9-2011 by JBA2848 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:07 PM
I thought freedom of expression in the USA included the right to not like the USA??

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by neo96

Respectfully, based on that logic we should take down all US flags because of Timothy McVeigh.

Saudi Arabia stripped Bin Laden of his citizenship waay back in the day.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by axslinger

For one.. again.. this is a school.. they weren't "flying the flag" to try and be rude or disruptive, they were Educating Children. And as for those other countries, they learn.. about the U.S. I'm not saying that they are perfect.. but we are not talking about some school flying the flag instead of the U.S. flag.. or trying to be disrespectful. If anything, they were teaching children to be more respectful and AWARE of the world around them. And plenty of other countries have happy free people in them, America does not have a monopoly on that. In fact, I see America trying to change everyone else's idea of freedom all the time. And from the look of your police state country, you have little to no freedom left, it is an illusion. You couldn't pay me to live in the U.S. I feel kind of sad for you all, and scared for the rest of us.

posted on Sep, 7 2011 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by axslinger
To all of you who think the U.S. flag is a meaningless "piece of cloth" and think the rest of us are "Nationalists" and "intolerant", I say this; spend a few weeks in Iran, Russia, Syria, Saudi Arabia. Exercise your freedoms there. Fly the US flag in one of those countries. Let your wife/girlfriend drive alone in Saudi Arabia.

Try to start a business, buy a house, get internet a stage a protest in one of those places. Once you've done all of this, come back then tell me you don't get it. Then tell me you don't understand the respect for the U.S. flag. It's so damned easy to say, "I have tolerance for dictatorial third-world countries" when you have absolutely no clue how good you have it here in the US.

Quite frankly it is your type that has lead to the destruction of the US and the freedoms we once had. You wouldn't have the stones to stand up for you own rights if you had to. You'd expect somebody else to do it for you because that's how you roll.

Not a single one of the "rights" and "freedoms" you named is given to you by the American flag.

You don't seem to have a clue how bad some people have it in the U.S. Take a look at Pine Ridge or Fort Hall. The U.S. has third world conditions within it's borders, my man.

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