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What Happens To The Souls Of The 40 Million Babies That Are Aborted Every Year ?

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posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by windword

Me thinks thou protests too much.......

What does that mean? Is that supposed to mean that my argument is invalid or trivial? You quoted and agreed with a lawmaker/politician who wants to outlaw abortion. I will "protest too much" against this mindset.

The OP, by asking where unborn babies go, is posing a religious question. Calling abortion murder is a religious assumption based on the assumption of a soul If an unborn fetus has no soul, would we still be talking about murder? No, we would only be discussing a medical procedure, which is exactly what an abortion is.

Oh the humanity! Where do the unborn go when they aren't born?

People who claim that unborn babies have no soul are wrong. The Spartan women used to tell themselves this same thing 2500 years ago so that they would feel better about leaving their deformed or sick babies in the woods for the wolves to eat or the elements to kill.

A truly civilized society will not fall to mysticism to make themselves feel better about murdering a life. A life is a life, from the moment it is concieved it has a spirit and soul, till the moment it dies and that spirit and soul leaves its body. These people that believe babies have no soul before they are born are lying to themselves so they can feel better about murdering a child because they are scared and don't want to take responsibility for their actions.

Get a clue. Your actions have consequences, if youre dumb enough to put yourself into a position where you end up getting pregnant then you should be made to face the music. By letting these people abort innocent babies, all that teaches them is that they can get knocked up, and then go kill the baby. You teach them nothing about being a responsible adult.

My wife and i cannot even have children, and we would love to adopt some, but it costs too much and ALOT of infertile couples run into the same thing. Get rid of the high scosts of adopting babies, and maybe we can save some babies from being butchered.

Below is a link i posted to show you the fruits of what happens when you murder and unborn child. If you still think its right after seeing these pics, then you are an immoral person and the world would have been a better place if YOU had been aborted.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by caladonea
I believe these innocent souls go to heaven.

And for the record I am with Ron Paul on this one.....he says..."I believe beyond a doubt that a fetus is a human life deserving of legal protection, and the right to life is the foundation of any moral society."


So a fetus deserves more protection than the mother? The woman has no right to decide to terminate her own pregnancy? Isn't the woman a victim of nature then. That's tyranny in my opinion. No one has the right to force anyone to give birth or to abort. That is tyranny!
she has a right and a mature obligation to herself and society to help stop the 40 million a year genocide of aborted babies,instead of being a contributor to the unbroken chain of thoughtlessly fooling around,then casually eliminating the outcome,the baby...i actually know a woman who has had 5 abortions in under 10 years,from getting pregnant from 5 different men,she is a self-serving whore...

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by sabbathcrazy

The one problem with your post is this. We wouldnt NEED abortion if parents would teach their kids how to use protection like condoms and birth control pills and other contraceptives. Instead we have parents like my sister, who would rather stick her head in the sand than admit that her 14 year old daughter is having sex.

We wouldn't need abortion if:
Schools taught sex education
Free contraception was readily available.
There was no rape, incest or wild keg parties.
There was better community and economical support for families
We lived in a perfect world.
edit on 28-8-2011 by windword because: style

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by caladonea

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by caladonea
I believe these innocent souls go to heaven.

And for the record I am with Ron Paul on this one.....he says..."I believe beyond a doubt that a fetus is a human life deserving of legal protection, and the right to life is the foundation of any moral society."


So a fetus deserves more protection than the mother? The woman has no right to decide to terminate her own pregnancy? Isn't the woman a victim of nature then. That's tyranny in my opinion. No one has the right to force anyone to give birth or to abort. That is tyranny!

Murder is murder is murder...and abortion is murder....I am against it. So the baby is inside the woman she decides to kill it....(abort it)...there are no legal consequences....but if the baby had just been born....and she killed the baby....she would be sent to prison....both actions are murder.
thanx for your comment,you have hit the nail on the head...

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by caladonea

It is your opinion that abortion is murder, not a fact.

Forcing a woman to give birth when she doesn't want to is slavery and tyranny, and that's a fact! It is hypocritical for a government, of the people, that makes policies that allow us to wage delicious wars, killing innocent people for questionable goals, should try to turn around and call an individual woman who wants to terminate her own pregnancy a murderer. Insidious double standard!

It is equally wrong to declare and impose religious sanctions on people. Declaring that an unborn baby has a soul and therefore a right to be born, is a religious assumption. The fact that a living person has a soul hasn't even been proven, and here we are discussing what happens to unborn babies souls, as if it is fact. It is not!

Laws need to be made to protect the individual's right. Not the religious assumptions of some group.

We use medicine to overcome god's will everyday. We use science to overcome god's will everyday. We use weapons to overcome god's will everyday. But heaven forbid a woman in a compromised position should be able to take control over her future! Mourning for someone who never was is a waste of time.
we lie,cheat steal and kill to overcome gods will as well

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by caladonea

...i actually know a woman who has had 5 abortions in under 10 years,from getting pregnant from 5 different men,she is a self-serving whore...

Thankfully, laws aren't made because of someone you know, who is a whore. What do you think would happen to these 5 children born to this self serving whore. Weren't her abortions a benefit to society?
edit on 28-8-2011 by windword because: style

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:31 PM
If God is how I believe him to be, he would have mercy on their souls.
edit on 28-8-2011 by JoeDaShom because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by windword

Me thinks thou protests too much.......

What does that mean? Is that supposed to mean that my argument is invalid or trivial? You quoted and agreed with a lawmaker/politician who wants to outlaw abortion. I will "protest too much" against this mindset.

The OP, by asking where unborn babies go, is posing a religious question. Calling abortion murder is a religious assumption, based on the assumption of a soul. If an unborn fetus has no soul, would we still be talking about murder? No, we would only be discussing a medical procedure, which is exactly what an abortion is.

Oh the humanity! Where do the unborn go when they aren't born?
edit on 28-8-2011 by windword because: (no reason given)
it is not a religious question. if all religions and all religious thought were to vanish right now, there would still remain the issue of do we have a soul or not.what makes you think we dont have a soul? is thinking we dont have one a way of making it acceptable to yourself this protracted genocide of 40 million babies a year...the baby "is a human" its not a cat, or bird, or insect, just because its still in the womb,out of sight,out of mind i guess is how people justify this murderous rampage...take a look at some color pictures of aborted babies,its horrible in the extreme to see a pile of tiny babies laying in a tray...its unbelievable...

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by windword
reply to post by caladonea

It is your opinion that abortion is murder, not a fact.

Forcing a woman to give birth when she doesn't want to is slavery and tyranny, and that's a fact! It is hypocritical for a government, of the people, that makes policies that allow us to wage delicious wars, killing innocent people for questionable goals, should try to turn around and call an individual woman who wants to terminate her own pregnancy a murderer. Insidious double standard!

It is equally wrong to declare and impose religious sanctions on people. Declaring that an unborn baby has a soul and therefore a right to be born, is a religious assumption. The fact that a living person has a soul hasn't even been proven, and here we are discussing what happens to unborn babies souls, as if it is fact. It is not!

Laws need to be made to protect the individual's right. Not the religious assumptions of some group.

We use medicine to overcome god's will everyday. We use science to overcome god's will everyday. We use weapons to overcome god's will everyday. But heaven forbid a woman in a compromised position should be able to take control over her future! Mourning for someone who never was is a waste of time.

Actually, if using medicine and science was against God's will, we would not be able to use it. God put these things on this earth for a reason and NOTHING is done unless it is in His will. Show me the commandment that says "thou shalt not use medicine to treat thy wounds" and i will eat that page of the bible.

In fact if this hypothecial woman had not put herself into a position to end up pregnant, then her baby wouldn't need to be aborted. You're belief is that people can do whatever the hell they want to do and face no consequences. Well, i hate to tell you this but its that kind of thinking that got the world into the poistion its in right now, people doing whatever the hell they want and not being forced to face the consequences of their actions. All you teach these people is that they can continue to be irresponsible and not have to pay for it.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by blocula

By soul, do you mean the combination of the brain perceiving the bodys surroundings through the 5 senses in combination with the thought pattern that forms a personality? It doesn't exist when the brain stops functioning, they just die.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by blocula

Someone had to post this. Listen to this guy, he's got some good points to your argument OP.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by lonewolf19792000

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by windword

Me thinks thou protests too much.......

What does that mean? Is that supposed to mean that my argument is invalid or trivial? You quoted and agreed with a lawmaker/politician who wants to outlaw abortion. I will "protest too much" against this mindset.

The OP, by asking where unborn babies go, is posing a religious question. Calling abortion murder is a religious assumption based on the assumption of a soul If an unborn fetus has no soul, would we still be talking about murder? No, we would only be discussing a medical procedure, which is exactly what an abortion is.

Oh the humanity! Where do the unborn go when they aren't born?

People who claim that unborn babies have no soul are wrong. The Spartan women used to tell themselves this same thing 2500 years ago so that they would feel better about leaving their deformed or sick babies in the woods for the wolves to eat or the elements to kill.

A truly civilized society will not fall to mysticism to make themselves feel better about murdering a life. A life is a life, from the moment it is concieved it has a spirit and soul, till the moment it dies and that spirit and soul leaves its body. These people that believe babies have no soul before they are born are lying to themselves so they can feel better about murdering a child because they are scared and don't want to take responsibility for their actions.

Get a clue. Your actions have consequences, if youre dumb enough to put yourself into a position where you end up getting pregnant then you should be made to face the music. By letting these people abort innocent babies, all that teaches them is that they can get knocked up, and then go kill the baby. You teach them nothing about being a responsible adult.

My wife and i cannot even have children, and we would love to adopt some, but it costs too much and ALOT of infertile couples run into the same thing. Get rid of the high scosts of adopting babies, and maybe we can save some babies from being butchered.

Below is a link i posted to show you the fruits of what happens when you murder and unborn child. If you still think its right after seeing these pics, then you are an immoral person and the world would have been a better place if YOU had been aborted.
i've seen pictures like this before, we are living in an evil fallen world..

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by windword

I agree to disagree with you on this issue.

To answer whether unborn babies have souls or not.....think about it....when any of us were born we came into this world with a soul and a one time we were unborn still in our mothers womb growing yes....unborn babies have me it is obvious....and they have committed no crime and do not deserve to be killed.

Obviously to me the 2 people that had unprotected sex and did not use birth control are the ones that do not want to take responsibility for their them murdering a human being still inside the mother is ok.

I say it is not ok...that these unborn babies have legal rights...and the right to life. They don't want to keep the baby and raise it...ok...then adopt the baby out to a good home and give it a chance in life.

edit on 28-8-2011 by caladonea because: correction

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by blocula

Originally posted by windword

Originally posted by caladonea

...i actually know a woman who has had 5 abortions in under 10 years,from getting pregnant from 5 different men,she is a self-serving whore...

Thankfully, laws aren't made because of someone you know, who is a whore. What do you think would happen to these 5 children born to this self serving whore. Weren't her abortions a benefit to society?
edit on 28-8-2011 by windword because: style
the issue here "is the baby",who is killed and thrown away and will not have a chance to live,love and help others...just doomed and tossed aside...

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by blocula

Well its stupid. but we are living in the End Times, the days of Noah where immorality and corruption run rampant. I can't wait for the day Christ returns because he will put a stop to all this.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by blocula

By soul, do you mean the combination of the brain perceiving the bodys surroundings through the 5 senses in combination with the thought pattern that forms a personality? It doesn't exist when the brain stops functioning, they just die.
maybe,maybe not, we dont "really" know.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by sabbathcrazy
I had no idea it was 40million. It makes me want to back abortion. I dont think we would be able to sustain 80million new human beings every year. Its just more heads doing the same thing as every one else. More resources ect. I dont see you making a big deal about the fast food chains all over the place witch cause 500million to die a year. But I guess those people kind of deserve it because they keep making the same stupid mistake. Eating food witch was made to kill them to keep the population under control. If only things went so #ed up. If only we got a REAL education rather then govt propaganda OBEY school. Then we would be able to sustain as much as the earth can possibly hold. This is reality, I dont like it but I have accepted it. Most of those kids would have had a rotten #ed up life any ways. They got saved from this hell hole.
edit on 28-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 01:57 PM
500 million ^^^ die from fast food every year > theres over 300 thousand abortions every 2 days!!!
edit on 28-8-2011 by blocula because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by lonewolf19792000

People who claim that unborn babies have no soul are wrong.

Says you. Even in religious circles the question of "when" the soul enters is highly debated. Many believe it happens when the first breath is drawn.

A truly civilized society will not fall to mysticism to make themselves feel better about murdering a life. A life is a life, from the moment it is concieved it has a spirit and soul, till the moment it dies and that spirit and soul leaves its body. These people that believe babies have no soul before they are born are lying to themselves so they can feel better about murdering a child because they are scared and don't want to take responsibility for their actions.

Really? Take a look around at the amount of real murder our truly civilized society buys into daily. I believe an unborn fetus has no soul. Where do you come off to presume that I am lying to myself or that I am scared? If you can't change my mind then you just create you own reality as to what goes on in my mind. Brilliant strategy of dismissal to all that disagrees with you.

By letting these people abort innocent babies, all that teaches them is that they can get knocked up, and then go kill the baby. You teach them nothing about being a responsible adult.

"Letting these people abort......"
Need I remind you that abortion is legal and you have no right to try to stop people from seeking medical attention to terminate a pregnancy? You suppose you have right to let or stop something that you don't, that is a huge problem among the religious community. There is more to being a responsible adult than giving birth to an unwanted child.

My wife and i cannot even have children, and we would love to adopt some, but it costs too much and ALOT of infertile couples run into the same thing. Get rid of the high scosts of adopting babies, and maybe we can save some babies from being butchered.

I can sympathize with you on this. Babies shouldn't be a money making commodity. Couples who want children should be able to adopt without spending their life savings before they even get a baby. Parenting shouldn't be only for the rich. But forcing a woman to give birth so that you can take her child is slavery.

I assure you that by making adoption more affordable, they will not be abated. Anyone who is inclined to give birth and put that child up for adoption will do so. Anyone who doesn't want to give birth, and put the child up for adoption, will opt for the abortion.

Below is a link i posted to show you the fruits of what happens when you murder and unborn child. If you still think its right after seeing these pics, then you are an immoral person and the world would have been a better place if YOU had been aborted.

I could show you pictures of US bombed babies in Iraq, would that change your mind about Al Queda? I don't like to watch horror movies like "Saw" or videos of a face lift operations either. So, because your photos don't change my mind, the world would've been a better should I have been aborted! WOW! Hypocritical much?

Fortunately, your judgement of my morality is irrelevant.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by caladonea
reply to post by windword

I agree to disagree with you on this issue.

To answer whether unborn babies have souls or not.....think about it....when any of us were born we came into this world with a soul and a one time we were unborn still in our mothers womb growing yes....unborn babies have me it is obvious....and they have committed no crime and do not deserve to be killed.

Obviously to me the 2 people that had unprotected sex and did not use birth control are the ones that do not want to take responsibility for their them murdering a human being still inside the mother is ok.

I say it is not ok...that these unborn babies have legal rights...and the right to life. They don't want to keep the baby and raise it...ok...then adopt the baby out to a good home and give it a chance in life.

edit on 28-8-2011 by caladonea because: correction

I have no desire to change your mind. I'm concerned that there are those who would force something onto someone else because of these beliefs. You say its murder, I say its not.

I say its not murder because the unborn is unaware, unable to survive outside the womb, and has no soul. I don't believe suicide or compassionate assisted suicide is murder either. Some will disagree.

I say that the mother has rights above those of her unborn fetus and a child only has rights once they are born. I also believe that the soul enters upon the drawing of the first breath and that that is the beginning of life. There is no proof that the soul exist and therefore laws shouldn't be written based on the existence of a soul, only on the existence of life.

Pro lifers base their opinions on the idea of the soul, if no one believed an unborn fetus had a soul, there would be no argument. IMO. Unless we undergo a catastrophic event in which the population must be replenished I say abortion should remain legal. As long as there are "holy wars" or "oil wars" it is hypocritical to issue a law that restricts the rights of a woman who seeks to terminate a pregnancy.
edit on 28-8-2011 by windword because: .

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