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Only Racist Thinking Believes the notion of assimilation?

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by lifecitizen

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
Thats the thing
You compare australia to a 3rd world country, why?
Australia has better living standards than a 3rd world country, but there are many 1st world countries that are much better to live in than australia.

Nope, it's you, just acknowledge it

Well, my point was, be grateful dude!

and just wow again to the rest of your posts.

I'm not patriotic in the least- dont know the words to our national anthem, not really up on Australian history, dont eat meat pies, dont say oi oi, dont drink at pubs, dont even drink beer, hate sport. the list goes on.

I havent lived in another country, this is what I know. but I do know we're doing a hell of a lot better than a lot of other first world countries. Go to America, see how great it is there. or maybe England- really great there too.

You have a bad attitude and it's no small wonder people don't like you. there I said it. How does someone so young get so judgemental. Sad.

There are many other first world countries who are doing much better, and are much better places to live in.
It doesn't stop at america or england, you do know that right, there are many other developed countries to live in in europe.
The comparison is like day and night, when you leave australia you'll understand how much better it is to not be here.

Australia may be doing well financial but other than that, there is nothing good about this place.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Gravity215

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
Australia and free speech?

LOL hahahah, im not even going to reply to that, delusions make me laugh.

Granted I suppose. The media beats up on anybody who states things as they are rather than how they seem to the politically correct morons.

I don't think the world owes me anything, i've never thought that.

You think a 100meg internet connection is slow, you think your poor even when u have disposable income of 150$ a month so you can sook on forums about how hard up you are, while 1/2 the worlds population lives off $2 a day. You rant about delusions of immortality. You sound arrogant and obnoxious as well as delusional.

You sure it's the behaviour of immigrants?
And not australians?

I was just pointing out that immigrants 'i have worked with' not all, have acted within their own cultural restraints ignoring Australian way and laws. (ie.. i was manager of a large technical it department for a multinational operating in regional Australia for 6 years or so. During that time the worst workers where 5 Indians, 1 Irishman, and 1 Australian. And by worst i mean productivity, taking alot of time to perform tasks. I found that every Indian lied grossly on their resume's and they would mistreat women.

One time a fellow said (in front of the entire office full of admin girls) 'All women belong beneath my boot.' another was beating his sister in front of me and called me gay and threatened to kill me when i told him to stop it, because men are alloud to beat on women apparently. I was his boss too.

Like i said., this was just my experience and we also had plenty of very hard working individuals with a great deal of skill. One of the best programmers on my team was Chinese Malaysian and he loves Australia. He went home 15 years ago and we still chat on MSN daily.

And yes I agree, some Australians are pretty slack, and apathetic, but thats sort of part of the culture that you evidently do not comprehend. In my experience it only seems to be the recent crop of uni grads who all think the world owes them everything, more a sign of the times rather than a racial origin thing IMO

And aren't white aussies immigrants?
No, no, your right, they were always here, it was the Aboriginals that tried to kill of australians.

No immigrants are people who where not born here and moved here from another country. We have plenty of white immigrants and we have plenty of Asian, Indian, Greek, etc citizens thanks who are as patriotic as meat pies and work harder than you ever could.

One of the great things about this country

Yes, thats right. We have freedom of speech (to a degree). You can go out in public and say whatever you like and the government will not hang you. Try that in China. Hold up a 'Free Tibet' sign and walk around screaming to the moon about immortality over there and see how long till you're in a organ donor ship bus.

edit on 5-9-2011 by Gravity215 because: (no reason given)

Yeah Indians are like that, mainly due to the fantasy they believe in called "hinduism" that religion that can even make christianity look somewhat normal, and their daily curry and rice, doesn't exactly help brain function.

So an indian guy said "women belong beneath my fight"...then what happened?
And why was that guys sister with him at work?...makes no sense?

100mpb is slow, it's standard, slightly below standard actually, internet here is more expensive, yet slower than the rest of continental europe.
I feel im being ripped of, paying more, for less, just because i have no choice in living where i do.

Why are you comparing free speech in australia to china?
Can't we compare it to Germany instead?
I've been learning german for a while now, hopefully i'll know enough before i study abroad there, but im still thinking about it, still its good to be prepared.
In Germany, you have free speech and are free to speak your mind, why do you bring up a backward country like china?

edit on 5-9-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:15 AM
Noones examples of other countries are good enough for you
I could have said Italy or Greece in regards to Europe- they're travelling well there too

But enough or I'll end up insulting you again. Cheers. whoops- how Aussie of me

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:18 AM
Because only you can use good examples...ok then.
edit on 5-9-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by CaDreamer

I'm not a big fan of your interbreeding "program". Thats when bloodlines become much as most inter-racial kids are cute and all.

Inter-racial marriages are high risk and rarely last because of cultural differences.
edit on 2-9-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)


I know for a FACT that that is a lie. The majority of my sisters and my two brothers are ALL in interracial marriages and yes, the children are beautiful, happy and healthy. My little nephew is in the AF and has a beautiful African American wife. Know what you are talking about before making blanket statements like that.

Cultural differences.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
Yeah Indians are like that, mainly due to the fantasy they believe in called "hinduism" that religion that can even make christianity look somewhat normal, and their daily curry and rice, doesn't exactly help brain function.

I just don't know what to say.

So an indian guy said "women belong beneath my fight"...then what happened?

Everybody said 'what a jerk', none of the women complained to the union or management. Its not worth the trouble.

And why was that guys sister with him at work?...makes no sense?

The circumstances are irrelevant, i was always very sociable and attended any invitations my staff offered. I was merely illustrating was a lack of respect for law of the land from somebody who had moved to the country for the job.

100mpb is slow, it's standard, slightly below standard actually, internet here is more expensive, yet slower than the rest of continental europe.
I feel im being ripped of, paying more, for less, just because i have no choice in living where i do.

Ahh to be young. Imagine how you would have coped living with a 300/300 baud modem. Its funny. You're not very technically savvy my friend. 100mb is standard for ethernet. Fibre is 100mb or 1gb as far as i know, is not standard anywhere yet. Maybe it is in Germany, If it is, i bet its very expensive.

Its also funny we mention these technologies and Australia. Where do you think both ADSL and Optic Fibre was invented? If you live in Melbourne anywhere near the Telstra Labs, there you are. In fact one of my friends was working on it back in the 80's where they were getting 6mb over a standard copper while everybody else was using 300 baud modems. Must be a useless pair of things that come out of this country.

Why are you comparing free speech in australia to china?
Can't we compare it to Germany instead?
In Germany, you have free speech and are free to speak your mind, why do you bring up a backward country like china?

China is a superpower, and are extremely efficient at manufacturing, as well as have great economic growth.

Sure compare Germany. Not sure where you plucked that from. Is that your racial origin? I don't know a whole lot about Germany's current political situation, please tell us all about it. How does Germany deal more fairly with immigrants, do they still gas them?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
Im an expat myself, Im an Aussie from Melbourne and it will always be home but at the same time I dont think I see myself going back there.

I think when you move to another country you should adopt their ways somewhat. I dont think anyone anywhere should forget their roots or culture but generally when you move to a new country its because it suits you better or you can have a better lifestyle.
To turn your back on that and live the way you did when you were in your birth country is just disrespectful.

Im not racist or xenophobic but Ill never change my mind on the fact that immigrants should adopt their chosen countries ways to some degree.

In Oz I think we should have a law that says if you dont speak basic english within 6 months you lose your visa and get sent home. Anyone who moves to Australia without wanting to be Aussie should be sent packing.

P.s to be Aussie means to be laid back and tolerant of others, excepting of all religions and creeds and also to speak english. Its actually a shame that more Aussies arent that Aussie

I agree. I am considering moving to Germany for study in a year or so and if I do, I plan on becoming entirely immersed in the culture, not simply because I should out of mutual respect but because I genuinely love Germany. Although, I realise that not everyone has this point of view and people move around for a plethora of different reasons. I recently went on a European tour for three weeks and attempted to learn bits and pieces of three different languages simply out of respect for each culture before I left. I mean, if we hold no mutual respect for each other and thus, other cultures, religions, traditions etc, we're just breeding contempt. At least, that's how I see it.
I think it is good form to adopt, or at the very least, wholeheartedly appreciate the culture of the country you live in.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
I'm sorry, but im living in australia currently, i'm not australian, but im not sure where you get "a christian country" from but this place isn't, it's easily the most anti christian, anti social, rude, people who love contradictions, and people who operate with double standards on a daily basis, and people who love being an ass and its the most miserable place with the dumbest people on the planet living here.

edit on 3-9-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

What are you even doing here ? I have never heard so much utter horse# in my life. I freakin love it here. I have seen the world and I have not seen a more beautiful place than our white beaches and blue sky. And in Melbourne, the people I have had experiences with have been some of the nicest, most laid back people I have ever had the pleasure of interacting with.

You sound like a miserable person and it has absolutely nothing to do with this country, mate. Your so called 'opinion' is the most biased and pessimistic I have ever heard. Perhaps you should change your location to a war ravaged Middle Eastern sector because at least then your complaints would be justified.

Real life evidence? This is my real life evidence. The majority of Australians that encompass my considerable circle of friends and acquaintances have attended or are currently attending university, many studying medical, law, language or business degrees. This is why I don't understand when you go on about tradies. Not that there is a problem with them because they are raking in equivalent amounts that any graduate student would make. Neither would I say that intellect is what makes a winner. Nowadays, it depends on just about anything, 'who you know' being a very large part of that. And don't rule out money either; it makes the world go round.

I mean, Australia isn't perfect, man, but I can think of a whole lot worse, that's for sure.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:44 AM
World’s Average IQ Distribution Map

Spending nearly 12 years in this damn place, i'm not surprised, i know this is the case.
Now i suppose, your going to say im "racist" or "insensitive" or something, well i guess wikipedia secretly hates australia too.

The rest of the world has at least, a 10 point increase in I.Q, which is pretty noticeable.
Therefore the way the rest of the world operates is noticeable to me, it's much better than australia.
Racetams have already boosted mine by around 5 points, and it's helped.
My I.Q is 189, rh neg, left handed, 19, male, 5'3, 150 pounds.

Perhaps you should change your location to a war ravaged Middle Eastern sector because at least then your complaints would be justified.

Why would i go to the middle east for?
You keep comparing 3rd world countries to australia?
Perhaps, i could change my location to a better first world country?
Australia isn't the best, and i too can think of many worse places than here, but i can think of many more which are better.
edit on 5-9-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
World’s Average IQ Distribution Map

Spending nearly 12 years in this damn place, i'm not surprised, i know this is the case.
Now i suppose, your going to say im "racist" or "insensitive" or something, well i guess wikipedia secretly hates australia too.

The rest of the world has at least, a 10 point increase in I.Q, which is pretty noticeable.
Racetams have already boosted mine by around 5 points, and it's helped.
My I.Q is 189, rh neg, left handed, 19, male, 5'3, 150 pounds.
edit on 5-9-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

For somebody with 189 iq, your not very clever. Wikipedia is user based content that anybody can post too. Did you notice that it said the backward country you referred to earlier had the highest average on your chart? If you'd ever taken an IQ test you'd know they are bunk and quiet loaded.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:59 AM
Oh eheh.. b4 i closed it, i saw this one

World Average IQ

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Gravity215

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
Yeah Indians are like that, mainly due to the fantasy they believe in called "hinduism" that religion that can even make christianity look somewhat normal, and their daily curry and rice, doesn't exactly help brain function.

I just don't know what to say.

So an indian guy said "women belong beneath my fight"...then what happened?

Everybody said 'what a jerk', none of the women complained to the union or management. Its not worth the trouble.

And why was that guys sister with him at work?...makes no sense?

The circumstances are irrelevant, i was always very sociable and attended any invitations my staff offered. I was merely illustrating was a lack of respect for law of the land from somebody who had moved to the country for the job.

100mpb is slow, it's standard, slightly below standard actually, internet here is more expensive, yet slower than the rest of continental europe.
I feel im being ripped of, paying more, for less, just because i have no choice in living where i do.

Ahh to be young. Imagine how you would have coped living with a 300/300 baud modem. Its funny. You're not very technically savvy my friend. 100mb is standard for ethernet. Fibre is 100mb or 1gb as far as i know, is not standard anywhere yet. Maybe it is in Germany, If it is, i bet its very expensive.

Its also funny we mention these technologies and Australia. Where do you think both ADSL and Optic Fibre was invented? If you live in Melbourne anywhere near the Telstra Labs, there you are. In fact one of my friends was working on it back in the 80's where they were getting 6mb over a standard copper while everybody else was using 300 baud modems. Must be a useless pair of things that come out of this country.

Why are you comparing free speech in australia to china?
Can't we compare it to Germany instead?
In Germany, you have free speech and are free to speak your mind, why do you bring up a backward country like china?

China is a superpower, and are extremely efficient at manufacturing, as well as have great economic growth.

Sure compare Germany. Not sure where you plucked that from. Is that your racial origin? I don't know a whole lot about Germany's current political situation, please tell us all about it. How does Germany deal more fairly with immigrants, do they still gas them?

No, im not german.
As for china having that great economic growth, that's a discussion for another thread, but TPTB, had a hand in that.
LOL, i had no idea Adsl and Fibre topic were invented in australia
I'm not sure on this, but i'm going to fact check this.
I've always thought it was made by the US Army/DARPA.

Germany doesn't gas immigrants, they never have, im pretty sure it's a more liberal place than australia.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:09 AM

Originally posted by Gravity215

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien
World’s Average IQ Distribution Map

Spending nearly 12 years in this damn place, i'm not surprised, i know this is the case.
Now i suppose, your going to say im "racist" or "insensitive" or something, well i guess wikipedia secretly hates australia too.

The rest of the world has at least, a 10 point increase in I.Q, which is pretty noticeable.
Racetams have already boosted mine by around 5 points, and it's helped.
My I.Q is 189, rh neg, left handed, 19, male, 5'3, 150 pounds.
edit on 5-9-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

For somebody with 189 iq, your not very clever. Wikipedia is user based content that anybody can post too. Did you notice that it said the backward country you referred to earlier had the highest average on your chart? If you'd ever taken an IQ test you'd know they are bunk and quiet loaded.

There are a least iirc 8 different methods for distinguishing I.Q.
Nope, my i.q is 189
I may not sound like a college professor online, but thats the least of problems, tests and exams is where it counts.

BTW, as for the link you posted, the only reason it was bumped up that much was because of all the recent "immigrants"
Those "immigrants" increased the mean, "true fair dinkum aussies" are still around the 60 range.
Try again.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:16 AM

No, im not german.
As for china having that great economic growth, that's a discussion for another thread, but TPTB, had a hand in that.
LOL, i had no idea Adsl and Fibre topic were invented in australia
I'm not sure on this, but i'm going to fact check this.
I've always thought it was made by the US Army/DARPA.

Germany doesn't gas immigrants, they never have, im pretty sure it's a more liberal place than australia.

I assure you, the technology was from here, however it was sold to the US. Our governments are morons.. I think most ppl here would agree on that for not putting more money into uptake of new technologies.

BTW.. if you think you'll have free speech in Germany regarding your last statement there.. Guess again... If you say something like

'Germany doesn't gas immigrants, they never have' anywhere in the EU, you will go to prison for Holocust Denial. They are doing the same thing here now, i believe a teach in Victoria was sent to prison for his website that merely questioned the number of victom's.

Anyhow, i was just messing with you. It was a poor joke really. Evidently you did not get it. Must be all that hot up there in the liberal 189 IQ head space.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 07:26 AM
Well you asked, i told you what mine was.

It's hard to hear the tone of your voice on the internet, so i wouldn't know if it was a joke or not.
Most people would assume, im insulting or "putting" others down, since im not PC, i always type with a large grin

But, the world really is controlled, politically, the government who controls australia, is the same that controls other parts of the world, the only real difference is the people in different countries.

Interesting thought about the Holocaust, if they immediately try to stop anyone about questioning something, usually means they have something to hide, i think we all know, that the Holocaust has a lot of hyperbole surrounding it.
I think the US government released documents some time ago, stating there wasn't even 500k jews living in europe at the time.

So you work in the I.T field?
Im guessing you've been over the world then?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

You have that type of IQ and believe that reptilians exist on and the proof is on Youtube..?...

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

So you work in the I.T field?
Im guessing you've been over the world then?

Yes, and now i'm a full time parent after a stressful career working for psychopathic bankers, shrewd accountants, a norse game company, a dutch telco, and myself.

If anybody wants to work in a technical field between actual people doing the work and management. IMO you're better off digging holes.

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Gravity215

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

So you work in the I.T field?
Im guessing you've been over the world then?

Yes, and now i'm a full time parent after a stressful career working for psychopathic bankers, shrewd accountants, a norse game company, a dutch telco, and myself.

If anybody wants to work in a technical field between actual people doing the work and management. IMO you're better off digging holes.

I was thinking about becoming a Software Developer, but your right, the real deal is that it's a lot different, than just thinking about it.
So you worked for a norse game company? in Scandinavia?

Btw i mean no offense to indians with that comment, i read a study where curry alters the brain, due to its high saturated fat content.
Most "liberal" people are closet racists.
edit on 6-9-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2011 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

You have that type of IQ and believe that reptilians exist on and the proof is on Youtube..?...

Proof is all around us.

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